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They have to be approved by one or two judges and be renewed at intervals, and the issue has to be a serious one. BookWorm spoke about this a long time back, and said that in the case of the Palace it wasn't necessary. A call from BP press office to the Editors would be enough to keep them from reporting on the Sussexes.

It wouldn't be possible logically for the Sussexes to obtain a press injunction through a Court to suppress ALL their negative stories - the charity thefts, drugs scandals, Snakebite's crimes, the Stoat's violence, the mysterious Flatpacks. They'd have to provide reasons why they sought an injunction. Impossible.
There's a blanket ban, it's not just the children.

For the Sussexes to get an injunction for pretending to be pregnant would be a nightmare and be seen as fraud and deception, so it's not them.

As the gagging order was apparently imposed immediately after the Birkenhead prosthesis collapse, no way would the Stoats have had time or the clout to apply to Court and say why. If there's another photo of the moonbump on the ground, who made it disappear? They're working out how best to present this.

Remember the article the other day about Catherine's reasons for releasing her video? It was immediately rewritten to feature the king as the main reason and not her children. Totally contradictory and untrue. The Times forced to apologise for reporting that HM did not meet the Flatpacks at the Platinum Jubilee?

The arrangement between BP and the press has worked very well, but as critics of injunctions point out they're no use against SM, and so it has proved.
anything to do with surrogacy and the Harkles, I keep in mind how close they were at this time to Elton and his husband. Remember the flying away to the South of France rather than Balmoral that August when pregnant with Archie after the passports had been "stolen" ahead of that other trip to New York for the baby shower - ha ha, her stories have so many holes.

We know Elton is very experienced with injunctions and also with surrogates. I expect also being friends with Amal (invited to the baby shower at that time) would have come in handy. Celebs with "open" secrets that are reported on but not officially reported were invited to the wedding - Amal, Elton, Oprah, Beckhams etc. The Queen as you say wouldn't have needed an injunction - just maybe steer the press away from a subject is what we assume, but we know ole Megz (the legal whizz from Suits) would have sprung into injunction mode and told the RF to stuff their advice.

So I think plans for hiding a surrogacy could easily have been discussed with maybe uncle Elton or someone else ahead of the announced pregnancy.

We know injunctions happen in the middle of the night and Judges get woken in the night so they don't need much planning, they just happen.

I'd imagine that unpleasant Jenny Afia and team could have already been available on speed dial to the Harkles at that time via Elton and his mates. Any number of privacy solicitors would be willing to spring into action.

It was on Elton's holidays that he'd also invited the celeb's barrister at the same time as Harry and they had their chat/influence over the dimwit Harry. This appears to be where the imaginary idea that Harry had simply been "unaware" previously of the phone hacking/claims while he was in the army and that William had definitely never made Harry aware of phone hacking prior to that. This meaning Harry could now proceed with a case along with those celebs giving maximum publicity. So scratch Elton's mates backs and some back scratching from many numerous contacts in the privacy law teams are available.

As we know, these injunctions happen immediately, so it wouldn't need any preparation, just instructing the legals get to work. A phone call from the Harkles is as much effort as would be needed from them. We know they love chatting to legal teams.

I expect the Harkles are very capable of setting this up at a moment's notice via Elton or Amal or.... and I don't think the RF would be involved in saying don't report on this. I think it's the Harkles and one of the other surrogate celebs that has given them all the contacts for keeping it out of the press.
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Perhaps Meghan should try mocking and ridiculing the US flag on US prime TV. The reaction she gets from the US general public might help her with an inkling of insight into why mocking QEII was so shocking for the UK public. That and all their other insults hurled from abroad. There's no coming back from their behaviour. Harry wasn't embarrased by her mock curtsy - his facial expression was seditious and enjoying that "edgy" feeling. He wasn't upset, that's wishful thinking.
I agree. If he was upset or offended by that 'curtsy' he could have asked them to edit it out. He wasn't, just looked bemused.
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I’ll tell you what I got from this, Richard Osmon seems inhibited to say what he really thinks. He sugar coated what he said. I see this all the time and this particular couple get this ring of protection because we are told ANY criticism put their way is automatically categorised as racist. It’s unbelievable how that has been weaponised to obstruct people’s criticism of them. People know to be scared to say even anything remotely negative because of these sugars.

