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I feel really alienated from what's going on and feel like I will lose freinds with my opinions over these utter what freda says. I came upon this yesterday and it made me laugh its a British military humour site. Hang in there people hopefully common sense and critical thinking will prevail 🤞


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American here. I have no idea what has happened to people in this country. It is insane and sad, honestly.

There has always been something so off about MM. I do not understand how people don't see through it. I'm mostly on Twitter, and don't you dare say anything negative about MM to most of the Americans over there.

There was one point in the interview towards the end when Harry was there that Oprah said something like 'so Meghan, it was your fault that...' it was a hypothetical, but for a minute you could tell MM thought Oprah was accusing her of something snd her whole demeanor changed. She stiffened and her eyes narrowed. I remember thinking-- ooh you just showed yourself.

Also, I am not mixed race, but middle eastern father, blond haired blue eyed mother. I am sure there was talk about what us kids would look like. Who cares? I think the race thing. which is what's got everyone's undies in a bunch, was blown way out of proportion. You could tell H was uncomfortable with what a big point that became.

Does Oprah believe all this? I wonder? Why would she do this? And what do H and M want out of all this? It was just really not a smart thing to do.
Smeggy did it out of pure spite and vindictiveness. Orca did it because she's been hassling Chas and Wills and Kate for an interview for years and they keep dodging the old hag. The best she could muster was Fergie and that nearly got scuppered when Fergie refused to wear the tiara that Oprah wanted her to wear for the interview. She doesn't take rejection well, especially not repeated rejection and she thought she'd cracked it when she secured the wedding invite but the palace headed her off at the pass by telling smeggy she couldn't do a pre wedding interview.From that moment she was team smeggy all the way. The recent BLM shite and fentanyl floyd only spurred them both on, and here we are. I managed a few snippets of the hazza interview and I seriously think Orca does NOT like hazza. She could barely hide her distaste and that sap can't see that those two bitches are already discussing the big divorce interview.
I think Orca and smeggy have spent the last two years combing through every tiny teeny imagined insult and building it into a big reveal while hazza sits around picking his nose and crying over his missing dress-up uniforms. And I think there is more to come. Brenda was meant to come out swinging and strongly refute the allegations and roll in the gutter with lil miss straight-outta-compton and it would become a tennis match (oh by the way, sorry Serena. Being on the outs and losing to better players must hurt. Oh well) with insults flying back and forth. Royals don't do that. So they simply love bombed her in a brief calm response and went and had a nice cup of tea and a cucumber sandwich.:m

Just watch, more dirt to come, or a more in depth rehashing of the same ones with added titbits.
That's my opinion , free speech innit.
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So glad I have come across these threads with like-minded sane people not believing their BS. We live in a dangerous world now where you can’t criticise someone of a certain race and I just hope common sense prevails before it all gets worse.
Not a fan of Piers but he had a right to voice his opinion. And if Twitter is anything to go by the woke brigade have moved on to Susannah because her silence ‘is literally violence’. Scary stuff
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So she doesn't speak to her father because he spoke to the press about her.

But she's happy to speak to the press about her husband's family.

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It annoyed me how they brought up their annoyance at the fact that Charles was once refusing to answer their calls, yet it’s ok for Meghan to continually ignore her fathers calls?! Pot. Kettle. Black.
They are so far into themselves it’s actually scary.
Every family has their fall outs but to keep airing theirs on a world wide platform is a disgrace and certainly not seeking the private life they said they craved.
The Queens response yesterday was very classy, both Meghan and Harry should be ashamed.
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Being French and having lived in the UK for a few years I never understood why the brits speak so much of their special relationship with the US. For me, the Brits are SO European. I feel so many points in common with the Brits, that I don't feel at all with the Americans. The Meghan & Harry debacle clearly shows how different british and American people are. In France for example most journalist, left and right, are criticizing them. In the US, they are all pro Meghan(only because she's mixed race) and Harry. Even Clinton and Biden are officially giving an opinion on the matter. It's frankly grotesque.
I’m loving how all these holier than thou American celebrities are wading into the whole thing when they’re a pretty shady lot themselves. The Clinton Foundation allegedly funding terrorism and Bill Clinton being a serial creep and predator of women. And their new best mate Oprah being up Weinstein’s arse for years. Now they can preach racism, sexism, poor treatment of meghan, and say oh what a horrible bunch the RF are. Woke Hollywood elites are amoral, disgusting, hypocritical people.
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Harry and Meghan #72 They don’t give a stuff about Phil, they’re down to their last £30 mill
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I’ve tiptoed over to this thread from Twitter where it’s all out war on anyone who dares to raise even half an eyebrow at what Meghan and Harry said never mind question it. But reading here I feel relieved as I hear people trying to carefully question what was said rather than take everything at face value (I mean wtf - there’s very few people I’d believe without question and sometimes (my hubby!) I’d even question cos he gets mixed up!

