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Do you know what I find so completely sad about all this. When Diana died those boys lives where just completely changed; Diana’s death made her an actual legend even critics of her bowed down and romanticised her. In my opinion this also spread down to wills and Harry- Her death didn’t just impact their memory of her it affected how people see them even today- the two motherless boys- our hearts bled for them , we wanted them to be kept safe and know that they were loved. The only two people that ever knew how this felt was those two- they lived it together and now look at them... it’s actually tragic and for all these “Diana would love Meghan” or “Diana would be turning in her grave” the reality is that she’d be devastated her boys weren’t talking like this 😢
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There isn't much she won't do to get husband's narc ex once claimed to have had cancer (yes, really, a long story, but to cut it short - she wasn't ill). Seems unbelievable to people who didn't come across a liar like that before, but those who have know that nothing is out of bounds...
Exactly - and that is where I think her miscarriage, breakins, racism, and suicidal ideations sit - 100% fictitious for victim/pity/untouchable attention. But these games devalue the seriousness of the real cases. Which infuriates me even more. So the Wokeristas need to be very careful as basically they are devaluing the causes that they claim to be preaching.
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Not sure if anyone's seen this.
WARNING - Will make you laugh until it hurts

A demented Sugar set up a Gofundme for $10,000,000, yes, 10 million dollars to help 'jobless' H & M who have been going 'through a very tough time' with their $16,000,000 mortgage.

Sadly, the appeal closed after raising a total of $110. A perfectly rational person 🥸 donated $100, the idiot who started the appeal donated another $5 and Thomas Markle someone else, donated the final $5.

I can't imagine why some people think the Sussex Squad are stark raving lunatics...

In other news they had the same intruder visit them twice over Christmas. Can someone remind me how many times they had intruders when they lived over here? 🤔

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Pippa M

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Catherine makes high street look designer. Smeggers makes everything look yacht girl chic or like she fished it out of some unfortunate discount bin. That's the difference class makes.
. You either have class or you dont. One cannot buy class just because one marries a royal and one thinks above ones station...... despite what one wishes the world to think of one:rolleyes:
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I wonder if any of the mixed race/non white people here can clarify if they get super annoyed seeing white people constantly jamming in the bandwagon about what non white people think? Like Twitter is an extreme portion of society and not all of it. I ask because the only reaction I have to some 22yo railing on Twitter about what women want is an eye roll. Like don't get me started and don't speak for me, thank you.

in other news, I don't think it was PR for Kate to visit the Clapham Common thing - I've lived in London and I think it is this visceral recognition of women's fears and monsters under the bed to be snatched off the street. It's really struck a cord.

going without a mask Though, I think she meantfor people to see her. KP also unusually released a personal statement- remember how political this is, now, they usually shy away. I think K and Wills have been listening to questions about future of the monarchy and being bashed for never getting involved in politics(theydon't and shouldn't) but they can show interest in societal issues that affect all of us and the people they go out of their way to meet all the time. Kate is a normal human female, of course she would be affected by the death of someone a similar age in London. Everyone is. She didn't exactly book a prestigious photographer, and dress up designer in heels to do it though.
Furthermore, this is what it looks like to make something about the cause, not you. She isn't out there running her mouth about women and their rights and their empowerment, in designer dresses, into a microphone, headlong as Duchess of Cambridge. She slips in, pays her respects, and leaves. I adored the children's cards, do I think Will is trying to claim back a bit of public ownership of his Mum, yes I do. Why shouldn't he! It's Mother's Day and he is going to pay tribute to her. In his circumstances who wouldn't, I think they are doing a good job of being more open but still dignified. Not everyone is screechy ranty and litigations. There is a power in acting and not just narrating your principles.

do I think MM would have been slaughtered for attending the thing? Yes I do, because now she is just so disliked and lets Face it she would have turned up kitted out with some kind of impromptu speech. But before marriage, think people would have liked to see her doing it. Surprised she hasn't commented tbh. Wont earn her money though!
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Omg this is exactly it! :ROFLMAO: Why does Scobie look like a randomised Sim? (I love The Sims sorry if that’s a niche joke haha)

What I don’t get is why Scobie is so firmly up meghans arse. I’d hazard a strong guess that he’s gay, so it’s not that he fancies her? It just seems so weird. Creepy little fanboy.
Yes he is gay. Used to be Markus Anderson's love interest (see, I can be polite:m) a few years back.
Isn't it strange how all roads lead back to the ever silent Anderson?;)
Anderson of the inscrutable face, who rose from being a waiter to helping run soho clubs worldwide.
Scoobie rose from being a nobody to .... still being a nobody living in a shoe box room where he can cook his dinner while sat on his sofa.
And a two bit actress with no waist and linebacker shoulders catches a prince with her magic minge.

