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I think dim is actually giving her too much credit. She’s a calculated liar, and she knows full well it is not the RF’s way to come out all guns blazing and debunk it all. Her sole aim was to play the victim. She knew how all of it worked, she avidly studied Diana and her royal life.
And it's like people are forgetting she's an was literally her job to say things that weren't true and make people believe it 🤦🤦
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Sorry if this has already been posted.

At the end he also says, tongue in cheek, Archie may not be Harry's as she's a golddigger LOL

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I am just thorough fed up of seeing the pair of them. Fundamentally they are a difficult couple to like and they are such poor narrators of their own story. How they handled their recent court trip with ANL where she changed her statement 3 or 4 times (I can’t remember) and failed to submit the communications she was asked to is hardly congruent with someone familiar with the truth.

Prior to Archie being born, they declined a title for him. Now in the Oprah interview his skin colour was a concern and that is why he doesn’t have a title. Which is it? The simple fact is that he isn’t entitled to style himself as a Prince until Charles ascends the throne. This fact alone should be glaringly obvious to Harry.

With the allegations of racism - all they have done is half alluded to something but not given any tangible detail in which someone can defend themselves. Just enough tantalising detail to cause an uproar though.

I am not commenting on the validity of her or his mental health - I don’t think it right but they have every route of access to help available to them. More so than your average Joe - so why didn’t they pursue it like they did with the private birthing arrangements. The RF are no strangers to MH crisis, accessing help, supporting MH charities. It simply doesn’t ring true that they wouldn’t support someone who was suffering so much. I don’t think they are beyond reproach but I don’t believe that help wasn’t available to them.

I don’t doubt that things may have been difficult for them but I do feel that 99% of it is difficulties they have caused for themselves.
I liked HMTQ statement- simple, impactful, nice touch on the first names indicating familiarity but not titling them and a step above not continuing the drama.

I do think they need to sort out Andrew though - it’s become a stick to beat them with. I don’t think it’s enough to hide him away anymore.

This aspect sits quite uneasily with me - the weight and depth of the allegations is so serious. He isn’t meeting the challenge to address this or clarify things with the authorities and they are keeping him out of public eye. It looks like a condoning of behaviour.

I’d like to see him, H and M lose their titles they were given (not their birth rights) and taken out the line of succession as a minimum. I do accept this isn’t an easy solution as may need parliamentary involvement.

I feel better now. I can’t talk about it at work
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I don't know if it was an intention of the interview BUT she came across to me, along with other things, as being stupid.
Did no research about the British Royal Family before joining it.
Didn't realise she would need to curtsey.
Talked about getting an Uber from the palace.
She got the whole story about Archies skin colour wrong.
Thought they (the Royal Family) would be like or treated like celebrities are in USA. (Not sure about this one, but she said something along these lines)
Just complete disrespect/dismissive attitude for the British Royal Family.
A lot of what she said made it sound like she was being held captive.
They took her passport and other things from her. When did she even think she would be lining up at customs again?

She just came across as bit dim.
I think dim is actually giving her too much credit. She’s a calculated liar, and she knows full well it is not the RF’s way to come out all guns blazing and debunk it all. Her sole aim was to play the victim. She knew how all of it worked, she avidly studied Diana and her royal life.
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I think if Archie really must have a title when Charles takes to the throne, then it needs to sarcastic like the prince of bel air. He deserves no British title because I highly doubt he’ll even be allowed to visit the UK by then so give him so phoney piss take title from Lala Land
Best thing the queen could do is issue a statement that she didn't give Archie a title because she didn't want to assume his gender 😄 Play em at their own woke game
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So Meghan filed a complaint to the CEO of ITV?? Yet tells people she doesn’t read/watch the media?
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Terrifying. Legal action and police investigation is needed now.

ETA And there's no way back for Harry after this.
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American here. I have no idea what has happened to people in this country. It is insane and sad, honestly.

There has always been something so off about MM. I do not understand how people don't see through it. I'm mostly on Twitter, and don't you dare say anything negative about MM to most of the Americans over there.

There was one point in the interview towards the end when Harry was there that Oprah said something like 'so Meghan, it was your fault that...' it was a hypothetical, but for a minute you could tell MM thought Oprah was accusing her of something snd her whole demeanor changed. She stiffened and her eyes narrowed. I remember thinking-- ooh you just showed yourself.

