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What a vile piece of excrement... how can they be allowed to continue to hold these positions in our places of education without question?

It is very clear people of this ilk (and there seems to be a growing number of them) have absolutely no interest in equality at all. This is just a facade to make them sound respectable and progressive. What they really want is dominance and revenge, and they won’t get that because the overwhelming consensus is, we don’t pander to racists.
Unfortunately this attitude problem is the order of the day, and the most shameless opportunistic specimens have cottoned on that it’s permissible for them to be as obnoxious and hateful to get leverage without and repercussions. For now.
It will not last, so they can make hay. They are doing us a great service by exposing their true ugly nature, which helps us to know who to avoid.

He reminds me of someone actually, in more ways than one….

Oh, just bloody well tell us already.
If it’s true she can’t sue can she?
Either put up or shut up but just stop with the riddles 🤷🏻‍♀️

It’s damned annoying.

View attachment 2855587
That added ‘e’ in scary is scary.
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About time Elon! I hope this means he finally will delete those dreadful accounts that have been publishing lies about William and Catherine especially. and action the harassment reports we have been posting on x.
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So this is where I struggle
She didnt want to remain in contact with her 'rough' family fair enough
BUT why destroy the relationship with the people who could give her and her alleged children everything she craved?
She wanted to be top dog or nothing, and had no idea how anything worked despite looking at photos of bearskins. She and Harold are dangerous, and wanted the loot and prestige without toeing the line, and they've got that but want more. The lack of children will keep her away forever, not necessarily Harold.

Like Kim J.Un is a psychopath and predator she is too. We can't believe how merciless she is, but I think that the hard drugs Snakebite was using while pregnant resulted in a damaged Ho brain as well as her odd uncoordinated body, inability to relate to any living thing, the feral way she eats and the underbite, the carrion crow walk and colour-blindness. How children and animals sense the coldness drifting off her like vapour from ice and shrink back. She couldn't possibly be married to an animal-lover, and she isn't.

They'd have never fitted into the rigid hierarchy of the Monarchy and never intended to. Doesn't Tom M Jnr look seedy!
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Exactly right. I remember Anne Diamond stepping in for Jeremy Vine on his show when it came out they would not be showing us the baby, and I specifically remember her just saying ‘but why’?
It just seemed very strange to marry into a public role and then act all coy.

Whatever excuse she come up with as to why, like the security being an issue - well thats addressed in the George 5/6th convention that she literally alluded to in her Orca interview so that’s null and void, and as previously pointed out, why would an infant need his own security detail when they are in the care of the parent or appointed guardian where security will be provided. It’s nonsense.

She is just constantly running scared of her lies and inconvenient truths. The last thing this woman is is authentic.
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And didn't even serve proper food.

'Bowl Food' FFS

I just looked it up even though I had an idea. This is how we feed guests at functions - either full buffets (simple or elaborate depending on budget or occasion, but everyone can have a belly-full with lots left over for donating), or thalis (platters) like these. This is our (Gujarati in this case) "bowl food" from a (non-wedding) function of one of the richest families in India, followed by more dessert separately 😂


Smegs shows herself up in an effort to look "modern" every time 🤦😂

Exactly right @PurvyPanda . And I honestly believe if the devil approached with an offer, she'd sign without hesitation.

East Coast Americans - anyone else experience the Earthquake an hour ago? It was out of NJ a 4.8, and my 1st thought, when the air snapped and the space was trembling, my 1st thought was “Oh Shit. My Vertigo is back”. But when the blinds were moving, I knew it wasn't medical.
Did Smegs stomp her foot or was it an earthquake?

Read about the earthquake when I woke up from a nap two hours ago, mum asked if I'd heard. I told her it was just Smegs smashing crockery 😂

Which reminds me, I'd better check if today's tremors here are showing up on the seismology centre website. I've been feeling them more for a few days, one was reported yesterday. My city is built on a major fault line and my area in particular is built on unstable land, so happy days playing if it was an earthquake or something wrong with my brain, spine or nerves 😂
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Chatty Member
Consider this, though, @VioletButterfly.....Their karma will be living a sad, lonely and bitter existence in constant search of validation just like David and Wallis. Sure, they're in the news now and getting temporary press time but soon enough even that will change.

