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Chatty Member
Just a thought, but think if you had a child and you gave them some leeway and they did something naughty but you found out afterwards. Do you fess up ?or stay quiet? And it happens again but you start to think that mentally all is not well. And you think well maybe it will affect his mental health if I say anything. I'm not going to agree but I won't disagree . So by know you're stuck because if you own up to the last thing you'll have to own up to all. And one thing is fine but all is a shit show.
Then he brings a girl home and you think great. But she appears to have problems as well. And you don't know but she appears to have mental issues too so now you give both of them some rope.
So now if you say anything there is so much trouble to be uncovered that the backlash could be horrendous but equally you cannot be seen to detrimentally affect someone's already poor mental health.
Like my granny Always said the truth will set you free. If the queen denies knowledge or explains the setup how does she explain that they knew everything was lies after each episode but now we have chosen to tell you. We have the benefit ifsthe doubt and put it down to acute mental.disordefs and erratic and grandiose thinking and now we are just going to throw them under the bus. No reason just feel.its right.
So why wasn't it right before.
The RF are holding a really shitty stick whichever way.
If it's true that Archie was born from a surrogate, and I'm not too sure about that. Also if Archie doesn't exist, I'm not sure about that either. I think that HMTQ will have covered all bases, she's not daft, neither is Prince Philip. If she pulls the plug on Harry and Minge then it will be a final and complete cut off. When it comes to the Monarchy she's the boss. She refused the half in half out, she removed his honorary Army titles, she pulled the Sussex Royal Instagram account. She refused to allow him to have a wreath laid on his behalf and made public that it was her decision. She sanctioned the possible court appearances for ANL by the Palace 4. She will also be very aware of public opinion, she's been the Monarch for 68 years, she's not going to let that disintegrate because of a pair of what Freda says.
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It was so obviously done because Kate’s recent zoom calls made the press and Smeg got jealous. So she dragged Hazard along to champion a cause close to her heart: BLM (Black Lives Merching).
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From Lady C's latest: The Killer Question:

If Meghan is speaking the truth and the Palace dictated that she gets her Christian names removed from Archie's birth certificate, does that mean that Rachel Meghan HRH The Duchess of Sussex is no longer recognised as the lawful mother of baby Archie? It seems to me the birth certificate states that a woman enrolled at the Portland Hospital as HRH the Duchess of Sussex gave birth to Archie and I can only infer that Meghan's claims the Palace forced her to remove her names implied they realised the woman and Meghan were not the same person. Is that a reasonable assumption to make?

Lady C: Wow! **collapes in laughter** 'That hits the nail right on the head'

'Any reasonable person, presented with the facts as they have been stated by Meghan, would have very good cause for inferring that if the Palace forced her as she has said, to remove her Christian names, which are the sole identifying unique feature that links Meghan definitively to being Meghan.... Well, yes I think it's a perfectly reasonable assumption to make. For legal reasons, I would never imply this is what happened. ....'

(One thing I caught. Lady C said that the names were removed six weeks after the birth. ETA She might have just mis-spoken but the second birth certificate, of which we've only seen a tiny portion, mentions changes dating from 5 June)
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There once was a z-list from L.A.
Who hooked a Prince in the SoHo way
It's hardly Debrett's
But what Meg wants, she gets!
Just remember to ask if she's OK!
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Group hug?
Generally speaking I love the way Tattlers can have opinions then sort them out and move on (am remembering my newbie ‘heated debate’ with Her Majesty Freda Queen of All Tattle) .
Getting back on thread... how much MM face change could be down to a pregnancy (yeah yeah I know...)
I look at my pregnancy pics and hardly recognise myself!
Not that my nose changed though 🤔
Hahaha! I had one of them. Freda kindly ended the discussion saying we should agree to disagree and she would step back. I think she could hear the desperation in my posts. I was feeling rather Rottweiler-y.

❤I think this is the nicest of tattle threads. ❤
I’m not sure all of them are quite so kind and forgiving.
Which is odd given that our thread is regarded as one of the more vitriolic and extreme.

