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I think everyone apart from the Sugaz knows this is gruesome nonsense. Posters have said there are no banyan trees in California but there are in Florida. One poster (sorry can't remember) said the roots (ficus?) are impossible to dig under and that they destroy roads.
Of course it's illegal but BookWorm for one went through Spare thoroughly step by step in a recent video, along with the births, and it's all rubbish and couldn't possibly be true.

The police aren't investigating because nothing is ever investigated relating to the Stoats. War crimes, illegal burials, child neglect, misappropriating of charity funds, perjury, fake pregnancies and miscarriages, almost certain violence against Afghan women. Possible violence against other women hushed up years ago and paid off but recently resurfaced.

Now seemingly a UK press blackout on Taliban threats, originating from France. We can take this with a pinch of salt but our press doesn't comment on it at all. They should report on it, and the lack of interest in this possible danger or any repercussions from the Stoat's kill boast is very ominous because we just don't know .

In the will-he won't -he come to the Coronation and KC's determination that he should attend, nobody mentions the increased risk to the public and other RF members. It's all about apologising / not apologising, stalemates, seating and being too busy to zoom. If there is a security risk, the public should be allowed to vote with their feet and stay away.

Polls say that by a slim margin the British people think the Stoat should attend. Would the polls produce the same results if the Taliban threats however unrealistic were made public? Is this information being withheld to avoid casting a pall on the Coronation? Does KC decide whether the security services should tell the public of any threat level?

On the one hand KC wants a 3-day extravaganza. At the same time he's publicly welcomed to the extravaganza a traitor with a target on his back who could endanger everyone around him. The threat might be low but it is certainly not non-existent. This is an example of why I think KC is a narc and not fit to be King. He should tell the Stoat to keep his sour face and envy in Montyshitto, and stay away, but he's more interested in his cellophane tent and the dawn of the Carolean era.

Chuck has been disappointed all his life, and despite his 24 Million annual income I suspect that disappointment will continue to dog him. He hasn't got the magic touch of his mother - or of William now boosted like a rocket by the gently formidable and beautiful Catherine.
Re the alleged illegal burial of a foetus…do we think the Gruesomes put that in because of the story about Diana burying a (friend’s) baby in the grounds of KP? Always copying Diana.
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Dear Dr Mate

why is Harry unable to move on from the death of Diana, when his brother has?

why is Harry hiding his children?

why do Harry and his wife constantly issue statements and plant things in the media?
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Chatty Member
Screenshot 2023-02-26 23.02.41.png

on the Doris one when she looks aside - there's a momentary weird 'absence' before she regains control - odd :unsure:
So odd. And she's let her mask slip quite a few times and you get to the see the real narc. I really must find that clip!
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Quite apart from Harold demanding an apology from the Royals we as a country should be demanding an apology for his slagging us all off as being racist.
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From re the Queen glaring at Meghan during her wedding, apparently the Queen wore her funeral pearls. Why is that the best shade I've ever heard?!
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Quite apart from Harold demanding an apology from the Royals we as a country should be demanding an apology for his slagging us all off as being racist.
And another one for him saying British people need teaching a lesson.
Arrogant, insufferable little twat 🤬
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Thanks Fredsnail. You are right.
It’s just when people are too nice (WM and Catherine) always taking it on the chin in favor of family miscreants, they can be seen as pushovers. You can step on my toes, but you go against my kid and I will lay you out. although if the Cam gkids news is pushing me off, I can imagine how her Cuntress of California is taking the news. Heh heh,

People breaking death bed promises, (Queen consort for example) are really low. Chuck prompted QEII to ask for acceptance of Camilla as QC. No sooner has the empty hearse been returned to the garage, ‘yeah, Queen Consort Camilla is a mouthful. She’ll just be queen”. It seems wrong. If QC was above Queen, you know they’d insist on that mouthful. Perhaps the ‘Consort’ is there to make sure the married-in doesn’t forget oneself. This reeks of ‘yes’ her till she passes then do what the fuck you‘ve wanted to do all along. And btw, a month or 2 back Cam announced no more Ladies in waiting. I just read she’s picked her 1st one. I’m starting to not like her Again. Was that a ploy to oust the whole group of EII’s attendants in one fell swoop? It just seems disrespectful to HMTQ. Yes, I mean Elizabeth II. I think The world deserves at least a year to continue calling Elizabeth, and only Elizabeth, the queen. True, I’m not British, but she really was The Queen to most of the world. Just seems disrespectful. It gives the appearance that Chuck couldn’t wait for her to vacate the position.
Queen Consort is her proper title - like it was for the Queen Mother. However the Queen mother was also called Queen and not Queen Consort so I don't really see the difference.

