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Wackie Jeaver

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Thinking about Lady Susan, in post for 62 years. Do we have any evidence of her EVER being deliberately racist before this? I thought not.
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Have I got this right??? This woman from Hackney has turned up wearing African style dress and then seems upset that someone keeps asking her where's she's actually from???

Also how was she able to remember such specific details about the conversation???

I do think the LIW was incredibly crass and she should have realised she was being set up and avoided the situation. But then if she hadn't interacted with Hackney woman that would also have been interpretated as being racist.

And of course this all timed for when Big Willy and Waity Katie are doing their best to big up the Royal family brand in the USA.

Jings who would be a member of the Royal family these days!!!
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I used to believe in never complain, never explain.

But in a world full of propagandists, the royal family has to go on the offense. Lady Hussey didn't say or do anything racist, and I'm Asian. I dislike minorities with chips on their shoulders, they're totally insecure and detracts from legitimate instances of discrimination (the denial of rights, and of freedoms).

The King and the Wales' of course cannot stoop in the same low level as the Sussexes, but surely there can be counter-propagandists to refute such accusations, through unofficial channels.

At this moment we need politically left leaning people to stop peddling accusations to the British royal family, since most of it is coming from that side of the political sphere. Whether people want to admit it or not, the Sussexes has politicised the British royal family in the court of public opinion.

The Sussexes are being peddled as the beacons of leftism anti-racism, and the Wales' are accused of being the bad White people.

It's bullshiete.
Leftists never stop. The BRF must defend itself or face extinction. If they continue to cowtow to these people every time there is an accusation there will be no one left. They need a spokesperson who will go out there and vigorously defend them every time something like this comes up. Mattel never did and that's why Barbie is now a cheap toddler bathtub toy that everyone thinks gives you anorexia-- because Mattel never fought back and disputed the harpies who claimed it did. If they want to end up like Barbie, they will keep going the way they're going.

Here we go...

Stand by for Archwell announcement...
This is how grifters in America have operated for years, folks. Go in, cause an incident, or ride in on the back of one and offer your services. The BRF needs to know who these people are and arm themselves with knowledge before it becomes a problem.
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I can't even look at photo's of them anymore. I don't click on links and I certainly won't be watching the trailer, let alone the series. I'm totally dependent on this thread to know what's going on with them. :LOL:
And I'm alternating this thread with happy music and Unsolved (no, solved) Mysteries (No, no mystery) that Cannot be Explained (actually easily explained). The archeological ones are good though.
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That fucking woman is being interviewed on the ITV news

ETA She’s just said she faced non physical violence 😳🙄🤮
This is what you call - playing dirty. She’s another race baiting piece of scum who went there to cause trouble. Goodbye woman!
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Charles is weak. He apparently lacks any of his Mother’s intuitive qualities or her loyalty. The more I think about this…the more odious he becomes. Markle’s Dad made onemistake and he was out in the cold. How is this much different?
The way it's going, Charles is going to have to choose. William or Hazza. He's not going to be able to sit on the fence for much longer. Hazza is basically out of control now, and a distinct threat to the Monarchy, and possibly even to national security. There was a really good post on Tumblr about that a few days ago. I'll try and find it.

And I was actually quite angry when I read Gyles Brandreth's book excerpt on how TQ dismissed the Oprah interview as "just television" or words to that effect, when Catherine, the future Queen Consort, had been slagged off so publicly. I'd be sick to my stomach if I were in Catherine's position and all I heard was "much loved family members".

I hope I'm wrong but I suspect she'll be featured heavily in 'Spare' too, because Smeg wants it. I doubt they can milk the 'Kate made me cry' stuff much more because it wasn 't believed after Oprah and it won't be believed now. Plus, the RRs stood by their version. I do have a feeling there will be derogatory stuff about how the RF really felt about her and her "common" family background. Maybe even some not-so-nice remarks from William from when they broke up. Who knows? But it may be designed purely to embarrass the Royals, and hurt and destabilise Catherine's increasing confidence, and her trust in the family.

Of course, if it happens that way it'll backfire. Smeg may have a few days of glee, but ultimately Catherine will come out on top.

