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SH job for the past 60 years has been to work the room, ask questions of the guests and then whisper in the Queen's ear a short biography so the Queen could have a conversation and let the guest feel valued and welcome. That was the point of the questions. SH is going to be heartbroken that she has caused this shitstorm. In the UK we don't 'other' people like they do in America. If you have a British passport you are British whatever your heritage, not African British, etc. I kind of feel like I'm treading on eggshells and have to be careful what I say but I will strike up conversations with people (usually the uber driver!) who have a strong accent, regional or international, and ask whether they've always lived in London and they will tell me very interesting reasons of how they got here, often sad. I ask if they miss home/like living in the UK/get to visit home or whether they think of where they are as home or where they left behind as home. A middle-aged Scottish bartender told me his daughter was grown up and he decided he wanted to switch up his life and so he moved down to London and was having a ball. I'm curious about people and their stories and a nosey fucker. I wouldn't ask any of these questions of a woman with a Hackney/London accent though.

It's how you ask the questions and if people don't want to chat I don't push it. But it was SH's job to ask these questions and on this occasion, she did it badly. I am all for people wearing what they want and honouring their cultural heritage so I don't have a problem with that. But I do think given her past form Fulani went to the palace with an agenda and if it wasn't SH it would have been some other person who she would have an issue with. This has all been timed to undermine the RF and William and Kate's visit to the US, from this to Basu's interview to the Netflix and Invictus trailers dropping and it shows that Harry hates his father and brother to such a degree that he prepared to undo the 73 years of his grandmother's legacy
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The point at which she said she was born here and is British should have been the end of that line of questioning. She had answered the question but this silly woman kept pushing. I can see why people get fed up with being asked where they come from just because they have a different coloured skin. You would think that someone in her position would know better. I don’t think she was being racist deliberately or should have lost her job, but she is clearly tone deaf and needs educating. With the Palace already in the firing line over racist accusations this lady has presented an open goal for those pushing the accusations. I see that she has got some support on here by, I assume, white people who have no idea what it is like to have your background raised on a regular basis. I am “white” but have dark hair and a Mediterranean complexion. I also have a surname that does look English. As a kid I got sick and tired of explaining that I was British and not French, Italian or Spanish. I can only imagine how much more irritating it must be for people with African or Asian heritage.
Then she is guilty of cultural appropriation, she has no business making up an African name for herseilf and dressing in African clothes!
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My favourite... when I lived in Wales, was when someone would start talking darkly about "the English ..."
My (Welsh) mother in law used to go into a rant about ‘ the English’ and then she’d glance over at me, pause, and say ‘present company excepted’…like she hadn’t just insulted all my relatives and ancestors 😂 I chose not to get offended because I’m not a cunt. I got on well with her generally, despite me being a saesneg.
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I feel so bad for Lady Susan. I feel she was setup. this is her life, and she was collateral damage. Sistas will move onto shame someoe else tomorrow, but do they stop to think they hurt another Sister? We are the sisterhood of women. And it was so wrong to go after another. I’m really mad about this. These idiots don’t care who they come for. They are hurting the progress we’ve made in overcoming skin color prejudices. Fuck them. I hope Lady Susan knows how much support she has. I bet her words were twisted, and she was used. The sugars are as cunty as their masters, Cunt Harry and Cunt Rachel. And Iused tol9vetst name. Pfft.
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Tatters, Bostan is turning it on!!!

Thankyou to Boston and our beautiful American friends for turning a miserable day (and I don’t mean the weather) into a sunny one.
So much love being shown for the Prince and Princess of Wales. It‘s what we needed to see.

Suck on that, Harkles and their SS fans. This IS REAL ROYALTY not your fake bullshit.
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Furthermore whilst I’m enraged, this is all bullshit. The world could have learned from the death threats etc and looked at why celeb women get them as I’m sure Kate does too - a crossbow armed intruder turned up wanting to kill the Queen at Windsor castle FFS.

but no Meghan decides it’s important to showcase her vanity by making the entire podcast about words the daily mail reported those who met her calling her - difficult etc.

Completely vapid vain cow
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Sorry to post this story again But DM have brought up the victims twitter history posts claiming smeg was a victim of DV from TRF So it looks like the DM is doubtful of her side of the story
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It’s one thing to ask somebody where they are from and after hearing their answer drop it. It’s is another thing to continue asking where are you from after hearing that answer.

I find it highly ignorant that the royal family would have somebody representing them who is this clueless and out of touch. Repeatedly asking somebody who is a POC where they are “from from” is such a cliché! If you are so old that you don’t have this basic social etiquette, why are you working at royal functions?

If the lady wanted to talk about Africa or the Caribbean she should have just done so. Or if she wanted to ask about her name - do that as it’s not the cliché of othering somebody and implying that they aren’t really British.

