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Lmao Harry now saying his family suggested she go back to acting because they can’t afford to pay for her. Oh and they have done everything possible to respect and protect the Royals <3
I legit can’t believe they’re saying the opposite to what they’ve always said! They wanted to be free and independent and do what they want but they’re squawking they’ve been cut off 🤣
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I know it’s been mentioned quite a bit up thread but what gets me so annoyed about all this is people on Twitter are just ignoring all the glaring contradictions and jumping to ‘let’s protect defenceless Meghan from the racists’.

I’ve tried to come up with a list, each time makes me think “were you lying then or are you lying now?”
Sorry for length, there are a lot! So far I have:

- No one supported or looked after Meghan. In the engagement interview they talk about how great the family had been, how they are the family she never had. Which one is it?
- How Meghan is this poor, delicate, defenceless little woman. Did they not big up how experienced she was at the start? How she could take the media attention in her stride, how she’s an independent businesswoman in her own right, a feminist. So why now the spiel that she wouldn’t say boo to a goose? Which one is it? Power woman would-be POTUS or pathetic spineless victim who needs wrapping in cotton wool? She can’t be both!
- Her passports were taken away. Well she still managed to hop on planes to see serena, Italy, google conference and of course the baby shower with no issues! I really don’t like the implication she’s trying to get with this, like it was akin to modern slavery where victims have their passports taken.
- She couldn’t get any mental health support.She refused the royal doctors for her pregnancy and instead chose her own- you’re telling me she couldn’t do the same for a psychiatrist or therapist?
- She couldn’t go out for lunch. She was pictured out at a lunch meeting in ripped jeans quite early on.
- Archie not getting a title. Originally they said they wanted a normal life for him and that he’d been offered a title and they refused. Which one is it?
- They were forced to leave the royal family because of how toxic it was. Their original manifesto states that they very much DID want to stay in the royal family, just on their terms. They left on their own, without telling anyone. The royal family were blindsided and called a summit.
- Harry was cut off financially. Did they not say themselves they wanted to ‘work to become financially independent’?
- The royal family ‘firm’ is terrible but the queen is amazing and they stay in touch regularly. So kind, she even covered Meghan with a blanket. The queen is the head of ‘the firm’ they claim to so despise. They talk about it like it’s this dark entity functioning in its own right- if the queen is blameless then who is their vitriol actually aimed at then?
- Meghan is like the little mermaid finding her voice. She’s not shut up since she joined so I beg to differ! Besides, if you’re part of an organisation, any organisation for that matter, anything you say whilst working for said organisation ultimately does need to be approved by those in charge. Any organisation would want to have some kind of control- its basic PR! And is completely normal! I wouldn’t expect to go spouting off whilst being considered a spokesperson for my place of work, I’m sure it was the same when she did panels for suits, she’s representing them, so why would she think it would be any different in the royal family?
- She lost her father. She blocked his number and cut off all contact.
- She didn’t know about Harry, the royal family or what was expected of her. Yet we are constantly fed the narrative that she is highly intelligent and educated. Educated woman couldn’t operate Google? Or even feel curious enough to do so? If you're telling me no one informed her of what to do or what to expect, why didn’t she take the initiative herself? ‘Hit the ground running’ so to speak, and conduct her own research? If she didn’t then she comes across rather pathetic. But then we also have the rumours that she had Diana’s book, watched her wedding and the picture outside Buckingham palace! So was she completely ignorant in the picture, or is she lying now?
- They were married 3 days before and didn’t want a big wedding. Why the tiara gate then? Air fesheners, dress fitting drama, why a giant train on the veil and not a subtle tasteful modest outfit like camilla etc etc
- Kate made her cry not the other way round. We’ve had reports that she made Kate cry, and that her rudeness to staff prompted Kate to intervene. We were told Kate sent her flowers and ‘it wasn’t enough’ (finding freedom). Rumour that she made Charlotte cry too. But allllll those reports are false and Meghan’s word is the right one.

That’s all I can think of for now- any I have missed??
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Disclaimer there might be some semblance of bad language shortly!

I am seven shades of incandescent fucking rage right about now! I'm so bloody angry I could smash all that bitches china! Now if I'm angry can you imagine Willie and Camilla? I'd like to be a fly on those walls!

She wants to be kind and compassionate and throws Kate under the bus in the first fucking 5 minutes?

She was suicidal, aye ok Diana, heard it all before! She asked for help but he was to embarrassed? Fuck right off and fuck off again! You had Headstart but you couldn't ask for help from anybody. Fuck off!

She says Archie Parchie pudding pie didn't get a title because of the colour of his skin? Piss off you absolute fucking melt! If you're going to pull that shit name names! Harry won't talk about that conversation, uh huh my fucking arse in parsley

Daddy isn't speaking to me, poor wee soul, daddy cut me off, my heart fucking bleeds for you sitting in your 14 million mansion with the 16 bogs so Meggy can bullshit in every one.

Now we've got all the fucking twatters going ballistic and spouting death threats and you're ok with that? Fucking arseholes!

