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The Wicked Lady

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Happy New Year Tattlers! It's a case of new year, new job for me. Yes! I'm applying to become a bot. This is my audition piece:

MeghanMarkle is a Duchess of England born on 4/8/1981, which means her star sign is Crab. Her mom and dad loved her very much and her mom always called her Flour because she was a plain child.
She became successful actress in famous TV show and married Prince Harry. He has 40 years and is a groan man.
We think she has an interesting tail from her days as English Royalty, witch she is.
MeghanMarkle is known for wearing sexy clothes from Shein and Temu. Designers give her left-over clothes when they want to avoid waist.
MeghanMarkle is good mom to Prince Archie and Princess Lady Di. She is very wise and wants to make herself huge prophet.
We think in 2024 she will be President of America and marry Prince Andrew.
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Thread title by @Thalia

Old thread here -

We discussed the usual Harkle lies, lies and more lies.
We looked at Fergie's outfits through the years and decided she is just as crap wuth clothes as Meghan is.
We also discussed her health.

We await the unsealing of the court documents naming Jeffrey Epstein's associates and wonder if Meghan and Markus Anderson will be listed.
We discussed Charles a lot and his association with questionable people.
As this new thread is the first of the new year.....

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Meghan Markle, the only person today desperately trying to get ON the Epstein list, for the publicity
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Chatty Member
I came across this photo the other day. I've seen it before as I'm sure all the other Tattlers on this thread. It's so, so sad.


What makes it so unbearable to me is the knowledge of what that cunt and his trollop put these two very old people, HLMQ and her husband through in their last years before Philip died, especially immediately beforehand, with the Oprah shitshow and their assertion that Philip's poor health was being exaggerated.

It's especially cruel that HLMQ had a clear view at Philip's funeral of the treacherous atrocity of a grandson who was seated opposite. This aberration was the person to whom she and Philip had only ever shown love, support and kindness. And to top it all, she had to look at the wicked pair's overblown, ghastly wreath with their syrupy and insincere message of "condolence".

At the time, we saw afterwards that Catherine deliberately held back to allow Hazno and William to be alone. We now know of course that the ensuing "private" conversations with his brother and father would feature - suitably spun of course - in his mawkish, self-pitying pile of shit, Spare.

I'm kind of glad that I've lived through this, and seen and read (mostly here!) first hand what really happened, and is still happening. The depravity and sheer badness of Hazno's behaviour will probably be blunted and dulled by the passage of time, and by interested revisionists. But we Tattlers and others like us will know what really happened. We were there.

BTW I think Hazno's tramp is just as culpable as him. I believe she's quite wicked, knows how to exact the most pain in her victims, and really enjoys it. Just look at the utter glee on her face following her exaggerated curtsey on Netflix. She's lowlife, however she couldn't have caused such misery on her own. Hazno is the weapon, but he's not inert. He's always been nasty, but was too stupid, weak and lazy to follow through on his own. I said this before on a previous thread but I'll repeat it as I truly believe it illustrates their dynamic: he's the hand grenade, and she's just pulled the pin out. They're both enjoying the carnage. But in my opinion, he deserves more contempt.

I said on a previous thread that KC3 is in the bin as far as I'm concerned. Just let him entertain a public reconciliation / rehabilitation of his cunt son, and I'll set the fucking bin on fire.
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I'm getting my thread title in early:

Harry & Meghan #406 The Duchass of NoSuccess (in 2023)

Doesn't she want to be known by her title? Well, here it is!
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It's funny, Peter Philips (untitled) promoted British milk in China.
(profiting from the Royal connection )
Harry gets a job via Commonwealth connection (listed on Butter UP)
media crickets about''profiting from the Royal connection.''
Sarah writes random books (what she did before marriage ) and publishing
(profiting from the Royal connection )
Harry slanders RF in a book
media crickets about''profiting from the Royal connection.''
Zara (untitled) gets sponsorships based on a sports career.
(profiting from the Royal connection)
Peg (titled) does random gigs, including Clevr(clear advertising )
media crickets about''profiting from the Royal connection.''
One needs to be them, to survive the ''profiting from the Royal connection'' screams in the media or even the population .
Yes we noticed , but everyone else is either distracted with outrage of defense of them.
IMHO, difference is in attitude: neither Peter, Zara or Fergie were promoting themselves as the best thing UK ever got. Also, they didn't try to gaslight anyone, unlike "great humanitarians" on the other side of pond.
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Sami Lee

VIP Member
Thanks @LadyMuck 🍷
Neil's source says that the Ho's exclusion from the Sandringham Summit, which led to Megxit, was something the Ho never forgave the Palace for. She wanted to add her input by zoom or whatever (from Canada presumably) but she wasn't allowed and Harald was left to deal with it alone. This in turn led in the Ho's eyes to an unsatisfactory result regarding what was agreed at Sandringham between the Palace and the Sussexes.
This is interesting because it supports the Stoat's claim that they were told to leave the RF rather than the Palace version that they left of their own accord. It seems the Ho was removed from the UK before the meeting and escorted to Canada, as no way would she have wanted to miss this crucial meeting to thrash out a deal with BP.

This also explains Harald's angry phone calls to her as he didn't know what to do.
Something happened to get them thrown out, but HM wanted to clarify things before the Stoat left too and this was done at Sandringham.

A PR release then said they'd "decided to step back as senior working Royals", but it seems that as Harald has always said, they were told to leave. Whatever happened to cause this, the Stoats have never forgiven the Palace.

