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Catherine makes high street look designer. Smeggers makes everything look yacht girl chic or like she fished it out of some unfortunate discount bin. That's the difference class makes.
Yes, she makes an Oscar de la Renta dress look like it was on sale at Bon Marche.
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The recollection still goes on....

Title winner: HRH @JAR21

●Two weddings. Sussex spokesperson has now said first wedding in the garden was simply a ritual.
●Was Archie denied a title? No as the rules are clear.
●Was Archie denied security? No as only a available to working Royals. Harry stepped back so lost his justification for taxpayer funded security, he can pay for it from his own pocket.
●The row with Kate. Who made who cry? Bridesmaid's dress incident. Remains mystery. Meg has forgiven Kate.
●Archies's skin colour. Who asked? Not the Queen or PP but who was it?
●Meg and Sam did not talk in 10+ years. Sam states they talked in 2013.
●Tom said on GMB, he never met H&Son, and Meg ghosted the whole family. Only Doria made the cut.
●Harry's financial situation is still shady.
●Meg rescued Harry, he did not know he needed it before they met.
●Harry wants to educate his family
●Charles and William are trapped.
●Meg mental health. Lie or not? She needs help in both case.
●Piers left/dropped from GMB
●13 holidays despite saying her passport was taken away
●Palace staff are not allowed to speak out and the Queen is going to talk to Harry. It insinuates that he is mentally unwell without saying it
●Prince William: “We’re very much not a racist family”. He hasn’t spoken to Harry, but “will do”.
●According to Meg if you breathe you get called racist
●Deleting old articles, mostly the bad ones
●Meg is demanding to see any documents relating to the bullying complaint

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100%. It was all ‘implications’, dramatic pauses and Oprah going ‘hold up, what?!’. Pathetic sensationalism and lies.
That dramatic "What?" the big one. It sent me howling. I wonder how many takes they did until Oprah got it just right!
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My take on it is that no one said it at all. Look at the facts, M is mixed but very light skinned and Harry is white with red hair, ie pretty much the lightest colouring you can have besides having albinism. That baby was never going to be dark, let’s credit the RF with some intelligence here, they would have been able to see that. There’s speculation because M deliberately left it open to it, by not naming anyone. They may have made an innocent comment such as I wonder who he’ll look like, but I guarantee it wasn’t some racist hateful comment.

Also, M said it in the context of it being the reason Archie didn’t get a title, i.e. there were concerns over his skin colour which is why he wasn’t given the Prince title or security. This is all total bollocks.

M is a liar, and I don’t think anyone made the fabled comment.

Edit- how have the Cambridges overdone the PR!? One pre planned engagement where William said the family aren’t racist, Kate very low key at Sarah Everard’s memorial and a Mother’s Day post... ffs.
Exactly this , MM sat there and blatantly lied . To say Archie was not made a Prince because of the colour of his skin when at another point she very briefly acknowledged the line of succession act ( or whatever it is ) , and people have actually fallen for it 🤷🏼‍♀️
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1st July. They planned this to be born on her birthday, the surrogate will probably have a C Section that day
I believe this 100%. It’s all totally contrived. A baby girl born on or around Diana’s birthday, whom they may even name Diana, slightly too coincidental isn’t it. Gender selection, surrogacy i.e. could pretty much choose the date of conception, so happens to be ‘due’ around Diana’s birthday. Shady liars again!
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Going back to the theory (from the last thread) that she probably pregnancy trapped him that day (she showed up unannounced to the Inskip wedding) and now has a "legitimate" reason to show up to the wedding unannounced. I think there's a good chance this photo was taken right when she came in. Then told him "guess what, you're going to be a father" then kissed him on the lips. I mean I guess that the only "excuse" she as an ex has for pulling this move without him pushing her away. But the fact that he seemed limp, motionless and confused (as well as dunk) suggests that this was definitely not a romantic kiss.

It's not like he was having a bad day because he did hug the female friend as soon as he saw her, he just didn't wanna do the same to MM.
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Harry and Meghan #77 Haznoballs and the tuppence of doom
(for our non U.K. Tattlers, tuppence is a colloquialism for vagina!)