Oprah is a race bater and should be fucking ashamed of herself.
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Awwwwww his family cut him off. At 35 years old. How sad. How awful. I feel so so sooooooo terrible for him. (All sarcasm)
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Two things
1. I'm pleased Oprah made enough money off this interview that she can sort those bingo wings out

2. Like FUCK that child is saying hydrate
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Also can we discuss how they both said they didn’t want that extremely expensive wedding. As if they were forced to have it. Lol, I very very very much doubt that.
Ive heard that people who don’t want a big wedding are usually the ones who demand room spray in their chapel, change the choir music several times at short notice, invite several a-list celebri... no.. wait...
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I feel sick. I feel ashamed of Haz. I feel duped by these crooks. In these times, how DARE anyone feel sorry about their last £30 million. Go and get jobs to look after your kids like the rest of us. Take responsibility for yourselves and your own offspring, who, let’s face it dont stand a chance with these two hypocrites. You’re not entitled, you’re jealous and bitter liars who wouldn’t know loyalty if it was right in front of you. You’ve only got this far because TQ adored her grandson. You want your freedom - goodbye. Leave your passports on the side and close the door on the way out.
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I am honestly so happy he came on. He is tanking this by making them sound scattered and entitled deluded and hyper confrontational. Thank you, you f*cking loser.
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Chatty Member
Thank you everyone, especially @Baguette for the running updates. I didn't watch it, just read the highlights here.

What a duplicitous, lying, scheming pair of twunts they have shown themselves to be!

Married intimately, quietly and cheaply 3 days before the ridiculously expensive wedding they demanded - and the date which they pinched from poor old Eugenie - so they could smirk their way through the ceremony before the whole of the nation and his family who they were conning.

Stated they didn't want a title for their child, wanted him to have a "normal" life, now claiming that they did want a title and were denied this on racial grounds.

She and he experienced mental health problems and were refused access to supports, she was suicidal and sobbing at public engagements - he denies seeking help, she recovers sufficiently to "pitch" for work at the Lion King Premiere.

They were "forced" to leave after the "racist" decision not to provide Archie with a title and therefore "security" to protect him, no mention of their desire to seek financial independence and the steps they had already taken to copyright & patent Sussex Royal, Travelyst and Archewell (and goodness knows what else) prior to leaving the BRF and begin their bold and bright new adventures towards billionairehood.

Determination to undermine Prince Charles - for cutting off the finances soon after they left (God bless him!) -, and Kate - one can only assume out of sheer spite and jealousy, for being married to a future king and having access to all that M won't have, for the respect she has worked hard to earn over the years and the loyalty from her family, the public and staff that endures which M will never experience or understand.

There is so much that will be unpicked.

This surely has closed the door for them in the UK. Twunts...
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O - You wanted freedom from that life, you wanted freedome to make deals with Netflix and Spotify
H. - We wanted to continue serving the people
H - My family cut me off without money in the first quarter of 2020. We have what my mother left me otherwise I couldnt have done this. Im just rellieved to have my wife by my side. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for myy mother.
H - My father is taking my calls now. I feel really let down. He's been through something similar. He knows what pain feels like. Archie is his grandson. I will always love him. There is a lot of hurt there. I will make it one of my priorities to heal this relationship. They only know what they know. Ive tried to educate them. They only know what they are told
O - And your brother
H - I love my brother but we are on different paths. We've been through hell together
O - No-one wants to admit race has played a part. There was a conversation about Archie's skin tone
H I am never going to share that conversation. That was right at the beginning 'What will the kids look like', when she wasn't going to get security, when there was a suggestion that Meghan carried out acting...
H I am sorry this happened but we did everything to make this work.
M We did everything we could to protect 'them'
O People say you are moneygrabbing Royals
H That wasn't the intention. We have a beautiful house, beautiful family. We had never thought about streamers until a friend suggested it. I just wanted to earn enough to pay for my family's security
M Blah blah Netflix, blah blah storytelling, giving a voice to people that are under represented
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The whole security thing is making me rage. For years I’ve felt for Kate as a fellow mum - imagine knowing your first born is one of the worlds biggest terrorist targets. You’d do anything to protect your child, anything. These idiots could have used the magic re-filling pocket courtesy of Charlie, and found a way to protect the child, rather than f***ing off to a different continent and expecting such luxuries.
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lol this thread is disgusting and appalling. Can tell the racist undertones and sadness in this thread
What the f*ck are you talking about? People on this thread couldn't care less about Markles race, they dislike her because she's manipulative, a liar and a narcissist. As I've said before, the biggest racism is telling everyone that you're white when it suits you, doing nothing whatsoever to support black people and then declaring the race card when it plays into your narrative. That's racism. You should recognise it.
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Chatty Member
Well have just finished watching it here in Oz..
And for my second ever post?
Thank God William was the firstborn.
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Chatty Member
I’m not watching this(woke up for a trip to the loo), but from what I’m seeing this is all very Wallis and Edward 2.0. They want to have all of the perks of being Royal but with none of the responsibilities.
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What the Americans won’t understand is you can be both a narcissistic cunt AND have mental health issues.

Mental health problems don’t excuse bad behaviour.
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I mentioned this earlier but as the read was moving so quickly...

When just her and Oprah were talking, Meghan said she felt suicidal. She asked for help but was told “no.”

Harry joins the interview. “No I didn’t ask for help.”

Now did I mishear or misinterpret it or did they contradict themselves?
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