Also, I am not mixed race, but middle eastern father, blond haired blue eyed mother. I am sure there was talk about what us kids would look like. Who cares? I think the race thing. which is what's got everyone's undies in a bunch, was blown way out of proportion. You could tell H was uncomfortable with what a big point that became.

Does Oprah believe all this? I wonder? Why would she do this? And what do H and M want out of all this? It was just really not a smart thing to do.
She is finished in our country now as far as I am concerned. I think she is a vile human being who is playing with fire and will get so badly burned at some stage.
She destroyed all connections with her family, and now is destroying all connections for Harry with his. She is an absolute narcissist, and when she doesn’t get her own way, causes complete mayhem all round. She will soon get tired of Harry and all this drama and move on to a shining career in the US leaving him to pick up the pieces. This has never been about race, just some over privileged little madam who stamps her feet and sulks if she doesn’t get her own way. The sooner she leaves Harry the better.
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- Oprah sometimes suggests things that they pick up. What kind of interviewer does that? Found it strange.
Yes - she led them into things. It was Oprah who brought up being mixed race in the first instance, not Meghan. It was Oprah who suggested Meghan was silenced. It was Oprah who brought up suicidal thoughts. It makes the whole thing look really staged. There's not way that M didn't know what would be asked. She kept giggling when Oprah started sentences like she knew what was coming.

Also - the whole "someone said something". Reading the transcript is really helpful. M says all the stuff about not being protected etc. Then she just drops in "concerns about how dark his skin might be" happening at the same time (which H later contradicts). Then Oprah flips her lid to signpost to the watching audience to wake up because this is an important bit. Then M fudges about how she didn't directly have conversations and then says how it was "hard to see those as compartmentalised conversations" - meaning that noone actually linked the two conversations by her own admission. She linked them. Then Oprah suggests that being "too brown might be a problem" and M says "I wasn't able to follow up with why [because she wasn't actually involved in the conversation] but if that's the assumption you're making, I think that feels like a pretty safe one". She thinks and she feels - she doesn't know and noone actually said it.
She has complete deniability if she wants it because she vaguely links the things and it is Oprah's emotive response that seals the deal. Problem is all this dog whistle twitter shite means people take the essence of something and don't refer back to the source for clarity.

I see that Sharon Osborne is saying that Piers Morgan is just speaking his truth. Love it!
I hope Piers will now use his platform to expose the inaccuracies. I'm seeing a lot on here and on news sites of stuff so its out there to be systematically put together. If you're reading Piers, start with the bike photo shared here a few times! I'm not a massive fan of his but I don't think its right not to be able to question things and have an opinion.
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Beyonce stands by Meghan. This is absolute nonsense. I am sick of woke Americans discussing how brave and inspirational she is. She literally slagged off her in-laws on TV and twisted everything to suit her. I am even more infuriated by uneducated americans discussing how we should end the monarchy.
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The way Meghan acted at Wimbledon that time sums her up.
If he didn't have his life stories or deadliest prisoners show thing on ITV I would so be suing for wrongful dismissal
Tbf, he was asked to apologize, he refused and told them to stuff their job. He walked. I would have done too.
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American here. I have no idea what has happened to people in this country. It is insane and sad, honestly.

There has always been something so off about MM. I do not understand how people don't see through it. I'm mostly on Twitter, and don't you dare say anything negative about MM to most of the Americans over there.

There was one point in the interview towards the end when Harry was there that Oprah said something like 'so Meghan, it was your fault that...' it was a hypothetical, but for a minute you could tell MM thought Oprah was accusing her of something snd her whole demeanor changed. She stiffened and her eyes narrowed. I remember thinking-- ooh you just showed yourself.

Also, I am not mixed race, but middle eastern father, blond haired blue eyed mother. I am sure there was talk about what us kids would look like. Who cares? I think the race thing. which is what's got everyone's undies in a bunch, was blown way out of proportion. You could tell H was uncomfortable with what a big point that became.

