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If it’s true that Peter Philips is to walk between Harry and William I think that is sending out a very clear message that the rift is far from being healed.
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I hope that in the afternoon after Prince Harry fucks off back to the US, they have another ceremony and they’re all in their uniforms and they have celebrate PP’s life and get uproariously drunk and shout obscenities and photos of JCMH and MM and pull the complete piss out of them
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I truly think Megan's modus operandi is emblematic of every American invasion the world has seen, i.e. storm in without a plan but with grand sentiments of "creating change for the good", which totally flops and doesn't work as imagined, so hurriedly retreat back to America and leave a great big mess behind. It's extremely short-sighted and M&H have shot themselves in their foot. They've tried to desperately create a clamour of sympathy but it completely backfired because the RF operates with method, they are very conservative and have put plans in the works for at least decade. Megan never had a chance to dent these. In my opinion Philip was instrumental in preparing William for the throne probably more vocally from around the time he decided to marry Catherine. They relegated Charles to farming and offered William publicity and platform, with him and Kate slowly but surely building a very solid brand and trustworthy public image.

It's interesting to see a new era blossom for the RF with Brexit and Covid and corruption-riddled political landscape offering some fertile ground for a little shift in power balance. The UK does not have a written constitution and the Queen has left some reservoirs of power untapped. William has been making political comments, which other royals have not. Both he and Kate dress like a political power couple - Kate never wears anything open or flashy. Some helpful tips Meghan could have considered as she was curating her image. She's not gonna be remembered for anything except for taking Harry to Hollywood.
I also think PP was preparing William and Catherine as he recognised they are a strong team . Charles and Camilla are strong too but Philip probably saw a lot of himself and TQ in W & K and saw them as the future. They have the lustre and commitment.

I was pleased to see PP's close friend Penny is invited and the members of his family. I think these people would be more important than uniforms. He trusted TQ to do what was needed for harmony.
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If anyone was in any lingering doubt over the pure petulance of limpet Harry then the uniform seals the deal.
No respect for his dying grandfather in life and none on death either.
Andrew was rightly forced to walk away, Harry did so of his own volition. What did he think he’d be wearing to events?
Absolute arsehole.
The only clothing JCMH should be wearing is sackcloth and ashes.
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I don’t see how they can be back in if they live in America. The half in half out was rejected so they went all out. If they don’t like that and want back in they have to move back to Frogmore, get back in line and do as they are told. Which they don’t want to do. So it’s a bit of a pickle.
Don't think the British Public will stand for them being allowed back in to be honest.

They can both stay in their beloved US with their crowd of adoring sugar twitter friends, and build a cult-like private community in the Californian desert (or at the bottom of one of Orca's gardens) with thrice daily prayers led by Gayle King decrying how mean and racist the UK apparently is, and featuring recitals and chanted passages from their Holy Book of Funding Freedom with Scooby himself at the microphone. Just hope poor Archiedoll can escape the cult before it's too late.
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Oprah and Gayle have been extremely quiet, whats the bet the Harkles start saying the interview was edited in a way that put them in a bad light, despite saying they were happy with it!
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The Royal Family did know all about second son syndrome. It’s well known for obvious reasons in aristocracy circles. It was Diana who adamantly refused to bring them up any differently and according to many, actually indulged Harry far more than William because he would never be king. She let them both run wild and Charles did not have it in him to fight her anymore. She was a truly overpowering character who dominated all family decisions. Harry was never punished, never really even scolded, certainly never faced with the consequences of his actions. He was told by her constantly that he could have whatever he wanted in life. While I understand Diana’s sympathy for him as the spare, she actively made it far far harder for him to deal with. We’re dealing with the results of her poor parenting today. Kids need rules and boundaries to feel safe and secure. They want to know someone else is in control. Diana mollycoddled him to such an extent that she ruined him.
MM wasn't given boundaries by her parents either. She was indulged from a baby, treated as a princess and allowed to do anything without reprimand (acc to Sam's book). The two of them do not seem to have progressed furter than tantrum children with no awareness of self or others.
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I wonder if the palace aides are tearing their hair out at the capitulation to the stroppy boys and their fancy uniforms. I think it’s a mistake but she is the head of the family and it’s hers to make. It pushes the problem down the road from the funeral but they have to face it somehow. HM is very reactive, never proactive but this does chip away the the authority of the sovereign.

