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Thanks for the new thread and title. :)

Hollywood actor???? :ROFLMAO:

Looks more like a pink plastic bog brush.

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Woahhh if this true She is finished She has shows in the US where she relocated to years ago when Her C5 show here was canned coz it was shite She currently has a show on talk radio/TV She also was a loose woman etc there is something quite unpleasent about Her tbh
I would laugh my arse off if it’s Trish, utterly revolting race baiter .
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Happy New Year everyone 🎉🥂

So is she "challenging " the King, or is she applying a new PR tactic - "I didn't understand what I was doing wrong, honest guv! Tell me the rules & I will obey"??!!
View attachment 2661673
All my opinion but I think there's another possibility. She may have been seriously rattled by KC3 saying he wouldn't "humiliate" them the other week. It leaves the question hanging as to what happens if he changes his mind and decides to. She might want KC3 to commit that they'll always have the Sussex titles. And possibly that she'll keep it after a divorce. And that the Flatpacks will always be Prince/Princess.

Whether they'll admit it or not Smeg still needs that Royal association. It's all she's got to set her apart from any other C-lister touting for merching deals.

Her US team might also be spooked by the media talk and polls in the UK about stripping titles. And the fact that there are MPs trying to push it forward in Parliament.

If I were KC3 I wouldn't bother clarifying anything. I'd let her stew.

If I were the PoW I might start dropping a few 'slimming down the Monarchy' hints of my own.
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Not Now Bernard

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It was quite unbelievable how ILBW got in the car before the queen. Let’s ignore that she was the Queen, the head of state but she was a woman in her bloody 90s!! It was incredibly bad mannered to sit down first. It’s not a matter of etiquette but just bog standard consideration. But Smegs is a raging narc so the thought that an elderly lady might need a rest never entered her thick skull.
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Anyone looking for a speaker for 2024?

Here is how the WME affiliate describes Markle…(if you are in the VIP lounge…step out…hard to get vomit out of that carpet)

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Thanks @LadyMuck 🍷
Neil's source says that the Ho's exclusion from the Sandringham Summit, which led to Megxit, was something the Ho never forgave the Palace for. She wanted to add her input by zoom or whatever (from Canada presumably) but she wasn't allowed and Harald was left to deal with it alone. This in turn led in the Ho's eyes to an unsatisfactory result regarding what was agreed at Sandringham between the Palace and the Sussexes.
This is interesting because it supports the Stoat's claim that they were told to leave the RF rather than the Palace version that they left of their own accord. It seems the Ho was removed from the UK before the meeting and escorted to Canada, as no way would she have wanted to miss this crucial meeting to thrash out a deal with BP.

This also explains Harald's angry phone calls to her as he didn't know what to do.
Something happened to get them thrown out, but HM wanted to clarify things before the Stoat left too and this was done at Sandringham.

A PR release then said they'd "decided to step back as senior working Royals", but it seems that as Harald has always said, they were told to leave. Whatever happened to cause this, the Stoats have never forgiven the Palace.

This is just my take on Neil's video, picking up the fact if true that the Ho wanted to be at the Sandringham meeting, and the significance of her not being allowed to be there. It casts a different light on everything. Since Megxit the story has been that the Stoats chose to leave, their choice, so why are they complaining, they stepped back etc.?
Maybe they didn't, or weren't ready to go yet even if this was their intention.
Or they were thrown out but it was packaged as something else, and it's bitten the RF on the bum ever since.
If they were thrown out, but the story was that they left of their own accord, it was TQ allowing Harold to "save face." They must have been making very loud noises about leaving in any case and TQ just took the jump on them. If there was something egregious that the Harkles did, it had to involve selling his title for money or exposing the monarchy or family in some way. I definitely believe that she not only wanted to be part of the Sandringham meeting, she wanted to control it with her demands. Only a true narc could imagine that her demands would be granted. She obviously never really understood the power that TQ had in regards to her family and her control. It was reported that William was furious at this meeting, so it does feed the idea that the Harkles did something really terrible and it might have involved William's family and that is what made him so mad. I think William's attitude towards Harry is more than Harry's insulting the family. It had to be a personal affront to him as well.
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Scotch Mist

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Can’t stand that man, but have to say, he has a point.
I love Ricky Gervais ♥
He's brilliant calling these people out, he also did a comedy show supporting real women "not the modern ones with penises" 😁 He's a brave man and 'After Life' was excellent.
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I came across this photo the other day. I've seen it before as I'm sure all the other Tattlers on this thread. It's so, so sad.

