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As a military spouse, I can say that H is looked at as an example of what not to do and as an absolute idiot. He's a joke and people are pissed. Invictus Games have lost a lot of support in the community by their silence and his association. In a way it's sad. What was once something so amazing and worth support has been forever tainted by him.
Invictus are an organisation well-placed to take a lead in requesting that he steps down, others will follow - needs brave executive members to get the ball rolling - does Invictus have any prepared to speak out?? He is not (or was he ever) a role model representing or upholding their aspirational goals. Invictus have been burying their heads. :mad:
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Woke up to a new thread again this morning. Thanks to Jai for doing it and the Title is badass.
Sorry if any of this is repeating stuff but I don’t have time at the moment to go back and read.

Poor little Megabitch going crazy deleting Chris Rock everywhere. Too bad sweetheart, I and all the World have already seen it. Got to give kudos to the anti Megabitch brigade, they are on top of things.

I laughed my head off because it was so bloody true and it boggles my mind why no one had actually mentioned it before. In essence Chris Rick was mocking the fact that Megabitch was saying it’s racism because someone wondered if the baby would be brown……” That’s not racism ….as even black people wonder if the baby will be brown. We check behind the ears”….Sorry I’m not a comedian so it’s probably lost in translation but you get the idea. If you can find it, take a look it’s really funny.

And perfectly a lot of black folks in the audience who definitely got the joke and laughed their heads off.
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Counting the hearses there, it’s highly likely my husband was involved in their repatriation. He is ex military. This still affects him, he helped to carry every one of the coffins in the one he organised and could still tell you their names.

Arsewipe needs a severe smack in the face.
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Mock Turtle

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That interview was gobsmacking in its idiocy for so, so many reasons. I think he’s gone way too far now for any of his remaining charities to stay with him. How can Invictus keep him as patron without utterly undermining their own mission to help veterans? Who are more likely to have drug problems than the average person? And without his privileged protection, can then easily slide into homelessness? There’s a lovely homeless guy in my town who I buy lunch for and chat to regularly and that is exactly his story. Sparold needs dropping from a great height by WellChild etc. I’ve never thought tit for tat was a good idea and I’m glad BP never engaged in it but this is different. Really think there needs to actually be a govt/RF/medics statement put out refuting everything he sat there and blithely recommended.
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I understand why KC has invited the gruesome twosome to the coronation - he’s trying to be the bigger person, unlike them. But I hope, really hope, they do not come. They have insulted so many people with their interviews and Harry’s memoir. I don’t want to see them, and surely it will taint the coronation, as everyone will be feeling awkward, biting their tongues, treading on eggshells. It should be a day of celebration. Harry has burnt his bridges, and KC & William have not apologised to him, so he will look a bit stupid attending. A massive hypocrite. Harry and his wife should be apologising to all the people they have hurt, insulted or lied about. The Oprah interview was the start of all of this and it’s snowballed since. Meghan is the common denominator in all of this. I honestly thought at the beginning, how wonderful that Harry had met this young woman who clearly made him happy, who was an actress and how great it would be for Kate & William too. How wrong was I? She’s nothing but trouble. Look at how she has treated members of her family. Her mum clearly enables and supports her daughters behaviour too. I really hope they don’t come back to the UK
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A woman I follow on Social media posted a reminder to woman to look after themselves when on a night out because a woman she knows was date raped very badly by a group of men. They have caused this woman serious physical and mental harm.
It was apparent that this woman has not had much mental support since this happened and is on a waiting list for rape therapy. In the meantime she has to cope as best she can on her own.
Similarly, a woman I once worked with had a daughter who was on a waiting list for counselling after attempting suicide, as there was little provision for this in the region.
This man is right - us plebs don’t get instant access to hip therapists who can sit and indulge us. We get therapists who we’ve had to wait months to see, who are training on the job, who clock watch because you’re just a number, not a person. They aren’t dealing with trauma from 30 years ago, they are dealing with rape victims from last month. This man keeps running his mouth off like the world should sit and indulge him too. Merching therapy and mental illness like a commodity are we Harry? I never thought Harry was up to much, but he really has hit an all time low.
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Chatty Member
You’d think they’d all have better things to do with their time being mums of young kids wouldn’t you, instead of being petty Betty’s! Catherine has it coming at her from all angles now I think about it, and still handles the whole goldfish bowl with grace these days, I hope she gets to have a good Gin and gossip with someone close to her to decompress a bit, I hope Anne is secretly telling her that they can all fark orf! 🤣
I think Catherine is lucky she has a very close knit and loyal family and she can go decompress at their house.

