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BIB: exactly this, and i think it's the rule in most countries, not just the UK or the States. it's like farming that gets passed on as an occupation, or when you have families of publicans or people working in restaurant business. even crime and con artistry, like TW and her mom.
military on both mine and my husband's side going back 4 generations. There is a sense of pride, and responsibility if you decide to follow the path.(no broken homes btw). He really is a disgusting twat, even insinuating this! Yes, a lot enlist to escape what they see as hopelessness, povery, broken homes, etc but by and large, they will find kinship, a family, even a way out from things which will make their lives better. Sorry for the rant
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Prince Harry told he can use Frogmore if he goes to King's Coronation
Wasn't the original statement that they had until June anyway?

Sounds a lot like Sussex spin - I cannot see that the RF would link use of Frogmore to whether they attend or not. Why would they even need Frogmore if they have no intention of coming to the UK? It reads like the Harkles are trying to portray a situation where the RF want them to attend and are making concessions - it's all just z-list celebrity-style spin!
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I think we can all safely say it: Haznofrog is literally insane.
People talking on TWITTER about Harry being a “wound collector”. It’s a term used in psychology to describe those who cannot move on. Apparently many deranged people and murderers have been labelled thus. They count perceived slights up and can never forgive. A weak, unintelligent man like Harry didn’t need much encouragement to wallow in self pity that manifested itself in anger and he sure got an enabler in Meghan - the ultimate family hater.
The Unabomber, Jim Jones, campus murderers, Bryan Kohberger kept tallies of everybody who’d slighted them.
Sure as eggs British Security see Harry himself ( as Lady C. also says)as a threat to the Royal Family. Many are now saying he could go ballistic. Too weird these days.
Tom Bower’s book was aptly named. They’re out for “Revenge” and he is losing whatever plot he ever had by the day.

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You know we’re all criticising Charlie for not cutting Hasbeen out completely but is it that easy?
Now I don’t have any children, I knew when I was young that I didn’t want any, so I don’t know what it’s like to have them.
What I do have are nieces and nephews and I would lay my life down for any of them and I’m only their Aunt so how it feels to be a parent and one of them turns on you like Hasnoballs, well it must be heartbreaking.
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Glorifying cannabis is not good it fucks with your mind. I know as my half brother is seriously fucked in the head from the use over the years.. he had a friend who used cannabis aswell he ended up that badly he’s been in and out of mental institutions/ prison over the years. Another stupid thing to brag about ginger Twat!
Thank you for sharing that @thenorthremembers. I'm sorry to hear that.

What most folks don't realize is that the cannabis of today is not the same as the cannabis popular on college campuses during the early 1970's. Then it contained a minimal amount of THC as well as a bunch of useless seeds, made one (OK, me 🤭) feel mellow and sleepy, then craving junk food, then everyone who smoked it just fell asleep. At the time it was also called "dope," "pot" or "weed" and was grown in "hippies's" homes.

The cannabis that is sold today has THC levels approximately 150% greater than decades ago AND other additives that are moleculary similiar to drugs like Fentanyl added in. It is highly purified, smuggled into the country by drug cartels and it is very, very dangerous.

Way to go, ginger twat. Keep bragging.
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The drugs, and the military slurs have really really pissed me off. For the life of me, I cannot understand why this is allowed to continue. I know wheels may grind exceedingly slow, but c'mon Invictus, just evict the fucker?
Agree 100%

JMO but Ben Wallace ought to withdraw the MoD from any involvement. And the British Legion should pull out. Hazza's become far too much of an embarrassing mess on a personal level, and then there are the security issues to consider.

And what about the kids charities? Wellchild and that other one. Scottys?

Why are they silent?

Hazza is openly admitting to taking substances that are illegal in the UK. And apparently rather proud of it.

If this had been any old bog-standard celebrity patron there would have been a short, terse statement announcing the parting of ways by now, featuring words and phrases like "unacceptable" and "not aligned with our core values".

Why do people continue to tiptoe around Hazza?
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Scotch Mist

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Had that been photoshopped or did they really try to blur his friar tuck hair style?
Oh and heads up, I’m just 10 posts from making VIP, so if someone could find the keys to the tiara safe and give them a dust please? I need to choose which one I’m going to wear to watch the Coronation on the tv.
EEK 😃 Runs away quickly and hides under sofa with a stash of Tiaras....
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This is why he's gunning for the IPP status as its diplomatic immunity, he will never be searched for drugs
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D. A.

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Apparently now confirmed by BP. Charles is so weak. Once again, the increasingly dreadful, threatening, self-proclaimed "recreational" drug user Haz gets what he wants.

KC3 could easily have invoked the precedent set by the Wessexes, announced the kids would be styled as the children of a Duke, and free to make their own choice whether to use Prince/Princess at 18.

And what about poor Archie? Only Lilibet seems to be mentioned.

Frankly, between the Harkles and the Yorks, the RF is seriously in danger of becoming celebrity trash. I feel desperately sorry for the Waleses, Wessexes and Anne.

Monaco's Princely family looks like the height of respectability in comparison.

I almost want William to walk away from it all.

View attachment 2013278
Do you know what? I am done with the fucking lot of them.
Treat your family & your country like fucking mugs & get all what you want. They should get sweet fuck all.

KC and his coronation can do one. Let them come, ruin it, overshadow it because quite frankly, you deserve it.

I am bloody furious that it has got to this. Wankers, the lot of them 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
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Hazno's got Doris Day's filters on his head now 😄
View attachment 2010241
Evil looking fucker
Had that been photoshopped or did they really try to blur his friar tuck hair style?
Oh and heads up, I’m just 10 posts from making VIP, so if someone could find the keys to the tiara safe and give them a dust please? I need to choose which one I’m going to wear to watch the Coronation on the tv.
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Just seen on Twitter……View attachment 2007868
Everyday, people get in and out of Montecito with private planes without being papped. Think of Orca. They choose to live there because they would not be followed by paps (unless the ILBW ordered them, of course). So, now this. No doubt this was staged by the Dimwit Duo, I just don't know if Tyler is aware. This is the very stupid, very childish way of saying to KC3 "we don't need your money, we got another piggy bank". Tyler Perry is the idiot that hasn't figured that the reason he got invited was to get papped - I'm sure that when he got there the ILBW was on the floor sobbing about the paps, after spending the nigh before on the phone with them making sure they got the right angles. If there was no message to be sent, no staged papped, the Harkles would have required only a check, not a full visit.
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D. A.

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For,a change I am speechless!!
I have to say @Nuttynana I couldn't get enough fucks in there!
I am raging but mostly disappointed.
I am disappointed for all those (me included) that follow the rules, act responsibly, respectfully & are generally decent people.
This feels like a big fuck off to the general public to me.
I feel very let down.
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