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Bookworm. 'If we are to take KCs word that nothing nefarious happened when he knew Savile then shouldn't we also take PAs word that nothing happened'

What,a corrupt,lowlife insidious cunts these powerful are and we, the little people pay our taxes, obey the law and are generally nice people but this lot with all their money continue to abuse the positions they have been given and fuck you to the likes of the p people.

It really disgusts me not the sex aspect but the likes of our King and government with their feet in the trough.

Well folks, at 75 I have had the best of everything that remained but it's all gone to be replaced by the shitshow of the World we live in,elected and once esteemed.

I am glad I am the age I am probably a dinosaur but what is left for my Grandsons!! Hopefully their parents will remember what we taught them.

This Epstein business is the last straw and what evil fuckers they all are, glad I am not a young person now.

I will continue to be a mouthy,profane old slapper but with very high principles!!
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The need to get a response or reaction is so obvious. First came the request for a (deliberately) unspecified offense (You *who?* know what you did! *what?* Apologise!) but there was no reply to that. Now instead of going big the request is using the Ben Franklin tactic i.e. Ask for something small initially to gain trust before you go for the big favour which might be rejected if you go for that first. So now we get the seemingly innocuous and small request (please clarify something for me). If there is any response then that is the trap here. It would be a case of "Ok, now that I've got your attention, can you apologise for the thing you did?" Any refusal to do so would be spun into more victim playing.

Covert narcissism since the lack of attention must be eating away at her. With no association at all be it positive (reconciling) or negative (openly fighting) with the RF then they really don't have anything left in the tank. It's why grey rocking is really the best counter to it all from the RF as it will ultimately suffocate them.
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Happy New Year everyone 🎉🥂

So is she "challenging " the King, or is she applying a new PR tactic - "I didn't understand what I was doing wrong, honest guv! Tell me the rules & I will obey"??!!
View attachment 2661673

She is soooooooo desperate for some sort of engagement from the RF so that she can merch her RF connections and titles - but she is irrelevant to the RF these days. Even her attempts to invite herself for Christmas were merely ignored.
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Happy New year Tattlers! Just awaiting the start of the New Years Day parade in London 🥳



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Where's our @ResidentMerkin? She seems to have gone awol. The Harkles better do something exciting to entice her back!!
Je suis la! Just soooooooooooo effing disgusted with these 2 donuts that I have needed to the time off.
Also, i have been reeling for over a month, bizarrely, as a "mature student" I am dealing with a rather unpleasant situation at "school". A ginger mancuinian, who - after living in HongKong - announced to all of 3yrs that she felt HongKongese (her words). The next day she went on a vitriolic monologue about how none of "us" (the ones over 50) had accepted our roles as oppressors. The teacher pointed out, repeatedly, that wasn't the assignment. The 26 yr old ignored her. Repeatedly. So I piped up and said "this assignment was agreed by a bote to be one [/]. I brought up Y. At which point, this 26 yr old, launches randomly into me screeching "you are white so you ARE the oppre6sor!" So I walked out. So, I am reeling.
I hate injustice. I have so much more to share but the we h8 Hatch and Snatch luv club? I am a longstanding member! Just going though so.w shit
Where's our @ResidentMerkin? She seems to have gone awol. The Harkles better do something exciting to entice her back!!
I am here! Thank you for checking in on me. Bit of a rollahcoastah few months. Update: still convinced no children exist. If they do, : surrogate. If not: weeks and weeks to blow up and ozempic down
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Thanks @LadyMuck 🍷
Neil's source says that the Ho's exclusion from the Sandringham Summit, which led to Megxit, was something the Ho never forgave the Palace for. She wanted to add her input by zoom or whatever (from Canada presumably) but she wasn't allowed and Harald was left to deal with it alone. This in turn led in the Ho's eyes to an unsatisfactory result regarding what was agreed at Sandringham between the Palace and the Sussexes.
This is interesting because it supports the Stoat's claim that they were told to leave the RF rather than the Palace version that they left of their own accord. It seems the Ho was removed from the UK before the meeting and escorted to Canada, as no way would she have wanted to miss this crucial meeting to thrash out a deal with BP.

This also explains Harald's angry phone calls to her as he didn't know what to do.
Something happened to get them thrown out, but HM wanted to clarify things before the Stoat left too and this was done at Sandringham.

