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Can I come out yet? Has he gone now??

He's had a lovely time visiting with his Spencer family.
His uncle and one aunt attended his service at St Paul's then they all went off to one of the Spencer homes to spend family time together.

They are all so loving and supportive.

Oh, wait, no, Harry stayed in a hotel on his own.
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H wouldn't have married M if Diana was alive. Says Dickie Arbiter

Of course Smeg would never have been allowed within spitting distance of Harry if Diana had been alive.
See, this is what I don’t understand.
Harry told us himself that his mother’s spirit was always near him and she kept him right on what to do or not to do as the case may be. This was in his own words. He consulted her about everything and she always had the right answer 🙄
So why all of a sudden does he need Smeg as the middleman between Diana and himself?
Before Smeg his mother’s spirit was chatting away merrily to him day and night advising him of what to do next.
If he’d thought about it properly he’d have realised his mother made such a mess of her own life that she probably wasn’t the best person to advise anybody on anything.
Still, there she is in the spirit world communicating exclusively with Smeg, spouting wisdoms and keeping them right.
Her advice from the spirit world has worked out so well for them don’t you think?
They’d have got better advice from my next door neighbour’s cat.
My neighbour’s cat would at least have advised the purchase of an iron.
Diana obviously never told them that.
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This is about one of those Kardashian people at the Met gala thing. So is kind of on topic because Meghan wasnt invited and she has links to that family.

There's video clips of one of them at the event in a dress so tight at the waist that she is visibly struggling to breathe!!!!

Why are these people celebrated???
They are setting a dangerous example.

I hope that even they will cold shoulder the Harkles.
I’m of the absolute belief that they should have been cancelled the very second one of them turned up at the met gala in Marilyn Monroe’s white beaded gown and broke it. Utterly classless.
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It would be funny if Harry bumps into Neil Sean and they get into a punch up...
Of course, as ever, I have to say allegedly.
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Do we have much of a timeline of the two weeks before Archie was born to see if they were out and about much and any change in their demeanour?

I believe he was 2 weeks older. Maybe it was to fuck with the press. It was hardly to give themselves some family time with their newborn. My theory is that it was a surrogacy, and the paperwork/ handover took 2 weeks to complete. I'm on the fence as to whether Archie is genetically related to M, I'm leaning towards no but think he is Harry's son.

I think Lili was a failed surrogacy and they don't have her, if she exists at all.

I think they tripped up with their lies and the RF asked for DNA testing and M took umbrage... hence the 'apology' she's waiting for. That's also the reason she and the kid(s) have never gone near the family after leaving because staff could obtain dna. And probably every meet with Charles consists of him saying "Harry, are you willing to do DNA testing? No? OK fuck off then."

They were the ones to put titles on the kids. That was supposed to be a gotcha I think. But one thing about them that while they are sly and scheming, they aren't that skilled at seeing the long term implications of their lies and how it might play out. The grey suits do. So I'm guessing the game plan from the RF was to say as little as possible, not fix the estrangement as it's useful in the future and see how the two would maintain the fiction of the kids, especially as babies get older and go to school and do what kids do.

If it blew wide open tomorrow that Archie was not genetically Meghans and that he was from a surrogate, and that there is no lili, the RF have enough plausible deniability to say that they were as much in the dark as we were and could spin it well enough to be well clear of the shitstorm. They were estranged so all Charles got was video messages and drawings... none of the RF confirmed meeting Lili, did they?

And I think this is what the stalemate boils down to. The Palace are letting the clock tick down until the public or the mainstream press start asking the questions we have been asking all along. If they ask, it's racist and bullying and disgraceful behaviour towards two small children. But if we do it....
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Creepy obsession with the Wales kids. He appears to still have delusions about helping raise them.

We all saw Charlotte in St George's Chapel, wriggling as close to her mother as she could get.

And they won't turn out like Haz. Or Andrew. Unlike TLQ, KC3 and Diana, bad behaviour won't be glossed over and/or indulged to the point where it finally erupts into a massive problem. It'll be dealt with straight away.

And never mind the PPoW. Imagine Carole letting her grandchildren behave like previous 'Spares'.

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They have a loving Uncle in James, they have fantastic relationships with Royal born Peter Phillips and commoner Mike Tindall plus the males we don't really know of such as William and Catherine’s friends, not forgetting Pippa, James's wife, Zara and other females around in their circles. Special mention to Carole and Michael too.
Charlotte and Louis will be fine.
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Screenshots so that the Xless can read also. A lovely photo of The Prince of Wales at the bottom as a bonus :love:

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Wackie Jeaver

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From Richard Fitzwilliams in the Mail:

'Even Prince Harry, never the sharpest sword in the Household Cavalry, is bound to have got the message and many people will say, ''About time too''.'

