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Being French and having lived in the UK for a few years I never understood why the brits speak so much of their special relationship with the US. For me, the Brits are SO European. I feel so many points in common with the Brits, that I don't feel at all with the Americans. The Meghan & Harry debacle clearly shows how different british and American people are. In France for example most journalist, left and right, are criticizing them. In the US, they are all pro Meghan(only because she's mixed race) and Harry. Even Clinton and Biden are officially giving an opinion on the matter. It's frankly grotesque.
The US is increasingly going mega-rogue.... especially on the Woke agenda. and the fact that Biden took the time to make a statement about this but is MIA when talking to other world leaders goes to show you how fucked up the situation is in the US at this point.
Remember - this is a country that is gender neutralising Mr PotatoHead and cancelling Dr Seuss, such are their priorities.
This is a country that actively criticised the UK for the Brexit referendum results..... the audacity of Americans to judge independent democratic countries for their voting results never ceases to astonish me.... especially given the last 2 elections and their candidates!
Honestly - there is a long overdue "STFU" order for the US and I'm curious to see if the Markle Magic happens to an entire nation:
Brits getting ghosted by her is probably a good thing!
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Happy Lady

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I'm reading Lady C's book about H&M at the moment and I came across this passage about an alleged racist comment made when M was at uni, sorry its a bit long but I think it's very relevant right now!

"Someone who knows Meghan well from childhood warns against taking these defining moments too literally. She has always had a propensity to embellish, to draw dramatic lessons out of the most anodyne events, and, especially since she became a public figure, to use poetical licence to highlight a point she wishes to make but which might not actually have happened the way she recounts it. Since investigation has never been able to turn up this racist dorm mate, notwithstanding the fact that there are records of which students shared quarters, it seems likely that this story is apocryphal rather than reminiscent. Her friend explains, ‘The way to tell is how neatly they [Meghan’s reminiscences] fit the story. Meg’s inventions are too tailor-made to be reliable. People just don’t act the way she says. Once you know her, you can tell which stories are Meghan and which really happened."

Sound familiar? 😂
I love this quote, and it all makes sense. Megnut is an insecure, jealous, immature trouble maker.

Harry annoyed me when he made out that it was "game on" whenever he met the public. He was insincere and now I doubt that any of his laughs, pleasantries and hand shaking was genuine. I therefore pronounce him His Royal Fakeness.
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Scotch Mist

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You know i feel a bit daft now for not fully realising how dangerous cuntface really is. I had her pegged as a delusional narc of course but I didn't think that she would ever attain the sort of power she now has.

She will be on a massive power trip now and think that she is untouchable. This will ultimately be her undoing. As soon as she starts dictating to the British people over our monarchy and our press people will rise up in disgust. Her downfall is coming and I pray that the press are all working together now against her.

Hopefully Harry the traitor will soon realise how we all feel (not just the wokerati on Twatter).

I so hate the pair of them!
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Thank you for setting the thread up and thank you to all you peasants who voted for my thread title now I have found my voice
Bloody brilliant title my friend. Your title I mean, not archiedoll's cos ... yeah:m
Well done baguette for the new thread. Had to skip loads of posts this past 2 days :cry:
It's lovely having newbies (welcome all new friends)but exhausting too. Thankfully they are generally aware of the basic rule "Haznoballs and smeggy are cunts and Brenda ROCKS!"
I just ignore the little lost souls who slither in from the Royal Family thread. It's like when I was out with my torch and spatula of a night trapping slugs to make slug soup last year 🤢... sometimes I really just can't be arsed and leave them to wander aimlessly in their little slime trails while I do my nails indoors.

Well done Brenda. As we'd mostly hoped, "Yah, right, 'cool story bro' ... but whatevs, we still luvs yous. Now shut the fuck up and stop pulling one's pigtails, ya pair of What Freda says."🤪

ETA. Re her googling the words to the anthem to learn it. One question ... WHY?:unsure:
I have never in my puff seen the Royals singing along when it gets played. They stand to attention. Oh I'm sure there is footage (cos yeah, slither slither slugs) but in general they don't.
So when she first met Brenda did smeggy drop a turd (oops sorry:oops:, the name triggers that in my spell check) curtsey and then belt out all the verses of the anthem like a drunk at the end of a karaoke event in a loyalist club? Strange woman that she is.
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Carry On!

