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I actually hope that Meghan manages to grift all his money 😆 it's what he deserves 😃
I suspect she has either spent, or bit by bit extracted, his money from him and stashed it away in a bank account/‘business’ in her mother’s name. This is why she won’t fall out with her mother just yet, she intends to get it back with interest when the time comes.

Haz will have very little left of his own money by now and she is trying to squeeze any last little drops out of him by encouraging him to write books, appear on talk shows, sue etc. She doesn’t give two hoots about him making a fool of himself as long as it means more money for her.

I hope Anne can stop him getting the money that’s not due to be paid out until he is 40 but it is from the Queen Mother’s Estate not Diana’s, as some have said on here. I think that Diana’s has long since gone …… ‘pissed into the wind’ as the saying goes, by him and the Ho.
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The Tipsy Titian

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Christ on a tandem!
Just been reading some tweets by the Sussex Squad 😮 they make Harold Markle look like a member of MENSA!
It's terrifying to think they are living amongst us.
How the ILBW can encourage them is beyond me
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Churchill's Ghost

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So The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Archetypes is dead, so I think we can call this official. WME earning their money

The last sentence of the first page is interesting

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BIB - That was my exact point. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I said - 'poor chap, an able bodied man in his mid/ late thirties who had stopped doing the work required by the family that he was born into and no longer being paid. It's enough to make anyone Meghan fall to the floor sobbing.'

He quit the family business in the most messy and acrimonious way. But he expected to keep the corner office, the company car, the company housing, the company staff and company travel perks. He then sold company secrets to the highest bidder and raked in mega bucks while at the same time whining to the media that Daddy had stopped his allowance. :rolleyes:
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The real royals working and doing something for others unlike Todge just being photographed sat down

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I think I might be a bit woke, hate that ruddy word, should I go away and give myself a good talking to?
I imagine you care deeply about people and fairness. If you are here on this thread and see the hypocrisy of M&H, you are not the kind of “woke’ that I’m referring to. ❤
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I have never seen the Tom Brady interview about the book and discussion on racism but in that tick tock Harold Markle has managed to confuse the bejesus out of him.
It‘s the definition of gaslighting and Bradby is especially taken aback because he has always supported the Harkles. In that moment I believe he finally realised what he had done, and how wrong a side he had picked. He used to be close to William too.
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Watching The Royal Rogue, and I’m pissed OFF he’s gravitated to our American injured warriors!! 🤬 FUCK OFF, Harry!!!! Stay away you cunt!!!! This veteran doesn’t want you involved in our games!!!! You haven’t EARNED the right to be near them and don’t deserve the PRIVILEGE of being near them, either!!
What. The. Fuck?!?!?! Go fuck off and then KEEP fucking off you nasty little slimy cocksucker!!!🤬🤬🤬
:::I feel better now that I got THAT out!!!:::

PS: I had an awesome day today!! I hope you lot are all well!! 🤓
::Once more for those in the back:::😆

You will be happy to know that there are many negative comments about his being there. Vets and families were not happy about it.
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A commercial just came on the radio.
It was someone official phoning a lottery winner to tell them they'd won a million. The ecstatic response to their win of one million made me think of Harry telling Oprah he had been cut off financially when we know his Dad gave him 2.5 million to set himself up overseas and he also had 30 odd million from his mother's Will.

He is so detached from reality.
I didn't watch the interview (couldn't bear to) but saw clips and if I remember correctly he pauses dramatically after saying Charles was no longer bankrolling him, waiting for the response. I am sure Oprah was suitably shocked on his behalf. 🙄

Poor chap, an able bodied man in his mid/ late thirties who had stopped doing the work required by the family that he was born into and no longer being paid. It's enough to make anyone Meghan fall to the floor sobbing.

What a pair of lazy, entitled gobshites they are. 😡
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The US Army thing doesn't bother me. I didn't even bother commenting on Twitter because the US government is now an actual joke.

If the President entertains this, I don't see how he wouldn't entertain Harry and his clownery.

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Breaks of privacy dont' apply to things that are truly in the public interest.
-dangers, corruption, distribution of funds...crime..
So danger wouldn't be hidden, just the gloating at the victims, false accusations, reputation destruction by accusation without evidence ....
It is very easy to control this, a serious amount of worlds media does, without totalitarian censorship, but they have-written laws and avoid the sensationalisation of ''serious'' stories, stories which can ruin lives if untrue.The Palace of course couldn't control this, you can't complain about the media when you expect from the media to ''polish'' your image.
And with certain regulations ''media image polishing'' is done by separate, profesional body's.
Rarely however is it executed in Britain, so you get the Kings press secretary writting a book about the King, instead of writting a book about his work for the King (the expertise, I wouldn't have a issue with that.)

