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I have been thinking about why tell us now about their very private wedding 3 days before the real one. I actually think this is a big fuck you message to the British public. They will know we are already so angry about the cost of their wedding. I can’t think of any other reason for them to release this supposedly private detail. I actually feel like they were on the verge of fraudulent on their public wedding day. I doubt it would stand up in court but that’s what it feels like. We were lied to and they financially gained from it.
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So much of this interview is inconsistent with many things they’ve said before, and I feel like they’re not even consistent within this interview
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Gladly will. I came on thinking this would be a good thread, turns out everyone is right about tattle and you’re all bullies that need lives. Also seemingly racist ones at that.
Respectfully, please reference posts - just a couple - that are racist. I bet you'll struggle to do that.

I'm getting sick to the back teeth of people accusing others of racism for daring to have a different opinion. Meghan seems hell-bent on insisting there's some colour agenda at play here; I'm going to go out on a limb and say she's lying. She is NOT the first person of colour to marry into the Royal family (look at Gary Lewis - a lovely Maori guy who married into the British Royal Family [since separated]), and that rubbish about someone saying they wondered what skin colour Archie might have was nothing but pure fabrication. But if you want to believe it, go ahead. Just don't expect people who see through Meghan to be silenced, and don't accuse people of being racist for not sharing your opinion!
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There's a big enormous lie around their advance planning. Harry basically is trying to say that he had no idea he was going to be cut off financially and they arrived in California without a plan. Then 'a friend' said, what about 'streaming' and they thought 'Great idea!'. And then presumably had a quick chat with Spotify and Netflix and Andrew's your uncle..

Which is bilge and tosh. The sneaky Harkles were advance filming in UK from 2017 onwards to create material to flog in their TV deal - that was their big idea.

There are so many lies in this two hour interview, it;s mind blowing. Robert Jobson is saying it was a performance from beginning to end, and I agree.
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The Palace Advisors will be picking through this interview and dissecting all the lies in minute detail. The three main people she picked on were Charles William and Catherine who are all the next in line for the throne. This means a lot and is the answer to the question of WHY ? Complete and utter Jealousy. And Harry is a disgrace for letting her even think she has a chance of ruining his family. No way will she whatsoever. I can't wait for the palace to fight back and they will ! Goodnight all and Thanks for the Comments and updates 😁😘
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Wait so they want to be ‘independent’ and make own money, while also whining about being cut off financially except for what Diana left him (& it’s not like she only left him a few quid!!)
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Watching Trisha on with Piers...she said any discussion about the colour of a child’s skin is racist because “why does it matter?”

OK. So how about the bazillions of virtue-signallers crowing about “finally” having a mixed raced member of the BRF born-in? Those people must be racist too...because WHY DOES IT MATTER?

You cannot have it both ways. The automatic bad-faith assumption whenever anyone so much as mentions skin colour in this country is ripping society to threads. Conversation is dead because it’s too toxic to cope with anymore and the word “racist” no longer means a damn thing. It’s been overused by those whose motives are malignant.

I despair. I really fucking do.
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But yet the RF didn't know if they could "afford" her? Also what about the substantial clothing allowance she had, if they were so skint how did she get hundreds of thousands of pounds of clothes and jewelry... utter cretins
Tge Crown is worth 88 billion according to Forbes. The Queen, about 400 million. They could afford the tart, though many would argue she was a waste of money at half the price. Btw, what an odd way to talk about oneself.
I found that funny too. What was the problem of you teaching yourself the national anthem of the country you’re going to be living in? Why do you need their help? Also all these hymns etc, does she think she was the first who had to come in and learn these? And I know she said she didn’t get the same ‘support’ as others (aka kate) but that’s because Kate is going to be the bloody queen, you idiot.
The National Anthem is short (ffs we usually only sing one verse out of three) and so easily learned small kids pick it up easily. One assumes an actor who is used to learning lines has the skills to learn a simple, short verse and chorus.

It's like she's admitting she is both dumb and shit at her supposed former job, all in one.

I know the US anthem. I made no real effort, just hear it enough in films and during various ceremonies to pick it up. Why the fuck would anyone let alone a native English speaker need help to learn something so simple?
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Sorry, not read everything yet so may be making the same points as others but.....

Harry made a big thing out of getting therapy for his mental health. Everyone praised him. Yet we’re now expected to believe that his suicidal wife could not get the same help? Seriously? He’s more “the institution” than she is.

She had to google the National Anthem & didn’t know she had to curtsey to the Queen? she’d never had a conversation with the man she was bloody living with???

What a load of fucking shit.
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None of this makes any sense.

