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I find it offensive that some black (people of colour)? commentators on tv suggest that because I am white I cannot relate to racism. What utter bollocks. There is something called 'empathy', an ability to sympathise with another person in different shoes -primarily from reading or hearing first-hand accounts from reliable sources (ie: Not Meghan). Put it this way, Agatha Christie (for example) wrote many acclaimed novels about murder, she was able to portray murderers very well ... yet she didn't f*cking murder anyone did she? She wasn't a murderer herself.

That awful shouty rude Shola woman on TV is cut from the same cloth as the professionally offended nutjobs who accuse white people who cook Chinese Food of 'Cultural Appropriation'. Best ignore psychopaths like that, whose only interest is shilling their crappy book.
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So they couldn't announce the birth time or place or godparents of archie but they can reveal the gender of the unborn child on oprah?
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Chatty Member
Is there anything she forgot to tick off the pity party...

Suicide ✅

Miscarriage ( infer this was down to the RF, rather than just one of those things biologically) ✅

Mental health ✅

Tacky gender reveal ✅

Mention Kates a bitch ✅

Racism ( but only vague hints, no actual names To be investigated)✅

I was such an innocent I didn’t know how to curtsy (avoid mentioning I’m a 40 year old woman with internet access) ✅

Harry’s family are all evil (note to self don’t mention my family because that does not suit my pity party narrative) ✅

Fuck the Brits by needlessly deceiving them about the wedding ceremony not being real ✅

Fuck the Brits by deceiving them over how I give birth and shrouding it in mystery✅

Money. Make sure they know we are down to our last £30 mill ✅

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On the finances that Harry mentioned, the (reliable) rumour is that Charles gave the Harkles a multi-million lump sum payment in April 2020 to settle them into their new life. The Harkles had complete control over how that was spent.

That is what Harry means by being cut off without a penny in 2020. Not a penny is the truth. Just a multi-million pound lump sum.
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Iconic Member
There is no way in the burning fires of hell she didn’t read or see any reports about her, didn’t look at pictures of them or see headlines,
didn’t google Harry or his family. 😐
Stories from friends aside, this isn’t the prince of Arendelle or Genovia ffs, you’re not Anne Hathaway, the U.K. is not an unknown land far far away 😂

so when you’re clearly telling a lie on one hand, why believe the rest.
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👑Announcement: We entered Phase 3!👑

✔Phase 1: catch the Prince, turn him into a frog

✔Phase 2: cosplay Diana at the Comic-Con

🔲Phase 3: slowly boil the frog 🐸
Plot: In this phase we can witness more media nonsense after the Oprah interview. Discredit Harry day by day, as he is not the hero we wished for and unable to save Meg from being secondhand celeb. Following Diana's path we can be part of history, that noone else care about, and watch the build up to the divorce and the hunting for a Hung Tech Millionaire.

Imdb: 3/10
Tattle: 10/10

Your mental coach does not approve this!

Thank you for the title @keylimepie (again :LOL:)
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No Drama Llama

Well-known member
A CBS journalist trying to endorse a CBS programme, nothing more.

Hold on... i am sure I read many times over Meagain was offered coaching from
the Palace staff about how to behave and what she was meant to do, but she knew better than everyone else. The tights, nail varnish and hat spring to mind. The Palace staff wouldn’t make the same mistakes they made with Diana.

As to going to HR about feeling suicidal... she is trying to throw the Palace staff under a bus. She had a private doctors for her birth, was she incapable of finding private counselling?’
Why would you go to your works HR department if you were feeling suicidal or felt you had mental health probelms - wouldn't you talk it over with your husband and/or mum and then speak to your doctor. It's not as if she'd be stuck on a waiting list and have to wait months just to get an appointment with a counsellor. As you say, she refused to use the queen's doctors when she was pregnant and instead used her own so of course she could contact someone about her mental health. Why are people so stupid that they believe all this crap that she comes out with.

She also said she couldn't go out for lunch with her friends and didn't leave the apartment/cottage for four months - when exactly was that then Meghan, sorry I've obviously got too much time on my hands at the moment:

Move to Frogmore
Archie born
Trooping the Colour
Jul/Aug 18Castle of Mey - Charles & Camilla
Jul/Aug 18Sandingham - Queen & Prince Philip
Jul/Aug 18Cotswolds
Elton John's villa
Lake Como - Clooneys
Wedding in Rome
Charlie and Daisy wedding
African Tour
Hamilton gala performance
Eugenie's wedding
Tour of Australia
Honeymoon - Seychelles
Albert Hall
Baby Shower - New York

Also on the subject of not be able to meet friends for lunch - she seemed to be able to go to Wimbledon when she wanted and fly back and forth from New York, Canada, LA, etc. If it is true, maybe it was more about the way she behaved at Wimbledon and the palace didn't want her throwing her weight around in restaurants.

