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Even just from this short clip and William’s tone ( :ROFLMAO: ) I get the impression that if he and Kate came out and did a short interview giving their side, it would hold much more weight than creepy over dramatic narc Meghan and weak Harry’s did. William is a good speaker, strong and dignified, and Kate is quieter, very warm and softer spoken- both come across genuine and without all the dramatics. I doubt this interview would ever take place but it would do the RF a lot of good, I think.
I disagree, although I see where you are coming from.

Meghan desperately wants to prolong the media cycle, by getting the RF to respond. Her PR dépends on stuffing her press releases with Royal keywords. Any disagreement just adds another day to the story.

Notice William saying clearly that he hasn't spoken to Hazza 'but he will do'. Perfect answer. No arguments, no 'not speaking drama', just a sense that talking to idiot brother is item 17 on his ToDo List.

The media are fact-checking the interview. At some point, they are going to be helped with the big one which is Harry's claim to be cut off financially. IMHO time to tell everyone exactly how many millions the Harkles were given in March 2020 to start their new life. Or as Harry put it, 'cut off without a penny and left with no security'.

The rumour is that Harkles started asking for the same again in January, were told 'No' and promptly signed up with Oprah. That's what the negotiations with TQ were about. It was never the roles, but the cash,and titles for the mini-Harkles.

I'm guessing Wellesley, Liberty, America for the baby.
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Scotch Mist

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So palace staff are not allowed to speak out and Don Queenie is going to talk to her idiot grandson.

I think it was @Baguette who predicted this, well done. It insinuates that Harry is mentally unwell and fragile without saying it 😁

The article basically says that Meghan is planning to blackmail the royal family because apparently she and Harry have a collection of emails and text messages to back up their bombshell claims about the Royal Family.

Wow a fucking blackmailer in the family and everyone is supposed to admire this skanky criminal behaviour?
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Harry's take on the comment from a family member speculating what their unborn baby would look like happened without Meghan there and he made out it happened once. Meghan wasn't even there and told Oprah the conversation happened numerous times.
He completely contradicted her on that statement and was quite thorough in the detail he gave.

Meghan suggests she was pregnant and that there was a discussion regarding what colour the baby would be. She stated the discussion was with Harry, not her.

Harry stated that the discussion was 'way back at the beginning' i.e. before they were married - when there were still discussions about whether she would continue to act etc. as a means to support herself financially.

So the discussion that he had he specified was early on at the beginning. Not when she was actually pregnant. And not when titles were being discussed. - although obviously that was another falsification too.

Also, along with her claims of being trapped and unable to be independent as a working woman, Harry stated that it was suggested that she still act and continue her career and be financially independent. So why did they opt not to do that and why is this point being ignored... surely it sums up the fact the Royals were prepared to give her her freedom all along?
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I don’t think I’m ever going to catch up before giving my 2 pence so sorry if I say things that have already been said, this thread is on 🔥

Kind of disappointed William didn’t keep a dignified silence today - totally understand he must be fucking livid with H&M for throwing his wife under the bus and tainting his whole family with a serious allegation of racism. But he is providing more fuel to Meghan’s toxic narcissism. What a total mess.
I do think despite saying they won’t be available for comment, there is no way in hell Meghan will let anyone else have the last word on this
I think Williams statement actually was a good move. Clearly off the cuff, genuine and still dignified.
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So apparently Harry is doing things with his son that he never experienced? More lies!! You could not make this up?
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Chilli pepper 19

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Anyone else thinking Merkin will unstrap the basketball on the same day we're celebrating the Cambridges 10th wedding anniversary? At least we don't need to plan for hers
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Is this the biggest M&H thread online? I can't help but grin at the thought someone is monitoring everything thats said here to report back. We're at 72 threads now!!

We know you hoed for dough Megz.
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Hi all.
New to Tattle - brought here by the Markle Horror. I feel better after finding this community and reading your comments, so thanks for all the wit and wisdom - it's very cheering. This whole H&M thing feels so personally upsetting to me. I didn't even know I cared that much about the RF and the Crown, but they seem to represent a core value I now feel is endangered. (Always thought I'd be a Roundhead, turns out I'm a Cavalier).
Anyway, my Question: I saw something here yesterday about Kate having received a million death threats since the 'she made me cry' tantrum - I can't find the post now. Has anyone got the info: how it was found, a source, article or something? Thanks so much.
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Ahh poor little Hazno has forgotten that he rode a bike as a child 🙄 what a deprived life he had
i honestly think she’s somehow convinced him into thinking he had an awful life with family who hated him, that he was a loser before she came along. Who knows what tactics she’s used to achieve this or stuff she’s said behind closed doors. But her actions (charging on ahead of him, belittling him at events, talking over him) definitely suggest this.

I can’t think how else his perception of his life has been so altered.

Once upon a time he was a party prince who was constantly laughing, joking and smiling. He was probably always a bit spoiled but his playful personality shone through too. All of that is gone now.
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Do you know what, I think he does look like Charles and is getting more like him as he gets older 🙈 don't shoot me 😂
Hes definitely Charles son...large pointed bridges nose eyes too close together...with the Spencer's red hair... William is the spit of Diana but with the baldness of the Windsors... I nearly typed windscreens then.. I'm crap at this typing lark 😂
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As I said earlier, I have 3 mixed race children and the “colour comment” was made to me whilst pregnant. I took it as curiosity and nothing else. I wasn’t offended and certainly didn’t start calling my friends and family racist. He’s ginger, she’s mixed race. It’s not abnormal to wonder what the baby would look like?!

would “MerMeg” or Harry still be screaming racism if her own mother had asked the same question?
Fucking doubt it.
Honestly grinds my gears. I remember sailing through Miami International with my then 8 month old Son and I kid you not the (black) porter said to me'Your Son looks like he's got black in him, how did that happen. did I get offended, hell no, Miami was not integrated back then and I understood that this guy had never really had a conversation with anyone with a mixed race child. We'd be a lot further along if people stopped screaming racism over every indiscretion. Call out real racism that is actually impacting lives and preventing progression but if it's just a case of a minor offence by someone poorly educated, just bloody eucate them, not humiliate them.
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But it's not just the woke police. Its everywhere.

