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Chatty Member
I think a lot of the stuff that M mentioned needs to be further explained. The fact that Archie lost out on a Prince title was not down to skin colour but an old protocol set by George V; while I’m sure someone in the RF may have wondered about the colour of Archie’s skin it may have been out of curiosity instead of being a racist comment; she likes and gets on with the Queen but hates the institution which is headed by the Queen so I’m confused - does M still respect the Queen or not? And what’s this about the marriage in the garden which didn’t (apparently) happen. The interview raises many more questions now which she needs to respond to else someone do it for her.
I’m back to the comment that Valentine Low made about how M craved rejection and I think the interview really brings home that point. Once it became clear M couldn’t unseat Camilla and Kate from being Queen, she decided to look for every single petty comment or query that would enable her to complain to H about the RF’s treatment of her. She decided to sink the RF once the reality hit home that she was only a junior in the RF and she’s been waiting to do it since she left the U.K. last year. This isn’t the last we will hear or see from her, I suspect she will continue to try and inflict more damage once she’s seen how riled up the US are about ‘racist’ Britain. But I hope she’s never allowed to step foot in the U.K. or any part of the Commonwealth again after such a obnoxious set of accusations against the RF. if she was truly repulsed by their treatment of her she would have rejected any form of funds from them, denounced the title she was bestowed and determined to live life as a stronger woman. Instead - she chose to continue accepting their funds and their patronages. She’s nothing but a vile and manipulative hypocrite.
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Your baby sounds beautiful

But .......This cant blow over in a couple of weeks. Someone in the RF, not PP or the Queen herself, has been accused of being racist.
That is an extremely serious allegation and in these woke times, it cannot be allowed to stand without proper investigation!

Nor too can the allegation that the Royal family are insensitive to and unable to support any individuals suffering from mental health issues and suicidal thoughts. These reports below show such a different side to this claim about members of the RF though!

Prince William and Kate give £1.8m to mental health charities | The Independent | The Independent

Prince William and Kate Middleton speak to a family whose 12-year-old son almost took his own life | Daily Mail Online

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge spoke to a suicidal 12-year-old boy who was helped by their text counselling service Shout in a moving video call, which was released today via Instagram.

The couple heard how the youngster, who is given the name Jack to protect his identity, was standing on a high bridge unbeknownst to his loving and supportive parents when he contacted Shout - a crisis line Cambridges launched as part of their Heads Together campaign with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in May 2019.

What a shame there wasnt anyone in the ''Heads Together '' campaign that Meghan felt able to talk to, this campaign must have been months in the planning and campaigning!
It's so serious that the best approach (IMHO) is for the RF to acknowledge with great sadness that this couple are fragile and evidently are struggling with their mental health, therefore they will not judge them on these rash remarks. When the couple are in happier and more peaceful place (i.e. when they upped their meds and stepped away from the crack pipe) they may be able to reflect on their remarks and withdraw them. That sort of thing.

At this point, the Harkles needed to be treated as fantastists and it would be polite to put that down to mental illness, and hope that they get the treatment that they need.

The press will do a good job on the fact checking. The Palace can just drip sympathy for the troubled couple.

ETA I'm also thinking Harry is coming to pieces in front of our eyes. He's visibly losing the plot.
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Chilli pepper 19

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Seeing what's just been published it looks like the Michelle Obama tactics are being deployed. Personally I wouldn't give those two the dog fight they're desperate for

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I haven’t been here for a very long time but that interview...

Meghan’s claims about the Palace’s concern regarding how “dark”Archie would and saying that’s why they didn’t give him a prince title is a LIE. The prince/princess title is only given to the Queen’s grandchildren, not great grandchildren, unless they are directly in line to the throne like William’s kids, since Wills is directly in line after Charles and presumably will definitely be king one day. It’s outrageous that Smeggers is just making things up while Oprah the sycophant just continues to kiss her ass and not correct her misleading statements. You just know that a lot of people, especially “woke” misled young people are gonna accept all that as facts when that’s simply not how the monarchy works. And wasn’t scammer smug bragging about how they didn’t want Archie to have any titles because they wanted him to grow up as a private citizen? How come Earl is suddenly not enough and they felt snubbed because he wasn’t named prince? The hypocrisy is insane.

Just when I thought these two couldn’t get any lower.
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Shouldn't this entire thread be moved to "Grifters" and not languish in "Celebs" ?
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If Charles is such a villain as is being suggested then why on earth did Meghan let him walk her down the aisle?
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Regarding the racist member of the Royal Family, I would like to share the following anecdote because I've always found this to be a safe, supportive and non judgmental environment.

Me and my mum were on a bus a wee while ago. An African lady got on with the cutest wee baby you've ever seen. My mum loves babies and always talks to them. So my mum starts talking to the wee boy telling him and his mum how beautiful he is.

Then she said it - look at him - he's gorgeous - he looks like a wee chocolate button 😱😱😱

If the wee boys mum realised what why mum said, she didn't say anything. I believe we parted on good terms.

My reason for telling you this, is that sometimes people say things which come out wrong.

