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Lady C also saying there has been frantic activity behind the scenes for some considerable length of time, in fact 'from while the speculation started'. She then goes on to say the question of 'will the Palace respond officially' is not the same as 'will the Palace respond'. She thinks BP won't comment unless their hand is forced in a major way.
I have to agree with Lady C. I wouldn't respond to it unless someone had irrefutable proof that the doll was from a surrogate. There would be no reason otherwise.

Wouldn’t you feel a bit let down as a person/country expecting a Royal visit to get those two? The Queen (who doesn’t travel any more) obviously the most requested, the next King, feels pretty important, the soon to be king after that, also a good shout, but the soon to be Kings other son and his American wife? There is a reason they are known as the spare. It’s Andrew and Edward all over again, Edward married Sophie who seems to have knocked some sense onto him. Andrew continued to be delusional until
his social activities caught up with him.

Does Princess Anne do Royal tours, feels like it should be the main bods who represent abroad.
If I saw Hazzno and Megz coming up the road I would bar the doors and tell them we'd all come down with the flu, thanks but no thanks, some other time maybe. We'll have our people call your people. I don't have any people but they don't know that.

On another note I have got to stop thinking "Minge" every time I think of her. At some point I will be discussing her in public and I will say "Minge" without thinking about it and it is going to get me in trouble!
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Scotch Mist

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There's no way that there will be a trial now. She's going to claim victory. I'm so disappointed that the lying cunt has got away with this.

Still I'm sure that the Mail will be gunning for her now and they will malign her as much as they can get away with.

Well, this has really pissed me off! God I hate both her, and him, in equal measure!
So do I 😡
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I'm loving all of your poetry and find myself inspired.

As a Prince he should lead from the front
But if I am perfectly blunt
He's let us all down
Brought shame to the Crown
And that's why we think he's a Cunt! 😉 😘
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I never comment on here because everyone says everything I'm thinking, much more wittily and eloquently than I could, but I am absolutely FUMING about this. What the actual?! Still, she is metamorphasising into the Childcatcher, so grateful for small mercies.
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Genius! 👏👏👏👏

Camilla Long in the Sunday Times is also FUMING

'Harry and Meghan used a British brand to make money, so if they aren't who they say they are - if the Royal Family aren't who they say they are - then it is vital the British public should be able to find that out at trial'
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Yes absolutely.
If I was writing an letter to a relative who I was angry with to confront them, I wouldn’t write out the whole thing in chronological order. I said this, then you said that, then he did thus.....

You both know. This letter is setting out her version if the narrative and is 💯 written for an audience.

How the hell did Warby decide otherwise???
All that letter does is put him in a bad light and show her as loving and saintly.
There is no, “ I know I shouldn’t have lost my temper and said that, I’m sorry for doing that...” Which is normal in relationships.

Instead it’s her version and it covers anything she thinks may bite her on the bum in the future. It dismisses another relative for their story’s with details to back up her side, demeans Samantha - even referring to her as someone she barely knows.

That letter is absolutely her story. She wanted it out there. She wanted it read and for her to be able to bleat and cry about an abuse of privacy.

I just don’t understand how Warby ruled that it was a private letter written to stay private.

How the fuck has this grifter done so much damage to the royal family, so quickly? How was this allowed? And why is she doing it?

It’s a mess. And it’s damaged the RF unimaginably.
It’s interesting. My in-laws are renowned letter writers when they fall out with people- which they constantly do. They also leave a trail of ghosted people, or indeed people that no longer want to speak to them. They are very narcissistic.
Anyhow, I had managed to keep the peace with them and was a bit smug about it, but after 15 years I managed to upset them by essentially telling my MIL firmly but politely not to call my child a stupid little girl (she was 3 at the time, she had reached up to open a door handle and was pulling on it but not roughly).
MIL got very upset at ‘being spoken to like that’ , all a bit awks, we drove home later and a few days later I got ‘The Letter’. Essentially a typewritten (!) 4 page epistle just to me ,listing everything tiny I’d ever done that had been offensive to them (who knew) , written in a strange, flowery monologue really. It ended with something along the lines of we have always loved you but the way you spoke was unforgiveable’. Then signed with a special ink pen!
I give this example because it wasn’t as if they were expecting it to be published somewhere! It’s more...some sort of narcissistic ‘last word’ where they can rewrite scenarios and conversations they’ve had and somehow become the wounded hero of the piece. Sound familiar?
I find it fascinating (it was pretty horrible at the time though).
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Is the mail hinting something?? :unsure: :ROFLMAO: I do wonder if smeggy will start instigating for more lawsuits..