:LOL: :coronation:
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Chatty Member
He gives Scar from Lion King vibes, tbh. I remember, before the ILBW, he was being positioned as the "fun uncle", as he was, allegedly, always hanging at W&C Kensington home. I think sometimes things worked for the best. We don't know how his neuroses would have played without the ILBW and he would be around those children.

There is an element of his mental health that I believe is what sometimes stops TRF of being so harsh on him. I am still convinced that W&C came up with Heads Together to help normalise Hazno's need for therapy. I also believe that he is unstable and probably at times depressed. The rumours that TRF worries that he could harm himself, I think they are true.

I think the ILBW took him from his therapists - he talked about how wrong they were... - probably took him of his meds, probably sold him some California alternative therapy (with drugs?). I think she played that and well and I think part of the household tensions were about this.

Just my opinion, of course.
Harry has paralells with a woman who was my closest friend for many years. In the same way, she was this wonderful happy person - yes, she had a traumatic childhood, but she got along with life and was nice to people. Then she met this guy. He was a bastard, but she fell hard for him. He talked her into coming off her antidepressants, and from that exact week, she went into a nosedive that she has never recovered from. She started having panic attacks that stopped her from sleeping, she got paranoid and fell down the QAnon rabbit hole (we're British btw). She started being more skittish and harsh with people close to her. Now she hasn't spoken to me, her former closest friend, in 3 years. I was not invited to their wedding, nor were her family. It all started from this man convincing her that she shouldn't take her medication.

The line from PW in Spare that the relationship between Harry and Meghan is making him physically ill, really stays with me.

I wonder to what extent Harry's drinking and recreational drug use plays a part in the Waleses not seeing him? I know there are many other reasons they don't want to reconcile, but could it be that they didn't know just how bad Harry's substance abuse was until Spare came out? Or maybe it ramped up after he met Meg? I'd find it hard to believe they'd let him around their children if they knew he was an active drug user. Maybe they thought that was all in the past, but the passages in Spare about him walking around Tyler Perry's house at night with a joint changed the Waleses minds about how safe he was around their kids?
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So KC is too busy to see Harry.
But I bet if William phoned up and said Louis misses you and really wants to see you, KC would find a spot in his diary. And make sure his favourite cakes were available!
This has been on my mind a bit today- I was 😲 when I saw the statement - no visit with KC3 for the ginger cnut darling boy….
When I was at Uni my dad had cancer ( we were in different countries ) if he had refused to see me when I came home on break I honestly think I would have cried myself to death😢
I wonder if Hazza has any remorse- is it hitting home that he has desperately upset his dad ? I know for sure I wouldn’t be on a stage spouting shite if my cancer struck dad refused to see me…
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Insane how the media came out and made such a big deal out of this, but not one veteran was filmed going up those stairs.

Harry is just like Meghan but unlike Meghan, he has the ghost of Diana to protect him from backlash.

It was interesting how narrowly focused the "walkabout" was.
I'd guessitimate it at 6 to 8 people.

He went straight to Sussex Squad.
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Bouzy thinks that Harry and Meghan require 24/7 security because Meghan's Mole has been charged with assault and is going to trail when she isn't. His obsession with Meghan's Mole is quite dangerous IMO as he is spreading false lies about her.
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I'm actually very proud of Charles for not giving him an audience this time. It must be gut wrenching for him but maybe he knows that he can't upset William with all the stress he's under.
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Speaking of Di’s wedding dress looked what has cropped up in a Bonmarche leaflet which has just literally been posted through my door. The designer of that wedding dress David Emanuel has in his new range ........... a lemon print blazer! Meagain will be ordering hers as we speak!
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How on earth does she manage to look so bad? It's (again) ill fitting, badly made, hangs bizarrely and is not a great colour for her....
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From what I remember, Diana had a difficult relationship with Jane Fellowes and couldn’t bear her husband Robert Fellowes who was at one time the Queens private secretary
They are the ones who tried to get Paul Burrell sent to prison for stealing.

Jane also ignored Diana's Will. Diana had left instructions for what she wanted each of her Godchildren to have from her belongings.
Jane ignored the instructions.

Also, why have an event to celebrate disabled veterans in a cathedral with so many steps at the front?
Why film yourself greeting people outside instead of greeting veterans?
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The sun’s been out
The sky is blue
There’s not a ginge
To spoil Pa’s view.

I do absolutely love love love it when the Harkles get a silent but deadly ‘fuck orf’ from the royal machine.
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