This Boden advert came up on Facebook on Monday. Look at the comment below - even showing a picture of Kate because she's just worn your blouse is now racist and 'picking sides'.

I meant to post this when I first saw it but wanted to catch-up on all the threads first. Phew! Finally there!😁

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Me three!

The interview aired here in NZ last night ... of course bits of the content had aired on the news as soon as it aired in the US, but those who finally got to watch it in full were, for the most part, disgusted if radio talkback is anything to go by. "Ungrateful" is a word that keeps being repeated. Meggy made it sound like she was a prisoner. What a load of crap - she had more than a few trips to Soho House while they lived at Nottingham Cottage.
And jumped on clooneys private jet for her babyshower in NY. She’s must have been feeling good that day and also must have been given her passport back 🥴
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Megan wants so badly to be Diana 2.0. But she will never be that for one simple reason. British public. Diana was loved by the British public also, Megan will never have that, she miscalculated one aspect of her little game. Even though she made sure to mention her love for TQ, she trashed TQ also when she trashed the rest of the RF. And that was a major mistake. The majority of the British public will never forgive her for that. And she has now completely isolated herself from the RF. I dont see the RF ever allowing her in their inner sanction again, why would they risk it? As for Harry, he will never have the closeness he once had with his family. They will always be guarded around him now. Put on a show maybe for the cameras, but behind closed doors not really a part of the family. For me, once all the hoopla dies down, they have both loss far more than the RF. As the RF will do what they have always done, get on with the job while H&M will continue to show the hypocrites they are because they cant help themselves, they will make some woke statement but still fly those private jet planes, buy those designers clothes etc etc.
When Diana passed, I was certain that was the end of the Royal Family. The public's anger was so visceral - between the paparazzi that followed her car, to Charles' treatment of her during their marriage and her estrangement from The Firm. I hope lots of lessons have been learnt since then.

I know Diana was no angel but her intentions were good - she still revered the Royal Family and felt she had a sense of duty/something to offer as an ambassador of our country. I found it unbelievable Harry brought his mother into the conversation (saying some tripe like "I sense her presence with me"). She would NOT be okay with this mess.

Don't remember Meghan or Harry talking about their long-term plan - they just seemed to want to score points.
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I finally read the entire script of the interview.
- Found really dificult to follow their train of thoughts, espcially Harry. Also they almost never provide context and precise explanations. It made me think of testimonies from abused people: it's the exactly the opposite, they describe exactly what happened to them and in which context.
- Oprah sometimes suggests things that they pick up. What kind of interviewer does that? Found it strange.
- Meghan declaring that her husband shared with her anything she needed to know - that's why she never looked up for information but at the same time complains she didn't have any clue what means to be a working royal.
- They left to Canada with no plan and then Harry didn't get why his father asked him to send him a writing plan?
- Harry saying that the money coming from his mother is like his mother knew he will need it. Mmmh nope, when you recieved a few millions from your late artistocrate mother it's just because you are part of a very privileged social class. The problem of Harry is that he thinks everything due to him. Never trying to understand how the monachy works and its funding work -which is why he had no clue how on which basis security is given.
- Also still didn't get what was the point of this interview?? They don't even talk about their projects.

Concerning security, from what I read if the threat on their lives reaches a certain level, now that they are in the US, it would be to the FBI to take care of their security as now they are american residents. Which I guess for now it's not the case?
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Never thought I'd say this, but Paul Burrell was actually talking sense this morning on GMB (husband switched over from BBC because they were spouting shit). He actually pointed out the dicrepancy of what M said and then H said about the 'rasism', and then got onto the 'wedding-not wedding', and then said that we need to know the context of all this. And then went onto saying that Diana was a monarchist, and that she was determined that it must survive, because it underpins "who we are". I'm guessing he was NOT impressed with the interview, and particularly M...blimey!
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I'm so over this bargain bin Diana knock-off and her kept man. I find it utterly astonishing that people keep gobbling up her bullshit as she sits there like the Virgin Mary, pretending to be serene, with her hand on her bump, serving line after line. I'm not even British; if this pisses me off this much, cannot imagine how the RF must be choreographing their face palms so they keep it fresh after dealing with this woman for so long. If I hear one more whinge from her about longing for privacy, I will Fedex a Nokia 3310 to knock herself out with.
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Elton John & the Clooneys have staff too and they’ve both had the bitch to stay. I doubt she was any nicer to their staff than she was to Kate’s at Anmer (she was “downright rude” that 1st Christmas, remember?) Maybe they believe the bullying stories and are staying the fuck out of it.