Sometimes I don't think the RF appreciate what a gem they have in her. (Ditto for Sophie.) They're bloody lucky she was raised so well, she's dutiful and she isn't a nasty, vindictive old cow.

If she ever turned on the RF, I think they'd really be in trouble.

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I am laughing my head off! Another poseur.

So Marlene Headley, A black british liar, appropriated a nigerian name and culture, NGozi Fulani. Then got upset because Lady Hussey asked her where she was from and she could not answer since she was Appropriating African culture. Lying race baiter.#NgoziFulaniIsADisgrace
9:16 AM · Dec 1, 2022^s1_&ref_url=&tweet_id=1598365371072913408
I see...

So Lady Susan was using MK Ultra techniques....

Has Lady Susan got a white Fiat Uno?
No Marlene. Lady Hussy was just trying to get you to give her your real name and not your cos-play moniker.
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I used to volunteer at my cathedral. During a ticketed event, one of the other volunteers who had been there for 20 years, asked the visitor waiting next in line for her ‘Christian’ name. I was born in 1983 and remember ‘christian name’ commonly being used, and later outmoded and replaced with forename. The women she asked hit the the roof, going on about this being racist and prejudiced. Look around you luv. You’re in a fucking cathedral!!! A lot of the volunteers are of an age and are Christians. Take that on board.
Had this person been reasonable and socially sophisticated, she could have asked herself - ‘well, I am in a cathedral, speaking no doubt to a lady of the Christian faith, who looks to be in her advanced ages. There’s no need to take offence in that. There is no malice or malicious intent behind it.’

This thing of feigning outrage and acting like a victim of some oppressive sinister regime is really weaselly and obnoxious. I have no time for it.
This woman went to that palace hoping to encounter some slight so she could rush to social media and tell her tall tale from her POV. She has jeopardised the integrity of her charity for this.
Is there any particular reason why she couldn’t have realised what this lady was getting at (in a rather clumsy way) regarding her ethnic origin and been the better person and just answered the question.
Also, replying to someone as ‘woman’ is pretty aggressive and doesn’t seem like the mark of a particularly polite person. She shouldn’t be acting like she has the moral high ground here. It sounds like a conversation of two women who are socially inept.

Here people ask for your 'caste' (surname). An issue because of casteism - it's really, really bad. I know there's no reasoning with some people, so generally I just tend to reply with 'my surname is ___'. Some correct themselves, some argue.

Some then proceed to ask about my actual caste. I normally reply that I don't know (unless in the context of groom-hunting - then one has to tell 🙄). Then they ask about sub-caste and gotra and God knows what else. All of this stuff is determined by the paternal grandfather, and bless his soul, even though mine was a bit of a snob, he at least absolutely refused to discuss this stuff so we don't actually know all of these details 😂 My dad's sister probably knows since her daughters are married (at least one had a caste conversion ceremony 🙄🙄), but I have zero interest in finding out. So I just say I don't know, and I suppose I can quote a cool Bollywood dialogue now that grandfather has passed - he'll be proud of me 😂 (the dialogue is - 'yeh raaz bhi unke saath chala gaya'. Transl: This secret has been buried with him)

It's annoying, feels intrusive, and most of all, it upsets me because I am sensitive towards the fact that deciding how to treat someone on the basis of this social construct called caste is just not done.

But then like you said, I have to remember that many people just don't realise that there's a difference between caste and surname, and in some cases, there actually isn't one. It's a language issue, it's 'just a routine question' issue, it's a 'this is how everyone talks' issue.

There's no call to create a scene over it, especially without giving the other person to correct themselves/apologise or even refuse to apologise.

Maybe Lady SH should have stopped when Fulani wasn't being forthcoming, maybe she should have just said oh sorry and moved on. But then we actually don't know how the conversation really went. And watching that clip someone posted, it was clearly quite noisy and maybe Lady SH missed the undercurrent. Even if Fulani didn't want to confront or educate her, which is fair enough, she could have just ended the conversation and later informed someone at the palace and given Lady SH a chance to maybe apologise, instead of taking the matter to the internet, especially when she supposedly knows better than many how sensitive racial matters can be.