This whole thing sounds like I'm trying to sell ''media censorship, which I dont, I'm just trying to show the manipulation of the public via their own ''interests '' if you want.
The internet is a hard place to have a balanced conversation because the average user lives by the us vs them mantra, but I will try to explain:
The ''sting'' against Gary Goldsmith (Kate's uncle) came out a few days before their engagement announcement.
cocaine, hookers,W&K at the Maison the Bang Bang (he will invite them to ''compromise'' the future King)...
Human interest-glorious gossip,the ''pure'' Kate with a junkie uncle...
The motives however were never ''in the public interest'' they wanted to ''show the power''
namely to succeed in separating them, because they succeeded multiple times in the history of Royal reporting to actually separate Royal couples, Charles and Camilla (partially)Charles and Sarah Spencer , and another one (brain dead) Andrew and Koo, Harry and Chelsy, almost Edward and Sophie and it goes on,
Directly or indirectly without ''the people'' actually saying ''we don't want Kate as future bride'' the press decided for them based on ''outrage'' about the ''morality'' and ''suitability'' of the potential bride without -simplified giving a single fuck about...the groom, or the public.
''But, but their position, they are rich, our taxes...''
That part ''But, but their position, they are rich, our taxes...'' doesnt work for me..because well I chose so.

Related to my point directly about Gary
Autumns uncle also Gary (yes serious) is or was a brothel owner.
The chances that you had an idea about it are slim, but if you did, you are likely aware that most people didn't. And that's it, why if ''public interest'' is the ultimate excuse, was Gary (Kate) million times rehashed while Gary (Autumn) wasn't.
No, its not ''popularity'' or ''rank'' of a Royal they marry, its -$$$ using human interest via ''prominence'' of the target.
''This whole thing sounds like I'm trying to sell ''media censorship, which I dont, I'm just trying to show the manipulation of the public via their own ''interests '' if you want.''

I wonder how much of the manipulation of the public, works or if most of it falls on deaf ears?
But then again, I spose this is the question, as Id assume that manipulation works both ways, so that some elements are there to push the story one way, others are there to push it the other, and in the middle are the general public trying to make some kind of sense of it all!
Which is why social media, with its ablility for anyone interested enough to post, to totally throw the narrative, see Phil Schofield as a great example of this!

I have virtually no interest in most of the human interest stories spouted in the the tabloids, and Im sure im not the only one! I couldnt care less about Uncle Gary, or what he has done, and to be honest, I couldnt care less about all of the stories Harold is moaning bitterly about!
I might have a vague awareness at the end of the day of the story presented, enough to remember that Harold once dated a girl called Chelsey, and that Harold was an obvious candidate for the title of being a ''Hooray Henry'' but after that........nothing.

Which is why I think that Harold has been so badly advised to take this particular course of action, of sueing the press and media every 5 seconds.
He seems to think these stories matter, he seems to think that his opinon and his truth matters. When it doesnt.

Most of us adults have realised that this is naïve. the world doesnt work like this. There is virtually no point in worrying about a squabble of ''he said, she said'' nearly 20 years after the event. Too much time has passed.
Isnt that why people are advised to forgive and forget, to achieve some kind of closure, not to decry or deny previous feelings or wrong doing or illegality, but so that people can just let go of the past and move on.

Hazno has made himself look a fool, via this court action, he has made himself look a fool in his book Spare, he has created a chasm between himself and his father, a chasm between himself and his brother, a chasm between himself and the British public...
for what?
A marriage to a woman with an interesting past, to put it politely, who loves the spotlight and money, and a fantasy life in the USA.......

He has exposed all his things like his book and his witness statement.... Which does make me wonder, if he is so happy to openly choose to share all these secrets, why is is so fussed about his privacy? Why would it matter that the NOTW or other tabloids wrote gossipy stories about him, when he has no concern about retaining any vestiges of privacy for himself now. ?
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Churchill's Ghost

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Wow, what BS. Didn't the Queen leave that cubby house to Beatrice? There is no way that Charles would have it dismantled and sent to CA (if that is even possible)

Harold is not wrong - the press does make up shite, but usually in their favor and based on info from Meghan their PR

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And at least there won't be this to look forward to 🤣

View attachment 2241771
This ridiculous hat makes me laugh every time I see this picture. When she wore it ‘normally’, if you can wear such a monstrosity normally, the peak was over the right side of her face and the navy bow to the left side at the back. She had to swizzle it round so that her face and her telling the kids to shush could be seen clearly by the cameras.

I don’t think she appreciated being stuck in an upstairs room away from all the photographers …. It would have been easier to take the hat off so she could have been seen better.

This was also the day when they had made such a fuss about security that they had been giving a bullet proof car to ride in, only for her to wind the window down so she could be seen!
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