Well, it’s not working on me. Call me whatever you like, I think she’s a throughly nasty piece of work, and I look forward to the day she falls deep into a sink hole, never to be seen or heard of or spoken about ever again.

Also - Suits is the biggest show ever? I just don’t believe that. I don’t believe that to be true. Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, these were major successes, not Suits. It’s a ludicrous skewing of the figures.
Very interesting to watch. Disappointed in Richard Osman - actually gone off his books now! Seems to be a quiet admirer of the grotesque pair, and surely Suits isn't the biggest TV show in the world. And way to go Harry - make an absolute fortune from a hideous book rubbishing your family. The most successful book EVER.
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I have never given birth but I honestly believe I would write something more credible than that tripe he had in the book. It came across so fake, like something from a very very badly written novel.
My DH produced these 2 memorable quotes while I was in labour with my first: "have I got time to do the crossword?" and "would you like to watch Countdown?". The answer to both being unrecordable. No time for loving words when I had the second. 2 pushes and he was out. My teeth hurt for days.
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I’ve always erred on her being pregnant and having Archie just because I could not imagine anyone trying to commit the con of the century and keep up the pretence forever and ever, don’t know about Lili as they were in USA by then, Covid and isolation etc.

I totally get the theories though; no lecturing from her on pregnancy, childbirth , no pictures of her in hospital holding the baby , scan footage with Henry gurning away next to her , raising children etc not to mention her public pregnancy weirdness.

I’ve wondered if she might be saving any photos and evidence that she did carry babies for her own book.
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You so right. But it doesn’t matter because we are lied to, gaslit, ignored and fooled by these 2 cretinous monsters. I’ve been so excited, so many times when we were sure karma was coming, only to be disappointed. Honestly, this sudden Princess Meghan crap has me totally frustrated. I feel like we’re dying in a sea of PR bullshit. Depressed, that we are no closer to the truth. The goal posts are constantly being moved. I hear her voice and I want to vomit. Sorry for being such a downer. She deserves to face the consequences. :(
Consider this, though, @VioletButterfly.....Their karma will be living a sad, lonely and bitter existence in constant search of validation just like David and Wallis. Sure, they're in the news now and getting temporary press time but soon enough even that will change.

Let Princess Meghan have her Burger King tiara. She's being used by the very people who claim to "adore" her and when she no longer fits their agenda or is so aged out that her "pretty" face is an eye-sore, she will be be ignored. (A narcissist's worst dream). Everything she ever hoped for has NOT come true and she will never get her star on the boulevard. Even if she gets a huge settlement from the divorce, she will still not be famous as a Hollywood A lister and everyone surrounding her will be payed for "friends."

So, having said all that, it is depressing that she is not facing the consequences of her behavior. You're not being a downer; you're being a realist. And reality right now is depressing. I'm with you. 🤗
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Wow. Interesting

I cringe that they call themselves a squad. It’s so childish.
Poor county of Sussex. No county deserves to be associated with this tacky twosome and their constant grift, and their deranged mob of unhinged fanatics.
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A thought occurred to me.

If the Sussex duo did take out a superinjunction for anything surrounding the pregnancy and birth, including surrogacy, wouldn't the wider royal family also be legally bound by the superinjunction the same way the mainstream media are?

I'm increasingly more convinced that this is what they did prior to the birth, and in the months that followed the RF were trying to work out a legally sound way of dealing with it. And in the end the easiest solution for an ageing queen and her dying husband was to banish them, hoping that they would be sufficiently enamoured with a glitzy celeb lifestyle that they wouldn't seek titles or LoS for their son. But aggrieved and vengeful at being banished, they doubled down. The miscarriage. Getting "pregnant" again. And lining up the interview, book and documentary. Naming their baby girl. It was all deliberate and calculated to show their hold over the royals.

And when the queen died, they updated the kids titles on their websites, forcing the RFs hand. The Palace probably thought they wouldn't dare. But they did.
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In Revenge, Bower points out that no one at the palace had any idea that il Duce was guest editing Vogue, until Edward Enninful told her that the magazine couldn't be released in America first - at which point il Duce demanded Sarah Latham (who seemingly had no idea either) force the palace to bully Enninful to bend to her will.

