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Not that there should be a comparison between one great true princess with this whining sorry excuse of one but Diana looked visibly upset, defeated and sad in her interview with Bashir whereas you can so clearly see how much Meghan is enjoying and feeding off hers. Never have I witnessed a ‘victim’ show so much smugness, self-satisfaction and pride in telling their story. 🤮
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I've been utterly furious today. I'm so far behind on the threads and I am just utterly incandescent at this whinging twat and her pussy-whipped bloke. I detest the pair of them and hope they are utterly miserable for all eternity. They dress appallingly, so at least there's that. I am having to go to my happy place (reading through a cocktail recipe book whilst drinking wine) and avoiding these two twunts for a couple of days.xx
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Chatty Member
It’s actually terrible journalism to not try to offer a balance and explore both sides. I’ve only seen clips and read here but it doesn’t look like this happens at all...
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I feel sorrier for Harry with each day. He was taken apart from his family; his roots and his childhood. Of course it was his own choice to cut ties with the RF, but let’s be real, it was all for Megan. Let’s wait till a few years pass and all this glory of fame and love is washed away. What will he be left with? I’m sure he hasn’t regretted his decision to follow her at least once.

I don’t believe that Meghan had “never read or heard about the RF prior to meeting Harry. On the interview, she mentioned hanging out with Harry’s relative and them having double dates with her and her boyfriend, and that she had already been friends with this person before meeting Harry. (I don’t remember the particular royal’s name). Isn’t that a little self-contradictory?

I don't feel sorry for Harry at all. He's a man pushing 40 and everything that has transpired is the result of his own awful character, poor taste, and bad choices. He's not a victim, he's a co-conspirator in this trainwreck.
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I don't know if I'm qualified to speak on this subject because I haven't experienced racism.

However, surely there is a difference in speculating the colour of a child's skin and "being concerned how dark they would be"?
She said they were worried he would be too dark. Or were they just saying I wonder who he will take after? Bit like saying I wonder if her will have ginger hair?
As a mum of three mixed race children, I’m jumping in 😊 Whilst pregnant with my first, relatives and friends would say things like “I wonder who they will take after/what colour their skin will be”. There was never any malice at all and my best friend even said “I bet he’ll have a beautiful creamy brown complexion”. I wasn’t offended because my best friend loves my children as her own. It’s a natural thing to wonder what your baby will look like, and if you are a mixed race couple, your child’s skin colour is part of that. One of my boys has light brown skin with curly hair and my other two look white and have straight hair. My daughter who is six has stated she is white because when she looks in the mirror, that’s what she sees. I have no issue with it. She knows her family history and where she comes from. So many people are rightly petrified of being accused of being racist when they aren’t and likewise, a lot of people like to play the race card when things don’t go their way.

perfect example. We went out for a family meal and had cause for complaint. I complained (I’m white) and was brushed off. My husband went over and they couldn’t do enough and were falling over themselves to accommodate him.

Meghan will use whatever accusations she sees fit and will twist an innocent comment to become the victim. She’s a narcissist
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I don't see how having a conversation between say family/friends about what the colour of your child's skin may be when they're born (especially when you have parents with different skin tones) is racist. We're not told the context of the way it was said just that it was said.
I'm sure there's some truths but I find it hard to believe all of what's come out is true. Especially when she was welcomed into the family. Harry wouldn't have got the approval to marry her the way he did if she wasn't approved of. I was on page 26 of the last thread I've definitely missed posts in between and have to wait til 9pm to actually watch this when I get home 😂 so sorry if I'm just repeating what's already been said.
The whole thing is one big pile of steaming sh*te. The red carpet was rolled out for Meghan, she was given privileges and introductions prior to the wedding that even Kate didn't get. They had the wedding they wanted, the patronages they wanted, the engagements they wanted, the trips they wanted, the house they wanted. I don't believe the context of the colour of the baby's skin was any different to whether the baby would have red hair like Harry. And it has bugger all to do with whether or not he has a title. That is a fact. Harry could have married the most white privileged female in the country and their baby would still have no title.
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Pressure's building on Justin Welby. A lot of people asking him to explain the secret wedding. People tweeting that they quite fancy a private ceremony in their garden a few days ahead of the big event, and asking whether their local vicar can do it or not. It's a proper can of worms that Rachel has opened there. He's going to have to say something one way or the other and confirm either that
  • the backyard thing WAS a wedding, so the big show in Windsor that Oprah and HM Queen were invited to can't have been
  • she's got the wrong end of the stick, and the backyard thing was just a rehearsal, and she can take the "vows" said at it off the wall now
  • he knows nothing about it, and she's simply made the whole thing up
Clock is ticking Archbishop
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My take away, what a fucking mess. I can't see Harry coming back into the fold after this.

