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Oh God - this woman on This Morning, how infuriatingly annoying! (sorry, I'm a bit behind, had to pause it!)
She's as smug as Smeggy herself. Birds of a feather....................

Her buzzword is that "We are in a New Era" - she said that 4 times!

She also claimed that a member of staff was let go for gross misconduct (assuming that was the nanny situtaion that we already knew about)
That was her clap-back the to bullying claims against Meghan.

Also she claims that "The truth will out"....................let;s hope so Janina, let;s hope so! Now, someone put her back in her box!
I'm sick of this "Meghan got to tell her truth" that "Janina" and other sugar squad keep using.

No, we want to hear the truth. There can be only one! This concept of "her truth" and "his truth" and "the cat's truth" that the youngsters today have is just bullshit.
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Scotch Mist

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As a Canadian, I find it delusional and quite frankly stupid how the elite and some segments of British society buy into this "special relationship" fairytale. The US is like the guy who is a player, with several girls on the go. He tells everyone of them that they are "special," but the only loyalty he has is to himself. With Canada, they share the largest undefended border in the world, largest trading partner status, we are supposedly the best of friends. Quite honestly, it doesn't feel that way most of the time. We have had water stolen, we have been screwed over in trade deals and the level of ignorance about us is mindboggling. There is this idea that we are jealous with noses pressed up against the glass, wishing we could be them or we are pale imitations of them and again not true.

I don't like the influence that the States has over the world and the fact that anything that is going on there somehow translates to everywhere else. I wish there was a leader in a Western country who would crack the whip and say quite bluntly to them to STFU. Especially since the past 4 years of creating havoc in the world, you would think there would be a time of penance for them, some humility and reflection, but that is not going to happen. This whole debacle has shown that; some of them foaming at the mouth to stick it to the Brits, it's disgusting. Glass houses anyone? Then I think about how Canada has always stood by Britain, but it feels like it never gets acknowledged. We were there to stand by Britain from day one of two world wars, while the US were Johnny come latelys. For a good couple of decades Canada has contributed to not only talent, but finance in the British film industry. The world is a smaller place and I think it behooves Britain to strengthen its historic ties, especially after Brexit.

I wondered why Piers is so invested in Meghan and Harry, but if you think about his years of working in the media it started to make sense to me and why he walked off set. With all of his experience and contacts, he knows something and he knows a lot. I don't think it has to do so much about weather dude, rather he was about to slip and caught himself. Why would he stick his neck out and call them/her liars? :unsure: I think he knows a hell of a lot more about these two than he can let let on. We all know that the media is sitting on a mountain of damning stories.
I think that the majority of Brits are very fond of the Canadians and ALL of us on here thought that it was disgusting that the Harkles ripped you off with the protection, lied about wanting to live in Canada and then fucked off to America.
The Canadian people were shafted by the despicable pair.
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First time posting, hope that's OK.
So the fairly dim bulb that is PH meets a woman and gets entrapped, the rolling stone gathers moss and he marries her.
But soon enough her true personality comes out and he is even more trapped because he has ignored every bit of advice his family gave him and actually he has always resented his father for his affair and treatment of his mother, and his brother for being first born.
So now its just damage limitation, tell the wife everything she wants to hear, make sure her every demand is met, because he's burned his bridges and also she KNOWS STUFF and if that stuff comes out he knows full well he will be blamed and seen for the idiot he is and a laughing stock.
So he proves he's been "educated" about racial matters by exaggerating a comment a family member made in wondering about skin tone of any future children. But he also wants to ensure his wife thinks him a hero for rushing to her defense against his racist family. Wife feels this is good evidence of racist family and husbands education by her. But when she brings it up to Oprah, PH realises he can be called out by the family so quickly goes for the no comment route to protect himself.
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It's interesting to see that Hugo Taylor, who is a friend of Spencer Matthews (Pippa's brother) and knows Princess Beatrice, has liked Piers post about freedom of expression on instagram
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cosmo girl

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I hope Harry and Meghan are proud. The royals will need extra security because of that pity party interview:mad:

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This is my first post in the Meghan threads, and I’m still two behind, so someone may have said this already. Sorry if that’s the case.
Meghan said they were married in the garden three days before, and that should be where anyone’s trust in what she says ends, I don’t see any way around it. Either:
-they got married three days before but told the public they were married on the official day, they have both been lying about it since then, so what else could they have lied about in that time?
-she lied in the interview and it didnt happen/was just a rehearsal or blessing but she spun it as a wedding for views, so what else did she spin for views?
-she thought the date three days before was honestly her wedding because she doesn’t understand how British/American laws or customs differ, meaning she saw her whole time through an American view and is confused, so what else has she seen through an American view and been confused about?
-she believed it was the true marriage date, and still believes until now that three days before is the true marriage date, because someone else (Harry) told her so. Which means she can’t be trusted because her source of information is deceitful.

I honestly can’t see any other way this can be seen.
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I knew Piers wouldn’t be silent for long. And he is still trending at number 1 in Australia and H&M dropped off the top 10...thank goodness. Just checked.
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And they all live on Facebook and have Live, Laugh, Love on their living room wall.
they love Mrs Hinch and think all grey with crushed velvet is the epitome of interior design

they have a mug that references a love of coffee/wine/gin or about how tired they are

they think travelling is a personality and they are profound and cultured because they went to a full moon party that one time

Uses the term “queen” and quotes Eleanor Roosevelt about women being teabags. All aboutempowering women except when it comes to slagging her exs new girlfriend and needing to have a boyfriend at all times

Sorry I was on a roll ...

I just love how the people sharing this type of stuff defending MM are such cookie cutter versions of each other and totally unaware of it
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Chatty Member
Let's look at what she's turned herself into for sympathy.

