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I decided to write my US Senator about haz and his endoresemnt of illegal psychedelics for mental health treatment. Here is my communication:

Although Prince Harry's wife is an American citizen, he is not. He is in our country on an undisclosed type visa. He has freely and blatantly admitted to illegal substance abuse (including cocaine,ayahuasca and psilocybin,) both in writting and in interviews. In an ironic and farcical capacity as a mental health advocate he has touted the use of illegal and dangerous pschedelics as mechanisms for trauma recovery. His actions are dispicable and his irresponsible endorsement of these drugs endanger other fragile or mentally ill persons. Why has this been allowed? Why does this continue to be allowed?
This is a direct quote from Prince Harry about using ayahuasca in a recent interview: “I started doing it recreationally and then started to realize how good it was for me. I would say it is one of the fundamental parts of my life that changed me and helped me deal with the traumas and the pains of the past.”
I am livid, livid about this entitled ignoramus extoling the healing qualities of a dangerous, illegal drug without consequences. Although this is not a Montana issue, it is a moral issue. I have lost loved ones in the past who succumbed to the devastation of depression and mental illness. I don't care how royal Harry Windsor may be, he is not a U.S. citizen and he is abusing his position for personal gain. I don't know who else to write and I hope that you will investigate what is happening, and find a way to protect the vulnerable people who may follow his appalling advice. Thank you.
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I realise I'm (fashionably) 🤣 late to the WAAAGH book comparison party, but today was my first opportunity to do a little rearranging😁
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Scotch Mist

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I found this online, sorry can't credit the author as it was anonymous.
Prince Harry and Africa
Anyone else bothered by how Harry talks about Africa?
First of all, he continually refers to Africa as “Africa”, not specific countries. He’s grouping all the countries together when he talks about it. Saying how much Africa means to him is condescending considering I know here’s never been to all the countries. I doubt he’s been to the Congo.
Second, apart from his prince friend, all the Africans he’s been associated with are white. Chelsy, his “second family”, the friends he takes to Africa- all white. He’s whitewashing Africa.
Third, his African stories are so romanticized. Camping under the stars in a private tent, going on safaris, advertising the parks, going on game hunts. He’s only doing things rich people can do on vacation in Africa.
Fourth, he talks about Africa very selfishly. He always mentions how much the continent has done for him. Hell, he literally used it as a date location to win over whoever he was seeing. He barely even works with Sentebale anymore, even that isn’t much.
Fifth, and frankly the most important, he didn’t move there. He has talked so much about finding piece there, wanting to raise kids there, having a family there, but when push comes to shove, he moved to California. Quite literally the opposite of Africa. His whole “oh we tried to move to South Africa, but it got leaked” is the stupidest excuse I’ve ever heard. California also got leaked, but that didn’t prevent them.
Bottom line, he uses Africa to make him look like some sophisticated person who wants to help the less fortunate when in reality he takes what he wants from Africa and gives nothing in return. His white savior complex is really just modern day imperialism. Harry should be ashamed of himself.
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Mock Turtle

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Thanks too @Who'sYerDaddy for the thread title.

Thread recap:

The Harkles have been turfed out of Frogmore Cottage 😂
2 members of the RF are supposedly outraged - possibly Euge and Fungus
They might be offered bed and breakfast at Buckingham Palace on future visits
H has been in email correspondence with KC3's office re the Coronation
Andrew may have been told to vacate Royal Lodge and offered Frogmore Cottage, but this is purely speculation
@Chita has had drawings shared on Twitter and Quora

For new thread title suggestions, please put your suggestion in bold as follows, so it's not missed: Harry & Meghan #319 Title Suggestion
I’ve been having major deja vu so just checked and I’m glad to report I’m not actually going mad! We had the exact same title back in #258! 😆
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VIP Member
Thanks too @Who'sYerDaddy for the thread title.

Thread recap:

The Harkles have been turfed out of Frogmore Cottage 😂
2 members of the RF are supposedly outraged - possibly Euge and Fungus
They might be offered bed and breakfast at Buckingham Palace on future visits
H has been in email correspondence with KC3's office re the Coronation
Andrew may have been told to vacate Royal Lodge and offered Frogmore Cottage, but this is purely speculation
@Chita has had drawings shared on Twitter and Quora

For new thread title suggestions, please put your suggestion in bold as follows, so it's not missed: Harry & Meghan #319 Title Suggestion
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You just know Meghan has footage of Harry off in another dimension after taking some psychedelics. Backed up waiting to be used as a "Look what my client had to deal with your honour" exhibit.
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That's the practice (not officially) of the US Armed Forces. They tend to seek vulnerable types for the worst jobs. They run targeted ADs on channels or programmes w/ a specific viewing audience. He's plagiarizing again!
I, like everyone I served with, was proud to join up and none of us were from broken homes. In fact most of us had extended family connections with the Services. He’s a dick!
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You just know Meghan has footage of Harry off in another dimension after taking some psychedelics. Backed up waiting to be used as a "Look what my client had to deal with your honour" exhibit.
Absolutely! He hung himself as far as a divorce is concerned. She could make a case for him to only see his children during a supervised visit with a third party present. Not only did Harold overshare, he was very careless to admit to all of this. Of course Dr. Mate kept egging him along and he was too stupid to understand what was going on.
Thanks for the new thread and title. :)

Is it just me, or is he becoming more repulsive every time we see him?

