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I’m beyond enraged at once again the timing of it, they really do want to sabotage anything that the Wales’s or KC and Camilla are trying to do. I don’t think we’ll ever come across a more childish petulant jealous couple than these two, it’s sickening.
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I think insults are a bit like that definition of porn…I know it when I see it. I can tell by the person's demeanor, the context, the delivery. And I can tell when it’s social awkwardness or just curiosity.

There is way too much artifice and exaggeration in this selective empathy of the Woke. Every freaking thing is just an unbearable soul destroying moment. Really?

My dear brother-in-law was Jewish…he got me a job one summer when I was home from University at a Cabana Club where I was the only Christian. Some of the members had a name they called me by…that referenced someone not of their faith. Depending on the context, I guess it could be an insult or so my Sister explained. But, in my case, I felt it was always used with humor and sometimes with a compliment.

I took it that way…not that I was being demeaned or ostracized. It had no life-changing implications.

0ne member once asked me, after she had a few cocktails, how I could say that I believed in God. This came out of nowhere, while I was bringing her another drink. This woman was always very kind to me In other situations. I guess I could have called the local newspaper and played victim, since I was lowly staff and she was a wealthy member, but, as they say…I took it as the “tequila talking.” My own family, in those days would have been embarrased by ME…being so overly sensitive.

We were brought up to give others the benefit of the doubt. Years later, my husband’s career required me to attend many events where small talk with strangers was required. Some people are awkward at it. Some, ask the same thing of you-year after year. I hated being asked year after year…if my daughters were married yet, how were my (dead) parents?…but recognized people were…trying.

I sometimes just lied and said my parents were fine to save embarrassment. .lol

It is commonplace in the Woke culture to lay in wait…to ensnare someone and proclaim great emotional damage. It’s a political power play here in the US, home of Jussie Smollet. No one gets ticked off for the moment anymore…OMG their whole psyche is supposedly irretrievably damaged.

Lookey, lookey, Now this ‘victim warrior” has internationally humiliated an old woman, has the RF groveling to her victimhood and demeaning a once cherished friend…and has given Markle the cover she needs to accept this racism award.

Big mistake. It won’t end well…or end here.

The old lady should have issued an apology…and invited The Tragic Victim to leave her fainting couch and come to tea to discuss the situation. Like Obama's ‘beer summit.’
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What a load of shit from the Nexflix mockumentary. Can these two fools drop the victimhood crown for just once and live their lives quietly in the hills of Hollywood.
I've been dipping in and out of this thread over the year, but christ the last 24 hrs or so since Wills and Catherine landed in America the PR spin from Meagain is suffocating.
She really has taken the poem " don't go quietly into that good night.... rage rage against the dying of the light " to heart.

And Harry. What a fool you are.
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Chatty Member
everyone in the US will fawn over the "real" royals and the coverage both sides of the Atlantic will be all about the "real" royals. Narc rage is only going to get worse. The royals aren't worried about a book,tv show or staged pr photos/stunts they are getting on with the job in hand. We might see quicker responses to quash bs narc stories in future from the Palace.

Interesting to note TB book quotes Susan as saying the marriage will end in tears - narc rage and revenge incoming especially if it is ending in tears
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It's the sort of conniving thing the cunt would do.
She must live every day of her life eaten up by bitterness 😆😆😆😆😆

...... I see the old jailbird has been wheeled out to appear 😅😅😅

None of it fools me, dear
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The incessant, over the top main stream media channels and newspapers reaction to this story makes me wonder, why didn't they do the same regarding the Rochdale and Rotherham grooming gangs? Why wasn't a victim interviewed (incognito) on, for example Sky news, Jeremy Vine, LBC, Lorraine etc as ngozi was today. Says a lot about our UK media.
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So Ngozi Fulani's name is originally Marlene Headley. And she's appropriated African dress while vehemently saying she's British. And being involved with a charity for African & Caribbean women only. She seems rather confused!!
The name Ngozi is Igbo (SE Nigeria), and "Fulani" is a totally different ethnicity from Igbo in northern Nigeria and some other WA countries. Confused is an understatement, she's just a dumb fuck grifting appropriator with no credible comprehension of either ethnicity.
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If you want to know someone’s heritage ask them about their heritage. It’s simple. Don’t ask repeatedly where they are from. This isn’t about wokeness, it’s civility. Perhaps the people who keep asking the repeated “where are you from but where are you from” are only now hearing what people who are asked that question and have been calling it racist for decades have been saying.