It's like Princess Di - people called her that but it wasn't her proper title.

I think we are in danger of getting wound up by stuff that doesn't really matter in the big scheme. And I also think it's being used by some as a distraction technique.
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DM article on Smeg's latest outing. As usual the comments are the best bit. :)

Does anyone else think that this video of Meghan is years old, but has only just been released now to make it seem like it was recent.
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Oprah: So when I ask the question, ‘Why did you leave?’ the simplest answer is . . ?
Harry: Lack of support and lack of understanding.
Oprah: So, I want clarity. Was the move about getting away from the UK Press? *Because the Press, as you know, is everywhere* . Or was the move because you weren’t getting enough support from The Firm?
Harry: It was both.
Oprah: Both.
Harry: Yeah.

He wanted to "get away" from the press in the UK but unhelpfully there is no explanation for what "getting away" means or how that could be implemented. That leaves room for speculation and I think that is where the privacy derives from. They haven't been out of the UK press for years. He's saying here that getting away meant that staying in the working role would involve them having to begrudgingly deal with the sections of the press who were hostile and unflatteting towards them, that this was frustrating and they didn't want to play the expected role of non confrontation with the press packs. They were not allowed to fight such outlets while stimied by the constraints of the working role. So they had to move away and instead are free to engage with whatever entities they specifically wanted to engage with. Obviously only positive outlets would suffice but to their detriment having this luxury doesn't work.

They still need media and spotlight to generate income and since that interview we’ve certainly learned more about them, their motivations and their hates but nothing substantial regarding their actual goals. See them clinging on to whatever was in vogue (Vaccines, Mental Health, Climate Change). Not a whole lot has fundamentally changed since Harry was recorded on camera plugging Meghan at an official royal duty appearance to do voice overs. They think just because they are Royal means they get to cut in at the front of the line. Not every talented voice over artist could get a one to one with the Disney CEO. They thought this formula would travel to America as well with offers and gigs landing on them just because they were Royal.

Besides the need to actually make money, and now the need to dream up ways to be both relevant and on brand compassionate I’m struggling to see what they can bring and I think they are too. They’re living in one of the most fickle places in the world where everyone there is trying to do the same thing - be relevant, in vogue and of course make lots of money in parallel.

That’s why I think South Park was just so brilliant- they “got” it e.g. Meghan is empty. Utterly hollow. I think it’s given her one hell of a wake up call. South Park annihilated what remains of their brand, a brand predicated on their status and not their actual talents. A brand which was already over the hill before they got eviscerated by SP.

South Park was like a missile. It wasnt shooting a warning shot across the bows.
It hit the engine room and exploded.
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View attachment 1987839

We knew it!!!!!!

Don't need a body language expert to tell us what went off there. The photos say it all.
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Scotch Mist

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I'm sick of all the speculation about the Coronation already and we've got another 2 months of this rubbish 😮💨🥴

The only way it'll gain my attention now is if they introduce some dancing kittens.
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I expect this interview will be all forced bonhomie and thigh slapping from Haz-no-Idea.

Harry: "I loved that south park episode!! Me and megs chuckled for hours because we both share the same great sense of humour *chawchawchaw / forced white knuckle laughter*

Megs learnt to laugh through her (crumpled on the floor) tears, in the face of adversity living with being both a woman.....and being black *sad face*.

I only developed my excellent sense of humour in the army amongst "The Lads" because my childhood was so devoid of laughter *sad brave face*"

Blah blah hate the press, we never asked for privacy anyway."

End of interview.
I would say this is spot on. 😁

He really must be the dimmest creature ever to be giving more interviews.
I can picture it already, the waving towards the non-existent crowds, as he enters and leaves, like last time around. The bullshit, the pretence, the fake laughter, ugh.

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