But for what it’s worth I’m convinced MM does have some quite serious mental health issues that cause her to completely reject anyone that even slights her in a small way. I suspect her suicidal thoughts could be a symptom too. She has a fairly strange past in terms of cutting family and friends off completely. Even at the wedding she only had her mother there - why weren’t there even any other family members on her mother’s side there.

But the most upsetting part is that people are now afraid to speak up and question her words. I mean we know the 2 weddings was not true so it does make you question more. It seems incredible a couple that could leave the UK for Canada to stay in a friends house couldn’t use their friends to get medical assistance or some help when she had suicidal thoughts.

if you ask questions you’re deemed racist, or a terrible person for not believing she has/had mental health problems. im incredibly sad that the RF has had so much mud thrown at them knowing they won’t speak out. Calling 1 of them a racist and not naming that person labels them all racists.

i hope Meghan is getting the help from mental health professionals that she needs. And I hope that choosing to do this inter whilst pregnant doesn’t have a negative impact on the pregnancy.
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Without going into detail, over the last 5 years, I’ve suffered some very traumatic experiences, from being sacked twice due to my poor health, to several spinal surgeries, including Consultants who point blank refused to entertain that there could be anything wrong with me until things got very serious and I was at death’s door. Last year, I had an impacted bowel which led to faecal vomiting, all from spinal nerve damage. To put it bluntly, my body is buggered. I’ll probably never work again.

I went through all of this alone and my psychological state has suffered massively. I’ve been BEGGING for help for over 4 years now and no one within the NHS knew what to do with me so although I’ve been assessed more times than you’d probably believe and I’m yet to receive any treatment. After a 4 year battle, it was agreed that I needed urgent trauma therapy from my local NHS psychology team. They promised me I would start therapy by mid-Feb because they realised how many cock-ups I’ve been through which was all the fault of people within the NHS and they knew I needed to trust they’d do as they said. I’ve still not had my first therapy appointment.

HOW can these two whinge on international tv about ANYTHING they’ve been through when they have access to ANYTHING they might require. I simply don’t believe Meghan was in dire straits of depression or suicidal ideation. I know exactly what that looks like and how it feels and I simply don’t believe her. If it were true, I believe the palace, if not her husband, with all of his MH charity contacts, would have pulled out all the stops to help her. Last thing they’d want is another Diana scenario. Little did they realise they were dealing with the woman who seems to think she IS the next iteration of Diana. I should feel apoplectic rage at the piss they’re taking out of people like me, who are surviving alone, in significant pain, on benefits, under another national lockdown but I’m actually so tired of everything, it’s making me feel even more hopeless and ‘what’s the point’. If this is the world today, I’m not sure I want to be in it. It’s much too painful. I hope they’re both delighted with themselves.

ETA, sorry, Re-reading this is a terribly woe-is-me, whining post. Just trying to make the point that some of us could be considered real victims of circumstance, but not those two. Definitely not those two.
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Oprah asked if they'd gotten everything they wanted from the RF, would they have left? Harry answered - "no". That's the crux of this whole damn shitshow. Money, money, being able to act in whatever manner they liked, oh, and, money.
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YES! My whole view of that interview was that it was made for an American audience, who have no idea of how the monarchy works. I wouldn't think twice of having to curtsy for the queen, regardless of where we were. Why does she think she's above that?
They are just so wrapped up in all the woke stuff. Our monarchy isn’t ‘antiquated’, it’s historical, traditional and should be respected. Someone like Oprah probably is jealous and feels that people should be curtseying to her.
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Just an observation - but in the first few sentences Oprah says "thanks for inviting me to the wedding". Surely someone who is impartial should have done it?
I wondered how well H & M knew Oprah prior to the wedding. Enough for her to get an invitation?
I think not.