I think H and M didn't know each other long enough before they married. She didn't know what the role would entail and either he didn't tell her or she listen.

I don't think she understood that the Royal Family are politically neutral and because they are funded by the public they are answerable to the public and have to do things they don't want to.

I think they, at best, were extremely naive about Royal Protrction being a given especially when they left the UK. It seems really fucking odd they didn't think this was a possibility when apparently they wanted M to keep acting as they couldn't afford another working member of the Royal Family.

I think LA was always M's end game.

I think the Queen, Charles and William will feel completely betrayed by the interview.

I found the while Kate made me cry story weird. I wonder if they had a cross word (Kate having just given birth and Megan being stressed by wedding planning) and upset each other.

Surely she realised that the Palace don't tend to comment on gossip and speculation so wouldn't have said anything publically about the story.

I feel sorry for her if she felt like she wanted to commit suicide but I don't believe for a second that she was refused help. Harry had had therapy, Charles has had therapy, Kate and William support a mental health charity. To me it sounded like she wanted to go to 'a spa' for inpatient treatment which I agree wouldn't have looked good. Also she said she went to HR but she wasn't an employee of the Palace she was part of the family, I cN understand why they might have not been able to help her.

After saying she felt so mentally awful the Sussexes reply to the press release last week about bullying actually comes accross as worse. I would have had more respect for them had they said that whilst they deny bullying they take allegations seriously, they are distressed that their actions could have been seen in this way and that they support and will participate in a full investigation into the claims.

The gender reveal was crass.

The racism allegations are vile. They have played this one brilliantly. Someone had "concerns". The speculation is that, as people do, someone commented about what their baby might look like. That said it could be something much worse. By hiding what was said and by whom they are allowing this narrative to dominate headlines.

The faux wedding, flabbergasted. She is clearly nuts. I am sure it wasn't a legal wedding but at most a blessing. To pretend that the £32 million day was just for show again shows a complete disregard to the British Public who came out to support them and who were frankly delighted that Harry had found happiness.

I watched all the coverage this morning and I really took against the Dr who was shouting Piers Morgan down. We have heard one version of events.

Your turn your Majesty.
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My daughter didn't speak to me for almost a year because I don't believe transwomen are women. She had a hissy screaming fit at me and then no contact. We're speaking now but certain topics aren't allowed.
I'm deeply ashamed of her, not because she believes transwomen are women but because she didn't have one single argument, there was no debate and she thinks if she shouts the loudest, then she's won. Patiently waking for the day she wakes up.
No disrespect, but this is the issue with the woke disease. They preach inclusion and diversity, but it doesn’t matter to them. If you don’t hold their staunch, hard left identity politics view of the world then you are a bigoted, racist, misogynistic transphobe who needs to be silenced. Priti Patel and Kemi Badenoch are great examples of this- the holy trinity- successful, ethnic minority, woman. But they don’t hold the ‘correct’ views so they are never supported by the woke social media cult.
MM has played on this expertly, specifically by playing the race card.

oh and P.S. trans women are not women.
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The interview between Harry and Meghan and Oprah aired last night. Including such delights as:

Meghan felt suicidal and wasnt supported
The Royal family are racist, because an unnamed person dared to ask about the colour of their unborn's childs skin. Harry doesnt want to discuss this allegation any further or name any names!
Kate made Meghan cry
Harry is upset that he has lost financed security from the British tax payer
Harry isnt talking to his father as his father wont answer his calls

Oh and they did a public gender reveal on the Oprah show...such class!

Oh and there is more to lunchtime via Oprah......

Do we have a current link to the whole show? Or has everything been blocked until it airs on ITV tonight at 9
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From The Times

Meghan told Oprah Winfrey there had been “concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he’s born” while she was pregnant with Archie.

I don’t understand what “concerns and conversations” means???? What was the conversation Meeeeegain?

Kate: “I’m concerned about how dark the colour of the baby’s skin will be when it’s born?”
Will “let’s have a conversation about how dark your baby’s skin will be when it’s born?”

Of course the fuck not.

Even racists don’t have “concerns” about the colour of people’s skin. It’s either a colour they want it to be or not. They are not “concerned” about it.

Yet again this witch has used her weasel words to tell (what I believe) is a tale based on something entirely different.

I have 2 children. I am mixed race, my children are mixed race, my husband is brown haired, when he was young he was Blond. Blond blond and blue eyed.

It runs in his family, all the babies are very blond and piecing blue eyes. My mother in law said to my mother when I was pregnant, “oh this baby will be blond haired and blue eyed”...(she is not racist). My mother said “no way. This baby will be like our side of the family, brown skin, brown eyes, brown hair”.