Kate Middleton 'saved' Prince William by making him feel important and introducing him to her 'normal family' after his 'dysfunctional upbringing', royal expert claims
And MM fans often try and make the comparison between Meghan and Kate by saying Kate orchestrated her relationship with William as much as Meghan did.
If you believe this then you are viewing things purely by face value.
Kate was a young lady, middle class, the same school age as William. Her mother Carole was extremely ambitious. She and her husband had some wealth by family but also created their own wealth through private businesses. Kate attended Marlborough and then St Andrews and contrary to popular belief enrolled in History of Art before the term started, and William was enrolled in geography. He changed subject after a term. It was fate that they met and fell in love as teenagers.
How can you compare that to a 43 year old twice divorced American actress who met with UK Z listers and tried to get together with ‘rich British men’ such as Ashley Cole and the singer Matt Cardle. Before meeting H through soho house. The rest is history.
you can only compare the meeting stories if you have Zero critical faculties.
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Shocking sneak clip from the remote hearing in Megz v ANL*

*not really. And the Judge in this hearing allowed this clip to be shared
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Hang on.
Meghan is apparently pregnant, yes?

Harry is coming home for a couple of months for the Diana anniversary and Philips 100th and TTC, is that right?

I think she has timed to baby to give the only possible reason Harry could give to not come back. She must be shitting herself at Harry returning without her. He’s weak, he may be persuaded to re-medicate, the RF will have his ear for the first time since he married her.
She gives birth and for whatever reason - baby is premature, baby is ill, she tells him she is ill, Archie is in a crisis blah blah blah, she persuades him he can’t go. They say he needs to stay with his wife and new baby and is broken hearted about not attending these big events.

She won’t come back because she knows she is hated here. She’ll likely be booed, maybe she is forbidden from returning. I just don’t think she will let him come. It’s too risky for her. Something will stop him. The only acceptable reason in the public’s eye would be the new baby being unwell or her being very unwell after the birth.

Why haven’t we seen her? She’s a media whore. She’s planning something. She won’t let Harry out of her reach, especially not to come home, to see his family and friends, possibly be welcomed by the British people. To be reminded of what it was like before he got caught up with the Siren of Soho House.
I can’t see it happening. It’s too risky.

Apologies if this idea has been proffered already.
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Mail has published their story now (although I still can't see it linked anywhere on their homepage).

Says they may consider an appeal.

Meghan's statement today after the outcome is ridiculous. ANL lost because they quoted too much of the letter. Not because they lied, were inaccurate or 'dehumanising'. Warby said in effect that Thomas had the right of reply, ANL could run the story (it was a legitimate story) but the amount of the letter they quoted was excessive. And I'm with ANL in that the letter always read as a document written to be published...

I'm clinging on to Warby's earlier comment about her costs being 'disproportionate' and hope that ANL are going to be asked to pay £2,500 like in Harry's case. So she has to eat all of Schillings billings, with fava beans and a nice Chianti.
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They are spreading doom and gloom to these youngsters talking about racism. H&M are unwholesome and depressing people, pretending to be uplifting but in reality raising doubts and fears wherever they go. Aways yakking "use your voice" . What for? (You don't actually have to do anything constructive, mind) just use your voice and watch the "ripple effect". Eh? If these youngsters were unsure whether they' were suffering racism, they're sure now after the cringeworthy visit of this duplicitous pair.
Here's a poem for H&M, no nursery rhyme

Chopping China on a plate
Hazzno snorting with his date
Markus filming on the sly
Roasting oven set to High
Foolish Ginger, don't you know
You've been Markled by your ho?

'Retiring' makes me think of Andrew, that's his current status. It's (maybe) appropriate for a 60+ year old and was a way of keeping him out of sight for the foreseeable. Hazza and Megz have just left their working UK royal roles by mutual consent.

Unfortunately for us, the Harkles immediately set up the Ex-Royal Court of Montecito, complete with massive daily PR and 'visiting the peasants' walkabouts, solo military parades, Zooms and letter-writing. That's the problem.
Agree, they are a thorn in the side and won't go quietly. An ongoing waste of time money and resources, constantly baiting, manoeuvring and shit-stirring. Her ability to cause damage comes only through him though, and without him she'll deflate faster than a blow-up sheep with a Stanley knife. That's why RF need to deal with him.
Thank you for explaining how it is calculated. I was just going by likes and a second later we were both on 39.

I guess I have missed any opportunity of winning this popularity contest.

This lockdown is really hitting me hard. I am on my own and really desperate for some real company. Apologies for any misunderstandings.
You hang on in there and stay with the thread 😘
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From what Scrappy Doo is saying, it will only go to court if others (the palace 4) claim copyright and therefore damages.

And DM comments are not showing on my app
I was involved in a lengthy lengthy messy case with my employers. If i won they appealed, if they won the next stage i would appeal and so on until i won in the supreme court so from my experience, as she won it is now up to the mail to decide are they dropping this or appealing it, if they appeal she has no choice but to go with it and from my experience no money will be paid directly to her until the final final case is heard, solicitors get costs along the way ....
Another thing I learned, if the case is tricky sometimes the justice system feels the higher up level might be the place to argue the points then they might make a judgement that forces you to take things further....maybe Warby wants to send it higher where 2/3/5 judges sit. Unsure of the Uk system but the higher up you go in the courts here (ireland) the more judges before you, 5 in our supreme court.
I am hoping for an appeal... Justice was not served and it is stomach churning.....
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Back on the horses comrades and back into battle.