Actually, has anyone actually based in the UK come out in support?

I know this sounds pathetic but I feel really quite upset at the thought of Kate having a door slammed in her face when she went round with flowers. That’s just unforgivably nasty and humiliating.

I am starting to think Markle is legitimately psychotic.
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I wonder would Liz say to Charlie. ' Listen son, the ungrateful little twat has shit all over this family after all we did for that skanky piece of shite he married. You should have sorted him out years ago, a good hiding will have done him no harm. There is no way on earth that he is getting near my throne ... therefore Wills is going to be Kingy. Hazzno was always a spare, he's pissed his chips now' Liz out. ...
I think that might have been part of the conversation Phil the Greek had with Chuck a couple weeks ago before he went into St Barts for the op.
Charles, my boy, I may not come out of this procedure so I need to get something across to you now while I can.... I literally will come back and haunt you and Cams for the rest of your days if you so much as give one penny or one nanosecond of your time to those two. And it won't be a Casper the Friendly Ghost haunting. It will be James Wan directed specialFX haunting causing you to soil yourself during your coronation and every day thereafter.
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Next Thread title suggestion:

Harry & Meghan #72 Harry forgot his lines, so recollections may vary

I bet he spent the night in the chicken house after his performance
Love it!
May I respectfully make an addition?

Harry & Meghan #72 Meghan is saddened that Harry forgot his lines, so recollections may vary!
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I am convinced that Meghan and Harry still have HUGE mental problems. They both are like little children crying out for love and attention with no feeling of responsibility for their own actions. Both having extremely complicated childhood drama behind them and totally crazy father/mother relationships. Here therapy could help. What doesn't help is that their intelligence is rather on the left side of the Intelligence curve... This is something no therapist can fix.

A few threads ago I wrote about my experience with attempted suicide and was not able to answer -- the threads move so fast.
Thank you for your sympathy, in retrospective I am grateful for my dark ages as I now appreciate the light ones more and know myself so much better. Thanks to great therapists I recovered fully.

What one cannot say about Meghan, who still is full with emotion, self-pity and tears. No responsible therapist would recommend giving an interview in this emotional state and while pregnant. This is something for a safe self-help group or therapy session but not for television.

Depression (like in my case) is not the only reason to have suicidal thoughts. There are also some other mental illnesses which may lead to suicidal thoughts, like schizoid disorders, but also just a short termed mental "weakness" without prior mental health issues which may lead to suicide (e.g. when someone can't stand the shame (caught in a huge lie) or an existential problem (losing all the money, losing family, getting a bad diagnosis, etc).
With depression it is something which creeps slowly into your life, it makes life heavy and drains all energy. Typical for depressive people is that they blame themselves for everything which goes wrong in their life and the world. Once they get suicidal thoughts and have the plan it actually lifts their mood. I got a twisted emotion of relief and calmness - that why it is often afterwards that relatives say, we haven't seen it coming, not now, her/his depression was under control and he/she seemed to be getting better.
So I rather doubt that Meghan was depressive. I think she has some other disorders more of the schizoid narcissistic kind. This way or the other she needs/ed professional help which she definitely could have gotten. They managed to get the archbishop in secret into their backyard so getting a good doctor doesn't sound like the complicated part... But even if she was lying about the suicidal thoughts, this lying and blaming others in a way she does, is also a sign for a mental illness.
Coming to this conclusion, that Meghan is a severly mentally sick woman I am out after this last comment, I am going on a Meghan-Detox. I don't want to pour more oil into her sick fire and don't want to feed her hunger for attention.
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And it's like people are forgetting she's an was literally her job to say things that weren't true and make people believe it 🤦🤦
people have said it's "her truth" well that doesn't make it THE TRUTH. Maybe everything she said is true, without any evidence it's all gossip. It's odd that so many just blindly accept what she says as fact.
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If Charles were to make Archie and the baby a Prince and Princess a few years down the line I think there’d be a massive public outcry.

I hope William, Kate and Camilla are on board with ‘ no fucking way’
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