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Its moving so fast, the thread was locked by the time I got to it but.... Uuuuh bib, this was all her own doing, no?!!! She is actually deranged with the BS she is spouting now

O - You've said some very shocking things today How do you feel about the Palace reaction
M - I'm not going to live my life in fear. So much is said in an understanding of truth. I don't know how they could expect that we can still be silent if the firm is playing a role in perpetuating falsehoods about us. I've lost ... there's a lot that's been lost already. I've lost my father, I've lost my baby, I nearly lost my name. My hope is that people know there is another side, and life is worth living.

Harry coming up after the break. More ads...

View attachment 472476 Wow
Didn't she refuse to speak to her father? Is she blaming that on the RF too?
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As a feminist and a women's rights activist, I am deeply ashamed and embarrassed by the Shola woman shouting at Piers Morgan. She doesn't appear to understand how to debate and give a rational argument. I don't think much of her intelligence.
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Chatty Member
Can't believe it's 4am, I'm wide awake out of sheer anger! I joined here after finding the website via searching Lozza G to find out if she actually was pregnant when she revealed it, and accidentally stumbled upon this thread. I'm so glad I did as prior to this I was on tumblr (pretty much solely to keep up to date with Megzy and Hazz) for four years having to listen to Skippy and her merry band of loons. It quickly got tiring but I had NO FRIGGIN IDEA my kinsfolk were right here! Being here is like is like a breath of fresh air, so much so I've deleted tumblr. 😂
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I think it’s fair to say that we saw Harry’s ‘real’ character last night (this morning), and Kensington Palace have done a marvellous job of painting him in a positive light all these years! He’s clearly an entitled, spoilt little boy, that still has a heck of a lot of growing up to do!
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She’s got form for cutting out your dad and got him to do the same
trust me, i have gone through depression and break down from narc abuse more than once. i have read and studied about them inside and out. done years of therapy etc.
they will not stop until they will make your life as miserable as theirs.
she was mad because harry had a wonderful family that loves him, she didn't like that so she manipulated him and used his past traumas ie diana's death to slowly but surely make him hate his family so he will be just like her without a family. so she used the Diana script of victimhood, being ignored by the RF, suicide etc. The only new thing she has is racism because obviously Diana was white.

She's truly a piece of work.
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Harry saying the family has cut him off in early 2020 but felt Diana's presence throughout
I think Harry is really troubled and Meghan has taken advantage of that and isolated him from his family. I don't see any coming back from this for him. His relationship with Will will well and truly be done.
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I am so pleased to hear that money and security was cut off .

Harry showed he is the stupid ,petulant , spoilt wanker I always suspected him to be.

I hope the dogs are unleashed and these two are left high and dry.
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I am still raging on the last thread. Not even read the start of this one yet because I am FUUUUUMMMMMIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😂😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

However, all I want to ask the fuck did this Oprah woman get so big in America????! Her interview techniques were shit. She just basically repeated what those two clowns said as fact.

I am fucking BLAZING and I only heard half of it as it kept crashing.

Knowing the experiences and realities of some of the lovely posters on here, she has basically trashed every single one of you in her savage, desperate, hungry hunt for celebrity.

I can’t put into words how much I loathe her. Her faux demure stance and baggy earth mother dress fooled no one. As for HIM? He needs a fucking bullet in his knackers to prevent him ever getting pleasure from the narc ever again.

Even my uninterested husband looked up at the drama tonight and said about Haz, “What a fuckin dick! She’s not even that nice looking!” And so said all of us, eh?!
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I did it I finally caught up! But if you lovely people in the UK don’t sleep anymore it won’t take long to fall behind again 😂 Haven’t watched the car crash yet, will sail away so I don’t add to their views. Enjoying the recaps on CBS, Tattle, and Tumblr and have come away with a few thoughts.

Apparently they reference going to an Event at Royal Albert Hall in the midst of Meghans suicidal bout. From memory that was the Circe du Soleil event where people in the crowd boo’d the Harkles. Is she hoping someone repeats that claim while playing a video of the heckling to boost her narrative of poor Meghan set upon in her gilded cage? That event was name dropped for a reason.

Royal wedding been a fake was something I never saw coming. I’m absolutely pissed for the British tax payers that forked over $33 million pounds of their own money for Meghan to pull the wool over their eyes. Of all the lies been called out I’m hoping this is the one that ignites a press backlash and public demand to be repaid complete costs. Also curious if the private ceremony was covered under the Queen signing off on their marriage. After all if she hasn’t consented then they drop from the succession right?

Final thought is Meghan has an absolutely pathological obsession with Catherine. The DoC is a married in with a busy life all her own. Why the hell is it her responsibility to explain, the Royals, the country, the protocols, or the people. Harry as Meghans husband should have been teaching her. He’s the Royal brought up in the Institution after all. Hell I’m sure the staff would have been happy to help her if she hadn’t literally bullied them out of their jobs. The nerve.

I love the Royal tradition and history but it titles don’t end up stripped for this I’m voting Republic when referendum time rolls round.
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Woko played a blinder, non committal and insinuating but not back it up with receipts. We need the proof, who said about Archies skin tone? Why was she not told about protocol(curtsey/national anthem etc). What Kate said made her cry? She's like the huns on Facebook who post saying I'm fuming etc and when people ask what's wrong they reply, pm me hun, I can't say it here 🙄🙄🙄🙄
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The thing standing out for me, that I keep coming back to is when Oprah said somthing along the lines of, if you had the support/understanding you wanted, would you have left? And they both said no (paraphrasing with it all but you get my drift 😂) So if you got your way, and what you wanted, and could do what you wanted then you'd have stayed? But what about the bad press? The racism? The lack of control of your own life?
It just seems they flounced off in a huff because they couldn't stay in the family but do and say whatever they wanted
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I’m guess it was Philip, Charles or Andrew who made the comment about Archie’s skin colour.
Regardless of who said it, isn’t it normal for families to speculate what a newborn is going to look like. There was lots of speculation in my family, my husband’s blonde and blue eyed, I’m dark with dark eyes. They’re creating a racist narrative here
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Chatty Member
I'd bet any amount of money the skin colour comment was from Philip and that it was before she was even pregnant. Something along the lines of asking what colour their kids would be. The fact that Harry said the conversation was 'awkward' suggests that it was with someone important, as he'd have been openly furious with anyone that was at his level or beneath, so there wouldn't have been awkwardness in him challenging them.
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So her feminism, racism, and compassion crusade goes out the window the moment she gets money. And they definitely do not apply to her. Good to know.
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Regardless of who said it, isn’t it normal for families to speculate what a newborn is going to look like. There was lots of speculation in my family, my husband’s blonde and blue eyed, I’m dark with dark eyes. They’re creating a racist narrative here
All of my nephews are mixed race and every time we have another one coming we wonder how dark he will be and what his hair will be like and if he will be tall like his dad and just generally what he will look like! You just do! Me & my partner are both white, there’s ginger hair in our family, whenever I’ve been pregnant we’ve wondered if baby will be ginger will he/ she have blue eyes or brown eyes, freckles etc you just do it’s exciting!
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