View attachment 2665743

What makes it so unbearable to me is the knowledge of what that cunt and his trollop put these two very old people, HLMQ and her husband through in their last years before Philip died, especially immediately beforehand, with the Oprah shitshow and their assertion that Philip's poor health was being exaggerated.

It's especially cruel that HLMQ had a clear view at Philip's funeral of the treacherous atrocity of a grandson who was seated opposite. This aberration was the person to whom she and Philip had only ever shown love, support and kindness. And to top it all, she had to look at the wicked pair's overblown, ghastly wreath with their syrupy and insincere message of "condolence".

At the time, we saw afterwards that Catherine deliberately held back to allow Hazno and William to be alone. We now know of course that the ensuing "private" conversations with his brother and father would feature - suitably spun of course - in his mawkish, self-pitying pile of shit, Spare.

I'm kind of glad that I've lived through this, and seen and read (mostly here!) first hand what really happened, and is still happening. The depravity and sheer badness of Hazno's behaviour will probably be blunted and dulled by the passage of time, and by interested revisionists. But we Tattlers and others like us will know what really happened. We were there.

BTW I think Hazno's tramp is just as culpable as him. I believe she's quite wicked, knows how to exact the most pain in her victims, and really enjoys it. Just look at the utter glee on her face following her exaggerated curtsey on Netflix. She's lowlife, however she couldn't have caused such misery on her own. Hazno is the weapon, but he's not inert. He's always been nasty, but was too stupid, weak and lazy to follow through on his own. I said this before on a previous thread but I'll repeat it as I truly believe it illustrates their dynamic: he's the hand grenade, and she's just pulled the pin out. They're both enjoying the carnage. But in my opinion, he deserves more contempt.

I said on a previous thread that KC3 is in the bin as far as I'm concerned. Just let him entertain a public reconciliation / rehabilitation of his cunt son, and I'll set the fucking bin on fire.
Our old Monarch was Dauntless and Redoubtable.

She did more for race relations and societal mix than anyone else.

An Honourable work ethic.

She was a Great Briton.

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Regarding L'Oreal, they have women from all ages as their faces: from young starlets to Jane Fonda and Andy MacDowell. The problem with the ILBW is not her age. Not her Ozempic new face with those lines. The problem for any mainstream brand is how volatile she is. They can't put millions in a marketing campaign, have her face on the streets, magazines and all over the Internet and then have her mocking a high speed chase around the block in Manhattan. They can't have her face everywhere and then she becomes a joke on a Kevin Costner event trying to steal the mic from everyone. They can't put money on her and then become a laughing stock on every platform available. She is not trustful and her image is far from consensual. Brands today live in fear of being canceled at any given moment. It would take a really dumb MKT Director to approve the ILBW as the face of such a brand.

(Also, can you imagine the risk of her coming out in a couple of years claiming that they were racists or that she was treated as a bimbo by the whole L'Oreal team?)
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In honour of their deserved top and runner-up spots on most disliked celebs 2023
I propose additional nicknames :

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More fake stuff.....


Why lie so blatantly when....


Catherine also worked as a deck hand during her gap year.

So why do they put out these lies???
Isnt it a classic Harkle tactic, like we saw used with the racism comment on Oprah.

Put it out there, knowing it isn't true but also knowing that enough people will not fact check and will take it as truth.
Then much later on, casually say, I didn't say that. It was the medua who said that.

It's despicable.
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