This is just my take on Neil's video, picking up the fact if true that the Ho wanted to be at the Sandringham meeting, and the significance of her not being allowed to be there. It casts a different light on everything. Since Megxit the story has been that the Stoats chose to leave, their choice, so why are they complaining, they stepped back etc.?
Maybe they didn't, or weren't ready to go yet even if this was their intention.
Or they were thrown out but it was packaged as something else, and it's bitten the RF on the bum ever since.
The 'kind and cuddly, non-confrontational Grandpa Charlie' persona has never struck me as accurate, nor the portrayal of our late Queen as a meek and ever-forgiving sweet old lady - for one thing, she was an expert horsewoman and my experience of horse people is that they can be utterly ruthless and commanding (you have to be when you have a ton or more of headstrong horse under you!). HM was also an expert breeder, she would have no compunction at getting rid of poor stock, one way or another.

We know too that William can turn beast when he's protecting his people, he'd already floored the Stoat because of Stoatess' cruel behaviours; and we know about the long family history of ruthlessly 'pruning' the family when it got in the way or stepped out of line.

The Stoats, like a pair of delinquent, impulsive teens let loose in an off-licence, had spent a couple of years giddily breaking countless RF rules (most of them practical and common sense) and countless rules of common decency with their bombastic demands and appalling behaviours that hurt and injured many. All the while they were secretly plotting and scheming and actively setting up the ways and means to get-rich-quick at the expense of our Monarchy and our country. The final straw for the family could well have been the Stoats' very public manifesto of demands and plans. No one dictates to the Monarchy. Just as no one, except abusers, dictates to their grandparents about terms of engagement with the family and the monies and support expected of them.

How on earth did they think their clueless, classless reign of juvenile dictatorship and terror was going to end?

Right from that day of the Sandringham Summit, when we saw the profoundly manipulative Stoatess turned away from the National Theatre and then disgustingly parading her pale, ringless hands in a blatant display of coercive control to her husband (who was at the same time, revving himself up for tantrums at Sandringham), I've always had a strong impression that the Stoats were, with exquisitely good manners, very firmly ushered out of the country. The Family had already seen and heard enough from and about Stoatess to know that her participation in any meeting would be a 'slap 'em once then slap 'em again' bully fest which could easily get out of hand as it fired up the daft Stoat to excesses which would certainly have kept the media on fire for weeks.

Being frogmarched out of Frogmore with no notice, would have been a tremendous shock to Stoat, he'd always relied on his family to be there for him, they'd always indulged him to the hilt. For the Stoatess, it was likely the first time that anyone had ever dared to stop her entirely self-promoting and tawdry cavorting in its tracks. It must have been the most immense shock to finally encounter an impenetrable boundary she couldn't breach. No doubt it was intensely, excruciatingly humiliating for both rodents.

Then came the red mist fury. Out of which sprang all the false accusations, the lies, the petty and dangerous games - like wayward teens smashing up their room after they'd been grounded, they were full of self-justified rage. They developed a folie a deux story that painted themselves as struggling victims and which drossed the RF as hidebound, boorish oppressors. Their idiotic get-rich-quick script had been kiboshed but there was a readymade poor, innocent and maltreated Diana script right there on the shelf. Despite their dearth of talent, they did some rewriting and gave it a good airing. It drew the crowds initially but, rather predictably, as the audience began to see through the artifice, it's turned into a very costly flop that's drawn even more humiliation upon them. Now even the 'angels' are jumping ship.

The RF's calm and stealthy, ruthless counter measures have worked - and every bite on the bum they've sustained has only raised more public sympathy for them (after all, few families haven't had to suffer wayward teens and troublesome daughters-in-law!) The RF's show goes on....and has even been strengthened.
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This came up on my Insta - imagine one of your fan pages posting this photo! Yikes.
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Oh waaaauggghhhh, the grieving King who had just lost both parents in a short amount of time and now had the pressure of taking the crown wasn't warm and nurturing enough to the Stoats...

They didn’t fly anywhere to be at HLMTQ funeral they were already here and had refused to see her, and made everyone the Queen loved too late to say goodbye and prevented Catherine from doing so.

it was sheer bad luck that they were here and if I could change time I would move the date of her passing to the day after they landed back on US soil. They sullied the walk about, insulted her memory and violently insulted us by daring to take their places front and centre in such a racist ‘institutional parade’

Hateful pair of fucking grifters.
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Cant believe it's almost a year since Spare came out.
It sold a lot of copies quickly but soon became a laughing stock thanks to his stupid story telling (lies) and even more thanks to South Park.

I think Charles should have given the South Park guys honorary knighthoods and their medals should be in the shape of a todger and painted icy blue.
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Chatty Member
You can see in the first clip Spare does understand protocol and etiquette, what I cant believe is how much she must have thought she knew how to behave (despite never googling the RF :rolleyes: ) She must have been an absolute nightmare to try and coach as I am sure despite her -'Spare can tell me all I need to know' therefore refuting Sophy and all other aids of support, she clearly wasn't listening to him due to all the blunders and faux pas she made, he probably knew it was a waste of time trying to tell her anything so didn't bother, she thought she knew best and that rules were made to be broken as part of her modernising the Monarchy.

She really never got and still doesn't get - it was never about race, it was about class and simply the fact that doesn't have any.
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DM Me Hun

VIP Member
Anyone looking for a speaker for 2024?

Here is how the WME affiliate describes Markle…(if you are in the VIP lounge…step out…hard to get vomit out of that carpet)

She 100% wrote every word of that bio! “Global role model” 🤣🤣 Oh Meg, what are you like, eh??

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