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First time poster here...well other than commenting on pacemakers in the elderly on the last post, I know...random. I just wanted to add as a 60 + woman, WTF is going on ?? How can Haribaldi and hs bint cause so much havoc from an interview ( and I use the term loosely) conducted by an irrelevant journalist ( and I use that term loosely too)? Frankly I am disturbed by their reach ,US officials coming down on their side and the likes of Piers Morgan being forced to resign...what is their end game ? Oh and they're most definitely a pair of what Freda says !
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Piers was just on the ITV news defending his right to his opinion. Absolutely right.
If I made a statement on TV about issues about my life - it's up to them whether they want to believe it - you can't force people to think your way (Only now it appears that you can!!)

I'm waiting for Oprah to interview Piers about 'His Truth'
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Also she’s staying true to her prior TV roles- trying her very best but coming across over the top, contrived, a bit wooden, and devoid of realism.
I do say, as an extra she was pretty convincing in a blowjob scene in 90210. :unsure:
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I am amazed at how polarising the interview has been and the lack of impartiality from all sides. I don't agree with the Monarchy but I also don't agree with Meghan and Harry. I am accused of being a racist by fellow liberals because of this. All because I question an ambiguous comment which is highly weaponised.

Meghan didn’t actually hear the comment, only second hand information. Harry describes it as ‘awkward’ and a ‘bit worrying’, not exactly the shocking reveal, Harry seemed to think it happened at the beginning of their relationship, her during the pregnancy, we don't know who said it but who didn't 😏 we have no idea of context, and in reality we are left with more questions than answers. It was all sensationalist tv and assumptions. Not solid facts.

Meghan coming into the Monarchy, broke down so many walls and ceilings in the royal family and aristocracy in general. As a biracial women she was accepted into the upper echelons of a bigoted, frankly medieval world and brought about change. At the beginning I thought she was a shining light to revolutionise the Monarchy. She was given a title, patronages, had a £32million wedding, half a million baby shower, house renovations, wardrobe and security at the tax payers expense. As a republican I agree with none of it but I genuinely thought she was a step in the right direction for equality.

So despite all this positivity in her situation, she focuses on one comment made by one person (no family is perfect, but the Monarchy have said and done much worse) and instead of educatating said person at the time (as any good woke would do) and bringing about positive change. She packs up and leaves, to reveal half the story on a commercial celebrity interview, garnering as much interest and histeria as possible. Throwing the whole family under a bus to elevate her own agenda, it was divisive and incendiary.

Her joyful reaction at the end of the interview and then the released photo of marital bliss (with her husband and sons face obscured whilst she is laughing in the center) at a time where she has incited so much hate, pain and turmoil for her Husband's family is insensitive and contradictory of her message. One should have empathy and respect for others at all times.

If she really stands by the accusation and believes that she has been undermined and unfairly treated due to her race then she must hand back her titles and want for none of it.
For while she considers herself a Duchess and screams about equality, to me, she is a big part of the problem.
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The Queen says some recollections might vary..
Well we find Meghan’s lying quite scary!
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If it’s any consolation to anyone - the woke eventually cannibalise each other in the race to be the most accepting and inclusive. It’s actually hilarious to watch from the sidelines when it happens. Like a bunch of snakes in a barrel slithering and attacking each other.

Also, as a side note, I was in high school when Diana died. I remember slating the RF with all my friends (northern UK based). How they should be abolished, championing an imaginary Republic. Reality was, I said it because my friends did, I didn’t understand how things worked, and I thought my friends were so much more worldly wise. I wanted to be seen that way too. I actually didn’t give a shit. I don’t think today is much different, except young people can be publicly and anonymously obnoxious on the internet.

ETA: the woke also HATE being called NPCs. They absolutely detest that a meme gathered traction against them a few years ago. It needs reviving 😂😂
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Seen some clips of him when he was younger saying he hates England and the press. He's repeatedly said this when he was younger. Why couldn't he just bugger off and live his life as a working royal in the commonwealth... I'm sure they could of accommodated that if he truly hated his role.
When he and smeggy flew to oz his aides told him he needed to go and greet the press who were in another part of the plane. He trotted up to them and said "Hi guys nice to see you here even though you weren't invited" and flounced off. Cheeky cunt. :mad:They were the royal press corps, tickets paid for by the palace I believe(though possibly by their papers), and were there to do the "Didn't our Royals do well in Oz " shite reports for their various papers. Unlike scoobie scabies who had to pay for his own ticket because despite his lofty claims, he is NOT part of the Royal reporters official team.
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Piers was just on the ITV news defending his right to his opinion. Absolutely right.
If I made a statement on TV about issues about my life - it's up to them whether they want to believe it - you can't force people to think your way (Only now it appears that you can!!)