The power of dicks and fannies is bloody amazing.
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There is absolutely no way you can crouch down when 8 months pregnant with your knees together. By then baby should be head down and soon moving into position for delivery. I don’t think the most flexible fit mum in the world could manage it.
I would have needed a crane to get me back up if I did this. I’ve been pregnant and hand on heart I couldn’t do it 🤣
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The Moroccans despised her for that. Its a very patriarchal society and only the Queen would have been able to go first not Harry's irrelevant wife.
View attachment 483292
She insulted Morocco as soon as she landed in the country... refusing the traditional welcome date offered, she promptly put it back on the plate after picking it up, filthy mare, thereby insulting both the country and people, it’s equivalent to slapping the hosts on the face. At least Harry ate his offering, she could have accepted the date and disposed of it later.
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Credit to @xforeverlove21 sorry for stealing your pics but thought these should go on this thread too! Showing the gatecrasher doing her creepy stalking, clutching and clinging while he looks wholly disinterested. Embarrassing and says it all.
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This is an excellent post @Baguette. I have often wondered whether or not they would keep the Sussex title living in The United States. How can they represent the county with which they have a title bestowed living outside of the UK or even the Commonwealth. They said on their “exit” announcement that they were going to split their time between North America and the UK but I get the distinct impression that this won’t be the case regardless of Coronavirus restrictions. The interview must surely be the nail in the proverbial coffin for retaining the Dukedom.
It's more serious than just keeping or losing the Dukedom now, I think. Harry is sitting there as a Prince of the United Kingdom and along with his wife attacking the institution of the Monarchy via the US media. This has to end badly for them.
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Meghan will be shitting herself now. "quick Archie, go roast a chicken"
Didn’t you know, Archie is an award winning Michelin starred chef! As well as an artistic prodigy. What do you expect really from such an advanced, intelligent child who’s first word was crocodile and tells people to drive safe when they leave as if a 2 year old has any concept of car accidents or dangerous driving?
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Does anyone else think that maybe the bullying investigation has been given to a 3rd party because there’s too many allegations for the RF to do it justice??

Well that and it may cover them for anything MM throws at them for bias, slander etc.
There were accusations and stories of MM bullying staff years ago. Long standing staff members quitting shortly after MM arrived on the scene, some with 10-20 year careers with the RF.

Doesn’t it then stand to reason that the RF isn’t a nasty, racist, bullying institution, but actually it’s Meghan, Duchess of Narc who’s the problem?
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No, he doesn't show any signs of being autistic. Absolutely not.
I agree. I don’t think he’s on the spectrum at all. My take is that he is fairly low intelligence, has lived a strange life and was hugely affected by his mother’s death and has never come to terms with it. He’s spoilt and in some ways quite an angry man, always being known as the spare must be quite galling. MM just targeted his weaknesses, presented herself as a strong female influence which arguably he desperately wanted. She put on a good show to give him the impression she’s cut from the same cloth as Diana. M is just a manipulative, horrible narc and liar.
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Precisely, Harry’s got a bald patch on the back of his head, too!

Side by side, Wills has a much more manly, attractive face in my opinion. Not the best facial expression here :ROFLMAO: but he has a strong jaw, lovely eyes and Diana’s genuine quality about him. H is a fairly good looking guy, in some ways, but he always looks so angry/bored/frankly vacant.View attachment 482945
Harry looked fine before he married Markle. Now he looks like he hasn’t showered, changed his clothes, or slept all year. I would love to know what she’s saying to him behind closed doors. Those photos from his friend’s wedding are very telling. He lit up when he saw his friends, and the face on her!
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No Drama Llama

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Anyone else think that Piers Morgan may be quietly up to something behind the scenes?

The only job he‘s lost is GMB - he’s still editor at large for MailOnline (I think) & he’s most certainly still a columnist for them and yet he’s written nothing at all about what’s happened this week. I find that peculiar.

Maybe he’s planning a publish or be damned article regarding the bullied aides. He’s already said that he’s heard some of the as yet unheard specifics and they’re shocking.

