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I know they were dropped from Netflix, but what happened with the other two books H was meant to be writing?
There was a problem with the titles (books not nobility :rolleyes:)
Waaargh was ok, but “Waaargh is me” and “Waaargh, waaargh and thrice waaargh” had some copyright issues.
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The drones appear at Tyler Perry's home because the ILBW called her pap friends.
Invictus spent 500K on overly expensive, ill fitting and god bless never ironed clothes.
Hazno actually had the balls to go to Warrior Games and play out the part of a patron, despite what is written above.

I don't even have energy anymore to be properly shocked at the level of shamelessness of the couple. The lack of self awareness. The self entitlement and the absolute negation of factual truth. They are relevant as they are a product of our time. Unfortunately.
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As a veteran I am outraged that he was either invited to or allowed to horn in on the Warrior Games and I sent a note to them telling them so. These are run by our Department of Defense, so every taxpayer has the right to have an opinion
What a slap in the gob for those brave veterans,Fucking arsehole has no respect of regard for anyone.

Use the bastard as a battering ram.

Cowardly,cringing,carping cunt!!
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I thought it was odd at the time as well and wondered why she didn't have a +1 with her given the amount of celebs there that they hardly knew at all. Surely you would want your mum to feel comfortable and have the support of a partner, friend or family member?

I also thought that it was weird that her brother and sister weren't there or any cousins. She binned off all her black relatives as well as the white side of the family.
I thought it was odd too but still felt sorry for Doria. I also wondered what the RF thought about the lack of any of her relatives. It was only after the event that we found out that half of her ‘celebrity’ friends who attended didn’t even know her! She had only invited them for the kudos and they had only attended for the publicity. What a two faced cow she is!

She must have a hell of a lot to hide from her past if she had to exclude all her relatives from the wedding so that none could ‘spill the beans’ after they had had a drink or three.
I’d bet my house on the fact that Haznobrains still doesn’t know the half of it …. from the extract from his book he believes every word she says especially when she turns on the waterworks and slumps to the floor. The man-child is in for a very rude awakening when all the truth does come out …..……
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Chatty Member
How dare she say this.

This right here is the reason I went off Smeg and Harold.
So Ungrateful, so arrogant. So thoughtless.
They got a paid for wedding, a house in central london for crying out loud! Then a "cottage" in Windsor. Most importantly, they could just up and leave a " job" they didn't like and still earn millions from their one sided,thoroughly inaccurate sob story?

Saying thank you to Meghan for what exactly? For her constant self-serving behaviour? For being an opportunistic gold digger? What has she ever achieved on her own? First her dad provided for her, then her Exs and now Harry-the prick who has never worked a day in his life.
How could someone tweet this in current climate? Have Harry and Meghan ever actually worried about having a roof over their heads and food in their fridge? NO! Have they ever woken up in the middle of night in a panic about how they will manage to pay bills? NO! Have either of them ever swallowed their pride and went back to work just because they need the money? NO!

Meghan didn't even own a property prior to attaching herself to Harold's frostbitten todger. So she should just shut her gob off. That is, if she really is behind the Myra account.
If Myra isn't smeg, then she must be a really sad soul with no real purpose in her life.
I hope she gets some help real soon.

Sorry for my rant. That tweet just made my blood boil.
Entitled twats.
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Bookworm. Any truth in this gossip?

Thanks @LadyMuck 😘
People are beginning to speak out, and BookWorm is questioning her own loyalty a bit. Robert Jobson who used to be a total fan of KC and always making excuses has now said that KC needs to step up and remove Harold from the LoS. Chelsy Davy's privacy has been invaded and the Harkles don't care who they hurt.
One question to B/W referred to a Lady C comment about the 2019 Birkenhead photo with the purple dress when the bump fell to the Ho's knees.
The Harkles were aware of the comments about this falling lump, and the Ho asked a journalist to write an article saying it was windy and her dress had been "billowing".

About 2 weeks later BookWorm received an e-mail saying that M had left the bump on the bathroom floor (doesn't say where). The housekeeper found it and left it there. M returned and realised the bathroom had been cleaned, and went to find the housekeeper.
She told her that the bump was to protect the real bump because she was afraid the baby would be harmed. The fake bump on top was a custom made bullet-proof one as she'd received threats.

