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I need to watch this again just to pick out all the lies. It is unbelievable that a wealthy pregnant woman experiencing suicidal thoughts did not seek expert help, and her husband didn't seek help on her behalf if she refused. So that has to be a big fat lie.

Harry only thinks about four things. His titles, his security, who is paying his bills and THE EVIL UK PRESS. He must be a nightmare to live with.

I didn't count how many times they mentioned security in that interview but someone will. Could be 30 or 40? It was astonishing...
Meghan is a middle class woman from a country and certainly an industry obsessed with navel gazing and therapy for anything that remotely bothers them. She's probably got some tame Califirnian therapist on fucking speed dial if not a multitude of them. She was also free to seek out mental help or counselling, whatever, at any point on her own or with the help of her staff or useless hysband, who has bern6down therapy road himself. They both have money coming out their ears and could have secured private help at the drop of a hatz unlike the rest of us who if we require more than a prescription from a Gp for something like depression, are left to try to negotiate a very slow and barely adequate mental health service.

Thing is everyone possessed of two brain cells or more here knows all this and how dishonest Smeg is being with her wild claims. She's aiming this absurd narrative at her idiot fans in her own country though. People who know nothing of our history or the BRF, and simply see Smeg as some avenger against the new monster under the bed - the 'white supremacists' and 'nazis' who apparently makes up 99.999999% of white people alive. Which is funny when you consider she married the only BRF member ever to romp around in a swastika armband and herself imitates the woman who kissed up to the entire upper ranks of the Third Reich and was friends with and politically aligned with the British Union of Fascists leader post war.

Everything about that interview is designed to appeal to their domestic market where Smeg wishes to make her living, by representing her as some poor sad oppressed little racial martyr (500k diamonds and 32 million pound sham wedding, luxury free houses et al) who couldn't even access necessary healthcare in an emergency because the mean whites stopped her. It's ludicrous, it makes zero sense whatsoever, but so, so emotionally appealing to the demographic she's aiming at, none if whom can generally reason their way out of a wet paper bag. Logic and reason do not interest them. Emotive, accusatory crapola does.
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Do they think by constantly reiterating they respect the queen that she is not gonna be fuming about them trashing basically her whole institution and what are essentially her rules etc etc. It’s so pathetic how he keeps bringing up his mother for sympathy. So low.
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There are some very clear moments when Meghan delivers her bombshells where she is staring straight ahead and rapid blinking as she delivers her lines. This is meant to be a sign of lying. I really want some expert body language people to analyse this
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Harry will be a broken man. I do not feel sorry for him, but, once he realizes all he has lost - broken.

The Queen and Prince Philip are too old for this nonsense, I feel for them. They HAVE lived a life of service.

Meghan, she has everything she said she wanted. Could have walked away and moved forward. This was vengeance, pure and simple. She set a fire and now is watching the wreckage with her smug smile.

But, they have done their worst. Newspapers can make a timeline and verify what was really happening.

I hold them personally responsible if anything should happen to Harry’s family.
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One thing I picked up on. Megan made it seem like the discussion about her unborn child’s colour was by lots of family members when she was pregnant but Harry said it was early on in the relationship
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It was sooo contradictory I think. And how fucking patronising of him, to say his father and brother are trapped, he's tried to educate them like he has been blah blah blah!! I also noticed he used 'like' and 'right?' when talking- he really has become her little moulded puppet
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Meghan was playing with the US public’s ignorance by making out that Archie didn’t get a title because he was mixed race.

it’s a total falsehood. she and Harry would definitely know the reason for Archie not being a prince at the moment and yet have let this misunderstanding stand as “proof” of “how racist the royals are”

just appalling
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Not sure if this has already been raised this but did anyone else notice Orca had an almost patronising tone at some points? As if she KNEW it was BS
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Richard Palmer, by rhe way, is running a story today saying that Harry & Meghan tried to avoid declaring the Saudi earrimgs.

So they are thieves, as well as liars.
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I just want to say, my mum is white and my dad isn’t. My mum told me that when she was pregnant with myself and my brother she got comments from both sides of the family regarding what colour we’ll be. She said it wasn’t rude at all, it was just a discussion out of curiosity. Even myself and my brother compare who’s darker as we have both come out as different tones. I think it was probably a harmless conversation that has been misconstrued by Meghan.
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Just another contradiction - MM is meant to a super smart woman (according to herself & sugars), but depending on the situation also paints herself as poor naive girl who knows nothing and didn’t even think to find out basic things
never mind that she would have been told and taught all the etiquette stuff as a matter of course... and she chose to be a working royal and jump straight in to doing engagements etc.
The aides etc were there to help her but she moans about them (e.g. not leaving her alone with Oprah) and bullied them. Probably saw them as servants instead of respecting them as members of staff who know what they’re doing and understand how things work far better than her
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Someone over on the DM rightfully pointed out that if colour were an issue Harry wouldn't have been allowed to marry meghan
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The UK public needs to know WHY the heck a 30- or however much it was- million pound wedding was allowed to go ahead IF they married three days in advance. It was a disgusting and unnecessary waste of money - the dress, the flowers, the security ... everything.

I am fuming about this - and many other things they revealed. But the money they lavishly spent during their short time as working royals is just too much of a bitter pill to swallow. What will become of all the designer threads now Meghan has shunned her duties?

I doubt this will be the last we'll hear of them.
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