A PR release then said they'd "decided to step back as senior working Royals", but it seems that as Harald has always said, they were told to leave. Whatever happened to cause this, the Stoats have never forgiven the Palace.

This is just my take on Neil's video, picking up the fact if true that the Ho wanted to be at the Sandringham meeting, and the significance of her not being allowed to be there. It casts a different light on everything. Since Megxit the story has been that the Stoats chose to leave, their choice, so why are they complaining, they stepped back etc.?
Maybe they didn't, or weren't ready to go yet even if this was their intention.
Or they were thrown out but it was packaged as something else, and it's bitten the RF on the bum ever since.
I’ve been saying for a while that I think they were thrown out. In my eyes it’s the only thing that makes sense of their continued bitterness. The sheer rage, the constant attacks and demands for apologies make no sense if they just decided to go off and seek their fortune elsewhere. Simply not getting their half in half out isn’t enough by itself to explain it. I think the RF tried to spare them the humiliation of everyone knowing they were evicted so announced they’d decided to step back…but it was just saving face. We’ll probably never know exactly what happened, what they did that caused HM to finally snap, but it must have been bad.
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Something is up. Too many rats deserting the sinking ship. Too quiet in Monteshitshow. You cannot tell me they have suddenly decided privacy is the way to go. Something is up. This will be entertaining, to be sure.
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Spotted on Tumblr.

Another Scrotie selfie. In shorts and tight leggings.

Putting it behind a spoiler so those who wish to avoid the sight can do so. :poop:

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Thanks @Chita and @Thalia
Thanks @LadyMuck 🍹
Neil Sean commented on C's Christmas speech. Approved of it, 8 million viewers. Said the Stoats wouldn't have expected to be mentioned - but that "according to a good source" they felt that the Invictus Games should have been referenced and their efforts with Stoat as "founder" recognised. But how could C mention IG without mentioning the Stoats?
A conundrum for the king, and Neil asked us what we thought.

I thought Neil completely missed the point. Listening to him you'd have thought IG 2023 had been a soaring success instead of the tawdry exploitation of disabled veterans, followed by reports of obscene Harkle expenses and missing money, then dismissed whistleblowers. World photos of a smirking strutting half-dressed hooker, leading a parade of soldiers with the son of the Head of our Armed Forces trailing behind like a rescue hen.

Harald didn't found IG, it was handed to him. Given that Royal Foundation accounts with the Fab Four were already suspect thanks to the Sussexes, why did they let him get his hands on IG? Then put his friend Nick Booth in as CEO after the whistleblowers had been "transitioned out"?

As we predicted, the looting has been glossed over without a single word of condemnation or requests for investigation. Preparations are under way for a fresh raid in Whistler 2024, more Dior, more playssuits, new teeth, rooms redecorated and jets hired.....

Neil should have mentioned the questions instead of suggesting that the only question was whether to offend the Stoats or not, reducing it to something else entirely.
But this is par for the course, and even the king's "conundrums" are bent and not what they seem.
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Scotch Mist

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If there's any truth in this it's about time that someone of note investigated the sewage Squad and all their other paid minions in the media like Boozy, Sexton and shitheads like that Kaiser person. This could be the reason pagan trelawney suddenly disappeared.

I do believe that some of them are being paid, although there's probably many of them that are obsessed with being anti the monarchy. There's too many that believe Meghan is some sort of racial hero standing up against colonialism, despite the fact she married into the family and still uses a title given to her by them 🙄 They just don't see the hypocrisy.

They have wielded power on social media for too long and I'm certain that Meghan (and possibly Hazno) are implicated in this. I'd love them all to be exposed for the rats that they are.
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Cant believe it's almost a year since Spare came out.
It sold a lot of copies quickly but soon became a laughing stock thanks to his stupid story telling (lies) and even more thanks to South Park.

I think Charles should have given the South Park guys honorary knighthoods and their medals should be in the shape of a todger and painted icy blue.
I was watching The Last Leg last night and they played Haz reading the bit about his ‘oscillating’ todger, treating it with Elizabeth Arden cream and thinking about his mother while doing so.
The audience didn’t laugh just groaned and grimaced as did the presenters who made some uncomplimentary remarks about it …… everyone is so sick of him moaning he is now not even a joke.
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She's not a feminist.
Unless feminist means using "feminine" wiles on men so they will pay for everything you want.
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D. A.