I’ve never trusted Eugenie. Bea, I’ve heard, is the more mature one, but Eugenie is a horror, of course it makes complete sense she is closest to Haznut and don’t let her PR-driven instagram fool anyone.

Eugenie is also desperate for a TV career, so expect to see unbearable collabs with Nut and The Witch. “Growing Up Royal”, “Tea at The Ritz with Meg and Eug” e.t.c They’ll all be using each other.
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Mock Turtle

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I found this online, sorry can't credit the author as it was anonymous.
Prince Harry and Africa
[COLOR=%s]Anyone else bothered by how Harry talks about Africa?
First of all, he continually refers to Africa as “Africa”, not specific countries. He’s grouping all the countries together when he talks about it. Saying how much Africa means to him is condescending considering I know here’s never been to all the countries. I doubt he’s been to the Congo.
Second, apart from his prince friend, all the Africans he’s been associated with are white. Chelsy, his “second family”, the friends he takes to Africa- all white. He’s whitewashing Africa.
Third, his African stories are so romanticized. Camping under the stars in a private tent, going on safaris, advertising the parks, going on game hunts. He’s only doing things rich people can do on vacation in Africa.
Fourth, he talks about Africa very selfishly. He always mentions how much the continent has done for him. Hell, he literally used it as a date location to win over whoever he was seeing. He barely even works with Sentebale anymore, even that isn’t much.
Fifth, and frankly the most important, he didn’t move there. He has talked so much about finding piece there, wanting to raise kids there, having a family there, but when push comes to shove, he moved to California. Quite literally the opposite of Africa. His whole “oh we tried to move to South Africa, but it got leaked” is the stupidest excuse I’ve ever heard. California also got leaked, but that didn’t prevent them.
Bottom line, he uses Africa to make him look like some sophisticated person who wants to help the less fortunate when in reality he takes what he wants from Africa and gives nothing in return. His white savior complex is really just modern day imperialism. Harry should be ashamed of himself.
I’ve felt exactly this for a long time. African countries are all utterly unique, and having lived and spent time in a number of them, all fascinatingly diverse. Harry homogenises Africa and his approach as the white saviour coming in to rescue people/animals is truly archaic. The development charitable sector moved past that approach decades ago. Problems and challenges should be solved by local people, perhaps with a little initial help, money, training etc to empower people. Some rich prince flying in to save natives is like something out of the Victorian era!

His choice of African countries to focus on is also glaringly telling. Botswana is one of the most sparsely populated countries on earth - is he going there to get away from Africans, staying his luxury safari lodges?!! And Lesotho is one of the poorest places on earth. His trips have always shown the cameras a rural, poverty stricken image to the world. I’m not saying that isn’t the case for many Africans but far more are living in modern, complicated, busy cities. Those places don’t seem to fit his idea of Africa though.

He is living in a colonial past. Even their arrogant assumption that South Africa or some other commonwealth country would happily welcome the pair to live was gobsmackingly reminiscent of an imperial imposition on a place that barely got a say in the matter! For someone who ignorantly rails against empire, he’s the most racist, problematic member of the RF in decades!
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That’s me, I’m done with the lot of them. 🤬. Why give a title to overseas children in a country where they are not able to use them. As for the bit about using them on formal occasion…would that be at their birthday parties? I used to be proud of being British and of the Royal Family, pomp and pageantry, but if this is all true, then until TP&POW take over, they can go fester. Yes, the brainless, drug addled buffoon is KC’s son but he is dragging the RF into the gutter with absolutely no recrimination at all. And, moreover, KC is giving him free rein to denigrate and bad mouth the populace of The UK. Oh how I wish Prince William had taken over after TLQ . Surely KC could see how the acquisition of Lilibet hurt TLQ and then the addition of the title!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
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Also, notice the gaslighting building for the divorce:

- Hazno was saved by Meghan
- ILBW left behind a wonderful life to be with Harry

Of course Hazno had a live of privilege, love, within a "different" family. Servants to give him anything and cover his mistakes. He was finding his path in a life of service launching Invictus.

The ILBW was a Z list actress, filming a cable show in Canada, a professional grifter, middle class spoiled brat who thought she was too good for the Ragland family.

But none of that is ever mentioned of course.
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Tom Bower: says H was self indulgent, cringe making and dangerous promoting drugs. All for money.

Shows what a grubby life he is now leading. So greedy it's vulgar. The idea of them coming for Coronation is repellent. TB doesn't believe some of the leaks at the moment.

Says he doesn't think they will attend the Coronation
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