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Smeggy talks in circle. More circle than yacht girl promiscuous activities :rolleyes: I bet in about a month, she will release PR on how her words have been taken out of context and how she is a fuckin saint :mad:
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I am still awake and doubly hanging out of my arse but I’ve been having a look on good old Twatter to see the lie of the land.
I wish I bloody hadn’t! Now I know that Twitter is a proportion of views and opinions but seeing #Abolishthemonarchy is saddening.
HMTQ really doesn’t deserve this and Harry being the caring and respectful Grandson should never have let it get to this position.
I am confident that the RF will ride this out but the vitriol and disgusting comments (some even wishing death on members of the RF) must be soul destroying.
Harry, this is what you’ve done to your family. You spoke so much of protection and security when you’ve gone and fed your family to the wolves.
Imagine how your family feels? How you could have made one of them feel low, depressed, unable to cope? How your sister in law could be devastated by your wife’s comments and how people are attacking her. How your niece and nephews are being put in the firing line because they are Princes/ Princess and Archie isn’t.
How every member of your family is now under suspicion of being a racist?
There was no need for a public berating of your family. If you have issue, take it up privately and try to resolve it.
Just because you and Meghan hurt, doesn’t give you the right to hurt others on such a public scale.
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Chatty Member
Harry complaining about not getting financial support and the poor thing only got Diana’s inheritance😥 he’s acting like they were living on the poverty line. Spoilt fucking brat.
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I'm willing to bet that there will be a Palace statement tomorrow. They're probably waiting for the interview to air tonight in the UK and they will finally speak up tomorrow. They've probably spent the whole day discussing with lawyers/advisors and etc. I can't imagine them being quiet after such allegations. This whole thing is also on the verge of becoming a geo-political scandal, affecting our relation with the US and the Commonwealth. Just awful.
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Fuck me Meghan is fecking sanctimonious with zero self awareness.

And Oprah is a shit interviewer
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Honestly she is such a twat and is it just me or are a lot of Americans losing so much common sense lately. Honestly I’m starting to think majority of that country is backwards. Like the amount of individuals supporting her and screaming “rAcIsM” and trying to smear the U.K. and say we are all racist aswell as the monarchy is absolutely ridiculous. How are people falling for this victim act.

She is absolute cunt. I feel so sorry for the Queen and her family right now. Her husband is deathly ill and this cow is trying to completely ruin the monarchy. Dont Americans understand that Archie would not have a title anyways due to how far down the line he actually is. It’s nothing to do with race 🙄
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So I finally watched the interview - so much bad energy. So exhausting and draining to watch... Meghan is a manipulating, narcissistic liar and control freak with a lot of heavy emotional baggage with a low tolerance for stress and a high greed for attention.
And poor Harry still tries to save his mother projecting all Diana´s drama on Meghan. It is not history repeating itself, it is him trying to turn back time and saving his mother. Meghan knows this and plays it in every way. Dr. Freud would have written a book about this case! I really hope they both still go to therapy and don't pass all their mental programs on their children.

Meghan comparing life in the palace to the life people have now in lockdown is the funniest thing in that interview. She really means it.

But all this talk about the not granted and not funded security. This entitlement is something where I totally lose sympathy with them. Take your own money and pay for it like other people who need special security.

Meghan is throwing the racism bomb on the family and on the other hand she talks about a birthright? "Birthright" which is something like the entitled emotion which sparks discrimination and racism?

There is no logic, no reason, no intellect, no wit and nothing positive in that interview. Just two very hurt people who are looking for someone to blame.
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People are sharing a post on FB that's got several thousand likes, comparing Meghan to Caroline Flack..................:sick::sick:

If only people could recognise someone acting when they see it................. ;)
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I'm calling it...

Charles asked what they think Archie's skin colour will be. Harry's has obviously taken major offence. William has told him to not be so dramatic and Harry has thrown his dummy out the pram.
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Judging from their language and tone, they really think they’re above the rest of the royal family, aren’t they?!

Meghan rescued Harry.
Harry needs to educate his family.
Meghan has forgiven Kate.
Charles and William are trapped.

So delusional. If they’re so superior, why are they begging for money and title?!
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Thanks to @Rubythefirebat for the shiny new thread.

Bet we'll fill this one up in a jiffy, as the actress said to the.... Ooops never mind 🤣

BBC News at 8.30 are fact checking

- the two weddings (Sussex spokesperson has now said first wedding in the garden was simply a ritual)
- was Archie denied a title? (No as the rules are clear, BBC explained them
- was Archie denied security? (No as only a available to working Royals. Harry stepped back so lost his justification for taxpayer funded security)
- The row with Kate. Who made who cry? (Bridesmaid's dress incident. BBC repeated Meghan's version without challenge)
-Archies's skin colour. Who asked? (Not the Queen or PP but who was it? BBC did not challenge or question the statement made)
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Does anyone remember the poisonous pair insisting that Archie was to be an only child? Environmental decision, 1 child is enough blah blah. Many saw it as a dig at W&K who had 3. The lies just drip off their forked tongues 🤮
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Piers said exactly what I think. Was on previous thread


I'm an American. I haven't yet watched the interview. I already thought they were both acting horribly and I'm quite certain that watching will just reinforce my opinion. It's truly shameful and I am so tired of rotten people being put on pedestals. 🤮
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I just tuned it at my fave moment, when Oprah asks would you still be there if you got the support, and he says without a doubt and she says yes.
Which just confirms to me they wanted all the perks/good bits that come with being a royal, and all the glitz that comes with celebrity. If the RF said yes it's fine, you do you this wouldn't even be an issue now. It's the act of petulant children, full of jealousy who have been told no 😡😡
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So between marriage and moving to Canada she didn’t see her passport, how did she get to NYC for the baby shower, NYC for the US Open? Plus numerous other places- honeymoon, weddings abroad, Elton’s house for a holiday... yawn!
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Samantha MArkle has spoken out, and produced receipts to prove that she didn't change her name back too Markle once Meghan met Harry, and that the had contact in 2013- not the years and years ago that Meghan wanted people believing 👏👏👏
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LMAO another photo of “Archie” but yet again it’s in ludicrous black and white, and doesn’t actually show “Archie”, just a bundle of blankets, and what could be a plastic foot.

do they not have colour cameras in Montecito?

WHERE IS POOR ARCHIEDOLL because I sure as hell don’t believe he’s with Pop and Flop.
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Chatty Member
Suicide isn't turned on and off. Meghan talks about one specific moment/time she felt like doing something awful. I can only speak for myself but a fleeting day or evening of feeling hopeless isn't necessarily a mental issue or equates to being suicidal.

Meghan never actually utters the word suicidal, she allows Oprah to make that assumption and she then Meaghan goes with the assumed narrative. Meghan is careful as she never says anything but allows others to peddle sensational accusations.
This is highly manipulative.
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Meghan may well have been suicidal, or having suicidal thoughts. This I can sympathise with.

BUT she used it as a manipulation tactic once again to cry neglect by the firm. She was clearly seeking help, with insight into what she was experiencing- why not call 111, see a GP, call the crisis team? All which she has access to from the NHS like the rest of us.

But no. She went to the hr department who rightly said they couldn’t do anything. Coz they’re fucking hr, not psychiatrists.
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