I am now of the opinion that Meghan was thinking ahead, even then, to have some kind of "tell-all" interview with Oprah.
I also think that Oprah didn't believe everything Meghan said during the interview, but she was thrilled to get such a scoop, and she wasn't about to challenge her.

Earlier, on the last thread, I said that I believed that the Queen and the RF would say nothing at all about this debacle - I was wrong - but I think the Queen has played a real blinder with that incredibly brief statement.

You could tell, when reading that sixty one word anodyne and dismissive statement, that what Her Majesty really wanted to say was:

"Yes, whatever, you were pissed off, I don't care, and nobody in the family gives a fuck about you. Yours sincerely, The Queen"
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Thread title suggestion: Harry and Meghan #72 Publicising ‘recollections’ full of malice, it’s all BS says the Palace!
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I don't know if it was an intention of the interview BUT she came across to me, along with other things, as being stupid.
Did no research about the British Royal Family before joining it.
Didn't realise she would need to curtsey.
Talked about getting an Uber from the palace.
She got the whole story about Archies skin colour wrong.
Thought they (the Royal Family) would be like or treated like celebrities are in USA. (Not sure about this one, but she said something along these lines)
Just complete disrespect/dismissive attitude for the British Royal Family.
A lot of what she said made it sound like she was being held captive.
They took her passport and other things from her. When did she even think she would be lining up at customs again?

She just came across as bit dim.
She’s not dim. She knew exactly what she was doing by saying all that. The woman is a first class manipulator, everything she says is deliberate and rehearsed. Whether true or not, she knew the race story would be her trump card and that no one could question it without being labelled a racist. It all plays into her victimhood storyline. And it’s Harry’s perfect opportunity to get back at those in his family who he feels wronged him,
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So with this whole Piers debacle, the uproar on Twitter seems to be around the fact that he called Meghan a liar for saying she was suicidal.
So why then was it ok for Meghan to call multiple members of staff liars for saying they were victims of bullying?! Where’s the uproar over that!
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Cleanup Operations are still ongoing following Post-Tropical Cyclone Harry 🌪

The Royal Damage Control operations are on manoeuvres and initial reports are encouraging.

Thank you to @Rayne for a deadly thread title - winner by a mile!

Continues from last thread here
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When Diana passed, I was certain that was the end of the Royal Family. The public's anger was so visceral - between the paparazzi that followed her car, to Charles' treatment of her during their marriage and her estrangement from The Firm. I hope lots of lessons have been learnt since then.

I know Diana was no angel but her intentions were good - she still revered the Royal Family and felt she had a sense of duty/something to offer the public as an ambassador of our country. I found it unbelievable Harry brought his mother into the conversation (saying some tripe like "I sense her presence with me"). She would NOT be okay with this mess.

Don't remember Meghan or Harry talking about their long-term plan - they just seemed to want to score points.
In my opinion if she was still alive a) Harry would be a different man and B) Meghan wouldn’t have got within 2 miles of him (apart from sitting on the gate outside BP for a tourist photo). All this utter BS I see on social media that Diana would be devastated for MM and Harry, outraged at the RF, would have loved Meghan, is turning in her grave about history repeating itself, is just ridiculous. Diana hated fakes and arrogance. She would have seen straight through Meghan.
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Not his thread,
not a fan,
not getting into his comments re her suicidal thoughts at 7.30am in the morning....
because I don’t believe 99.999% of what she said either 😂

annnnnd I can’t believe I’m saying this because I don’t watch him anyway, but Piers should not have lost his job, he was impressive when talking about covid and held ministers to account when they continuously fucked up, until his ego got in the way that is. 😏

That aside there’s a level of wokey-PC-bullshit-fuckery at the moment that makes it impossible to sneeze without offending someone.
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