Does Oprah believe all this? I wonder? Why would she do this? And what do H and M want out of all this? It was just really not a smart thing to do.
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Megan wants so badly to be Diana 2.0. But she will never be that for one simple reason. British public. Diana was loved by the British public also, Megan will never have that, she miscalculated one aspect of her little game. Even though she made sure to mention her love for TQ, she trashed TQ also when she trashed the rest of the RF. And that was a major mistake. The majority of the British public will never forgive her for that. And she has now completely isolated herself from the RF. I dont see the RF ever allowing her in their inner sanction again, why would they risk it? As for Harry, he will never have the closeness he once had with his family. They will always be guarded around him now. Put on a show maybe for the cameras, but behind closed doors not really a part of the family. For me, once all the hoopla dies down, they have both loss far more than the RF. As the RF will do what they have always done, get on with the job while H&M will continue to show the hypocrites they are because they cant help themselves, they will make some woke statement but still fly those private jet planes, buy those designers clothes etc etc.
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Oh God, I hope so!

(Apologies if I am repeating other posts - these threads are moving too fast)

So now she has helped get Piers fired. Got the world talking about her - she must be absolutely loving it. MM must think she is the most powerful woman in the world right now! She is certainly the most dangerous....

So they both complain that the BRF are the most hateful, racist, unkind people on the planet, but they still want Archie to be a Prince (ie, completely linked to the BRF) when Charles sits on the throne? How does that figure?

I really don't understand the press. If Lady C is to be believed, the amount of stuff they have on her - why not expose? Ok, I get that it will expose BP of covering up her past, but they can explain that away as "helping out Harry". I JUST DO NOT GET IT. She is causing so much trouble, not just for the BRF, but showing the UK to be a racist country. We are one of the most tolerant and welcoming countries in the world, and one woman is gonna shit all over that? How much work the Queen and PP done over the past 70 years is being undone by this trollop?

Some journo out there, please explain why the radio silence on her? Articles just attacking what she says is just playing into her "I'm being bullied" narrative. Just show what she has done, what she is really like, with evidence that cannot be denied. Then she has to try and explain it away.

Serena and Bey have now come out on her side. If certain celebs have kept there powder dry with her over the past year, it certainly now seems to be that they think she has won, her star is rising high and fast and they want to tag along with it. I am not sure that this is ever gonna change or end.
Honestly, if you (not you personally, generalized random you) care what 'Serena and Bey'' think about anything apart from their actual expertise which is tennis and singing? You lack a locus of self, and are still yet to form your own adult personality. Or you know, you're probably well under 30 and not very deep a character. If you're over 30, you're laughable.

I also don't know why people think this should be cleared up in 24 hours. I think this is the curse of online interaction which has trained some people to expect everything NOW NOW NOW. Yes, it's a problem. But you don't clear up a problem like this in a day. You don't lash out on Twatter and indulge in slanging matches. You get your ducks in a row, seek legal counsel and proceed carefully and strategically. Just like in a divorce. You don't play the cunt's game via the cunt's own rules. You know the old saying, don't roll in the mud with a pig, because you won't win and the pig enjoys it. Well, Meghan is the pig. Metaphorically. Actual pigs are far nobler animals.
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I'm very worried about Meghan and Harry. How on earth do they choose which of their 16 bathrooms to clean first? It must be very stressful. Do you think they use a some kind of bog-cleaning rota-system?
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I read in one article that was posted.

Andrew Morton (Diana's biographer) - The Sun

“ ‘Like the time-travelling whirlpool in the hit comedy movie [Hot Tub Time machine], I was spun back through the decades to the 1990s when Princess Diana talked to me about her torrid time inside the Royal Family.

'It was as though her ghost hovered over the two-hour Oprah Winfrey special.

'Time after time, Meghan spoke in the same language and with the same sentiments as the late Princess. It was uncanny.

'Loneliness, suicidal tendencies, exhaustion, a prisoner of the Palace — but respect for the Queen.'”

Ummm, because she studied Diana and that interview. (Sigh)
Precisely! Fucks sake how are these people not realising this, Diana is her lifelong obsession. Can someone please call her out on this who has a platform! It’s not a coincidence or a haunting resemblance, it’s a bloody deliberate copy!
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Pom Bear

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I can't keep up..just got on thread 68 earlier today after missing a few pages and it's now on thread 71 😄 xx

I leave this here that I've made... Jeremy Paxman interviews Meghan that would have been great!
I can see him now..rolling his eyes and saying For fucks sake in his mind 😄 xx

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