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There is a comment on the Daily Mail article from someone saying that she paid a person to break in and allegedly a neighbour has video footage. Hard to say when its MM against a Daily Mail comment
It wasn't Kate who broke in because she's got an alibi!
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Finally got round to watching the end of the interview.
Intrigued by the part where H is talking about being cut off financially and having to rely on what his mother left him. He says... it’s as though she saw it coming or wtte
Which would mean that he thinks Diana orchestrated her own demise so that she could bequeath him millions so that 20 odd years down the line he could survive/thrive/whatever it is they do without the bank of dad. His head is all over the place.
It's such a big whopping lie as well.

Charles gave them a massive lump sum in April last year to support them... And then ungrateful, untruthful Harry claims to be 'cut off'. Diana's legacy? That was her divorce settlement, again from Charles, not really magic Diana money. The only reason he has any of the Diana legacy is left? Why, because Charles and the taxpayers
have picked up his bills all his life.

Harry 'arranging flowers on Diana's grave'? The private island at Althorpe? He doubtless just sent a text to his Spencer aunts to sort it 🙄
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The Oprah interview was a straightforward money grab. They have said they didn't take a fee 'for the interview' but there are many ways that they could have had a contract giving them millions in 'expenses' for the use of their highly trained chickens, Montecito as a filming location, use of the 'Archie' clips and so on. It seems inevitable that they (or she) will do it again. And again. And again.

It needs repeating that Harry didn't say anything specific in the interview about this alleged 'racist remark', just that he was asked something like 'what will the kids look like', which is a commonplace, everyday remark. Everything else is based on leading questions from Oprah and Meghan apparently making things up and drawing false conclusions based on a vague comment from Harry. It's really a disgrace, shocking that ITV screened this without any balancing statements, and an absolute insult to everyone who has experienced genuine discrimination and abuse.
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I wonder if any of the mixed race/non white people here can clarify if they get super annoyed seeing white people constantly jamming in the bandwagon about what non white people think? Like Twitter is an extreme portion of society and not all of it. I ask because the only reaction I have to some 22yo guy railing on Twitter about what women want is an eye roll. Like don't get me started and don't speak for me, thank you.

in other news, I don't think it was PR for Kate to visit the Clapham Common thing - I've lived in London and I think it is this visceral recognition of women's fears and monsters under the bed to be snatched off the street. It's really struck a chord.

going without a mask Though, I think she meantfor people to see her. KP also unusually released a personal statement- remember how political this is, now, they usually shy away. I think K and Wills have been listening to questions about future of the monarchy and being bashed for never getting involved in politics(theydon't and shouldn't) but they can show interest in societal issues that affect all of us and the people they go out of their way to meet all the time. Kate is a normal human female, of course she would be affected by the death of someone a similar age in London. Everyone is. She didn't exactly book a prestigious photographer, and dress up designer in heels to do it though.
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Ok I might be being a bit crazy so call me out if so! Haha
But all the posts about Meghan copying Diana made me think of Meghan’s earlier engagements where she often does weird things with her mouth.... did some Googling and to me it looks like she was mimicking Diana’s expressions?! Jutting her jaw out and baring her lower teeth compared to her natural ‘Hollywood’ smile where you can normally only see her top teeth.
obviously there are hundreds of photos snapped at these engagements so could just be by chance but it’s creepy if she had studied Diana’s mannerisms!
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Yes 100% she copies her mannerisms, speech patterns and facial expressions. This runs deeper than wearing similar clothes. It’s the creepiest most contrived thing imaginable.
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Exactly this , MM sat there and blatantly lied . To say Archie was not made a Prince because of the colour of his skin when at another point she very briefly acknowledged the line of succession act ( or whatever it is ) , and people have actually fallen for it 🤷🏼‍♀️
I canot stomach watching the interview but am I right in thinking that Megsy actually IMPLIED a lot and Oprah filled in the blanks? so that any defamation suit couldn't actually be levelled at either one of them as it is like both of them said it and yet neither of them said it? crafty bitches
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Awwh some more Mother’s Day posts from Kensington palace, featuring baby Kate.

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Fgs more Caroline Flack comparisons. The sentiment is true, that often when someone commits suicide it’s all about what could we have done to stop them, it’s so tragic and sad etc, but when the person was alive they weren’t taken seriously. Fine.

But the problem with drawing a parallel with Meghan is that people are not taking into account any context whatsoever. When was she suicidal, does it add up with the way she was behaving and events she was attending at the time, beaming manically. If I recall, family and friends said Caroline was inconsolable in the weeks leading up to her death and often had someone with her checking on her. Not waltzing around in a glittery dress, grinning from ear to ear, loving the attention clutching her fake bump.

