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Churchill's Ghost

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Diana was a child - just 19 years old - and a sheltered child at that when she was thrown into the royal family. She was the first woman to marry into the family since the Queen Mum (the press are much, much harder on the women who marry in - they barely acknowledge the men) Since she was part of the aristo set, I think the family thought that she would just be able to get on with it and did not do anything to ease her into the life. Charles also seemed to have that feeling. There were moments when you could see some genuine affection, but they were just fundamentally a mismatch personality-wise. Again - she was 19 - she didn't have the tools to deal with this life or to work on the marriage as she had never seen that modeled in her own family. Charles was brought up to just carry one and "never complain. never explain" so he would not have to tools to help her cope and it was easier to just shut down emotionally. I could also see the extended royal family being a bit brusque and brushing off her concerns, which fed into her mental issues. I don't think she was a bad person, she was just in a rough situation and utterly without any tools to cope with it. The family seems to have learned from this, and have all mellowed and allowed emotion to creep in in the 40 years since their marriage.

They also learned the value of easing someone into the life--it is a lifelong commitment, so a few quiet years of adjustment at the beginning is but a blip over a lifetime of service. Catherine and Sophie were also given the chance to date their husbands for a long time in order to ensure that they were compatible and able to deal with the pressures of royal life.

Diana also did not have Catherine and Sophie's advantage of a strong, close family to support her behind the scenes. Sarah did not have that either -her childhood was similarly chaotic- which is why I think she and Diana were so close.

Meghan was offered that easing in. No one would have questioned if she and Harry stated that they wanted to take a few years to establish their family before jumping in as full-time working royals. But no, she had to be the "best royal who ever royaled" and hit the ground running.

Everyone in the family also recommended that they date for more than a hot minute. Let's face it, their "dating" was nothing more than a series of hookups in exotic locales. They were still in the lust phase of their relationship with no experience of the day-to-day that a long-term relationship requires. A longer dating period would have been even more important given their cultural differences. However, Meg had to make sure that she got the ring and locked him down with a baby as soon as possible. Her clock was ticking - both biologically and in Hollywood.
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Wackie Jeaver

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I really dont believe that any other country in the world could have arranged such a beautifully choreographed traditional ceremony.

I reall
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I’m enjoying the way Kate and William were with Harry. They demonstrated extraordinary class and empathy, and as a result Meghan will be twisting in agony. What’s not to like?!
Thank you for the thread Ruby, and Mock Turtle for the very fitting title.
William as King and Catherine as his consort will have to shake hands and be polite to a lot of unpleasant characters. It's part of the job, and rising above H&M's bile and spite on such a solemn occasion supports The Queen and our Monarchy when the eyes of the world are watching. Pure class, and our grieving Queen will be content with their show of civility after the headllines about uniform tantrums and people walking apart at the funeral. I think that the Monarchy is possibly now stronger than it has been for a long time.
But I think William is steely, angry and not inclined to forgive, so what happens behind closed doors will be another matter. I doubt we'll get the news from BP, but emotionally incontinent Smeg's reaction will tell us what's happening quite soon I'd guess..
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Charles was the most visibly upset out of everyone, I thought. I felt so, so sorry for him. His eyes were filled with tears and he looked completely broken. His poor hands were all swollen and purple. He is a very emotional man and that endears him to me. I don’t know how they all held it together, I really don’t. I suppose the face masks helped to disguise a lot of emotion.

Did anyone see Camilla shuffle closer to Charles , it was a lovely little moment
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Chatty Member
Loved seeing Catherine and William chatting with Harry. They need to stand united for the Queen. It would do her heart good to see them talking today, like old times without Meghan's dark shadow looming over them. It will also drive Meghan mad! Catherine is class personified. I'm sure she is working hard there to engage with Harry and to have him and William talking. Funerals can be events of great healing. I hope this time has shown Harry that he misses his home and family and his friendship with his brother. Do you think he has it in him to feel any remorse when he looks at his grandmother in mourning? I would like to think he does.
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Welcome to the new thread!


Thank you for the title @Mock Turtle

If you are new, please read the pink wiki at the top of the page for Meghan's timeline.
Post thread suggestion around page 40 if possible, thank you.

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Sky News showed the coffin with a close up of the flowers from the Queen and “A private note from Her Majesty”. The lengths the sugars and Megain will go to, and today of all days, make me feel physically ill.

Oh Catherine. The epitome of class and such a beauty too. I adore her! 🥰
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Mock Turtle

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I honestly thought she'd had the sense to lay low. Well, proves how low her character is. Cannot resist the opportunity to get her fat actress mug on the telly.

Well, let her dig her grave. Vulgar, tacky, stupid famewhore of a woman. She thinks she was done before? She's twice as done now.
She truly is. She’s signing the death warrant of any hope of future success and the millions they hoped for.