I’m on my own too. I’ve got two kids but I’m really feeling lonely, inadequate, incompetent and struggling. You aren’t the only one. Honestly. It’s so tough. Hang in there.

So who's going to compare and contrast the text of Archie's birth.
Lol. I wondered when I’d read that.
also was surprised by choice of Portland
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I do think Justice Warby had some incentives thrown his way from our beloved Royal Family. I mean she would have been the first royals to take the stand.
Agree! Someone in the DM comments has asked whether Justice Warby was offered a knighthood for services rendered in this case...

Wouldn’t surprise me.
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Dear Tattle,
Please could you create a ‘Normal Independent People’ Category because Mrs Rachel and Harry Windsor from Windsor, England are NOT ‘Celebs’ they want TOTAL PRIVACY don’t you know.

These are two unassuming people who only think of others, NEVER want their name in the headlines, or spotlight taken off good causes.

They are just an ORDINARY, INDEPENDENT family of three......... living in a totally average house, in a totally obscure location, far away from the glitz and glamour.

So, PLEASE Tattle, will you make a new category as this ‘Celeb’ category is just too much for this ‘salt of the earth’, ‘wholesome’ family...............

ARGH! I’m still so f’ing cross about all of this. It was an oversight on DM’s part to print so much of her long monologue... oops sorry, I mean “loving letter” (?!) that’s all it took to get the judge to look at things to suit her.

I genuinely don’t think HMQ has any intention of involving herself in all of this, unfortunately this is all down to the DM going into overdrive with extracts. I think HMQ and the rest of the family are just as cross as most of us here.....

but I still have to believe that the truth WILL come out. In the meantime if ANY publications are reading this, PLEASE stop sharing any of their (self promotion) work, if they want privacy, give it to them. I literally can’t face seeing her face, fluttering eyelashes and doey eyes, while worshipping her husbands every word... when she actually allows him to speak.

She claims they are used as ‘click bait’, quite honestly, when I see an article about either of them, I switch off, online, in printed press and on TV. they make me feel physically irritated and unsettled and send me into a rant........ not dissimilar to this one!!
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Thomas Markle Sr, who had recently had heart surgery, had to sign for a FedExed letter from his daughter, which contained five pages of deeply personal, and unkind accusations against him. He most likely had to read that sitting in his Mexico retirement flat by himself. He doesn't look well and just the shock of reading something like this could have been very serious given his age and health. Can you imagine how awful that must have been? Then he finds out via People that this awful, personal letter has been shared with all and sundry. He exercises a right of reply via the Mail and then gets caught up in the awful stress of this court case.

What a horror she is. And she dares to talk about other's 'dehumanising practices'.

Justice for Thomas Markle Sr.
I do really feel for her dad. He seems to have done right by her during childhood, and once he was of no more use, she dropped him, like she drops anything she proclaims to love, like her precious dogs.

He got caught up in a shit show he never wanted.
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If so it's very damaging for the judicial system, and Warby should have made a fair ruling on the evidence he had, which to my mind was plenty, against a summary judgment. This backlash is bad, it looks dodgy and people are already asking questions about a knighthood. The only people crowing are the Sussex Squad, Minge and the ginger oaf. That says it all. Maybe BP have a plan and I hope so.
Totally agree about the judicial system getting slammed. Another case this week where a clear situation of domestic abuse was dismissed by the police and downplayed by the courts to the point the victim committed suicide..... and the perpetrator ended up spending 3 mths in jail and paying the victim's family £128. All of this against the backdrop of being told you risk 10 yrs in jail for breaking quarantine? Not a good week for the UK judicial system's reputation
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Scotch Mist

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All the sugar nuts are out botting away today saying that Eugenie has copied Meghan with the hospital, birth announcement and photo 🙄 they really think that Meghan invented all these things.

Replying to
'Congratulations to the parents on having a healthy baby. Why the copying of everything M&H did from the wedding to the baby pic and no complaints from the British Press.'