I’ll add that if you want to know someone’s heritage it makes sense to explain why you want to know it. This elderly Lady had every reason to be curious about the Afrocentric garbed woman’s origins given the focus of her work. She should have asked her question and stated that context. And not asked it in such a cliché
And on the flip side, there could have been some kindness and generosity on the other side as well. She might have gently asked, “Are you interested inthe origin of my family, or perhaps the cultural intent of my dress ? I’m a bit confused by your question…help me please.”

If I’m asked a question that seems offensive to me, a little probing often leads to finding I am mistaken…or at least gives the other person a chance to clear things up. That’s calledcivility too.

No, jump 0n Twitter and bring the old lady to her knees. Really?

The idea now is that the offended owe no quarter, owe no attempt to ameliorate the situation.…is counter productive. And please, the hyberbole…this woman works with victims who are regularly beaten, living in fear, without resources. They cannot complain to Twitter lest they bring horrific violence upon themselves!

And she calls a few sentences at a palace…’violence?’

She does not want to understand, to improve mutual understanding… she wants to hurt, punish, humiliate. Otherwise, she too had options.
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43 has got a similar lump in her forehead that Haz has in his photo on the rf's website - is it catching? 😬:LOL:

I'm very glad for Eden.





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Have I got this right??? This woman from Hackney has turned up wearing African style dress and then seems upset that someone keeps asking her where's she's actually from???
Eeeeexxxxactly! Her attire is what prompted the curiosity about her origin. In Brixton (where I used to live) the ladies only dressed up in their dashiki refinery when they were going to church, not when they are popping into Sainsburys.
If this woman wants to widen that crevice, she’s going the right way about it, and this is the reason I despise MM, because she has actively encouraged this sly behaviour. That will be her legacy.
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I've been asked where I'm from plenty of times and I'm White British (and Female)
Hubby has been in various bands and I used to travel around the country with him. Setting up the gear etc meant we all got asked where we're from, from the regulars/staff. They mean which city. (Manchester Yay!)
If I meet Irish people and it comes up that I'm half Irish, they always want to know where my family is from in Ireland. (Dublin) It always does come up but perhaps thats just the Irish?
Irish people want to know where everyone is from IN DETAIL… that means down to the exact parish/town land so that they can work out who they might know that you might know 😂
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I see...

So a "text book" example of "racism" leads to...

How does that happen I wonder?
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I don't venture onto to many others. I'm mainly on here and on the gender thread which is fine because it's gender critical. Also sometimes on the Eastenders thread to take the piss out of Eastenders and to discuss the ridiculous plot lines 😃
I love seeing familiar Tattlers on other threads, it's like bumping into your neighbours when you're on holiday :)
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Dan talking about ngozi email/twitter saying smeg was victim of dv from her in laws.

Dan talking about context, unlike other msm he says.

Did this woman go to the palace with an agenda
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Jesus wept. The woke media.

No they shouldn’t have listened to Markle ffs. She’s never so much as dated a person of colour and she always called herself Caucasian on her CVs
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Chilli pepper 19

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Do we have a bingo card for this week? So far we've had the Farkie photo drop, pap picture, video drop and RF racist claims. Strange so much has happened in 24 hours when they're usually so quiet. Is something happening this week?
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First full day in Boston for W&C, so naturally another round of attention-grabbing from the Duo. And naturally, royal rota in Boston are commenting on this instead of their jobs on the ground
"When the stakes are this high, doesn't it make more sense to hear our story from us?" what stakes 43, what stakes??
This ad doesn't, in the slightest, encourage me to sign up to Netflix

"why did you want to make this documentary?"

I wish they'd fuck off.
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