But of course she couldn't do that. Pretty sure Smegs set this up to kill two birds - racist BRF, and revenge on Lady SH for daring to try to teach her something/advising against doing something/just for being a woman in a helping role (she allegedly hated women staff).

I just finished watching the last few scenes of a movie about Kashmir, terrorism and the delicate Hindu-Muslim relations in India. Have seen the movie so many times (released when I was in school), but it still hits me pretty hard every time. There's so much strife in the world. Why do people like Smegs and this person keep adding to it? I know it's for money and power, but still, why?!

My migraine is worsening. Way to start my birthday month. Why, December?! 😭

Catherine is looking so smart and soft and warm and professional though - I feel like a kid wanting a cuddle! 🤭♥
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But you only have one person’s side of this conversation; a person who clearly had an agenda to cause a furore today of all days.
This was clearly a setup. She went to a reception at Buckingham Palace wearing a tooth necklace, her outfit was a grievance seeking missile We only have her side of the story, and other past statements are agenda driven. It's unfortunate that some snotty old lady fell into her trap. She will milk it for all she is worth; chances are we will see her at the reeks' award schtick or some other archewll bullshit in the near future.

Another view:

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Chatty Member
As a scot living in London I get asked A LOT where I am from and sometimes not even asked but assumed I am from Ireland, I don't care, but I won't sit here and say its the same as black people being asked on the assumption they aren't British, I get that must get tiresome. HOWEVER, in every walk of life, every ethnicity every religion there are people like this Ngozi who are out just literally looking for things to be offended by, they are professional victims who just seem to get off on the attention their "victimhood" gives them, I just don't get why she had to go about it the way she did, id understand it better if it had been a young royal like Kate, Beatrice, Eugenie etc, but the woman is in her 80s ffs.
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I’m so sick of these cunts and all the cuntery that surrounds them.

My work cunts took the cuntiness up several notches today and I need to get a new job.

Feel exhausted and defeated.

Fucking sick of cunts and cuntery.

mehh 😖 soz to be neg
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OMG is she actually doing a crying scene in that trailer? Give me a break FFS - and him on the guitar ?
Lidl and Farchie let’s all sing together whilst daddy plays three blind mice 🤣

I am off to the bookies to place money on Hazzno not being any threat to Eric Clapton, Ed Sheran or Johnny (fucking) Marr 🤣🤣
Just the one tear was it? ;)

I can't watch it. The trailer has already enraged me, the 'poor me' rhetoric pisses me off endlessly. He could do so much for other people if he would just stop navel gazing for one bloody second.
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I really feel for PW, just about to do his Earthshot, something he truly believes in and works hard for. I hope the event goes spectacularly and that him and Catherine get a very warm reception.
There are an awful lot of us Americans who are totally doofy when it comes to the RF - we love them, admire the work they do. I have no doubt they will get a very warm reception. They've already been on the morning news channels with the talking heads updating that W&K were arriving in Boston today and would spend the next three days, blah, blah, blah, so we're all looking forward to their visit.
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Chancey Belle

Well-known member
I am not a woman of the world. I'm not from the UK. I can't remember how I ended up on Tattlelife. It doesn't matter now anyway I'm here and I love reading everyone's posts, drawings, paintings and pets.

I just thought wouldn't it be good if a Cultural Court (I know I know I too thought I was writing in to the Viz pages for a second) presided over by a trio of Judges passed judgement over what is racist and what's not. I'm at a loss as to why the 'racism' raised in the OW interview was left just hanging there.

This latest alleged racism is off the scale bonkers. It's taken as gospel that this woman with 62 years unblemished service suddenly turned rogue and acted racist. I feel sad for the LiW. I believe it was a case of people getting their wires crossed, but now it's blown up outta all proportion.
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I think she really asked “have you come far”…which is standard opening chit chat

I get asked where I’m really from all the time, it’s polite conversation, shows an interest
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Chilli pepper 19

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Does anyone find it such a coincidence that the person recently reported as saying the marriage wouldn't last and end in tears is the lady saying the racist questions?
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