I was pretty sure my mother was correct, as my dad had blue hair and blond hair and both myself and my brother dark hair,dark eyes, dark skin”.

well, blow me down - my daughter blond as blond with bright blue eyes 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.

The truth is most people ask about what babies will look like to expectant parents. My brother’s wife is ginger....we had a lot of chats about whether their kids would be ginger or not. They are.

I would not consider myself or my family racist. I believe it is more than possible thr RF (like all families) discussed what the baby would look like - this does not mean it was a racist discussion.

Today’s coverage has been very depressing.But I am hoping beyond hope by Wednesday this will be over: their final swan song. Most of what she said will be fact checked (it has to be because otherwise they will sue) and the truth will out.

I believe the RF will weather the storm, but really, should they have to? The two of them should be ASHAMED of themselves. I hope they never show their faces back here.
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So much to say really isn’t there! Headlines of my opinions are what a vile, hideous narcissistic grifter and LIAR! Comparing herself to the bloody little mermaid, the arrogant bitch. Could write for hours about it but will just focus on the lies, none of which add up.
1) Married 3 days prior with no witnesses- illegal in the UK.
2) ‘Concerns' about Archie's potential skin colour being the reason he didn't get a title- MM and H said they didn't want him to have one, and constitutionally he wouldn't be entitled to it.
3) She was sequestered and trapped- strangely enough was free to go wherever she pleased and had an extravagant baby shower in New York.
4) Kate made her cry- well documented that Kate merely suggested the flower girls wear tights for modesty, MM kicked off and new mum Kate cried.
Oh and the best lie of all, her famous I didn't know anything about the royals or Harry before meeting him- Diana was your idol, Meghan, you hideous narcissist, sociopath and liar.
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Of course the fuck not.

Even racists don’t have “concerns” about the colour of people’s skin. It’s either a colour they want it to be or not. They are not “concerned” about it.
This is such a crucial point though! IF the RF was racist and against a brown skinned baby, they wouldn't have agreed to the marriage, period. It makes zero sense that they would suddenly be concerned about the colouring of the baby once she fell pregnant. It's utterly absurd! Is she implying they were hoping for a magically white baby and that it just suddenly hit them: "Oh no, this biracial woman may perchance birth a brown baby! Let's ask her about this because we are such mean racists!"
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Chilli pepper 19

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Is it just me or from his expression and body language and the speed and animation of his speech, does JCMH look like he's completely lying?

BTW I think they're both trying to bury William and Charles because they said no
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I better dust off my smallest violin for poor Harry who has had to use the money his mum left him. Let's start a GoFundMe for them 🎻
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It drives me nuts that her behaviour is excused because of race. If she was a white person behaving in exactly the same way she would be vilified or something else scathing to do with white privilege. But because the race card is ( wrongly ) being played here, she is using it as her get out of jail free card. This is not about race, it never has been, it is about character. She is a nasty piece of work whatever colour she is.
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I've a feeling this is going to backfire badly on both of them, I think there is no doubt where this vitriol is coming from, a princess who didn't like playing second fiddle and not liking being lower down in the pecking order (read billing) of the Royal Family, so she does the only thing she knows how to do and that's self publicize, it's Harry I feel sorry for he's given up everything to be with his tv show wife, his life will now consist of endless chat shows and tacky hollywood PR stunts, and I reckon she'll keep him around for as long as he's useful, then claim irreconcilable differences and divorce him.

2 years maybe 3 tops

she has a history of moving on......after all
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Knackered.But my tuppence worth.
From the transcript wonderfully post live by baguette and all the others in the team ... I actually laughed out loud when baby hazza wailed "Daddy stopped my pocket money early in 2020 and now all I have to live on with my expanding family is £30 million:ROFLMAO:" Great, hand it over you cunt and that will be just £2 million you owe us for the princess diaries wedding fiasco. Note he failed to mention the lion's (Lyons,:m) share of the £14million old queen mumsy left him AND the huge wedge he's due to get when he reaches 40.

On her inability to get help for 'mental health issues'. Honeychild your hubby has been availing of mental health assistance since his brother William encouraged him to some years ago, so if you actually spoke to him between roasting chicken and blow jobs you could have had access to his therapist, and maybe also learned to curtsey since you're down there servicing the ginger cunt anyway.
On the same subject, cuntchops managed a secret hospital dash to collect archiedoll. No press, no pesky men in grey suits, no announcement no publicity. An undercover adventure worthy of the SAS ... but couldn't pop along to Hazza's therapist's office for an hour once a week on the QT.:rolleyes:

ETA. I agree with others who say the Firm should love bomb them with kind platitudes.
While quietly dripping info to the press to piss on their organic morning waffles.
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