Doria is a real piece of work. Her quietness was taken as shyness and being out of her depth, but she was overheard telling M that she must be more "assertive" ( a far worse expression was used) towards the staff as she was the boss.
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How dare she say this.

Not able to stand up straight because too low? There’s places here I can’t stand up in - under cupboards, parts of the loft, fireplaces etc., I just move to where I can.
(I am of course referring to physical standing up straight, metaphorically Twat could pass easily under a snake’s belly, on stilts and wearing a top hat).
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When they divorce and she gets a mahoosive payout, I hope it is in instalments and that there is a watertight legal non disclosure document for her to sign that prevents her from talking about the Royal Family with a clause that says all payments will cease immediately if she breaks the agreement.
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.......... might not make much sense, I'm sleepy but,

But in Harry's position, you'd surely just say, nah I told the truth on my visa. I'd bet my house he didn't because he's not bright enough to understand that he's currently contradicting himself. This is the man who arrived at court expecting the court to provide evidence to support his case.

ETA: the truth is simple. He could've addressed this issue a long time ago but he's strangely silent.

The facts are more important than the political bias of the organisation raising the question, for me anyway

I actually have a suspicion that he entered the country without any paperwork.

I think he skipped the whole VISA requirements and the dates on his application probably don't match his actual arrival in the US.

I think it is very much in the public's interest if a British Prince lied on his VISA application.

This doesn't set a precedent for anyone asking for immigration records and getting them. No. But it does set a precedent for wealthy people to be held accountable for what they say in their books and interviews. If a poor immigrant in Chula Vista right now told the world that he snorted coke and did weed - Mark my words, ICE would be knocking on their door within hours.

So what's different for Harry? Are the elites confirming that there are now classes of immigrants? Some who have to follow the law and others who are above it?

I have no problem with exposing Harry's hypocrisy and willingness to use his circumstance of birth as a disability while exploiting it too.

Mr Compassion in Action takes advantage of his "rich white privilege" to waltz into the country with a champagne glass in his hand while people from Haiti who are fleeing violence, earthquakes and hurricanes get whipped by border control agents on horses will be real schooling on the world's true unconscious bias.
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This ridiculous hat makes me laugh every time I see this picture. When she wore it ‘normally’, if you can wear such a monstrosity normally, the peak was over the right side of her face and the navy bow to the left side at the back. She had to swizzle it round so that her face and her telling the kids to shush could be seen clearly by the cameras.

I don’t think she appreciated being stuck in an upstairs room away from all the photographers …. It would have been easier to take the hat off so she could have been seen better.

This was also the day when they had made such a fuss about security that they had been giving a bullet proof car to ride in, only for her to wind the window down so she could be seen!
That hat tells me she thought she was going to be on the balcony 🤣. No way did she wear that to be stuck, watching on from elsewhere.

Yes, so so concerned about their security and PRIVACY 🤣 that she made sure she could seen in the car en route.
You actually couldn't make this stuff up!
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Gosh they must be so hot!

They are so tough aren’t they? I walked my dogs at 7 am, dropped them off at home then took a trip to the Supermarket which took longer than planned due to roadworks. Came home, packed the shopping away and then sat down feeling a bit tired. 3 hours later I woke up with a throbbing migraine so that is it for the rest of the day. Princess Anne would seriously lose it if I was one of the Royals. 😁😁😁
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JMO but I’m beginning to think that snakebite and her daughter keep Haz drugged up to the eyeballs so that they can pull these stunts. As if he isn’t thick enough as it is, he does seem to be genuinely scared sometimes when involved in for example the ‘car chase’ in New York. The ‘ladies’ in question knew it was going to happen, they had planned it, so snakebite was on her phone and MM smiling at the cameras while Haz looked upset and was filming the event. He also looked to be filming the drones/helicopters over Tyler’s house in this video. He won’t be aware she is calling the paps most of the time, or refuses to believe it if he is told that is what she does by outside sources.

I don’t think he knows the half of what they instigate and playing on his paranoia of the press and his mother’s death is a cruel and despicable thing to do. I believe the mother and the daughter are totally in this together, ‘thick as thieves’ as the saying goes, and that is why Doria is still around. Unfortunately I don’t see a happy ending for Haz.
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