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So reading on Twitter it seems people think that it was William that said the comment about the skin colour of Archie. (Also that the Cambridge's have slightly over done the PR since the interview.)
My take on it is that no one said it at all. Look at the facts, M is mixed but very light skinned and Harry is white with red hair, ie pretty much the lightest colouring you can have besides having albinism. That baby was never going to be dark, let’s credit the RF with some intelligence here, they would have been able to see that. There’s speculation because M deliberately left it open to it, by not naming anyone. They may have made an innocent comment such as I wonder who he’ll look like, but I guarantee it wasn’t some racist hateful comment.

Also, M said it in the context of it being the reason Archie didn’t get a title, i.e. there were concerns over his skin colour which is why he wasn’t given the Prince title or security. This is all total bollocks.

M is a liar, and I don’t think anyone made the fabled comment.

Edit- how have the Cambridges overdone the PR!? One pre planned engagement where William said the family aren’t racist, Kate very low key at Sarah Everard’s memorial and a Mother’s Day post... ffs.
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My main takeaway from this article is that a mere 4 weeks after her near-suicide where she couldn't possibly seek help because she has no passport or keys or licence....she somehow flies to NYC for her private baby shower?? Give. Me. A. F*cking. Break

ETA why is she always wearing black during the summer, its bizarre
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Has anyone pointed out to Scobie that in his masterpiece Finding Freedom he states that NO tears were shed by either Meghan or Kate during “that” incident, yet Meghan said she cried?
So Scobie is your book a work of fiction?
If not, who is lying then - you or Meghan?
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My take on it is that no one said it at all. Look at the facts, M is mixed but very light skinned and Harry is white with red hair, ie pretty much the lightest colouring you can have besides having albinism. That baby was never going to be dark, let’s credit the RF with some intelligence here, they would have been able to see that. There’s speculation because M deliberately left it open to it, by not naming anyone. They may have made an innocent comment such as I wonder who he’ll look like, but I guarantee it wasn’t some racist hateful comment.

Also, M said it in the context of it being the reason Archie didn’t get a title, i.e. there were concerns over his skin colour which is why he wasn’t given the Prince title or security. This is all total bollocks.

M is a liar, and I don’t think anyone made the fabled comment.

Edit- how have the Cambridges overdone the PR!? One pre planned engagement where William said the family aren’t racist, Kate very low key at Sarah Everard’s memorial and a Mother’s Day post... ffs.
Let's go back to the transcript and check what Harry actually said the phrase was:

Oprah: Can you . . . can you tell us what the question was?

Harry: No. I don’t . . . I’m not comfortable with sharing that.

Oprah: OK.

Harry: But that was . . . that was right at the beginning, right?

Oprah: Like, what will the baby look like?

Harry: Yeah, what will the kids look like?

Despite all of Oprah's loaded questions, Harry said the comment amounted to 'What will the kids look like?'

So in Harry's own words, there is nothing there about colour, dark skin or any of that. The interview is very, very clever at using loaded questions to make you think Harry said something he didn't say.
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View attachment 481827
View attachment 481828
The only person who is as repulsive as MM (but she lacks the intelligence and slyness to pull the same moves as MM)
Teigen is vile. I said this on the previous thread but ‘these people won’t stop...’ what planet is she on. Meghan orchestrated and conducted an internationally televised interview with Oprah Winfrey! She’s not minding her own business only to be stalked and harassed! She’s bringing the criticism on herself through her barefaced lying and hideous sociopathy.
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I wonder how cunt face will upstage this?! Very cute letters to granny Diana 😭❤
Papa is missing you. They've brought tears to my eyes.😭 I don't blame them for wanting to show these. Harry has claimed ownership of Diana and that's not ok.
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Sorry but what a stupid c*nt! ‘Half of it is because she’s black’, half of it? Stupid unqualified statement. Another presumably middle class white saviour taking on the plight of black people because she’s just so progressive and loves buzzfeed. You can tell this just from the fact she has she/her in her bio to be fair. Idiotic woman.