The Queen just said goodbye to the man she fell in love with 82 years ago, the only love of her life, and this idiotic piece of trailer trash can’t shut her gob and leave her to mourn for even this one day.

Fuming! 😡
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HRH Philip was always for Britain & the Commonwealth , Britains industry, exports etc.
He was a Great Briton by Marriage , by Attitude , by Duty.
We have lost a Great Briton.
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This is what Scobie said:
'We know that she’s supporting Harry in this very difficult week for him, but she’ll also be sad because this is also the loss of a family member for her.

'She grew very close to the queen and Prince Philip over the recent years. It was probably her strongest relationship within the family and those relations then get smaller this week.

'It’ll be a sad day for her.
Right, they were such close relatives who got on so great, despite her hating anyone who wasn't 100% "supportive" and him apparently telling Harry to just "step out" with the actress.

That's why they trashed his family whilst they knew he was on his death bed, because they knew he would want to hear "their truth" right before he died. I truly don't believe they were close, she was only in the family for about a year and they refused to go up to Balmoral to spend time with him and he lived in Norfolk most of the time, not Windsor.

It's just vulgar attention whoring.

Can't Scooby Doo just leave it as "she's sad because her husband's beloved Grandfather died"? People might actually believe that.
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Despite everything that is going on no one else does pomp and ceramony like we do as a country.

Feel heartbroken for The Queen, wish she was able to have someone sat with her, hope she has loved ones around afterwards who can hug her.

How hard it must be for the whole family to have to do this so publicly I'm sure it's the last thing they want to do but know it is their duty to do so
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I didn't watch the funeral... My dad died last July and to be honest this has all brought it all back and it's back to being quite raw. I love the Royals anyways, but the photos of Philip leaving hospital, he looked so ill and frail and it all just echoed my Dad's last few weeks (albeit the HRH had a good 20yrs on my dad!).

In a way I'm glad I didn't - the photos of the Queen, sat by herself, shedding a tear, have literally had me in bits. I don't think I could have coped, so we went and looked around garden centres instead.

It's daft in a way. This is a family I have no association with, yet I've known them all my life. I feel for the Queen... I've only been married 14yrs and I don't know what I'd do, I can't imagine her situation after 73 years, and having to cope with the media spotlight/being head of state.
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What I don’t understand is what does she have to offer them? Her claim to anything is due to her marriage to Harry. Would they have even known who she was if she hadn’t married him? They’re so strange.
She struck gold. Nobody knew who she was but now that she’s in- she can sell all the dirty secrets. I mean so far, whether any of what she says is true or not, we’ve gotten more “insight” into the family than from any other person. Even Beatrice’s ex didn’t talk to the press- none of William or Harry’s friends or ex’s have ever spilled. This pair do have a unique selling factor because people always want to know what goes on behind the palace walls- especially if it contradicts the fairytale narrative. But the way she does her press releases etc screams c list celebrity. She wasn’t even famous enough before to know how to play the game properly- she cashed in too quickly because she didn’t even have the foresight to hang on for at least five years.

The only saving grace is that most people recognise that she doesn’t really know the family. They fled after less than two years. Controversial opinion- but I don’t think she would have gotten nearly as much traction if she didn’t have certain “cards” to play- she went for the jugular, mental health and race.I do not say that lightly- her lies in that interview showed me that she has one agenda- playing the victim for financial game. I feel like an awful person saying this but women like that are the reason we are not believed. She is playing a game but fortunately she’s gotten caught lying. If she’d been more careful, she could have got a lot more from this union.

Harry is a spoiled little rich boy, with no direction. He’s put all of his eggs in one basket but if this goes tits up- he’s fucked. She will take the kids- if he tries to get custody, she will accuse the palace of trying to steal her kids.
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It looks even better that they are talking without her there... as if she could be a big part of the problem. What a shocking concept 😂
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I thought that was a beautiful service and the music was wonderful. I don't think I've ever seen the Queen look so frail yet so strong at the same time. Does that make sense?
Could have done with the Ministers using a bit more 'oomph' in their delivery. They made it sound a bit too boring, especially considering the words they were speaking. But the choir more than made up for it, superb. And the military bands before hand were fantastic. The lone piper, turning his back to the camera and walking away...sob,sob,sob.
Sending the Queen so much love today.
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They make you want to vomit 🤮
I'm sure the other 8 wreaths were from family too.
At least they have clarified in tiny print that the one on the coffin was from TQ
All members of the family put one there. They just haven't issued a press release about it because they know it's not about them. Even Fergie isn't making today about her.

The Duchess of Gloucester wasn't there but she isn't making sure how much we know she wanted to be. Because she's classy.
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It was the sugar lumps in his racing carriage with his hat and gloves that got me choked up.
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