GMB, the BBC, Loose Women, This Morning, Newsnight, Sky News, Social Media, The View, even late night shows in America.

Its everywhere.

People defending a person's character, ignoring their behaviour and denying the awful choices they've made simply because of the colour of her mother's skin.

She could drown Harry in the bathtub and she'd still be praised.
It’s a phase society is going through right now. All of media from the papers to television to social media is now left leaning and “woke.” Kids are taught equality of outcome based on race, and not quality of opportunity and working hard to achieve. Some of us are being told to be ashamed of our race and skin color, and the only way to repent for this is to support and lift every single black and brown voice regardless of what they do or say. Smeg is simply taking advantage of this movement. It’s interesting that of all the times she could’ve unleashed this disastrous interview, she chose a time when racial tensions are at a all time high in the U.S. and Prince Philip is in the hospital. She’s conniving to her core and all about making use of every single thing for her benefit.
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I don’t think he has a vendetta against her, actually. I think he can’t stand her and has been the only person willing to call her out. Nobody else will because they’re cowards who are scared of being called racist.

I think he knows that she is big, big trouble & genuinely dislikes her. That’s not a vendetta.

But I agree with your analysis. She smarmed on to him because he was a well known British journalist & she thought he’d be useful. She even asked him to interview her! Why...who the hell was she?? I think he’d be saying all the same stuff about her now with the same volume even if he’d never met or heard of her just might have taken a little longer.
I’ve seen on social media ‘the real reason piers hates Meghan’ and it’s a clip of him explaining how she ghosted him.
Again, the woke idiots are not taking into account any context or, you know, using any critical thought. He isn’t pissed off at the fact she ghosted him, he’s pointing out a pattern of behaviour. I.e. she susses (that autocorrected to Sussex on my phoneo_O) out who’s relevant and where, and muscles her way in with them to advance her career/social standing. Then she drops them when she doesn’t need them anymore. That’s absolutely fine if she wants to do that, but you can’t then perpetuate this idea that Meghan is a beautiful, genuine caring soul who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Sickening, pandering to a game playing narcissist who would leave you high and dry too, if you knew her.
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Scotch Mist

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I think they will name the surrogate fetus Frances. They have to be able to have a name that is merch-able and copyrighted. Maybe we should have a poll/bets as it gets closer to "summer".
Frances Diana
Spencer Elizabeth

I am so sick of them. I am hoping their buzz will die down in the US soon. I am sure US will find something to hop on about. US always find shiny new things to talk about. Once everything start to open up again, people will be occupied with travel/gatherings and they will be old news.
I'm expecting her to go for 'Rosa' after Rosa Parks or some other similar figure.
It will play directly into their current agenda of race baiting and will ensure more fawning from the sugars.
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Remember Dr Penny, Woko's baby Dr at the Portland and how it was written in Finding Freebies about her delivering Darren, well look at this:

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For such an unremarkable and sycophantic (on Oprah's part) interview, the repercussions of it may be devastating and long-lasting. It's whipped up all the internet crazies who see it as a convenient way to promote their agenda (really, how many people in America truly care, or even understand, anything about the Royal Family?) and it likely portrays the United Kingdom as a country of intolerant, judgemental, racially-divided citizens to the world.

We have to fight back. Woke is broke. They say they promote inclusiveness, but the loudest voices are the most angry, tunnel-visioned and destructive - not interested in sensible debate - just their own voices. Surely we are supposed to teach and support one another?

How dare some assume that by being caucasian, my opinion doesn't matter or that it automatically makes me racist. Imagine telling a BAME person that by virtue of their colour, their opinion is irrelevant or that they are bigoted against white people, just because they exist?

This should have been a family matter resolved in private. As Harry wasn't really in the interview for very long (this was very much The Megan Show), and he was much more evasive and talked of his love and respect for his family (his refusal to be pinned down on any details or offer scandalous soundbites definitely didn't impress Oprah) - has Harry been misled? Is he so dim he thought this interview was going to be a positive PR move?

You could tell Oprah was "feeding" Meghan leading questions (the way a chat show host does to a comedian about to tell an anecdote) and revelling in the "drama".
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I haven't heard anyone state the bleedin' obvious on TV by saying Charles, future king of England, walked Meghan down the aisle as if she was his own daughter. What f*cking more does he have to do? I suppose those with an agenda will say: "Well, he had to do that to show that the RF isn't racist". I mean, it's pathetic isn't it.
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Off topic but RIP Sarah Everard, awful tragic news.
(unconfirmed but they way it’s been framed it seems pretty certain). This is the kind of important thing that deserves coverage and column space, not this tacky, tawdry bullshit of MM’s.
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'Pregnant' woman, elderly man, new mother and Hazza out to dinner in the middle of a pandemic

(Stating the obvious, but this is planted PR)
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