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Chatty Member
TBH, Piers Morgan leaving ITV looks like a Smegsy own goal. Because while he was on GMB, he could be reined in. Now, he has nothing to lose. He's going to go at these two with both barrels, and with zero fucks left in his engine.

If I was Smegsy, I'd be afraid. Very afraid.
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Long time lurker but been reading the threads for a long time, what I don't understand is, if Harry felt trapped and states his brother and father are also trapped, why do they want their son to become a prince possibly making him also feel trapped.
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Camilla Tominey on ITV now saying that the staff member who has been said have left due to gross misconduct (first made by Omid Scobie in Vanity Fair or Harpers) is considering suing over Omid's remarks.

ITV are coming in strong on balance and fact checking here. Camilla says important that 'one narrative is not allowed to dominate'
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I'm actually shocked how many people bought her shite, and now my Facebook is full of people comparing her to Caroline Flack.
***trigger warning - suicide***

I’ll probably get lambasted for this but I can only go by my experiences.
Sadly, over the years, I’ve had suicidal thoughts more times than I‘d care to admit BUT, out of those myriad times, I have only (!) seriously considered acting upon it twice. On those 2 occasions I planned my method and here is why I don’t believe Meghan was seriously considering it.
On those 2 occasions I was waiting for my chance to be alone for a long enough period so that by the time I was found it would be too late to save me. I wasn’t saying to my family - “please don’t go out because I want to kill myself”, I wanted them to go out!

Look at Caroline Flack - she had people with her 24 hours a day and the second someone left her alone to get some groceries she sadly took her own life. She didn’t beg her friend not to go out, she wanted her to go out so she could be free of her demons. 😔

I’m not saying Meghan didn’t have suicidal thoughts at all (we probably all have once in our life) but I don’t believe she would ever had seriously thought of going through with it.

Also a poster several threads back said that a suicidal person does NOT think they are a burden and that their family and friends would be better off without them. I disagree. That’s exactly what you DO think - you believe you are doing them a favour and they’d be so much happier without you, a blessing even.
When you are in that frame of mind everything gets twisted, you don’t think you’ll be causing them pain, you think you’ll be relieving them of it.

As I said, this is only MY experience of it and others may have differing opinions.
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Piers is a high-profile journalist with the very best media connections. It's undeniable that he knows much, much more than what is in the public domain, and knows it can be proven where the skeletons are.

Saying you don't believe someone when they talk about suicide is incendiary. He wouldn't have done that unless he knew for a fact that she was lying.

He wouldn't risk everything for a bit of attention if he didn't know exactly what he was talking about.

He'll be out for blood now.
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This article is on point "TThough Meghan parked much of the blame for the Sussexes having left the UK on racism, many of us wonder whether it could have more to do with her simply being an American?"
No. Her problem was being a jumped up arrogant narcissist who thought she could stroll in with her extensive studying and knowledge of Diana, and be Diana incarnate. It’s her own actions that have caused this, not some vague racism, xenophobia or even naivety on her part. Her bullshit that’s pretty much the first line of the Oprah interview that she’s just an American and Americans only see royalty in fairy tales, I didn’t know what it was like is just that, bullshit. She’s a calculating hustler who knew precisely what was going on.
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Be kond

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Even I know you’d need to curtsy before the queen, and watching the princess diaries taught me that at age 8!!! Shes a loon who cannot keep with her lies
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I am SO glad he refused to apologise to that lying cow. So glad.

I hope he puts up an article tomorrow not only reiterating his refusal to apologise but repeating what he said all over again. And this time, there’ll be added DM comments 😉
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I saw the interview and found many, many inconsistencies and false information/claims.

1) Oprah saying, "You really are pregnant."
Oprah said that because Meghan has been accused of faking her first pregnancy. There have been rumours that Meghan had a prosthetic while using a surrogate.

2) Claim about Archie's title and protection
Archie has no claim over the title because he is neither the grandchild of the ruling Monarch nor the offspring of the future Monarch. William's children have their titles because they are children of Prince William, the future King of England. As far as protection goes, the Queen doesn't decide who gets protection and who doesn't. It is the Metropolitan Police and it is given only to working royals. Since Harry and Meghan aren't working royals but private citizens, they don't qualify. Archie would have gotten protection through his parents, not by virtue of his birth. The British taxpayer has absolutely no incentive to protect private citizens.