They were married 3 says before the wedding - why

Somebody - unnamed - talked about Archie's colour - if they were so concerned why did they allow the marriage?

They wanted the Royal Family to protect from the tabloids - but the Royal Family are also frightened of them?

Charles and William are also trapped - so the Royal Family want the UK to be a republic?

We want to be independent - my dad won't give me any money!!!

We want privacy - we're having a girl!!!

Well they made a much more news worthy interview than I thought they would. But it's all nuts.

Ive never felt sorry for the Royal Family - life of luxury etc - but jings I feel sorry for them today. Having to deal with this pair!!! Times like this in glad I'm an only child!!!
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So overall the Queen came of quite welll, Charles and Kate were accused of the most and that it was probs PP was the one who mentioned the babies colour but Harry wasn’t gonna out his grandfather.

Not a word about Andrew.

I reckon Williams gonna launch missiles now 😂
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Also can we discuss how they both said they didn’t want that extremely expensive wedding. As if they were forced to have it. Lol, I very very very much doubt that.
maybe they were told to have a public wedding but nobody forced them to spend the money they did on it. There was some gross expenditure if I remember rightly. I wonder who knew about the secret wedding?

These two are just a pair of proven liars. January 2020 they release a statement saying they want to be financially independent but then tonight Harry complains about being ‘cut off financially’ from his dad and he only has his mum’s inheritance left? So they didn’t want to be financially independent at all, they just wanted to lie about something else to the public.
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Re the wedding. That's another old blog/Tumblr rumour proved. There was comment about the arrangement when they went out to 'sign the register' that was unusual.

I'm side eyeing whether they actually married 3 days earlier, or whether it was more like a year earlier in Botswana like that other rumour....
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Harry and Meghan #68 - Illegal weddings, lack of due diligence - sorry Smeggy we doubt your innocence!

Imagining I fell in love with a member of a foreign country's royal family, I would do my utmost to find out about their country, their traditions, their protocols. I'd ask everyone around me to help me fit in and I'd realise it'd be a long road to do so.
If she really didn't understand she would have to curtsey to the Queen and defer to more senior members of the family then thats on him for not telling her and her for showing a lack of basic interest in her new family.
When you get with a new person and meet their family don't you do your best to try and fit with their traditions? And if you don't, those family members might find you aloof or stand-offish and they might not warm to you. Human nature I'm afraid, not some conspiracy.
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And we are back...

M - Found out about Prince Philip, so of course I just picked up the phone and called The Queen, just to check in. And it's great we can do that whenever we want. LIAR

VOICEOVER explaining the titles and roles are going now and TQ's statement

H - I would like to continue to support those organisations even without the title or the role.
M - that decision about patronages being taken away was finalised before anyone knew you were sitting down with you Oprah.
O - So what delights you
H - This year has been crazy. Cut to beach footage with ARCHIE but we can't see his face .
Chatter about Archie. His fave word is hydrate, and he says 'drive safe' when we get in the car.
O - You said your brother is trapped.
H - The relationship with my brother is... space. Time heals all wounds.
H - I am so proud of my wife. She delivered Archie at a time that was so cruel, so mean, I was coming home from my work every day and she was crying while breast feeding Archie even though she wasn't reading anything (THE PRESS AGAIN)
M - My regret is believing them when they said they would protect us.
O Harry, do you believe that she saved you?
H - (babbles on a bit) without question she saved me.
M - Harry saved all of us. Harry saved my life and saved all of us.

Thank you both for trusting me to share your story.

Oprah then says there is more that they couldn't fit into this documentary, and it will feature on CBS This Morning tomorrow, plus reactions to the interview.
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So they want money and fame milked from the RF.

I am very surprised that PC said no to him... I thought he would be providing a lot of funds for them. kudos to PC. Never thought I say this :ROFLMAO:
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lol at Haznorespect

"that's a conversation I'm never going to share". "that's a conversation I don't feel comfortable sharing".

ok mate. you felt comfortable enough to light the blue touchpaper by mentioning it at all though.

More alluding and insinuating but no facts from the pair of them. Absolute shameful modus operandi.

What Freda says!
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Can someone fill me in whether this is true what I read on twitter. Apparently they got married 3 days before the extravagant multi-million tax payer pound wedding?
this is what Meghan claimed yes. A private ceremony with just them and the Archbishop ‘just the three of them’. But there is a lot of debate today about the legalities and if it was a blessing rather than a wedding. I did read a daily Mail comment along the lines of they were too stupid to realise it was actually a wedding rehearsal not the proper ceremony 😂
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