Dumb as shit ☺ and that's one of the least offensive. Most of the others are bringing colour into every tweet. These people are brain dead racist lunatics with no understanding of royal protocol at all.
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Still trying to process everything, it feels like when the bully gets away with something at school even though the teacher saw it. This is the second two-year-long court case I have been following which has concluded today. Least the other one ended much more favourably.

First thing I said to my husband (after "she's won hasn't she?") was 'it's the bloody Queen!" Seriously I won't be cheering her horses on at the races anymore :censored: The monarchy always goes into self-preservation mode, doesn't it?

My lovely grandad would have been 100 years old today. A proud military man, he always wore his medals and tottered down to the local cenotaph every Remembrance Day. Gave his all for King and country. He would've seen through Smeggy straight away, he always gave zero fucks. If he were still here, he'd have probably ripped his telegram from the Queen after hearing today's antics. Having a drink for you tonight, grandad. 🍾

What's the betting we'll be fed a press release on baby #2 imminently? :sleep:
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Alarm set
Tattle on refresh
Brew to be drunk
Popcorn to be eaten

Possibly china to smash and some sod to throw hot tea over, but hopefully not.
Yup making a big pot of curry in the morning, am not cooking a dinner when I will have Tattle business to attend to tomorrow🤣🤣
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I was always at least 6 months along to get that size of a bump lying down so I guess we’re going for another May baby. At least there shouldn’t be quite so many bump clutching photos and coat flicking videos this time 🤞
Honey child, the reason she's brought the bump out of the shadows is so she can coat flick and bump clutch and caress her belly on pap walks
She just couldn't hack her self imposed lock down stunt. She pulled that stunt to fool warby and ANL ... "I'm so delicate and precious I can't possibly endure the court case until baby is safely delivered(via fedex) and weaned and ready to talk to the therapists".
And the mugs bought it. Now she thinks she's won so the bump has been given freedom to roam.

Eugenie must hate her guts.
Come on Kate, run it by Eugenie and then announce heir number 6 is on the way. :m:m:m
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This is an interesting summary of the judgement so far ....harrymarkle has taken the time to read through ALL of the paperwork and summarise it all for us!

Overview is that the claimant. (Meghan) keeps changing her story, adding in additional information, contradicting herself and otherwise showing herself to be an unreliable witness.

The Defendent ( ANL newspapers Daily Mail) have been consistent and clear with their defence only adding in That BOOK (Finding Freedom) to show that the letter written to Thomas was never intended to be written as a private letter, as it was deliberately intended to be included in the book as good PR for Her Meghaness, so if it was written for public consumption......what is the issue in publishing it to support Thomas in the Daily Mail?

Usually I detest the pocket book journalism of the DM........and their constant slanting of the truth......this is the first time ever.........that I have supported them and wanted them to win the case!!!

would imagine quite a few of us are waiting eagerly for the result of the case to be published!
If it goes to court....Meghan is finished!
I cannot see how she can win this!
The RF, and the British press and the British public, cannot support her over such a stupid... financially wasteful, and self centred case as this.....
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(Snipped to reply to this bit)

Thanks to @kev1974 for posting the letter. Megz might as well have posted this as an open letter in DM in the first place. It was written from the start with the intent for public consumption, from the deep BS to the handwriting. Suing DM for publishing it was a business move that had nothing to do with privacy. And she didn't write this on her own. The text has a decidedly British flavor to me and most American women her age don't piece words together like that.

She doesn't have a conscience.
Deadly accurate post.

Written for public consumption, promised to Omid Scobie as an exclusive in Finding Freedom (according to the court proceedings), discussed with her lawyer, business manager, KP press team, endless friends, her family, sent to People Magazine 'somehow', released with the intention (or hope) to generate a cash settlement from the UK press, large sections very obviously written by a British author....But protected under English law as a 'private and deeply personal letter', not a document written as a public relations strategy. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

Feels like a watershed moment though.
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