I'm waiting for Oprah to interview Piers about 'His Truth'
Haha, would never happen. He's a wily old goat and would make mincemeat of her. He's an actual journalist who's scrapped his way up. People seem not to realise Oprah was never an journalist. She has fuck all education beyond high school. She got on TV through some crap local station in her late teens and simply displayed a talent for displaying emotionality that got her opportunities and struck gold with the Oprah Winfrey Show which specialized in allowing people to cry about their problems on air. She's then reinvented herself over the years. Remember when she had that Book Club? Remember when she promoted The Secret as the answer to everyone's lives? That pile of grotesque nasty woo-woo nonsense that said if you were poor it's your own fault for not manifesting wealth, basically?

She couldn't conduct a hard-hitting interview if she tried. She's canny in her own way, a ruthless business head on her, but she is not a trained journalist. She's a tv media 'personality', a presenter and a business tycoon. Piers or anyone on his level would trip her up constantly.
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Pro- Meghan sources claiming there is evidence - will it emerge.
So these e-mails and texts have been shared freely with Meghan's friends? I wonder if the originator of the e-mails knows that they have been shared to other people? Privacy?
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Charles cycling in full shirt and tie!! ;-)

Poor Harry down to the last 29 million. I found the bleating about Archies security laughable. Surely a young child is covered by his parents security as very unlikely to be out and about on his own.
Let's talk about the threats now to George, Charlotte and Louis after that interview stoked up some serious anti-monarchist death threats, the night before they were scheduled to return to school? fuckers. My goodness those two shits make my blood boil
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I think it's part of a current movement from a toxic mix of woke politics, BLM and such bandwagons plus a shift in UK and USA politics. And Covid. It's difficult to put into words let alone on a thread like this, but the common denominators seems to be hypocrisy, a determination to stifle free speech, shout down your opponents, rewrite history and tear down what fabric of society you can.
Minge is an extreme example of this scary movement, and the vile people who are her supporters tell you everything about her. She arrived at the right time and has ridden her ginger donkey hard to trample as much into the dust as she can.
We've lost an ally in Trump as he would have supported HM. Minge won't win though. She's up against a quiet majority that she doesn't even know exists let alone understands, and i'm optimistic the RF will emerge from this in one piece.
You’re right, but unfortunately at the moment there is a silent majority who are too scared to speak out in fear of being ‘cancelled’ by the virtue signalling victims. Look at what has happened with people in the US being filmed saying something or acting in a way they deem offensive, you risk losing your job and relationships when they go to the media and your employers.
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Well, Megs is knocked off the headlines by both Piers and most notably, the news of a policeman being arrested for the suspected murder of the missing Sarah Everard. That's the problem with the 24 hour news cycle for mega-attention whores; you're chewed up and spat out in days, or even hours as more stuff rolls in.
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Why have the British press not issued a paper with EXPOSING MEGHAN AND HARRY'S LIES on the cover and dissected that embarrassing interview comment by comment? This thread alone has numerous examples of their lying and I'm sure the press has even more than we do. Why go soft now?
give them a couple of weeks. I suspect there is a lot of evidence gathering and cross checking going on behind the scenes. H & M have had their couple of days of fun but I suspect in the coming weeks the tide will turn and the stories will start to drip, drip. They'd already annoyed the press ages ago by saying they wouldn't speak to several of them, I think the press have been biding their time, playing the long game and waiting to see what the Palace would do before waiting for the right time to let rip.
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When Diana passed, I was certain that was the end of the Royal Family. The public's anger was so visceral - between the paparazzi that followed her car, to Charles' treatment of her during their marriage and her estrangement from The Firm. I hope lots of lessons have been learnt since then.

I know Diana was no angel but her intentions were good - she still revered the Royal Family and felt she had a sense of duty/something to offer as an ambassador of our country. I found it unbelievable Harry brought his mother into the conversation (saying some tripe like "I sense her presence with me"). She would NOT be okay with this mess.

Don't remember Meghan or Harry talking about their long-term plan - they just seemed to want to score points.
Sorry to repeat this, but I will anyway ... from a few threads back.

Plus, since he's now in bed (figuratively speaking) with the woman from CBS who okayed the publication of images of Diana lying dying in the back of the crashed car, I think this apt and worth reposting now that the thread has slowed a bit.

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Has there been any new updates since the BP statement yesterday?

My best mate has stopped talking to me because I’m not pro Meghan and Harry.

She is convinced it’s Prince Philip who said the comment or whatever was said, even though Oprah has said it wasn’t the grandparents. Her only basis is because Prince Philip is German and made comments in the past

She has said that Harry is protecting his grandfather because he’s sick, I’m like right if he gave any shits about his grandfather he wouldn’t have done the interview then.

I don’t get how deluded people are 😂😂 !! It came from the horses mouth and yet people don’t want to believe it.
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