1. Victim of press intrusion (before anyone had heard of her)
2. Victim of racism
3. Post-partum depression
4. Depressed
5. Suicicidal
6. Orphan
7. Divorced
8. Loss of a child

What's missing?

9. Widow

If I were Harry I wouldn't be leaving her around my organic waffle mix 🥞💊💀
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Some one on the comments said:
''Id urge people to complain to Ofcom. The programme failed to provide a right-to-reply to all those accused by the sussexes, causing the interview to be bullyiish and partisan. There are rules for impartiality and this programme displayed none of them''
I've complained and said:

The programme contained a series of lies and accusations and failed to provide a right-to-reply to all those accused by the Sussexes, causing the interview to be bullyish and partisan. There are rules for impartiality and this programme displayed none of them. None of their claims were fact checked ie that the got married 3 days before the supposed Royal Wedding. This is something which could easily have been verified. The whole programme is factless, probably fantasy and has caused potentially irreparable damage to the whole Country and the Monarchy.
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Another article in the Times:

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s claims that their son Archie was denied security protection because he was not a prince are “utter nonsense”, police and Home Office sources said yesterday.

The Metropolitan Police, which protects the royal family around the globe, stopped providing security when the couple stepped down as working members while in Canada last spring.

Round-the-clock protection during their time in Canada was estimated to be costing taxpayers more than £1 million a year. Between four and six officers on salaries of about £60,000 were stationed with them and there was the cost of an armoured vehicle and other items. They also had to cover the cost of help from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Protection of members of the royal family is based on a threat assessment conducted by the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC). It gauges the risk individuals face using intelligence from across British security and intelligence services and others, including through the Five Eyes partnership with US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It makes its recommendations to the Royal and VIP Executive Committee, chaired by Sir Richard Mottram, a former civil servant.

A Home Office source separately said there had been “concerted efforts” to cut the huge taxpayer-funded cost of protecting the royals in the past five years. Only the most senior members of the royal family and government receive automatic protection from Scotland Yard but it will authorise protection for all individuals who face a large enough risk.

However, the duchess claimed in the interview that she was told her son would not receive security because he would not be a prince. Later the duke told Oprah Winfrey: “I never thought that I would have my security removed, because I was born into this position. I inherited the risk. So that was a shock to me. That was what completely changed the whole plan.”

Sources familiar with decisions over royal protection have debunked both claims and said it was “ridiculous” of them to expect continued protection. A police source said: “JTAC do threat assessments for anyone of any note and they obviously know who has targeted who in the past so certain individuals have been targeted by certain terror groups and their threat level is moderate high or very high. The leading royals all get protection but again done on a threat assessment basis.

“If you cease to be a royal, you lose your HRH and you go to another country like America, your threat level is going to reduce quite considerably because basically, who wants to kill you? You’re not a royal. It still will exist — there still will be a threat against Meghan and Harry but it won’t be high. And the threat against their children is non-existent so the notion that her son should get protection just because they were born to Meghan and Harry is nonsense, really.”

Another source familiar with the process mocked Meghan for expecting that Archie would receive his own protection, saying: “The point they were making was stupid. A baby that can’t crawl wouldn’t get protection in its own right. It doesn’t need it. The baby doesn’t go anywhere independently, it’s with Harry and Meghan all the time.”

A Home Office source said: “When they stepped away from royal duties, if they then aren’t going to have any contact with the public — they’re going to be living in a private home — the risk assessment is automatically reduced. So even without any change in status, just not doing those day-to-day things will reduce your risk assessment.”

Dai Davies, a former chief superintendent who ran the Met’s royal protection unit, said there was no automatic right to security because Harry was born a royal. He said: “The duty on the officers is to protect the Queen and the line of succession. If there were any concerns about their safety, then they are now US residents, and she’s a citizen — the FBI would also take appropriate action. If there was any known risk or perceived threat then action could be taken by the police there.
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Why did Harry tell his pregnant wife about that hurtful conversation he had with another member of the royal family? If I was Megan, I'd wonder what his motivation was. Or is Harry a liar and it didn't happen the way he said it did.
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And it's like people are forgetting she's an was literally her job to say things that weren't true and make people believe it 🤦🤦
Also she’s staying true to her prior TV roles- trying her very best but coming across over the top, contrived, a bit wooden, and devoid of realism.
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I think it's part of a current movement from a toxic mix of woke politics, BLM and such bandwagons plus a shift in UK and USA politics. And Covid. It's difficult to put into words let alone on a thread like this, but the common denominators seems to be hypocrisy, a determination to stifle free speech, shout down your opponents, rewrite history and tear down what fabric of society you can.
Minge is an extreme example of this scary movement, and the vile people who are her supporters tell you everything about her. She arrived at the right time and has ridden her ginger donkey hard to trample as much into the dust as she can.
We've lost an ally in Trump as he would have supported HM. Minge won't win though. She's up against a quiet majority that she doesn't even know exists let alone understands, and i'm optimistic the RF will emerge from this in one piece.
Yes it absolutely is this. What baffles me is how easily led people are, and how quickly the woke ideology seemingly has infiltrated the mainstream. Why, as someone in the western world, would you want to censor free speech, erase history and silence people who disagree with you? Ridiculous, scary mentality. However I do have faith in us, the silent majority!
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Biden can't even remember the name of our Secretary of Defense. I am not making this up or exaggerating it. His next move will likely be to look for his oatmeal in the nuclear football suitcase. I doubt if he knows Meghan and Harry aren't a TV sitcom.
Ah don't mind poor Biden.. He needs his wife to put in his false teeth for him the right way around or he'd eat his neck.

Same brain matter as Hazzy. None.
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