I do think something interesting might be about to happen 🤞🤞🤞
I would imagine Piers is very much in the know about what's going on and what any of the press have on her - he's not stupid so wouldn't be so adamant about her lying if he didn't have proof and he also knows a lot of people so would be very easy for him to find anything out. The net is closing in on her, she has pissed of the British press so they will do everything they can to expose her and she's also upset the Royal Family who have deeper pockets and better contacts than she'll ever have. She may have won the battle but she will definitely not win the war - the Royal Family are respected the world over and Meghan was a generally unknown actress before she married Harry. There's no one of any consequence sticking up for her - just a wannabee journalist and a few of her mates (is it just me or was the one on This Morning weird, she had an insane laugh and was trying hard to be threatening with all the talk of email and text proof and talking about new eras, etc. - she sounded like a cross between a laughing hyena and Tony Soprano!) The wokies will move on to something else soon particulary when Love Island starts up again and the lockdown is lifted.
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I assume Archie will be there to actually deliver the child
Archie is currently training as a midwife. His development is so fast that they decided to fast track him into the medical profession. Ideally he’ll gain his official midwife certification before his second birthday.
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The skinny jeans above his ankles, with flipping trainers... Did he know he was gonna be on tv 🤦 His nose reminds me of a former soap star that had issues with hers ➡⬅....not structurally sound . Also Beresford and Goddard.... Hopefully they will be choking on their retractions soon....
Overall a 💩 programme, could have been more challenging.....
I haven’t been able to watch the full argument between piers and Idiotic Alex (that’s his new name), my blood was boiling even watching the start.

I was so disappointed in Trisha, though. I don’t know lots about her, watched her show a few times and saw her on daytime TV a fair bit. She seemed a nice, measured, likeable person. On GMB however it became clear she now suffers with woke disease! Saying to piers ‘you don’t get to decide what’s racist’ and trying to shut him up because he’s a white man. Go away you ridiculous, navel gazing, woke idiot. He can give an opinion on whatever he likes, he’s a human being with critical faculties.

Let’s say we turn it on it’s head and tell women they aren’t allowed to lecture men on ‘toxic masculinity’ because they don’t have the ‘lived experience’ of being a man. Don’t think the wokes would like that!

(woman myself, sick of all the BS)
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This is honestly really pissing me right off. I might've got this horribly wrong and this might finish me on tattle but I want to say it anyway. There is a huge difference between men going about pre-pubescent and post-pubescent children. Andrew is not a paedophile. At most an ephebophile. 17/18 year old girls have more say over their bodies than 2 year olds (in my own experience). I don't think Andrew acted rightly, or morally, but for goodness' sake he's not a paedophile and I am sick of this word being bandied as a cosh all over the place.
The criminality in the Epstein case and subsequent Andrew connection is a)global human trafficking, b) of underage girls - while Guiffre was NOT underage in the UK where the age of consent is 16 when he was alleged to have had sex with her, she was definitely in the USA when Andrew had sex with her, albeit only a year. Then there is the element of coercion regarding the sexual activities girls in Epstein's employ were groomed to undertake. There are also highly irregular financial and illegal activities between Epstein and Deutsches Bank that one can look up where the bank broke their own rules to handle his monies - this stuff doesn't get the big headlines because it's not sexy enough, so to speak. People prefer sex scandals to financial ones. In fact the financial scandal is the most interesting to me. How Epstein, a former unqualified maths teacher, got his millions is a VERY shady area, involving the Wes Lexner, the owner of Victori'a Secret, his foundation of a trading fund that never made a trade, and god knows what else.

Beyond that, there's the simple moral rather than criminal sphere. Andrew was photographed meeting Epstein and walking in the park discussing who knows what years after his release from his joke sentence for human trafficking in 2011. That association even without a sexual connection is utterly unbecoming for ANY royal whatsoever. Bad optics. REALLY bad optics to be seen hanging with a convicted, 'disgraced' type like him after the fact.

There's not actual pedophilia involved with the Andrew case as you say (pedophilies are interested in children BEFORE PUBERTY, not borderline legal teens) and it's just to my mind another of those words that has got ludicrously diluted from its original meaning or used completely wrongly, like 'allergies' or 'migraine'. It doesn't mean there wasn't wrongdoing on his part. Taking sexual favours from one's human trafficking friend via proxy is still partaking in sexual exploitation.

It's just easier to yell pedalo! as a convenient shorthand to express disapproval of the obvious unpleasant exploitative nastiness of a 40-something male pursuing a 17 year-old (trafficked or not) or thereabouts for commodified sex than actually express it longhand.

Andrew is definitely a fucking disgrace who never left his shagger days behind, anyway. But using him to try to prohibit legitimate critiques of the behavior and motives of Meghan and Harry is just a desperate tactical move.
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