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Morning @Chita, thank you for the first new thread of 2024 and congratulations to @Thalia for the winning title.

It’s a bit quiet here this morning, I take it there are one or two hangovers around? I daren’t even look in the VIP room!

eta: I’ll pop the coffee on if someone can start the full english/Scottish breakfast fry-ups?

Not hung over, just tired. Didn't go to bed til 5am.
Then couldnt sleep coz it was rainy and windy.
Have given up trying to sleep and have decided to have Christmas cake and mince pies for breakfast ( yes, still have some left.)
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Andrew is a twat and we will probably never know whether he did sleep with VG or not. Epstein probably wanted him to for blackmail purposes, but I suspect the main reason he was around was to give Epstein 'status' and the draw of being able to introduce others to him, or show that he was well connected.

Clearly some girls were being trafficked or prostituted, yet the only person they were prostituted to was Andrew. Well that's utter bollocks. Who are all the people who were paying for them and funding Epstein's life?
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She's not a feminist.
Unless feminist means using "feminine" wiles on men so they will pay for everything you want.
She is whatever -ist is hyped and will bring her attention/make her a victim.

She has been hiding her black heritage all her life: her hair, her skin, even her mother made little appearances on her blog and Instagram. Never her mother's side of the family.

She has been mean to women as well: to Catherine, to Charlotte, mocking the Queen, to her sister, Mariah Carey, Paris Hilton, the girls who worked with her on the suitcase game show, to the friends she ghosts, the ladies that work for her. The only constant from the last 10 years is Markus, a man.
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I would love to see M in an American court trying to get her title used and the judge going ma'am those British titles are irrelevant here...
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If they were thrown out, but the story was that they left of their own accord, it was TQ allowing Harold to "save face." They must have been making very loud noises about leaving in any case and TQ just took the jump on them. If there was something egregious that the Harkles did, it had to involve selling his title for money or exposing the monarchy or family in some way. I definitely believe that she not only wanted to be part of the Sandringham meeting, she wanted to control it with her demands. Only a true narc could imagine that her demands would be granted. She obviously never really understood the power that TQ had in regards to her family and her control. It was reported that William was furious at this meeting, so it does feed the idea that the Harkles did something really terrible and it might have involved William's family and that is what made him so mad. I think William's attitude towards Harry is more than Harry's insulting the family. It had to be a personal affront to him as well.
They were not happy with the result, because they wanted the half in, half out model. I also think that the delusional ILBW believes that she could have convince them of it, and Hazno failed them. They never intended to be pariahs. They wanted to be King and Queen of the Commonwealth and Hollywood moguls all at the same time - it's almost funny.

I always had the theory that the negation of the ILBW attending the Summit was the first hole in her relationship with Netflix: I think they sold the idea of a documentary with everything regarding Megxit - hence the homemade filming on the plane, airport, the sad filming with a towel in her head. I think TRF were smarter and knew that if she attended, from zoom, she would have taped it. And sold it.
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All over the internet today - "Meghan’s mother Doria has apparently moved into Harry and Meghan’s Montecito guest house."

Do the owners of that house know?
🤣 😂 😅 :m:m:m
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D Express
"Prince Archie set to attend 'very exclusive' kindergarten for 'celebrity children’
EXCLUSIVE: Both Harry and Meghan went to private schools and it appears the plan is to send Archie to a private school in Los Angeles, a royal expert has claimed."

DE spoke to author Tom Quinn, who said that the Stoats wanted Fffarke to be schooled with other celebrity children... the reason being that Fffark would feel out of place in a public school (!)
I bet he would, the common kids would tear his packaging and pull his stuffing out.

Quinn says of their plans: “The only thing I’ve heard, because of Meghan’s background, working in the kind of Hollywood world, he would be going to a very exclusive school, where the children of other celebrities go.”

He’s seen this before, saying, “I just think Meghan feels comfortable with people who, that’s why she’s living there, like rockstars, their children always go to school together.”

“And, famous actors, their children go to school together.”

The arrogance and stupidity of these poseurs is beyond belief.
Los Angeles is 92 miles/ 148 Km from Montyshitto.
A one hour thirty minute drive there and back, a total of three hours' driving with a fractious cardboard cut-out strapped in the back seat!
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She is soooooooo desperate for some sort of engagement from the RF so that she can merch her RF connections and titles - but she is irrelevant to the RF these days. Even her attempts to invite herself for Christmas were merely ignored.
I want Rachel to keep her title.

She is like a Greek tragedy where the more she tries to convince people that she's important, royalty, an A-lister... somebody, the less successful she is and the more she is ridiculed.

If she loses her title, we're back to her playing the victim so let her keep it.
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They are so suspiciously quiet about Andrew. As warriors against all sorts of evil and staunch feminists surely they ought to be attacking the RF over Andrew. But nope - not a peep. Why doesn’t the MS media call them out on this glaring hypocrisy? It’s all very very odd.

I think you’re all right - they were told to head to the colonies and make their own way.
Chuck's Coronation speech "wishing the Sussexes well Overseas" will have enraged them if they were in fact thrown out!
I think PA loathes the Ho, and the Sussexes are avoiding criticising him because he likely saw the Ho even if she was only briefly on a yacht. PA went on yachts and it's a small world so he could have heard gossip, but I bet he found her revolting and doubt he availed himself of her Minge.
The Ho pretending she thought he was a footman at BP says it all. They had history of some sort and pretended not to know each other.
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Oh waaaauggghhhh, the grieving King who had just lost both parents in a short amount of time and now had the pressure of taking the crown wasn't warm and nurturing enough to the Stoats...