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Happy New Year everyone 🎉🥂

So is she "challenging " the King, or is she applying a new PR tactic - "I didn't understand what I was doing wrong, honest guv! Tell me the rules & I will obey"??!!
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In my opinion, she is that weird. She thinks she is ‘messaging.’

There is nothing genuine about her…she has no ‘look’ of her own. Sometimes she’s Wallis, then the aging simpering sexpot , then Mrs Middle Age ‘Royal’ with her austere bun.

She believes if something is expensive it doesn’t matter if it fits. She is so socially ignorant that she needs to constantly project some kind of ‘status.’ The calligraphy…why isn’t that what rich people use for grocery lists? Wearing expensive jewelry on ‘hikes’….well, that’s ‘classy’, isn’t it?

What’s that line from TS Eliot

‘I have seen my moment of greatness flicker; I have seen the eternal footman hold my coat and SNICKER.”

That’s her…and him.

Even her calligraphy isn't really calligraphy.
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I imagine that this question has been asked many times, but could someone please explain Celebitchy to me?
I wandered over there - I used to read years ago before Kaiser went insane and started posting thirty RF articles every day - and my jaw dropped so far that it couldn’t be winched up with a crane.
The King, apparently, used his Hollywood power to insert bad press in the Hollywood Reporter’s 2023 worst celebrities. That is, of course, after he ordered MI5 to assassinate the gruesome twosome in New York (notwithstanding that the Mayor said the ‘chase’ was bullshit, and the taxi they and a sleeping Doria were in was overtaken by a bicycle). As if our security services would a) be that inept and public and b) assassinate two American citizens plus a (disgraced) Prince of the Realm on American soil. William is now known as ‘Waity Willy’ and all he wants to do is take the throne from Charles - that is, when he’s not cheating on/planning to divorce Catherine, who is referred to as Kkkate/Khate. Who apparently is a bully because lipgloss and tights and not making the Markle her sister and allowing people to be ‘mean’ (I mean, really, grow up) to her during the whole year she graced us with her presence. Harry is ‘brave’ and ‘thriving’ and ‘telling his truth’ (ick) - as a white guy at the top of a colonialist and imperialist structure who dressed up as a Nazi and used racial slurs, endlessly complains, lies and whines in print and the press/television, and was wholly justified in revealing the most personal and intimate details about his entire family, particularly his father. Camilla (‘Cowmilla’ 🙄) is horsefaced and evil. All of them tried to ‘dim Meghan’s light’ and refused to let her modernise the entire British nation and Commonwealth, which now hates us because of our ‘treatment’ of her (because Windrush wasn’t a thing, and Black nations who were forced into the British Empire apparently had no reason to resent/despise us Before Markle).
What I simply cannot understand is how these women, some of whom are virologists, musicians, historians and writers, can deny the evidence of their own eyes/ears. Markle has been caught out in lie after lie after lie - each of which has been documented and corroborated by independent sources. The two have spent the last half decade trashing an institution the Markle worked for for seventy two days. They’ve been getting rich from selling private information such as William’s circumcision and Charles’ tendency to travel with his teddy bear. How can educated people fall for this narcissistic bullshit? Because the Markle is pretty - is it that shallow? Because they’re projecting their own agendas/historical grievances on her? Because they genuinely see the Liars as victims, who deserve to live in obscene wealth and can betray everyone around them for yet more money? Is this parasocial, or cultic?
Happily, I was banned from CB a while ago, because I didn’t agree that Sophie Turner should lose custody of her children and suffer a humiliating divorce simply because she liked some IG posts that were critical of the Markle. But - I just don’t get it. I don’t understand how people can lie to themselves so flagrantly and indulge in three minute hates against Kate on a daily basis.
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Doesn't it scare Harry that Archie and Lilibet are surrounded by people who are friends with p3dos, sex perverts and enablers? And they are indebted to these people? I know this doesn't scare Meghan because she may be used to it, but surely Harry fears for their safety? He leaves them in Montecito and goes off for holidays, who is watching them at that time? Leaving your kids alone in Hollywood with TP, O and Ellen having access to them?!?!?

A godfather who is accused of sexual abuse and harassment, benefactors who are friends with Weinstein, Epstein and god knows who else in that perverse world that is Hollywood.

And then he has the audacity to question William's parenting?
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