It could be that the person who mentioned Archie's colour is a dyed in the wool racist. It could be that they were trying to say I wonder who the baby will look like, but in a cack handed manner.

But one thing is for sure - by not naming the person, Harry has hung a black mark over them all!!!
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Chatty Member
The term 'white privilege' is provocative but also dangerous to use. It makes me cringe. It's such a sweeping statement that is meaningless. I mean Justin Timberlake used the term to give a feeble apology for his abuse of previous partners. It's a current buzz word and ppl have jumped on the band wagon .

The worst performing demographic at schools are white, working class boys so please don't tell white privilege encapsulates every one because it doesn't.

And don't assume only white people are racist and don't assume all white people are racist. There are many groups of ppl where you're shunned if you marry outside your families religion. And it's well know certain demographics are inherently homophobic and this isnt necessarily white.people, where there is far more openess and fair mindedness
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With regard to the mental health help being denied to her because it wouldn't look good, I call total bullshit on that one. Harry has openly said he's had therapy for years, Kate went to therapy in order to help her brother in fact the whole Middleton family went to therapy. Did anyone say they couldn't because of how it would look?? No! They quietly and PRIVATELY got on with it. If she meant she wanted to announce it to the world and book herself into some woohoo retreat at the expense of the British taxpayers then I'm not surprised she was told no. She obviously isn't someone who likes to be told no.
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Oooh BBC 1 News - presenter is saying her (Indian) family had conversations with her and her white husband about what the colour of her children might be. She doesn't think those conversations are always racist, in fact, she thinks its perfectly normal.

This is after the author of 'Brown Baby' offered his sympathies and support to Meghan for her awful experience (even though the conversation was with Harry, not her) about the potential colour ways that might work their way through with their first born.

Surely all parents talk about what their children might look like, with skin colour being one element ?

Both my parents have dark hair, dark eyes and are not super pale although they are white. When me and my twin brother popped out all blue eyes, blonde hair and skin the colour of skimmed milk, there were eyebrows raised, especially as we stayed that way.....nobody expected or predicted that !

Apologies in advance if I trigger anyone about minimising race related issues.
I suspect it was just a normal conversation, people wondering about who the baby might resemble more, etc - but the thick idiot got the wrong end of the stick, and then related it to M, and she just stoked the fire and flew off the handle to perpetuate the victim narrative ("See H, I told you they are rasists!"). An American friend of my husband's, who happens to be black, married to a white British woman, they have a multitude of children, all different shades, and he always joked that he "didn't put enough chocolate in the mix" with some of them. Is he being rasist too???
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Just woken up after falling asleep afte Piers this morning , Just seen harry has been twisting the knife even more ,

I feel really weird all this bully talk has opened some old wounds for me , I was bullied out of a job I loved by someone like smeghead ,

My heart goes out to The Queen & her family right now it really does
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Sorry new here,

isn’t it true that one of meghans friends said she was obsessed with the royals and diana when she was younger? But in her interview she claimed she didn’t know anything about Harry?
Yes. It’s fairly well documented, Meghan’s Diana obsession. It’s infuriating that she seems to get away with her little ‘I was naive, I just met Harry and fell in love, I knew nothing about any of it’ story. Can someone on TV or a journalist print this picture and statements from old friends who confirm Meghan bought anything with Diana’s photo on it and read all the books about her! It was her lifelong dream to be just like Diana, and when she realised she could get to know (ahem, stalk) Harry through connections at soho house she couldn’t believe her luck. HUSTLER!
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Alluding to someone in the family making a racist comment about 'what if the baby is dark' yet refusing to mention the context or name just leaves the whole family open to racist allegations.

Why bring it up if you're not going to name them! If they said it and you truly believe it was racially intended then shame them. Otherwise you're just creating the clickbait you yourself claim to be victim of. They did a lot of that last night. Saying enough to stir the pot but not committing to much to what they are saying. A lot of very vague “someone did something”, rubbish. Really dirty tactics.
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liar liar

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What I find odd is that no-one is really questioning whether any of that interview could be fabricated at all?

We don't blindly believe everything that is written in the press, we don't blindly believe everything we read on social media - why would we believe everything a couple of celebrities says in an interview. It's all very odd. I wonder if they will get called out on any of it?
It;s as if everyone is scared to question any of it because of the racism and mental health aspects of it.
Because we are all supposed to be terrified of being labelled racists by questioning any of this nonsense?
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Well it's been hours now and I'm still angry :mad:

Meghan really doesn't understand the British at all, does she? She said the RF are frightened of the tabloids? Is she knew anything, she'd know that the tabloids are frightened of the people. Look at how the News of the World was taken down.

The sooner the woke wake up, the better.
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Why are American teens calling for the abolishment of the monarchy?! Like this has absolutely nothing to do with you! Also stop pretending you like meghan, you probably wouldnt give two shits about her if she wasn't married to Harry
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VIP Member
Thank you for the new thread.

Re the person who asked about what colour the baby would be - maybe it’s Harry who asked this???

Could it be in a conversation about whether he’d have a ginger son... the person was speculating about all sorts of looks.

But personally I don’t believe a word that comes out of either of their mouths. Frogs? More like lying toads!!!
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