What about the idea that she said it to copy Diana, who threw herself down the stairs and was known to self harm? Meghan is all bluster in my opinion.

I know you aren’t allowed to question people about mental health anymore but all context considered as well as her clear NPD and sociopathy, I don’t think I buy it. I think she’s doing a disservice to people who need real help.View attachment 481875
just remember how two-faced the wokeristas can be - Exhibit one: how Caroline Flack was targeted by Jameela Jamil who then - after the suicide - pretended it was everyone else's fault.
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Sorry Harry, unless you swam to Diana’s island with the flowers in your teeth you just don’t love her enough. The oneupmanship over children is ridiculous
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Scotch Mist

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Sharon O's show has now been cancelled and she's being investigated for defending Piers!
Well I've made the decision that I will no longer watch any of these programmes (not that I did much in the first place). We need to hit broadcasters where it hurts. If they want to be woke then let them preach to the converted. What they fail to realise is that the silent majority don't want to be lectured. I will not watch GMB anymore due to Meghan's interference or the boring alternative on the BBC.

If I ever see that appalling Dr Shola woman on TV again I will switch over.

The BBC continues to distance itself from the vast majority of the country and frankly I no longer care if they do get defunded.
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Weren't there rumors that she was keeping the clothes sent to her while she was a working member of the RF, keeping the ones she liked, and selling the rest? Probably why she didn't cut the tags or stitch. Higher resell value. :rolleyes:
I remember some report about her holding an actual party for getting rid of her high street clothes. ie, now I’m a royal I will be having an extortionately expensive wardrobe bought for me, how amazing am I? Gross woman.
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Not sure if this has been talked about- I’ve skimmed the past few threads and can’t keep up.
The interview was reviewed by a body language analyst on YouTube, his name is ‘observe’ and I’ve been following him for a long time. He’s very reasoned, doesn’t jump to wild conclusions.

CBS tried very hard to get him to take his video down and I believe it might have been taken down now. It was split into 3 parts. The first part was a video- that got taken down for copyright. He did part 2 and 3 over live stream and the live stream was interrupted and taken down live as a claim went in by CBS as he was talking. So they seem to have eyes everywhere.

his main takeaways were as such:
-Meghan although a smoother softer speaker is more dominant than Harry.
-He found her quite difficult to get a baseline on (he observes people to see what their normal is and then he can tell what gives them a ‘flare’ or what is a normal expression for them). He said she must be a practised speaker and good at hiding her emotions. He said that he isn’t saying she is but that psychopaths can do this well.
-He continually noticed flares of contempt throughout the whole interview. From Meghan when she spoke about his family, Archies birth/her pregnancy (he said this was really weird but couldn’t guess why), the titles issue. From Harry he showed contempt when speaking about his Dad andWilliam.
-he refused to analyse the talk of suicide as he said it was not ethical and I think that was right.
- he did notice a deception flare over the Kate/Bridesmaid dress but not a massive one.
- he said she was telling the truth over the comments over Archie’s skin but there was a strange mismatch in her reaction which he put down to her not being able to answer Oprah honestly because the conversation was second hand and she was onlyrelaying what H had said to her.
-he said her mannerisms were a bit put on when she was talking about how hard it was due to not being protected. For example she would say a thing, then put on the expression, say another thing, put on the expression. If that was genuine the expressions would be happening at the same time as the words.
- CBS intervened from copyright issue and interrupted the live stream before Harry joined so he didn’t get a good read.
- he Watched ahead by himself and noticed that Meghan put her hand on Harry to stop him speaking. He said that was a ‘power move’
-he said that her hand on top of his was not a sign of dominance but normal because she is the more dominant personality.
-he said that in controlling or coerced relationships the dominant one will either stare at the controlled one while they are speaking (so they don’t fuck up) OR not look at them at all. He said the controlled person will talk but look back at the dominant person to check in. He did not see enough of that in the interview to say that was happening.

he said the most important thing to understand that if the person BELIEVES they are telling the truth they will not show any deception.
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What a lovely name, congratulations Pippa!
It's lovely to see how close and supportive the Middleton siblings are. I've seen old footage of Pippa defending Catherine from paparazzi in the early dating days. Catherine took care of her brother James during a serious mental health spell, accompanying him to appointments while M was busy resenting her. Spot the difference between the two Wives of Windsor.
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I don't think he has. Autistic people are clever, Harry is thick. 😅
Harry is a spoilt , petulant, ignorant man who shows his limitations every time he opens his mouth.

The more I read , I see how Meghan honed in on her social climbing prize and why Chelsy and Cressida ran for the hills.

He doesn’t have serious learning difficulties , he wouldn’t have even made it into a helicopter driving seat , never mind a war zone, if that was the case.
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