And many many people of the African diaspora from an older generation, whose ancestors were kidnapped from Africa and had their language, religion, family, culture violently stripped from them, decided to give themselves “new” non slave owner names. This is not cultural appropriation.
Assuming that the reported conversation is what was actually said. We only have the race baiter’s version of events. Lady SH knows it’s pointless to try to defend yourself against the howling woke mob and has instead gracefully fallen on her sword. I don’t believe for a moment that Lady SH was as uncouth as the African cosplayer claimed. She wouldn’t have lasted 60 years with our lovely queen if she were. This is an indirect dig at her late majesty too, suggesting if one of her close friends is such a dreadful racist then she must have been too. Sly, and spiteful.
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Murphy Brown

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I feel angry. Earthshot is a genuinely good initiative. That it can be overshadowed by this childish vindictiveness is shameful.
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Apparently the crowd booed them at the basketball and also shouted USA.

Apparently the crowd booed them at the basketball and also shouted USA.

If they did get booed those wankers should hang their heads in shame. Never in my born days have I come across such nasty pieces of work, stirring up shit, lying their arses off and inciting hatred. Philanthropists arse !

I'm white, (wouldn't say privileged ...poor as shit growing up, which has its disadvantages too !) and have many diverse friends, and a black in law and nieces/nephews.c I've waved off one friend who called me a racist and became rather nasty about it because I don't like the witch (same woman omplained to school because sex-ed introduced homosexuality in a very tame form), but it's almost at the point I'm becoming scared to talk to and ask questions of anyone with different skin colour or accent.

The Harkles have put race relations back about 70 years, and that makes me so sad. We should all be moving forward learning, educating and bonding, rather than taking sides and blaming each other. Their behaviour is shameful. I don't give a shit what colour anyone is, just be a bloody decent human being

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And who walked in, saw her crying, and thought “I’ll just get a photo of this”…?

If it was Sparry or Doria or someone else who allegedly cares about her, wouldn’t their first reaction be to rush over and comfort her?

Of course that’s all moot anyway because it was as staged as all their other photos.
She saw how this worked for Chrissy Teigan when Chrissy released those photos after her miscarriage, and not long afterwards we had the Douchess releasing her own sad story about her mythcarriage.
Something like that, Meghan will bank, to later embroil into her own narrative. This is why I call Markle a maladaptive daydreamer, because she takes things she sees in films and adverts, or has seen happen to a celebrity, and it stimulates or triggers the fantasist within her, and this will be heightened when she see the publics reaction to it, and she’ll want a piece of that for herself.
She is curating her life, which is a bit of a ‘chicken and the egg’ conundrum, because her life plays out in her head first and then she’ll act it out, so it’s not really real life, but Meghan’s sub-reality.
I think this is why she gets so angry when things don’t go her way, because they are deviating from what she has envisaged in her head beforehand. So 💯 she is majorly pissed that Britain didn’t fawn over her and look to her as the second coming of Diana.
Her upbringing is no doubt to blame for this. No doubt there was some form of trauma, which if her mother was incarcerated or simply walked out could have been the catalyst, but also being spoiled by her father and encouraged to think of herself as being something stratospherically bigger then she actually is.
Her father boosting her self esteem within the family circle was probably manageable, but once she got into the real world and this heightened sence of self was not shared by the people she met, or Hollywood, or the masses when she became famous - this explains the chip on her shoulder and the ongoing temper tantrum we are witnessing to date.

Everyone will pay for Meghan not being universally adored unconditionally.
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Imagine throwing an 83 year old woman to the twitter hounds over something that could actually be ambiguous?? She's cost her her job and has made her a target for abuse and harassment. Awful, but 'be kind' has a different meaning these days
No surprise really when you see how they treated dying nonagenarian grandparents.
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It’s just a fucking load of bullshit, people aren’t perfect but are they well or badly intentioned? I’m sick of the world we live in tbh and I deeply resent the fact that Smegs utterly cynical and self-serving playing of the race card is still impacting on the RF and the British public.

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Sorry to jump in after a hiatus from H&M threads.
I just feel this story has come at an all too convenient time, and just so happens to back up why H&M are getting an award- an award they were being criticised for accepting? I mean really? Sorry but it’s all too convenient.
If that conversation happened then that is obviously not right and no one should be subjected repeatedly to questioning that makes them feel uncomfortable, however I have met Ngozi in a professional setting and well, her conduct was not professional or appropriate so having experienced that I can’t help but take whatever she says with a heavy pinch of salt.
Well, let’s hope she’s opened her own can of worms and some journalists do some digging and find some unsavoury facts about her.

I’m fuming though that firstly it has taken the headlines away from W&C and secondly, it was Camilla’s first solo event and it’s overshadowed that too. I’m just glad HMTQ isn't here to see one of her most trusted advisors finding herself at the centre of it all, even if she was the cause of it.
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Lady C says Marlene didn't want the questions as she would have had to say, I'm not African and ngozi is not my real name.

Makes a good point that the RF shouldn't have had knee jerk reaction and should have said they would look into it/investigate or wtte, and that LH was not a racist as her previous 60 years of service show. Until the Smeg apogist turned up.
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