Charles better firm up those plans for a slimmed down monarchy or we might just get rid of the whole thing. Feeling a bit French again - those grown men acting like idiots because of being pampered thier whole lives.
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I don’t think the Queen will reverse any decision regarding those two and their place within the royal business, otherwise what happens if they decided to upsticks again.

Meghan hates England, the fact she’s not top of the pecking order and that Katherine will be the next Princess of Wales.

They’ll never be back.
Their only regret is that it backfired so spectacularly.
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Has anyone noticed that the press are referring to her only as Meghan Markle , not Meghan The Duchess of Sussex? The titles are not being used by UK press at least. Also, all the PR going out about suits and uniforms, Meghan is desperate that H doesn't look like he's "out" of RF by not having a colourful uniform as this could affect his selling his status to the silicon start ups and other woke companions mad enough to employ him. All in all, I think things have gone down the pan for them really fast what with the back peddling of the Orca carnage.

I also think that once the "stork" has delivered the baby, give it a few weeks and the press will have a field day with all the stuff being help back in respect for PP and HMTQ during this time, AND we have the ANL appeal coming down the line, also on hold I presume. AND the palace staff bullying saga which hasn't even got started yet! I think with all this to come, MM thinks its better to be in the RF, OH MY bucks up folks , it just keeps on giving doesn't it?

ETA The Piers legal battle that she's rumbling about. Oh! how busy she is.
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I think the Queen played a blinder with the uniform stuff. She left enough time to make Andrew and Harry sweat like they were in a sauna and all the papers to report that they would be united in civvy wear, before stepping in and retaining the moral high ground by appearing to spare Andrew and Harry's blushes by making everyone wear civvies. She could have said this from the start, but didn't. She's a bloody star with her timing. No-one can play this game better.
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Catherine and Harry clearly got on before Smegma arrived, Harry probably fancied her (who wouldn't) and she saw him as some light relief. IMO Catherine should totally blank him, or just be perfunctory during any interaction. A simple: "F*ck off c*nt" would be good, but she's too classy for that.
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The deluge of leaks (especially in the context of her PR woman’s recent departure) smacks of desperation. No doubt it’s MeAgain herself dispatching the flying monkeys. She’s seen the warm tributes from people like the Obamas and wants in. In the background, she’ll no doubt be sending Haz a barrage of instructions “What does the Queen say about us? Have you spoken to Charles about all the security breaches here? Have you found out what those horrible Cambridge’s are planning to wear on Saturday?” and incandescent with rage that Haz has nothing to report back because he is being met with grey rock 🤣
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I think the rumour about Orca not taking MM's calls anymore are true. She may have been told about about M and the moon bump, and feels like an absolute chump and knows when this comes out she could look really stupid. I bet she's re watched the debacle and thinks, it was an actual shit show and how "un authentic" and insincere M is especially in the coop. And as for H well quite honestly he is a premier cru tosspot and showed himself up as such.

Also, Gayle making that sickening query with her side kick on her news show, about whether or not PP died of natural causes i.e. not as a result of the shock of the devastating attack on the RF and HMTQ i. She was trying to underscore the point to help her pal Porka that PP didn't die as a result of the interview. Honestly, can you really stoop that low? Well yes, it seems you can :sick:
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Familial forgiveness is a strange thing. Terrible family rifts can perhaps be plastered over, but never actually healed in my personal experience. Once people say/do something unforgiveable (which I suggest is what Hazzno and the Ho have done) if it is in the interest of other family members to smooth over the cracks then perhaps they'll do that. But it's never the same.

There is a Japanese tradition of restoring broken porcelain with gold, which I think is a beautiful concept. But I'm not sure if it works with people. If I were Catherine or Wills or Camilla I'd never trust either of the fuckers again. It would probably he harder for Charles to reach that stage.
I too have lived through unforgivable hurts. I think your Japanese mending with gold is what we do for ourselves when picking up the pieces the person or people have left us in and putting ourselves back together.
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Just watching a documentary on Prince Philip's life. He truly was a great man. Thinking how petty and shallow a documentary about Meghan would look.
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