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Edward and Sophie have shone during the pandemic and during this difficult time, not attention seeking just getting on with the job.

Let’s get this snivelling , bitter little man packed off back to California without any promises of money or titles.

He wanted this new life and he’s now got it .
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I loved the part where Huw said "And there is the Duke of Sussex, his wife can't attend for (slight pause) medical reasons :)
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Chilli pepper 19

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I still can't believe how W can speak to him. Maybe he's a better person than me. I will never ever forgive H and M for saying such awful things about his family, at a time when the man whom he is now paying his respects to, lay dying.
It's because he's going to be king. He has to be seen to be above what we'd actually do and even though I doubt he's forgiven or forgotten he knows what needs to look good.

Today and this week has been so much more emotional than unwashed expectin. But for both of them and especially MeGain it's a disaster. A racist family who abandoned JCMC showing how they're the bigger people and have allegedly forgiven him. And today has probably made the RF more popular than ever. And to top it all, Kate wearing a really noticeable piece of Diana's jewellery. She'll be furious to not have been there now. No one cares about her or the new baby. Their only route now is to try and get back into the family but I suspect after this week She'll never be allowed back into the country let alone family. I do wonder what JCMC will be thinking on the plane back? I reckon how quickly he goes back will say everything.
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Surely now Harry must see his wife for the publicity whore that she is?
There were many wreaths in the chapel but only one person had to disclose “see that one? That’s the one I sent. I hand wrote a note and chose appropriate flowers all by my incredible self. I’m soooo thoughtful arent I?! Look at me everyone, look at how nice I am!” 🤮
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I'm on the fence how I feel about Henry. I feel sorry for him in some ways, he's unkempt and at the funeral he looked lost but then I remember his interview with Orca. I'm torn.
I feel your pain on the fence and sometimes have wavered myself. But "Steady The Buffs!" as my mum used to say.
Hazzno did look unkempt and lost as you say because that's what he is. He also looked hunched and kept staring at the ground and the sky. William's clenched jaw and faffing with mask and papers were very revealing.
Press articles say that before coming over Hazzno "reached out to his relatives", the same relatives that he told Porker that he "needed to educate".
Hazzno says that Prince Philip was cheeky right to the end, but he'd not seen him since 2019 and made sure he didn't come to the UK until Philip had died so he escaped a verbal bashing from his grandfather.
Scrotie scrabbling for relevancy says what a sad day for Smegness as she was close to Prince Philip. Unfortunately for Smeg all she's got to promote on this occasion is her wreath so she's flogging it for all it's worth. They're running old photos of her at the Cenotaph looking smug and sluttish with a Poppy.
She will be incandescent that she missed this stunning occasion, again having miscalculated as she likely thought it would be a fusty private ceremony for an old man who wasn't terribly important. Instead she's been confronted by the staggering display of ceremony and majesty of an ancient institution, and an outpouring of love for a man during whose final weeks she and his grandson aired a revolting interview trashing him and his Queen.
One photo that will cause Smeg rage beyond rage is I think the one of Catherine in the car. This is an iconic picture (few are) of serenity beauty and class, royalty itself. I was very proud of England yesterday and touched by how so many on Tattle were affected too.
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Churchill's Ghost

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Royal photographer Chris Jackson just confirmed that the last official image of the Queen and Philip is the photo of them on the couch, reading anniversary cards from William’s children. So fitting and so meaningful on several levels. The Old Guard and the new intertwined in a now-iconic photo.

There is one posed photo of Archie and that is it. She and Haz are such short-sighted idiots. I hope his conscious gnaws at him forever.

The entire ceremony was gorgeous and so dignified without Meghan there sucking the oxygen out of the room.

As for her laughable claim that she and Philip were so tight - he literally left Sandringham rather than talk to Harry last year. There is absolutely no way that he thought her anything than the trash she is and I doubt they ever exchanged more than a few dozen words. I guess in Hollywood and Meghan’s delusional mind, that is considered a tight bond.