And this wasn't the only occasion.

I mention this because of the assumption that if the Harkles were faking the pregnancy, the palace must be in on it.

Oh, and...
Most people at Vogue had no idea either, and were working on a completely different issue.

Just saying....
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Churchill's Ghost

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The pod cast up thread with Richard Osman gives a lot of information about Harold's book deal. He says that by his rough workings Harold has made at least 26 Million and the paper back version hasn't even come out yet. It doesn't matter if the book "Waaah" is seen in countless charity bookstores or is sold half price it's still money to him and it keeps rolling in :sick: That was a big disappointment. It does indicate that the book market for these two, dragging the RF and W &C in particular is going to be an on going saga, and she hasn't even done her book yet.

I do wonder if they have so much money why is she working to elevate her brand so much and flogging airfryers/dog food/ cups and saucers et al ?

could it be that they are very seperate now, and the money has been divided up? Maybe he's given her a load of cash to pay her off :oops: Hence her dipping her toe in on line retail... She doesn't care it fails as she'll haul Harold out for more money.

Maybe this is why KC3 is trying to get Harold home ( hopefully with out the Narc) to try and get him back on side, damage limitation to RF and future for William. As per Bookworm's video earlier today, which was depressing enough. But what on earth can they offer him to get him back?? as he seems ok for money which will run out eventually but years down the line. A divorce would bankrupt him potentially and then he would realise he has to go home. But I just can't see her stop bashing the RF.

Even if they are outed for the surrogacy of their children, she potentially has another book deal on how /why and the nasty RF left her no alternative.
Even though her /their reputation would be in tatters, she will spin it so she doesn't look bad. Making millions along the way.:sick:

I just want this nastiness to end, and the Wales family happy and back out in public . And some feckin AWSOME kama to come and crap on therm big time

That 26 million will be taken from his advance, plus 15% for his agent and they will take out for any money for advertising (authors pay for a lot of that) not to mention 40% for taxes. So they made money but I don't think there will be much of an appetite for the paperback verison
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Basically, our intelligence services in conjunction with the "little grey men" who work for our monarchy will have looked into the background of that woman and her mother.

Yet they still let them in.

And they wiped the internet and sealed records all over the place to prevent the public from knowing the truth about them.
By hiding the truth they allowed them to continue doing what they have always done. Rinsing men for money etc.
They enabled them.

They should never have been allowed in.
The damage they have caused was inevitable and if the monarchy is damaged by it, they have only themselves to blame.

I'm so sick of the Harkles and all this bollox surrounding them.

Im only still here because of all the fabulous Tattlers.
They had no choice it's all Harry's fault for being a dim twat. If they refused the match they would look racist , old fashioned. They were backed into a corner it would be a much bigger scandal than allowing it. It all worked out At the wedding she was popular now in 2024 she isn't invited to any A-List events shes a nobody. Who wants a friend who backstabs everyone ?
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Gawd! Whatever makes the Mirror think that anyone gives a tuppenny damn about these shitheads?
I'm concerned about my neighbours over the green whose little one is quite poorly. And the young family in the house at the entrance to our drive with a new baby and dad's just been made redundant.
Real people, with real problems. With none of the self-generated problems and none of the resources that these pathetic self-absorbed non-starters have.

Are you listening MIRROR?
Meghan is aggrieved? She has been aggrieved from the moment she set foot in the UK and certainly from the moment she met William and Catherine and from the time of her marriage. She has piled up a mountain of apologies that she thinks she is owed. Harry is afraid that if William sees him, his head will be slammed into the dog bowl again.
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How to devalue a perfectly good Lot. LOL!!
Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 15.03.54.png

Also... her hair was NEVER this neat on her wedding day. Bloody slob.

Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 15.04.41.png
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"TM Sr's gruff but well-meaning, sick-old-man image has never washed with me."

Glad to hear it because I feel the same. I felt so guilty and such a b*tch for feeling that way because everyone seemed so enarmored/sympathetic to him. I never was. There is something "off" about him; I always felt a cringe factor whenever he would do his public pleas but could never put a finger on why.

Instinct, baby, instinct.

The whole family are horrid.
Low class people.

Well done Harry. You brought the trash in.
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