She can’t see a ‘SINGLE thing’ MM has done wrong. Is she blind or just stupid, or both?
how about "All of it is because this woman who supposedly suffered a miscarriage just before this "pregnancy" CHOSE to have a 3.5 hour televised tete-a-tete with one of the most famous women on the planet and air her grievance via CBS rather than family communication channels (ie privately) while pregnant. She didn't do it while she was NOT pregnant. She didn't wait until she had had the baby and was out of the woods. NO. She purposely did it was she could be shielded from the withering response that she really deserved. If you are that vulnerable, you stay calm, relaxed and safe. You don't go on TV and make very serious accusations on your in-laws.
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There is a comment on the Daily Mail article from someone saying that she paid a person to break in and allegedly a neighbour has video footage. Hard to say when its MM against a Daily Mail comment
They have lost all credibility now. Immediate public response shown by the top-rated comments on the Mail's story so far:

1. Leaked by Sunshine Sachs. This is to get the BRF to pay for security.

2 Funny how TMZ is reporting about it now... guess Harry gave them a tip after he whined about to have to pay for his own security now.

3 Another PR BLITZ by the Ginge and his Cringe trying to elicit sympathy. Sorry kids, your popularity ship hss sailed. UK is tired of you both, Canada is sick of you, and they creeped into US in the dark of night before curfew. We were tired of you both 3 months ago. What is it they don't understand about. "grow up, get a job, and go away" Now you are trying to turn a dime on human suffering. You both are disgusting...

4 Maybe the Markle PR team should have done less bragging about where they moved to after squatting in Tyler Perrys home.

5 They had the choice to live in safety here, they could have moved anywhere without informing the world. It screams of the Kardashians who showed all their expensive jewellery online and what hotel they stayed in, then they were shocked that people wanted to rob them. If you want to live privately, live privately. If you want your faces on the cover of magazines you have to accept you'll get crazies stalking you, like any other celeb, it's a part of the deal you made with the devil of hollyweird.

And my personal favourite:

6 Listen loves, you are not getting free security, no matter what lies you tell.
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So I'm finally going to give my take on the whole scenario. The threads are moving way too fast and if I don't do it now we'll be on thread 274 and I still won't have said anything 😂

Anyway here's my take. Megan is without a doubt a narcissist. She is also incredibly manipulative and she has pulled the classic narcissist move of being the 'victim' in every possible scenario but yet fails to go into great or specific detail about anything. It is worth noting that most genuine victims don't like to share their experiences too much or to too many people as they don't want to forever be classed as a victim. However, people who are playing at being the victim can't seem to shut up about it 🤔

I have been in one emotional abusive relationship and one with a narcissist. Lots of mammy issues on my end so I was the perfect target for them. I think Harry was attracted to Megan at the start and she did as someone stated in the previous thread love bomb him.He thought he was getting everything he had never gotten in previous relationships or from his family. She validated all his feelings, soothed his insecurities and made him the centre of the universe. Then she turned.

I have no doubt she is controlling and I would say there is a lot mind games on her end. Harry obviously has issues he hasn't dealt with and I would hazard a guess that when Megsy doesn't get her own way she rips open those old wounds to make him vulnerable and weakened.

In those pics from the wedding he looks so much happier out of her company. It's almost like he is relieved when she is not around. I also think the whole issue with Kate was not because she was jealous of Kate but because she wanted to get closer to William (not in an affair type way) but for his approval and adoration. After all he is the future king not Harry. I think William saw through her from day one and that's why she was wary of him and I'm sure Kate was the same. Be civil and polite but keep her at arms length. There is nothing that narcissist hates than not being the center of attention