Wanting to commit suicide when she was pregnant with Archie - Diana throwing herself down the stairs when she was pregnant with Harry :unsure:

It all has the essence of bullshit and I'm so annoyed after a fantastic Commonwealth Service and knowing the Queen's baby is the Commonwealth and how keen she is for it to keep going, you get these two petulant children throwing their toys out of the pram and stamping their feet with their bottom lips stuck out because they didn't get their own way so are coming out with all this bullshit.

We don't want Archie to have a title as we want him to grow up as a normal kid - they refused to give Archie a title because of his colour! We are leaving the royal family because we want to become financially independent - nasty Daddy has stopped my pocket money! We are not going to reveal when Archie is due, where he's going to be born and we won't be presenting him to the world outside the hospital as it's not right that a woman should have to get all glammed up for a photoshoot so soon after giving birth - they refused to let us have our photo taken with Archie outside the hospital! We had our wedding paid for and planned it exactly how we wanted, we were given a house by the queen, Meghan was given god knows how many clothes and jewellery, they were given the option for Meghan to join the family part time and people to help her learn the role and ease herself in to it but she didn't want this as she wanted to hit the ground running - we've had no help from the family! They're complaining about not having security paid for but maybe that's because a) you've chosen to move halfway round the world and are now earning your own money so can afford to pay for it yourself and b) when you did have security in Canada, you were treating them like servants and sending them out to buy you coffees and takeaways rather than do the job they were paid to do.

I could go on and on and I'm sorry for the long post but I'm so angry with the blatant lies they've come out with and more so that people are falling for it and slagging off the royal family. Knowing how much hate there is on social media for anyone sticking up for the monarchy, I hope they've upped their security, especially William and Kate.
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Chatty Member
Just remembered something I meant to post earlier.
If she didnt know who he was at all before meeting him, she expects us to believe that she fell for him based on his looks and personality. Nah love no one would believe that.
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VIP Member
OK having thought about WTF the Palace do with this pile of brown steaming stuff....

I think their best response is to ever so gently and tenderly agree that both of them are fragile and understandably struggling with their mental health. (Crazy as a box of frogs is the tone here).

Some sentences about how seriously the Royal Family views mental illness, hopes that anyone suffering from being (mad as a hatter) is able to seek the help they need.

An admission that (they have had bats flying out the belfry for years) there were signs that both of them were overwhelmed.

A statement that the RF obviously will respect their privacy and not discuss any specific details of their past medical history (they've been barking mad for years and we have the receipts).

It is hoped that in the future when they have found the peace they are searching for, they will look back at this interview with regrets. (They are not only barking mad, they are lying liars). For that reason, BP decline to comment further. (But our lawyers are watching you) Time is a great healer. (Our lawyers are watching you and are on an indefinite retainer.)

They wish them to be at peace and only hope that they find the happiness they are searching for. (Bye Harkles and don't close the door behind you)
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Chatty Member
There is now wide speculation on twitter, etc that the "racist" comments had come from Prince Phillip. It is unacceptable and disgusting that those 2 idiots (the little mermaid and Haz) would make such allegations and statements, without specifying who made the comments, and now potentially subjecting to risk, hate, attacks a 99-year old man, lying in a hospital bed. They should've either clarified who they were referring to, or not mention it at all. Absolutely disgusting and shameful.
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I’d love to hear from the staff who worked with Meghan & Harry and left. More importantly the staff of other backgrounds too. I think it’s about time we heard their stories. The real judge of character is how you treat people you cannot benefit from.
Time and time again we’ve seen Twitter isn’t a reflection of the opinion of the British public. It’s just the few that try to scream the loudest that get reported on.

Ten times more disappointed in Harry for allowing the insinuations of racism because he didn’t get his way.
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VIP Member
Oooh BBC 1 News - presenter is saying her (Indian) family had conversations with her and her white husband about what the colour of her children might be. She doesn't think those conversations are always racist, in fact, she thinks its perfectly normal.

This is after the author of 'Brown Baby' offered his sympathies and support to Meghan for her awful experience (even though the conversation was with Harry, not her) about the potential colour ways that might work their way through with their first born.

Surely all parents talk about what their children might look like, with skin colour being one element ?

Both my parents have dark hair, dark eyes and are not super pale although they are white. When me and my twin brother popped out all blue eyes, blonde hair and skin the colour of skimmed milk, there were eyebrows raised, especially as we stayed that way.....nobody expected or predicted that !

