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So reading on Twitter it seems people think that it was William that said the comment about the skin colour of Archie. (Also that the Cambridge's have slightly over done the PR since the interview.)
I dont believe for one second that W said it. He's too educated to utter that. I also dont believe it's true, they just wanted to cause huge speculation as to who it was thereby throwing whole,RF under the bus.
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Chiswick Flo

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Finally got round to watching the end of the interview.
Intrigued by the part where H is talking about being cut off financially and having to rely on what his mother left him. He says... it’s as though she saw it coming or wtte
Which would mean that he thinks Diana orchestrated her own demise so that she could bequeath him millions so that 20 odd years down the line he could survive/thrive/whatever it is they do without the bank of dad. His head is all over the place.
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Remember the rumour about MM going through people's car boots, was that at the polo? Hopefully this will be talked about to the investigators 😅
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Going back to that clip of Will and Meghan, when he was avoiding her gaze and messing with his scarf.
I found that so strange, it was the way she was trying to catch his eye, quite flirty and he was so obviously ignoring her. But she was doing it in a confident way. Not sure if I'm explaining myself properly but I wonder if anything went on between them?
Literally nothing went on between them, Will had her measure from the start.
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I think as humans we all need to keep in mind that each and every one of us has a unique perspective. We are all quite ignorant to that!

Breaking things down by race and gender doesn't always (sometimes does though, quite a paradox) bring us closer, it causes divide. And the best way forward is to find a compromise, and teach people to just show some love....
Well, @beastofburden , this is the woke crap in a nutshell. It’s all based on an awful discipline known as ‘intersectionality’.

Had to sit through a load of crap lectures about it at uni, I graduated in 2020 so it had become more than prevalent by then. My definition of it is ‘break people down to their immutable characteristics and define them based on this regardless of their beliefs, character or behaviour’

Intersectional feminists and by extension, the entirety of social media because these people dominate these platforms, believe that Meghan is an oppressed class. A woman, check. Black, check. American, check, i.e. xenophobia because she’s not British and married into the RF. Therefore, we cannot criticise her, we cannot deny her lived experience and if we do, we are bigoted racists.

Intersectionality is an evil discipline that dehumanises people, removes them from their own personalities and qualities and merely resigns them to being part of different oppressed groups.

Those of us with a brain can see it doesn’t matter that M is ‘black’ (I’d argue she isn’t, she is as much black as she is white, and she looks white, she’s mixed), or that she’s a woman. She’s a lying, manipulative bitch, end of story. And we should be allowed to say that.

As a woman, I don’t claim her! She’s a whiny, self centred old bint. I value intelligence, critical thought and free speech so I don’t ascribe to the whole woke agenda.
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View attachment 481730
Going back to the theory (from the last thread) that she probably pregnancy trapped him that day (she showed up unannounced to the Inskip wedding) and now has a "legitimate" reason to show up to the wedding unannounced. I think there's a good chance this photo was taken right when she came in. Then told him "guess what, you're going to be a father" then kissed him on the lips. I mean I guess that the only "excuse" she as an ex has for pulling this move without him pushing her away. But the fact that he seemed limp, motionless and confused (as well as dunk) suggests that this was definitely not a romantic kiss.
View attachment 481736
It's not like he was having a bad day because he did hug the female friend as soon as he saw her, he just didn't wanna do the same to MM.
The one of her kissing him hahahaha he looks like a mannequin. She is tragic, like a 14 year old and her first crush :sick: Grabbing his face like that ugh. Fair enough if it’s clearly reciprocal but have some dignity woman!
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Welcome! and when she barged ahead in Morocco, she din't curtsey to the King of Morocco. Harry bowed. OMG.
She also introduced herself to the King of Morocco before H did, and tried to strike up a conversation before H had even greeted him! She’s such an arrogant little cow. Imagine having the gall, I’d be shitting a brick in these situations trying really hard not to put a foot wrong.