Oh he wasn't warm with the lady who dismissed his father's illness so she could air an interview calling the family racist? He wasn't warm with his son that couldn't be bothered to visit his dying grandma in Balmoral the Summer before she died - despite coming to Europe for the Mistress showcase her newest clothes? And he wasn't warm with the couple who - on the days following his mother's death - never, not one day, stop complaining about what that thought they were entitled to?

Oh, it is an evil King.
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As a speculative exercise, there are very few scenarios in which Meghan could gave been marched out of the country the way its rumoured unless it was serious treason against the crown.

HMTLQ wasn't a volatile person. Her decisions were typically well though out, you could see she took good advice and considered an issue from all angles. She was steady and measured in her decisions and never cruel or petty no matter what shit her feckless family and their partners threw at her to sort out. She was fair and I think she had a lot of empathy for the challenges facing those who marry in to the family.

So short of gross deception to the LoS or theft of actual crown heirlooms I can't think of anything else that would cause her to order Meghan to be booted out of the country.
W ordered a forensic audit of the Foundation when they left- you don't do that unless you have suspicions.
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Are you saying 17-year-olds are too old to be abused?

Sorry for being obtuse. I just need to understand the first sentence.
If she was under 18, in theory her parents still had legal control and responsibility of her. So that is why I want to know where her parents were in this. She should still have been living in the family home unless she was an emancipated minor. A person has to go to court to become an emancipated minor and a judge has to determine that you are mature enough to take responsibility for yourself for you to no longer be under the supervision of your parents. I never saw it noted that VG was an emancipated minor. By the age of 17 a person should have a handle on determining right from wrong and have a sense of self and be able to protect yourself from walking into a harmful situation. If a person is that naive, then their parents should exert better management of their child. So where were her parents?

A person of any age can be abused and I did not reference or use the word abused in my post. Many times abuse happens and a person doesn’t realize it until later. Many times there is the opportunity to avoid it in the first place. Don’t be in the wrong place, in the first place. Taking responsibility for actions is always a good thing.

BTW. It is forgotten that VG had previously received a settlement from another man to keep her mouth shut. When she and her husband ran through that money, they went looking for more and found attorney David Boies a real shark. Prince Andrew was the designated victim and easy mark. Alan Dershowitz told her to go to hell.
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The Queen taking no shit -

Some people have egos that are that big. You can be great at what you do, but when you are in front of someone leading an institution that has survived for more than a thousand years and a leader that has led through most of living people's lives, you show respect.

I am not too old (early 40's), I am hardly a conservative, but I feel that some values such as respect, dignity, altruism, are really on the verge of extinction. And the ILBW, and all of the Kardashians, are here to make it oh so clear.
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Scotch Mist

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I imagine that this question has been asked many times, but could someone please explain Celebitchy to me?
I wandered over there - I used to read years ago before Kaiser went insane and started posting thirty RF articles every day - and my jaw dropped so far that it couldn’t be winched up with a crane.
The King, apparently, used his Hollywood power to insert bad press in the Hollywood Reporter’s 2023 worst celebrities. That is, of course, after he ordered MI5 to assassinate the gruesome twosome in New York (notwithstanding that the Mayor said the ‘chase’ was bullshit, and the taxi they and a sleeping Doria were in was overtaken by a bicycle). As if our security services would a) be that inept and public and b) assassinate two American citizens plus a (disgraced) Prince of the Realm on American soil. William is now known as ‘Waity Willy’ and all he wants to do is take the throne from Charles - that is, when he’s not cheating on/planning to divorce Catherine, who is referred to as Kkkate/Khate. Who apparently is a bully because lipgloss and tights and not making the Markle her sister and allowing people to be ‘mean’ (I mean, really, grow up) to her during the whole year she graced us with her presence. Harry is ‘brave’ and ‘thriving’ and ‘telling his truth’ (ick) - as a white guy at the top of a colonialist and imperialist structure who dressed up as a Nazi and used racial slurs, endlessly complains, lies and whines in print and the press/television, and was wholly justified in revealing the most personal and intimate details about his entire family, particularly his father. Camilla (‘Cowmilla’ 🙄) is horsefaced and evil. All of them tried to ‘dim Meghan’s light’ and refused to let her modernise the entire British nation and Commonwealth, which now hates us because of our ‘treatment’ of her (because Windrush wasn’t a thing, and Black nations who were forced into the British Empire apparently had no reason to resent/despise us Before Markle).
What I simply cannot understand is how these women, some of whom are virologists, musicians, historians and writers, can deny the evidence of their own eyes/ears. Markle has been caught out in lie after lie after lie - each of which has been documented and corroborated by independent sources. The two have spent the last half decade trashing an institution the Markle worked for for seventy two days. They’ve been getting rich from selling private information such as William’s circumcision and Charles’ tendency to travel with his teddy bear. How can educated people fall for this narcissistic bullshit? Because the Markle is pretty - is it that shallow? Because they’re projecting their own agendas/historical grievances on her? Because they genuinely see the Liars as victims, who deserve to live in obscene wealth and can betray everyone around them for yet more money? Is this parasocial, or cultic?
Happily, I was banned from CB a while ago, because I didn’t agree that Sophie Turner should lose custody of her children and suffer a humiliating divorce simply because she liked some IG posts that were critical of the Markle. But - I just don’t get it. I don’t understand how people can lie to themselves so flagrantly and indulge in three minute hates against Kate on a daily basis.
That Kaiser person is obviously a complete cunt who is either paid by Meghan or is just an anti monarchist. For the life of me I don't understand why someone who lives in Virginia should be so invested in slagging off the monarchy of a country that's nothing to do with her.
The best thing to do is not click or give any credence to their totally biased views.
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