3) Meghan claims she wasn't given any help by the royals
It is a well known and well-published fact that the Queen asked her former PA, Samantha Cohen, to come out of retirement to teach Meghan the ways of the Royal world before she married Harry. Interestingly, Samantha Cohen quit after six months and is one of the 10 people accusing Meghan of bullying and will testify to the same. Also, the flower girl incident which has allegedly made Meghan cry: Kate advised that the flower girls should wear cotton slacks to protect their modesty but Meghan wanted the opposite. Clearly, Meghan rebuffed any help and wasn't ready to learn the ways of the Palace.

4) Mental Health
Harry has been getting private counselling since he was 12. So have other members of the family including Charles. Meghan could have availed to do the same but she didn't. Harry has been vocal about mental health but conveniently forgot to tell Meghan she can get private help like he and several other members of his family.

5) Passport and keys
Meghan travelled to NYC for her baby shower and Serena William's match. She travelled on private jets to private holidays. This is not possible without a passport. As for car keys- the senior royals are frequently seen driving around.

6) Racism
Meghan said there were several conversations about Archie's skin while Harry said there was one, even before he married. Oprah conveniently chose not to ask Harry about his past racist behaviours. While the racist claims may be true, it is uncontested and not the way it was shown in the interview. Either Harry or Meghan is lying as their versions don't match.

6) Headlines about Meghan in the British tabloids
Oprah didn't show the full headline, only part of it.
More about that here

7) Financial claims
Prince Charles provided Harry and Meghan funds throughout and only stopped when they left the monarchy because they don't work for the monarchy anymore as the monarch, above all, is a job.. You can't expect salaries when you don't even work for a company. Harry has his mother's inheritance though. Harry said he made the deal with Netflix and Spotify but conveniently forgot to mention their efforts to trademark the monarchy for financial gains or his pitching Meghan for Disney roles.

8) Meghan claims that she wasn't aware of who Harry or the RF were
Meghan had a blog prior to getting married and wrote extensively about the royal family, her admiration for them and Diana. It has been famously told by Meghan's friend that Meghan researched Diana's favourite perfume and wore the same for her first date with Harry. She was obsessed with Diana and read and re-read Diana's biography that was given to her by her friend.

Some other information
  1. Meghan threw Kate under the bus, again and again, even when it wasn't required. Kate was very close to Harry and their relationship started crumbling after Meghan came into Harry life. Prince William is believed to have advised Harry to take it slow with Meghan but Harry saw that as racist.
  2. Prince Charles walked Meghan down the aisle when her father was creating drama.
  3. Meghan sued the Mail on Sunday for leaking her letter to her father while letting her five friends go scot-free when they openly talked about the letter to the press even before her father did the same.
  4. Oprah didn't ask how they bought the $14 million mansions even before scoring all the deals.
  5. Meghan employs three PR firms, one of which represents the Clintons and the Obamas.
  6. Harry shut down Travelyst immediately before moving out of the RF. What happened to the funds there?
  7. Meghan created a huge row when the royal family did not allow her to accept free gift from designers. She happily accepted the infamous earring by the Saudi Prince who accepted to dismembering a journalist. Initially, she claimed she had no idea about it but was seen wearing it towards the end of her stay in RF.
  8. Meghan and Harry moved to LA for privacy instead of staying in Canada.
That's all I can write for now.
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I really don’t think HMTQ will remove titles sadly. I still can’t believe they expected security to be paid for when they move out of the country and commonwealth and decide they don’t want to do royal duties.
I don’t quit my job and get to keep my company car and pension contributions. And why did Meghan need to go to the palace HR for her mental health? call a doctor
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1001 others

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Hi @Kotare, another Kiwi here, you are one of my people, so many think taxcinda is brilliant, not me, I'm in you're camp 😁😁
Me three!

The interview aired here in NZ last night ... of course bits of the content had aired on the news as soon as it aired in the US, but those who finally got to watch it in full were, for the most part, disgusted if radio talkback is anything to go by. "Ungrateful" is a word that keeps being repeated. Meggy made it sound like she was a prisoner. What a load of crap - she had more than a few trips to Soho House while they lived at Nottingham Cottage.
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I think she heard the boos at The Royal Albert Hall and flew into a narcissistic rage, She may have had suicidal thoughts due to her fragile ego. Also didn't she say that she didn't show Archie off after his birth because she knew he wasn't getting a title, So punishing the public because of extreme jealousy of Kate - another narcissistic move
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Posted this on the last thread but thought I’d put it here too for anyone who needs their sanity restored and doesn’t understand how so many are taken in by MMs bullshit:

I’ve been trying to work out what the fuck is possessing all of their supporters. Why do they believe her, why are they drawn into the lies? Then it hit me, the thing that all her supporters have in common is that they have done no research, and have no nuance or context with it all. It’s all buzzwords from the social media echo chamber, with no meaning or facts behind them. On the other hand, the thing that her critics have in common is absolute droves of backed up evidence and facts, not just ‘she’s black that’s why you hate her’.

