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The Andrew story sounds incredibly unlikely to me, probably more media baiting. I don't like Andrew at all but its hard to believe that he would upset his mum over which pretty uniform he should wear to his dad's funeral or insist on wearing something he's not entitled to.🙄

This is most likely pot stirring coming from the Harkles camp. Perhaps they should all just attend dressed in suits? Its not a state funeral so the uniforms are unnecessary.
I don't believe it either. I think it's more pr bluster to try to illustrate that poor ickle hazza is not nearly as awful as that terrible man who skinned kittens and kicked puppy dogs to death for shits n giggles, so Brenda should let hazza have his dress-up box and his shiny medals back. After all he only accused his family and the whole UK of being racist dot dot dot no big deal really.
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Scotch Mist

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What do people know about that Shola woman who used to scream at Piers Morgan on GMB? Is she being paid by Meg too? Scobie featured in her "magazine" so I was just wondering.

He goes on about "tabloids being critical" of him but does he realise it's because he's not a proper journalist and he actually knows nothing about how the royal family works. He's just M's mouthpiece.
Scobie is desperate to be seen as 'black' because it gives him fashionable victimhood status.
He says he's mixed race (although he's as white as can be). I find it quite repugnant actually.

He's just like his mistress Meghan - using race to score points over others because the worst possible thing you can be in his world is 'white'.
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I honestly think after the funeral Anne will knock Harry out, she wanted to really wear her military outfit.

I’d actually love someone to trip Harry up at the funeral and he falls flat on his face on national tv.

I hope Anne does it.

If none of them are in uniform we’ll know why and the loathing of Harry ( and Andrew) will become more hard set.

It will also show how neither of them have taken on board how despised they both are.
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Chatty Member
I am catching up - dared to go to sleep and then have a quiet day catching up on family calls and you lot have been very busy - so apologies if my musings have already been posted by others.

I don't think the gruesome twosome do want to come back. I think that they are spoilt brats, who left with a plan that has been thwarted at every turn by HMTQ and the pandemic hence their bitter and twisted "biography" by the plastic faced runt Omid and the "interview" with Oprah.

Now that Prince Philip has shuffled off this mortal coil so soon after the interview, in conjunction with the exposure of their 17+ lies stated within this debacle to emphasise their victimhood, I think that they are desperately trying to cash in on the emotional vulnerabilities of their family members at this time.

LIke the sleazy Prince Andrew, they are trying to use this time to guilt and badger more emotionally fragile members of their own family into giving them what they really want. PA wants his way back into active senior royal life and all the perks that come with it, after all he's mummy's little favourite, spoiled and indulged all his life until eventually his own hubris brought him down. And I, for one, hope that he stays down. Yes, as a grieving son he has a right to attend his father's funeral but if these reports of his demands and expectations are accurate then snub out that little fire of hope right now!

Harry and his wife wanted the perks and the finances without the grotty duties. Half in half out. That was, as we know, denied them. Now they see an opportunity to strike and grab back what they think they are owed and deserve. After all, as he reminded us in Oprah's "interview", Harry was born into this. He was spoiled and indulged by his mother. Then his father and grandparents, uncles and aunts, brother, cousins and in-laws. They created a greater spoilt little minion than PA!

I just hope that the desire to protect the Monarchy and the family is strong enough for them to resist the demands of the two spoilt brats of their particular generations.
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If I were in the RF I’d be keeping interaction with Harry the Traitor minimal and formal, and making sure that every bit of conversation was filmed, either by inviting a friendly Royal reporter to all meetings or by one of the younger royals documenting it ‘for a project’. That way any accusations that come out of Montecito can be immediately refuted and proved a lie.

Or I’d insist on him being swept for recording devices. He can’t be trusted at all.
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Mock Turtle

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You know, I’m not actually mean enough to wish Covid or missing their grandfather’s funeral on anyone, even Hazbeen. But if he only gets the test results on Saturday morning, wouldn’t it chap MeAgain’s tits if he tests positive and can’t go?
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MM always reminds me so much of my sister, unfortunately for me they are incredibly similar. When I saw the photos of the Cambridge children with the duke and the queen it reminded me of when my father passed away. I made a similar post of photos of my son with my dad, I kid you not my sister called me to say that the photos upset her because she didn’t have anything of her children with dad. She also moved across the earth and even when she came back barely visited him. So of course she wouldn’t have pics. But I bet that’s exactly what MM is doing right now! Same whinging how she’s upset at the photos.
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Princess Diana knew how to use her vulnerability to draw people in. Don't get me wrong, beautiful woman, and she created a lot of good for the world, but by god, she knew how to use that look. It was like a gravitational force, like mermaids pulling ships onto the rocks...
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Mock Turtle

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Also didn't someone suggest (perhaps in gest) that we should have a nominated Archewell website spy so we don't all drive their site traffic numbers up. This is no different imo.
That was me and it wasn’t in jest to be honest. Their whole public merching profile rests on those numbers so I object to us all helping them scrabble around for more filthy lucre!

I also haven’t been watched the interview for the same reason. Smegma was clearly obsessive about their wedding viewing numbers so watching her spout out off a load of drivelly lies and adding to her ego over viewing totals didn’t appeal. I didn’t need to anyway! The next few weeks every remotely interesting moment was picked apart in the press!
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In fairness looking at that persons twitter account, they spew bile constantly at anything and anyone with virtually every tweet having the c word thrown in extra effect. Oh and apparently everyone is a racist too.
I quite like the c word🤭 Not that anyone would notice. Sometimes no other word will do.
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I truly think Megan's modus operandi is emblematic of every American invasion the world has seen, i.e. storm in without a plan but with grand sentiments of "creating change for the good", which totally flops and doesn't work as imagined, so hurriedly retreat back to America and leave a great big mess behind. It's extremely short-sighted and M&H have shot themselves in their foot. They've tried to desperately create a clamour of sympathy but it completely backfired because the RF operates with method, they are very conservative and have put plans in the works for at least decade. Megan never had a chance to dent these. In my opinion Philip was instrumental in preparing William for the throne probably more vocally from around the time he decided to marry Catherine. They relegated Charles to farming and offered William publicity and platform, with him and Kate slowly but surely building a very solid brand and trustworthy public image.

It's interesting to see a new era blossom for the RF with Brexit and Covid and corruption-riddled political landscape offering some fertile ground for a little shift in power balance. The UK does not have a written constitution and the Queen has left some reservoirs of power untapped. William has been making political comments, which other royals have not. Both he and Kate dress like a political power couple - Kate never wears anything open or flashy. Some helpful tips Meghan could have considered as she was curating her image. She's not gonna be remembered for anything except for taking Harry to Hollywood.
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Chilli pepper 19

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I reckon he'd been told by Netflix to get a good shot in his uniform next to the coffin. Personally I think disrespecting a dying person's last wishes and causing drama and upset the grieving widow is about as low as you get. I imagine it's hardening Chaz and Will's position on them ever getting anything.
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Chatty Member
I love that HMTQ's horse Tactical won nicely, what an appropriate name. To all those on here saying that the Monarchy has to do this that and the other. Don't forget that HMTQ has been the Monarch for almost 70 years. She's probably learned a thing or two about negotiation tactics.
I remember the days of Diana and the immediate reaction to her death, plenty of people were calling for an end to the Monarchy then, HMTQ has weathered far worse storms than this, I'm sure that the Palace will be keeping a close eye on public opinion.
Also the Queen watched her parents deal with the fallout of the Abdication, she will have learned from that shitshow.
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