Harry and Meghan #77 Hostage Harry and the tuppence of doom

Whichever is title more appropriate
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Maybe Harry will pull a prince Albert and just have tons of children with questionable women. Then Smeg would just be another thot on the list.
I am sure that once the lockdown is over and they actually can attend all the Hollywood glam parties there will be a lot of starlets and beautiful blondes flocking around Harry. And Harry is quite an easy target to seduce - as we have seen in the past :D But now he won't have security to cover up for him. It is going to be very entertaining!
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Russell Myers of the Mirror cant take anymore fantasy PR. Come over here, Russ, the tattle is lovely...

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İ really feel for TRF at the moment but especially William and Catherine. İ think it's been a huge strain on them since JCMH started seeing MM, and continues to be even though they are across the pond. Just think back to the Cambridges' faces and avoidance of the gruesome twosome at last year's Commonwealth Celebration. Only a mean and petty individual mentions any kind of incident between her and Kate on a global interview. Let's face it there are probably many such incidents over the course of many weddings where nerves are fraught. MM finds it impossible to be the bigger person and simply not mention it. İt is a common narc tactic to reverse accusations by turning them upon the other person. İ don't think she will ever reconcile to the fact that Catherine will be Queen one day and as such will have huge respect and kudos that MM never will have. MM shows her evil, jealous side. Jealous of Kate's position, her talents and personality, looks. The competitive streak in her won't let it go. She is a real vindictive mean girl. İ hope that Catherine will be ok. İ remember when Charlotte was younger at some event and poked her tongue out spontaneously, and Kate managed to scold her with love at the same time. There was a great photo of Charlotte looking cheeky, and there was a sense of fun about Kate's reaction.
Agree. I also think MM’s jealousy of Kate has an even more arrogant angle to it, in the sense that she doesn’t look up to her and think wow I wish I was like her, I want her life. It’s more ‘I am so much better than her I deserve to be queen’.
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Great title. Oh and here is the link to the New Yorker article. Hilarious but perhaps we should send them our suggestions from a couple threads ago! :cool:
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Thanks for the new thread @Rubythefirebat and applause to @JAR21 for getting treason in the title!

Anyone think this tweet and the following 'home invasion' story are related?

(Someone caught wandering in the grounds in December. Released as a news story on 14 March. Let's all remember also that Harry allegedly began serious negotiations about stuff with the RF in January - who else thinks they were asking yet again for security to be paid for? Handy to have a trespassing incident in that situation, or am I just suspicious?)

She has form of inventing breakins when it suits her (she cried paparazzi had broken jnto her home to get Harry to weite the Reveal Lwtter to the press... outing her as his gf and starting as they meant to continue: victims)
I am absolutely convinced she set this up
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I’ve just caught another part of the ITV programme on +1😱 One journalist makes an excellent point... “There was no introspection, at no point during that interview did the couple look at themselves, it was always someone else’s fault, the staff, press...” EXACTLY THIS!
Someone pointed this out probably 4 threads back now, but what’s that about 5 days ago :ROFLMAO: That the reason they come across so disingenuous is because they don’t admit any fault themselves. They, and M especially, sit there and moan about these things their horrible family have done. They act like they’re perfect innocent saints.

Say for example if M had brought up the crying incident with Kate. Say she’d said ‘we were both emotional, Kate had just had a baby, I was stressed about my wedding, we both got a bit heated and overreacted’. That would be totally normal and fine. But no, she paints herself out to be the innocent saint Meghan of Narc who is just relentlessly bullied. Sickening lies.
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Scotch Mist

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I just found this very strange story online although I'm not sure that I believe it:

"I’ve heard from very reputable friends of mine in the Windsor area with royal links due to work in the Household, guards& other connections about something that perked my interest after hearing about it a while back, and the recent news made me remember it again - I assume you’ve heard the stories about Meghan being found wandering around the estate, the parks and Windsor itself during the night after Archie was born, and having to be picked up by police? Well it’s been strongly supported that Sophie & Edward were up numerous nights looking after Archie whilst Harry went looking for Meghan with their security and select police, as due to the fact that nannies were extremely hard to come by for the Sussexes due to the high turnover and known abuse. This happened a couple of times, and usually ended with Archie ending up being looked after by Sophie due to the tense environment & arguments at Frogmore Cottage between Harry and Meghan.

This is said to be a very strong reason for why Sophie especially can’t stand Meghan, as Sophie is very passionate about family & her children, and very nearly died with an ectopic pregnancy losing her child, and very nearly lost Louise & died a second time, then having to go through IVF to have James."
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