A very long winded way of me saying their supporters have zero critical faculties, intelligence and to a greater extent, individualism. They’re happy to follow the herd and be outraged without even bothering to find out the truth
I think it's part of a current movement from a toxic mix of woke politics, BLM and such bandwagons plus a shift in UK and USA politics. And Covid. It's difficult to put into words let alone on a thread like this, but the common denominators seems to be hypocrisy, a determination to stifle free speech, shout down your opponents, rewrite history and tear down what fabric of society you can.
Minge is an extreme example of this scary movement, and the vile people who are her supporters tell you everything about her. She arrived at the right time and has ridden her ginger donkey hard to trample as much into the dust as she can.
We've lost an ally in Trump as he would have supported HM. Minge won't win though. She's up against a quiet majority that she doesn't even know exists let alone understands, and i'm optimistic the RF will emerge from this in one piece.
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According to that woke new definition it means that Piers Meghan Markled good morning Britain and the ITV in the same day lmao
HAHA. Imagine if piers saw this and came out and said I was just valuing myself and my mental health and leaving a situation where my authentic self was not wanted’ :ROFLMAO:
It would further prove the woke idiocy that is, it doesn’t work both ways. If Piers said that it wouldn’t be accepted. You have to be left wing for your feelings to be valid.
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I’ve tiptoed over to this thread from Twitter where it’s all out war on anyone who dares to raise even half an eyebrow at what Meghan and Harry said never mind question it. But reading here I feel relieved as I hear people trying to carefully question what was said rather than take everything at face value (I mean wtf - there’s very few people I’d believe without question and sometimes (my hubby!) I’d even question cos he gets mixed up!

But for what it’s worth I’m convinced MM does have some quite serious mental health issues that cause her to completely reject anyone that even slights her in a small way. I suspect her suicidal thoughts could be a symptom too. She has a fairly strange past in terms of cutting family and friends off completely. Even at the wedding she only had her mother there - why weren’t there even any other family members on her mother’s side there.

But the most upsetting part is that people are now afraid to speak up and question her words. I mean we know the 2 weddings was not true so it does make you question more. It seems incredible a couple that could leave the UK for Canada to stay in a friends house couldn’t use their friends to get medical assistance or some help when she had suicidal thoughts.

if you ask questions you’re deemed racist, or a terrible person for not believing she has/had mental health problems. im incredibly sad that the RF has had so much mud thrown at them knowing they won’t speak out. Calling 1 of them a racist and not naming that person labels them all racists.

i hope Meghan is getting the help from mental health professionals that she needs. And I hope that choosing to do this inter whilst pregnant doesn’t have a negative impact on the pregnancy.
Agree with all. I honestly believe that if Meghan was white (like she appears to be but we can’t deny she does indeed have a black mother) that her supporters would find it extremely difficult to have any leg to stand on at all. It’s the sad fact that racism has become the top trump card in identity politics, to the point where you are simply not allowed to question it and if you do it means you must hate black people. Disgusting, reductive, strawman argument to use.
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Being French and having lived in the UK for a few years I never understood why the brits speak so much of their special relationship with the US. For me, the Brits are SO European. I feel so many points in common with the Brits, that I don't feel at all with the Americans. The Meghan & Harry debacle clearly shows how different british and American people are. In France for example most journalist, left and right, are criticizing them. In the US, they are all pro Meghan(only because she's mixed race) and Harry. Even Clinton and Biden are officially giving an opinion on the matter. It's frankly grotesque.
Biden can't even remember the name of our Secretary of Defense. I am not making this up or exaggerating it. His next move will likely be to look for his oatmeal in the nuclear football suitcase. I doubt if he knows Meghan and Harry aren't a TV sitcom.
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Another thread title suggestion:

Harry & Meghan #72 Meghan couldn’t take the flack, so she called ITV and Piers got the sack
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Sorry can't keep up with all the posts!!

Don't you just love the Queen.....she says just the right thing to say a lot!!! What a fab lady!
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