So ... the only difference to our entertainment is that the press will not publish anything like that letter again (or at least they'll carefully count the number of words they publish to keep within the rules). Arses smacked on that one, BUT it won't halt other stories about them and the sneering and sniping will be ramped up as far as many papers are concerned. Yes, some will be discreet but some will not and I think we can expect many more "Publicity shy woman ...married to a ginger bloke ... " style commentary.
I can see now that warby stuck to the letter of the law, it's just a shame that cuntchops is twisting the ruling on how much of the letter was published into her winning privacy issues across the board. You think so smeggy? Better order a hard hat and some thick skin because once the press get their second wind you will need those.
Maybe justice warby will redeem himself in the next stage regarding costs. Fingers crossed on that.
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Scotch Mist

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Smegatron's statement:

But Smeggy if we had reliable fact checked news none of your made up PR puff pieces would ever be published because they are always full of exaggerations and lies.
At least in this case the letter was real and not made up by the paper! The only thing dehumanising here was your treatment of your father.

You cannot tell us that Netflix are paying you a 100 million unless we see a receipt to prove it. We do deserve the truth not constant garbage.
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Scotch Mist

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Here's some tea regarding the christening that I found on Tumblr:

"I’ve met the Earl Spencer’s wife through my work in preservation/curation but also my husband’s work in non profits/charities, she’s a very warm friendly woman and takes great pride in her husband’s family and history, future and so on.

I met with her just after the christening of Archie, and we had just finished up our business for the day, when I asked politely about how the christening was as I had three godchildren myself so loved christenings, and asked why her husband wasn’t in the photo but his sisters were

basically the Earl Spencer is even worse when it comes to using Diana than William is and hates anyone trying to profit off her or use her name etc which is why he’s not pleased or happy with H&M at all and doesn’t want anything to do with them. He’s quite protective of his sister’s name and reputation and legacy & apparently he & the sisters didn’t agree with including their names on the birth announcement either and Harry threw a fit when Earl Spencer refused to do the christening photo. Earl Spencer’s daughters are also not happy that they are continually referred as Diana’s nieces though apparently but are more low key, strong connections to SA themselves.

Apparently Harry forced the sisters to appear as otherwise he’d slander them as racist in the press.

Earl Spencer is apparently very close with the Cambridges and they visit him every so often & they go to visit Diana together."

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Group hug?
Generally speaking I love the way Tattlers can have opinions then sort them out and move on (am remembering my newbie ‘heated debate’ with Her Majesty Freda Queen of All Tattle) .
Getting back on thread... how much MM face change could be down to a pregnancy (yeah yeah I know...)
I look at my pregnancy pics and hardly recognise myself!
Not that my nose changed though 🤔
aaaarrgghh . Have I fought with everyone? Mortified.:oops:

Not really. :ROFLMAO: Don't care.
We're adults and it's good that admin trust us to work it through without resorting to online violence or doxing.

@margaretta. It's tough at the moment but there's light at the end of the tunnel. Just a chink but still light. Big hugs to you and everyone struggling through the dodgy days.💕💝
Think of me last night trying not to laugh at my primary school son referring to the teenage Rhino refusing to leave his mummy's side to let her shag a bull rhino as a "Cock Blocker". 🤭 NO, he did not learn it from me, honestly. Little shit. It earned him a sin bin visit and a lecture from his da.

On topic. Ah right, so granny took back her military titles and forewarned him, so he's spinning it that he retired himself from them.
Maybe she asked him to pack up his dress up uniforms and fedex them back to her. Smeggy can help with that, she's an old hand at ending things via fedex. We suspected she'd made some sort of move. The vitriol from montecito has ramped up this past while back so it was kind of obvious. If he had genuinely made the decision to retire off his own bat then he wouldn't have been getting his PR people and kiss-arse bottom feeding pet 'reporters' to wibble on about how he was gonna fight to keep the appointments and about how much they mean to him. Have some pride hazza ffs! Mortified for him🤭. Again, not really, he's a cunt.:m:m:m
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They are ridiculous. They want privacy but take that picture to announce a pregnancy? And after all her miscarriage woe-is-me patter?! I started having a miscarriage in early December at 10 weeks pregnant and I AM STILL HAVING IT NOW. That woman is an absolute disgrace. She doesn't have a clue about real life, neither of them do. Stupid woke idiots.

Her bump is so enormous it's either fake or she was pregnant when she was making up her miscarriage story.
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View attachment 428524
Honestly they’re all deluded!
I wish I hadn’t seen this. Sickening.
As a white woman who has been to university with all different minorities and ethnicities, I’m yet to experience white privilege. I know a good few black people who are wealthy, educated and in fact listened to more than whites because we are ‘racist and privileged’. I digress, This isn’t a forum about identity politics.

The problem with Meghan and her fans is the very fact that they pretend as though she is a representative of black women. She is ‘white passing’ and has done everything in her power to present as such. She grew up around exclusively white family and went to a prestigious, predominantly white school. She listed herself on acting agency profiles as white. She does not get to claim membership of the black community now that it’s fashionable.

if Harry married a classy, respectable, genuine woman of even as dark as sub Saharan African colouring, people would be over the moon. Say for example, if he’d married Lupita Nyongo. That is where the racism argument falls down.
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