As for the whole feeling suicidal, was denied help etc. Pick up the phone and ring directory enquiries and go to your local gp to be referred to someone. Use your mobile or your protector husband's or one of the staffs for goodness sake and Google mental health services in your ares. Megain, as much as would like the her American fans, believed was not locked in the Tower and under threat of losing her head. Anyway I'm off to eat an Easter egg as the world goes mad around us 🤪
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Anyone else expecting Meghan to be “admitted to hospital” around the 29th April which is Will and Kate’s 10th wedding anniversary
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how about "All of it is because this woman who supposedly suffered a miscarriage just before this "pregnancy" CHOSE to have a 3.5 hour televised tete-a-tete with one of the most famous women on the planet and air her grievance via CBS rather than family communication channels (ie privately) while pregnant. She didn't do it while she was NOT pregnant. She didn't wait until she had had the baby and was out of the woods. NO. She purposely did it was she could be shielded from the withering response that she really deserved. If you are that vulnerable, you stay calm, relaxed and safe. You don't go on TV and make very serious accusations on your in-laws.
This ^^^^ 100% 👏👏👏
I'm currently pregnant with my third child and can not imagine why she would put herself in a situation where she surely knew she would be facing vast criticism and serious backlash, from the press who she claimed previously made her suicidal, from the public and also increasing the divide between her husband and his family. Why not wait until after pregnancy if you struggle so much with your mental health particularly during previous pregnancies instead of drawing serious attention to your self on a global platform. She is a psycho.
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I still can’t believe the neck on her to say the wedding was ‘for the world’. No - it was for you. It was your at least 2nd wedding but you had to wear a white gown and veil. You insisted on the same budget as William, the future king, had for his wedding. I bet you wanted the Abbey or St Paul’s but someone said no. You had to fill the congregation with celebrities you had never met to replace both sides of your family - left your poor mother alone.
If you both wanted a private wedding people would have respected that more.
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The Cambridges have released lovely Mothers days cards the children make for Diana-just saying *leaves thread* 😊
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Playing catch up, but leaving this here.

OK, there is a comedian called Mo'Nique in the middle of an ongoing feud with Orca.
Basic background. Mo'Nique met "big fat woman with an afro" (her words)Orca as a 16 yr old and Orca encouraged her to follow her dream saying "You remind me of myself"(yeah, that old trope but whatevs). Years later they worked together on a movie but Orca took offence that Mo didn't do all the movie promotion gigs with her. Mo had her reasons but apparently Orca was still pissed and suddenly Mo was no longer getting work. Offers dried up and she knew Orca had blackballed her in the industry. So that was all back in 2009. Then at some point years later Orca called Mo and told her she was doing a show on family molestation (Mo had made it known that her brother had molested her) and was inviting the brother who had molested Mo on to the show and asked if Mo was OK with that. Mo said OK, they chatted and shared ugly truths of their similar problematic mothers and that was that. THEN, shortly thereafter the ads came up for the show and turns out Orca had also invited Mo's mother, other brother and alco dad and Mo was horrified. She'd not been warned they'd appear too and there was bad blood there and Orca knew this. So Mo felt shafted. She fumed and simmered over it and decided to confront Orca publicly at a later event prior to the actress Lupita being nommed for an Oscar. So she did just that, told Orca she'd pulled a dirty trick and demanded an apology. It was in a room full of famous ladies and everyone went silent and heard it all. Orca did the "Well if YOU FEEL I owe you an apology then I apologise" , which as we all know isn't an apology, it's a cop out that basically calls you needy and insecure. Mo reminded Orca of her telling Mo years ago "You remind me of myself" and Orca dismissed that with "Oh I say that to everyone". Nice. So their feud rumbles on and Mo is furious still.
The point of that story is that Orca will happily shaft you for ratings and dollars, so never think you are besties. As soon as Orca has milked the Harkles till their udders squeak dry she'll dump them.

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Yet she promoted Marks & Spencers in that self-serving Smart Works charity, she wouldn't even wear that stuff herself. Kate wears highstreet often.
Catherine makes high street look designer. Smeggers makes everything look yacht girl chic or like she fished it out of some unfortunate discount bin. That's the difference class makes.
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Three of my kids were over 9lbs when they were born, so you can imagine how big I looked. I couldn't even see my feet by the 8 month mark, never mind attempt to crouch down on 4 inch heels!
Wearing 4 inch heels and spending too much time on all fours is what got me knocked up -I wasn't having any o that bother once I was pregnant 😆
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