Not Meghan, she thinks she’s a trailblazer and oh so special. She doesn’t only feel that she belongs, but that she should dominate the situation and hold court. The delusions of grandeur are absolutely staggering. I think the medical profession would do well to conduct a study on her as one of the most extreme cases of NPD going.
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Ok I might be being a bit crazy so call me out if so! Haha
But all the posts about Meghan copying Diana made me think of Meghan’s earlier engagements where she often does weird things with her mouth.... did some Googling and to me it looks like she was mimicking Diana’s expressions?! Jutting her jaw out and baring her lower teeth compared to her natural ‘Hollywood’ smile where you can normally only see her top teeth.
obviously there are hundreds of photos snapped at these engagements so could just be by chance but it’s creepy if she had studied Diana’s mannerisms!

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Either then or 23rd April when it’s Louis birthday or the 21st April HMTQ 95th bday.

Anyone else expecting Meghan to be “admitted to hospital” around the 29th April which is Will and Kate’s 10th wedding anniversary
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I remember some report about her holding an actual party for getting rid of her high street clothes. ie, now I’m a royal I will be having an extortionately expensive wardrobe bought for me, how amazing am I? Gross woman.
Yet she promoted Marks & Spencers in that self-serving Smart Works charity, she wouldn't even wear that stuff herself. Kate wears highstreet often.
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Either then or 23rd April when it’s Louis birthday or the 21st April HMTQ 95th bday.
It’s Kate she has the issue with and the Cambridge’s will get a lot of attention around the anniversary so I think she will save anything “big” for their anniversary
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Furthermore, this is what it looks like to make something about the cause, not you. She isn't out there running her mouth about women and their rights and their empowerment, in designer dresses, into a microphone, headlong as Duchess of Cambridge. She slips in, pays her respects, and leaves. I adored the children's cards, do I think Will is trying to claim back a bit of public ownership of his Mum, yes I do. Why shouldn't he! It's Mother's Day and he is going to pay tribute to her. In his circumstances who wouldn't, I think they are doing a good job of being more open but still dignified. Not everyone is screechy ranty and litigations. There is a power in acting and not just narrating your principles.

do I think MM would have been slaughtered for attending the thing? Yes I do, because now she is just so disliked and lets Face it she would have turned up kitted out with some kind of impromptu speech. But before marriage, think people would have liked to see her doing it. Surprised she hasn't commented tbh. Wont earn her money though!
The Royal Family, especially William and Catherine, are not going to hide under a rock because of Motormouth Markle!
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New thread title suggestion:

Harry and Meghan still spinning their lies. Buckingham Palace should call MI5
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The Oprah interview was a straightforward money grab. They have said they didn't take a fee 'for the interview' but there are many ways that they could have had a contract giving them millions in 'expenses' for the use of their highly trained chickens, Montecito as a filming location, use of the 'Archie' clips and so on. It seems inevitable that they (or she) will do it again. And again. And again.

It needs repeating that Harry didn't say anything specific in the interview about this alleged 'racist remark', just that he was asked something like 'what will the kids look like', which is a commonplace, everyday remark. Everything else is based on leading questions from Oprah and Meghan apparently making things up and drawing false conclusions based on a vague comment from Harry. It's really a disgrace, shocking that ITV screened this without any balancing statements, and an absolute insult to everyone who has experienced genuine discrimination and abuse.
I emailed offcom to complain that they'd aired a programme that was unbalanced and incredibly bias. Also I reminded them they'd given no warning to viewers that some parts could be distressing, ie mental health issues, and at no point during the advert or even at the end of the whole shit show did they do the "if you are affected by the subjects discussed in this programme" and then list contact details of relevant organisations. Which I think is pretty irresponsible for a large corporation.

They could also have added don't bother to disagree with anything said in this "interview " you will be called a racist and cancelled.

I have rage again now.
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There will be no end of things happening behind the scenes now.

The the idea that their Sussex titles (plus more) are being pulled is plausible. To be honest, the Sussexes and the creatures around them belong on a watch-list IMHO. HMTQ is our Head of State, and without going all tin-hat, the Harkles have fairly obviously tried to destablise the Crown not only with the Oprah interview, but the interventions with ITV, and the swarms of organised social media attacks. No-one on here seriously believes that there were one million 'spontaneous' death threats against the popular, likeable Duchess of Cambridge, do they? But the death threats and threats of violence happened and came from somewhere.
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