Let Princess Meghan have her Burger King tiara. She's being used by the very people who claim to "adore" her and when she no longer fits their agenda or is so aged out that her "pretty" face is an eye-sore, she will be be ignored. (A narcissist's worst dream). Everything she ever hoped for has NOT come true and she will never get her star on the boulevard. Even if she gets a huge settlement from the divorce, she will still not be famous as a Hollywood A lister and everyone surrounding her will be payed for "friends."

So, having said all that, it is depressing that she is not facing the consequences of her behavior. You're not being a downer; you're being a realist. And reality right now is depressing. I'm with you. 🤗
This is the best thing about narcissists: no matter how many lives they ruin, they ultimately ruin their own life. Most of them are workshy so they crave things they will never achieve. They want to be worshipped, but in the end they never have fulfilling relationships because they hurt everyone around them. Their lives are miserable because they are constantly disappointed and engaged in battles.

It's helpful to remember this when they hurt you: eventually everyone will see that you were in the right all along.
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RE KC3 rehabilitating Harold and Megrain, it took about 25 years to re brand Camilla, and get her the good press that was needed to make sure she would be queen. I'm not sure KC3 has 25 years for re branding and turning around the diabolical bad press Harold and Megrain have. They are so dirty and tainted and there is so much more to come out. I just don't believe trying to get them back and accepted by the public is a reality.

Look at the York girls, they haven't been asked to step up although Beatrice has done a few things with her hubby, and I don't mind her. Its Eugenie I don't like or trust. I heard her on the Table Manners Podcast with Jessie Wear and her mother, she sounds an entitled snobby bore , and another reason I don't like her, is she and the barman husband don't like curries!! Any Indian food it seems they have never had one because they don't know what to choose :oops:. First world problem I suppose.
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Especially as Gill Dando's fiance, Mr Alan Farthing, was the late Queen's surgeon gynecologist to the household.
Just to point something out from this video...

According to the article in the Mail being cited...
(which appears to be drawn from Finding Freedom)

They jump in the Range Rover (in Spare it is a non-descript People Carrier) on the evening of Sunday May 5th...
The baby is born at 5.26am on Tuesday May 7th.
Which, conservatively, is about 36 hours (ok 30)

Did nobody notice them gone?
Did the security officer get paid overtime?
Did the security officer not inform anyone of their whereabouts?
Was there no security officer sent to relieve the officer who according to this account went to the hospital?
(presumably they don't work 24 hour shifts)
Did the relieving officer not report everyone missing?
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She’s the only one that I think talks sense and that I can listen to. She’s right that there has been a massive change in terms of being able to talk about MM and surrogacy and I fear she’s right that they will issue new patents (I think that’s the term) to legitimise it if it is confirmed
They won't be able to issue new patents to legitimise the sproglets as it's against the law - it's been to court very recently and been rejected. Patents can't be issued that go against the law.
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So wasn't Boozy recorded gobbing off at those Sussex Squad online things?
And didn't Boozy say only a few days ago that he was a proud member of the Sussex Squad?

I'm confused.
Next he'll be saying that he wasn't publicly gloating at the campaign of harassment against Yankee Wally, Murky Meg, et al.
Or fueling those campaigns with his bunkum reports.
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Neil Sean

Thanks @LadyMuck []
Neil Sean reported that allegedly some Easter Eggs hsve been reduced from £10 pounds to 62p.
Stephen Colbert of CBS gave the Stoat a platform to promote Spare.
CBS are hoping that Colbert's half-apology will draw the line under this matter, but execs are worried at the high backlash about Colbert's attack on the Waleses and are furious at how this has played out.
If the Waleses return to the States, this could impact on any access given to CBS.
Comedian Colbert's half-apology wasn't funny, he's not laughing now and may be forced to issue a proper apology. This is a developing story as ever.
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