Remember this little gem, from Theresa Longo Fans?

View attachment 2007421

Looking at that pic, I assume Hazza's team have given up on trying.
He is completely unappetizing as a member of the male gender. He looks like he doesn't bathe, smells bad, no dental hygiene, and wears dirty clothes and the last time he changed his underwear was in 2007.
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That interview was gobsmacking in its idiocy for so, so many reasons. I think he’s gone way too far now for any of his remaining charities to stay with him. How can Invictus keep him as patron without utterly undermining their own mission to help veterans? Who are more likely to have drug problems than the average person? And without his privileged protection, can then easily slide into homelessness? There’s a lovely homeless guy in my town who I buy lunch for and chat to regularly and that is exactly his story. Sparold needs dropping from a great height by WellChild etc. I’ve never thought tit for tat was a good idea and I’m glad BP never engaged in it but this is different. Really think there needs to actually be a govt/RF/medics statement put out refuting everything he sat there and blithely recommended.

From that article:

‘Casually remarked that 99.9 per cent of people are carrying round some form of grief, trauma or loss.
This much is certain, 99.9 per cent of people did not grow up in a palace.

Prince Harry has to realise that his experiences are completely insulated from everyone else’s reality - and his self serving words can cause immense harm to people whose lives he will never understand.

So basically saying STFU Harry. You’re talking a load of dangerous shit.
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Chatty Member

To answer your question in now closed previous thread!

In my humble opinion, I‘m thinking it’s nothing but 100% spite and jealousy, can’t even imagine the vitriol behind the scenes, I think more Eug than Beatrice, as Eug is clearly the bitchy one, the spoilt baby of the family, used to getting her way and all the attention, then slim, gorgeous, style savvy Catherine comes along, perfect figure and tall, loving stable close family, in line to be queen and Eug must have just had the knives out. Worse of all, a ‘commoner’, can’t imagine the loud whispers in front of Catherine and really nasty stuff said behind her back.

I reckon the younger royals are all seeing how America embraces and spoils tacky celebrities and what’s there for them in The U.K now, nothing but growing resentments and class divides and a boring stuffy old king, who wouldn’t want to jump ship and take their trust fund to Calfornia with big houses and sunshine and the keys to all the top class celebrity haunts.

I see Eug and The Witch as ‘Frenemies’ now, united in their envy of Catherine and William and Troublemakes United. I think they’re going to cause endless mischief and grief through gossip and leaks. Eug will also do anything to take attention off of her dad. It’s going to be downright dangerous and sickening.
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What exactly is in this for Tyler Perry? It has always baffled me. They offer nothing. They're universally mocked and ridiculed. Yet they have their die hard supporters in the likes of Orca and TP. Two incredibly wealthy individuals. Who certainly do not need a thing from the Cuntish duo. Surely they see that Smeg is of no addition or benefit to the black community? Not one peep out of her for black history month. What fucking hold has this pox bottle diva got over these folk?? Is it an American conspiracy to slowly dismantle the British Royal Family because slavery, repatriations et al?

I cannot see how anyone, regardless of upbringing, colour, creed, religious belief, ethnicity etc, with half a brain, could have ANYTHING to do with this pair of good for nothing bursted ball sacks.
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I had a health care professional in my house friday. She saw my Revenge book on coffee table.
Me. Omg its SO good. What a class 1 bitch she is.
Her. I think shes been unfairly treated.
Me. Wth. Well tell me then as shes so kind and so on point with her BLM stance where are her black family or her white family for that matter?
Her. Shes been unfairly treated

Awkward silence

Shes now BANNED from my house. Had to disinfect after!
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Thanks for new thread and great title. I don't care if it's been used before. My memory is shocking so it's all new to me. :LOL:

I'm furious that haz and dr mate think it's okay to promote illegal drugs for people with mental health issues. Its irresponsible and dangerous to do this. Not to mention that it clearly hasn't done haz any favours. I mean, who would take harry's advice when it comes to mental health issues. The man clearly hasn't resolved any of his and has possibly made them a lot worse.

Goddess, I hope they don't come to the Coronation. They'll turn a solemn and religious ceremony into a 3 ring circus. They cheapen every thing they touch.
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DMail - today - backlash against Harold's stupidity in extolling drug use - people coming forward to give their own experiences of loved ones using same/similar drugs causing psychosis & tragic consequences. Harold is a self-obsessed highly dangerous individual and so are those who enable this - looking at you Penguin Random House - shame on you too. :( :mad:


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I have to admit that I am stunned and that KC3 is allowing this. He could have nipped this in the bud by issuing a statement/Letters Patent or whatever is needed to state they are Lord/Lady as children of a Duke. He could have easily used his desire to slim down the Monarchy as an excuse (if he even needed one).

When does this soap opera end? How can you style a child as a royal princess when no one knows when she was born, how she was born, who witnessed the birth, who gave birth?
It feels like Chas is just letting them take the piss now, out of the monarchy and his citizens. Got kids but no one can see them. Don't want titles, do want titles. Glorifying drug use, calling us racist. Why even bother with a coronation if he has so little respect for the institution? He can slim down and modernise all he likes, it's still going to cost millions. If he wants us to cough up again he should have the decency to stop treating us all like fools and deal with the vipers in his nest.
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