Jack and Mike have been a part of the family for 10 years....Edo’s family are longtime family friends...Catherine has been a part of it for almost 20 years.Countless holidays and dinners and events and just time together. Actions make a relationship, not hollow words in a press release.
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I’m glad they are talking. I’m also glad Meghan isn’t there. They are Harry’s family- while he is undoubtedly a moron at times- funerals are a sad and lonely time. Meghan doesn’t know any of them- so her missing is fine by me.
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the musician

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I think Charles is very sweet, tender and caring. He’s a truly good man but ever since he had the misfortune to marry the wrong woman, he’s been cast as the evil villain by half the world. Even after the Harkles’ interview, his popularity plummeted for no particular reason unlike everyone else’s. Diana, with forethought and frankly malice, relentlessly torpedoed his character in the public eye because she didn’t want him to be king. She got so many people to believe her that his public image has never recovered from it. I think he’ll make a great king though he’ll have a short reign. I only hope he is firm enough with H and H’s wife!
I like Charles too and I think he gets too much blame unnecessarily. Diana was no angel and even she had affairs with married men during the marriage (including Will Carling and Oliver Hoare) but its seems people can't remember that. So even though there were 3 of them in that marriage supposedly, she sure didn't mind being the third person in other people's marriages. I think Charles actually forbid his friends from giving interviews and defending him after Diana's interview.
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I didn’t used to think Charles would be a good King. A bit too sensitive. But he’s sort of grown into it, especially as the world has realised his environmentalism is not gobbledegook.
I think Camilla will be a much better consort/Queen than Diana would ever have been.
William too has a strong future Queen to take the RF forward.
I've always thought it really weird that Charles was deep into conservation and the environment and peace and love long before it was fashionable and he got one hell of a lot of stick for it back then. Now he just moseys along while others scramble over each other to catch up and to come up with new ideas.
It's kind of like when Anne said in a recent interview regarding her charity work and royal duties "Young people think they invented the wheel ... "
Yah, the royals have been there, done it and taken the flak for it for years.
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Blue Rose

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Can I just say thank goodness tattle. I’m not the biggest fan of the royal family but did watch the funeral to pay my respect to Prince Phillip. However, the only social media I really use is TikTok and the amount of disrespect I’ve seen for PP’s passing on there has disgusted. Prior to his passing there were people making videos about what they thought would kill him and how they thought he was too old to be alive. He’s not the first person to live to 99 ffs! Since he passed every video I’ve seen has been people saying it isn’t sad because he was old. I’m sure most people are sad when someone they know dies. It doesn’t matter if they were 0 or 100 either way someone who was loved and loved others is gone. Every time someone tries to call out those disrespecting Philip they get shut down will a load more disrespectful pricks. I’m honestly so disappointed in my generation. Gen Z are supposed to be the generation who accept anyone and anything and are always preaching about respecting everyone. Yet cannot find an ounce of respect for a man who leaves behind his wife of 73 yrs.
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Watching the funeral again on Sky News and this time around I’ve realised how intimate it actually was, i just can’t get my head around it being that small and intimate for a man of such position and stature! It almost feels like we are intruding on them in the chapel by watching them doesn’t it. Still fuming Her Majesty has to sit on her own though, especially when I’ve just walked past my local and it’s full of people sat shoulder to shoulder. I also want to mention Lady Louise, as the press always want to focus on the usual suspects, but how composed she is, when she probably seen the carriage and it broke her heart, but still so dignified. Harry should take some inspiration from his younger cousin and start actually acting his age.
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The best thing that they can do, is get rid of drama. That’s what the Queen would want. By showing the world that maybe the media has it wrong- it makes the likes of Gayle and that other sound piece guy (I refuse to learn his name) look completely out of the loop. Today stayed about Prince Philip and that’s the most important thing. The only drama that can possibly emerge is from California.
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I was thinking the same thing. Seeing the queen today sitting alone, which obviously I know is due to Covid but it just made my eyes fill up she looked just so small too 😢. If anything makes you realise ‘oh shit I’ve done wrong’ it’s when a much loved family member dies and you didn’t get to say your goodbyes properly. I hope Harry does feel shitty about what’s he and his wife have done when he obviously knew his grandfather was a very ill man. Who does that??!!!!!
Harry feels nothing unless it affects his comfort or wealth. Bear in mind that he knew that his grandfather was going home to die and yet he never bothered to visit him.
He will feel shitty that he didn't get to wear full dress uniform and gold braid on camera, but that's about as much regret as he willl have abouut today. He could have borrowed uncle Elton's jet stream, or George Clooney's, or Orca the porker's and been here on the quiet, sneak in do the 5 days quarantine etc and spend time with his grandpa. Nope. He's like his missus, a coward, he knew phil would bring up the subject he wanted to avoid and he stayed away from the living phil to avoid The Truth. He'd rather live with his wife's version of truth, a life of lies.
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