Apologies in advance if I trigger anyone about minimising race related issues.
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Well-known member
I’ve just heard frim someone I consider highly reliable that far from being a millionaire, Meghan was actually in some debt when she married Harry. Charles paid it off for her as a welcome to the family gift & so that she could have a fresh start.

She truly is a an ungrateful piece of shit.
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Just had a discussion with my daughter, who is so Team Woko, it hurts.

Apparently I am not a feminist if I don't back Woko up. Go figure.
My daughter didn't speak to me for almost a year because I don't believe transwomen are women. She had a hissy screaming fit at me and then no contact. We're speaking now but certain topics aren't allowed.
I'm deeply ashamed of her, not because she believes transwomen are women but because she didn't have one single argument, there was no debate and she thinks if she shouts the loudest, then she's won. Patiently waking for the day she wakes up.
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I'm going to be watching CBS this morning to see what else oozes out from Oprah's studio while I catch up on 30 pages from last night. Just want to add this here:

I know there are much more respected & better known Americans who post on this thread, so hey, who am I? Nevertheless, here are my thoughts.

I can't imagine how Brits must feel, because I am fuming & I'm obviously not invested at all. I didn't even watch it, just read the transcripts here & I'm livid. I knew Megantionette was crazy, but home girl is CRAZY. And Harry, woo boy. Obvious issues himself.

Journalists need to go over this with a fine tooth comb & pull out all of the inconsistencies. They not only contradicted what was previously stated, they contradicted each other.

You don't know the national anthem? Shut up. Google it, you hoe.
No one helped you? BULL. You didn't ask for help, we all know it. The first thing I would have done when I fell in love with a Prince 😍🙄, would have been to ask for help. Teach me everything. And there is not a doubt in my mind that I (& she) would have received it.
They worried about your baby's skin color? STOP. No one could even tell you were mixed.
You were refused help for your mental health? Nope. W&K speak about mental health all the time, do they not? It would actually be WONDERFUL press for "the firm" for her to receive help for her obvious Post-Partum Depression she had if Harry was coming home to her crying every day.

How incredibly tone deaf to sit in a $$$$ dress, living in a mansion, driving Range Rovers, crying about being "cut off".

Please don't think that whatever support you see for them on twitter, US media, etc is actually how our country thinks. I've seen that a lot in these threads. I see a lot is "U.S. sources" cited that are all left leaning outlets. They are the only ones lapping up this crap. 90% of this country doesn't even know or care who they are or about the monarchy. Of the remaining 10%, maybe 2% are the media, tiktok, & twitter which are the left leaning, woke, supporters of them.

For all the Obama worship I read on here...I mean, those are her friends? Those are the circles she runs in. I just typed out a paragraph, then deleted it, because I didn't want to seem too political or off topic. But I suppose I just think you all should understand that IF what I have read on the past several threads is any indication, you all are getting your picture of U.S. culture from sources that support the very claims that Megantionette & her idiot friends are making. Just confusing to me that everyone can see through this psychopath, but then read all the adoration for her friends?

Well, back to lurking since I'm just a stupid American.
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Someone has posted this on MN. I bravely forayed into there this morning to read the room......... and I thought this was genius.

I think it was very telling that he said he was trapped but didn't realise he was trapped until Meghan pointed it out to him...
I think Harry has been resentful almost his entire life and to be fair to him the whole construct he was born into is bound to create resentment.
I think those around him helped contain that resentment for a long time, talk him down, talk him around. Walk on eggshells.
Then Meghan comes along and does the complete opposite. She feeds those feelings and encourages them. Why do you let them treat you like this etc..
This is the result.
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Long time lurker - what strikes me here is why they have done this to their own son? In years to come, Archie will be able to view this interview in which his mum tells the world, his family were racist to him! That is horrifying - why would you hurt your kid this way?
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Chatty Member
Why is the Archie title an issue now? Didn't they say when he was born that THEY THEMSELVES DIDN'T WANT him to have a title. Now they are telling us he wasn't allowed to have one?
They told us last year they wanted independent lives but are now complaining that they were cut off financially?
If the RF had a problem with Meghan's race, surely Harry wouldn't be allowed to have married her? Am I wrong? There seemed to be nothing but goodwill and happiness for them, myself included. People saw it as a positive, modern step in the right direction. Charles walked her down the aisle! It made me cry I was so emotional watching it. I honestly believed the spin that "this is the family Meghan never had". Meanwhile her poor family were like huh? The family she never had? What are we?
I heard a good comment on the news how they wanted to leave and instead of just leaving and settling down, they threw a huge grenade in behind them.

I feel so gaslit. Send hugs and wine. 😭

Is there any coming back from this? I'd love to know what the atmosphere is like today at the palace.
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