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No wonder the interview is 2 hours long, minus all the adverts, with all the uhming she did in that latest clip. Uhm, ummmm, uhmmmm....
Long time lurker on this thread, thanks for keeping me entertained over lockdown, back to work monday, wonder if they would miss me if I just didn't turn up 😂😂
Oh I know, the pauses were so frustrating! Do you think she forgot her lines?
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Remember that today's news is tomorrow's fish and chips paper.

Smeggy will be a all over the news next week but after that shes a busted flush. She won't have anything else.

Whilst a few woke celebs will issue statements supporting her it will be meaningless crap. Who would trust this woman? Who will really want to work with someone who is so arrogant that she thinks she can change the monarchy?

The Harkles will gradually fade away and will become like the sort of former celebs you see popping up every now and again desperately trying to hang on to a bit of fame. In other words they will run out of steam.

The monarchy will survive an attack by a z-list actress. The more she antagonises the press the more shit they will dig up on her.

I'm hoping that the Mail publish some yachting photos alongside their apology 🤣
I really wonder what is going to happen to dumb and dumber after the interview and everything dies down. She's a one trick pony and once the victim narrative has been played out for the world, what else does she have to give?
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New on this thread, I agree there's something suspicious about Archie's birth. Meghan comes across as entitled and bossy, I often wonder what she was thinking trying to change the monarchy?
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Dennis's Mum

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Another lurker delurking! I've been following the Harry and Meghan (must be that way round) story since lockdown last year when I needed something to distract me from the pandemic!

I am gutted that Unforgotten has been moved for Moaning Meghan's whinge fest. At least the kids will be back at school during the day so I can keep up with the comments from the US viewers! Oh, and I'm #teamqueen ☺
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They are both going to come out of this interview much worse off. They are literally jumping on the self destruct button.

She has the audacity to think she can pick up the phone and start chatting to Oprah in the run up to her wedding.
You follow the rules like everyone else in the family because that is what is expected of you. It's your job. Just like it's the job of the advisors and aides to keep security as tight as possible.

This woman is a complete nut job and so so trashy. I am by no means a royalist, but my goodness they have all remained so dignified and respectful through all of this - while these two clowns make a quick buck any way they can. It's so ugly. They don't deserve their titles - horrible nasty bullies.
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Why hasn't CBS cut out the extremely awkward pause in that latest clip. It just screams that she's playing a part and having to think very carefully.
She's free now apparently, speaking her truth.
If you're speaking the truth, the words flow, you don't need an excessively long pause to scramble for something to say.
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I honestly think Kate can take it. Whatever is going on in her marriage is her business but I think she went into this realising what she had to do and her job is to form a family unit for William. I’m glad her kids are young enough to not be exposed to all this at all.
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I can’t believe she and Harry haven’t even issued a public statement to say they hope Prince Philip has a speedy recovery and that he is in their thoughts. How is this not even being mentioned? It really is all about ‘me, me, me’
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What she wanted was for Kate to let her guard down and spill family secrets. Kate is no mug, unlike Chas she sussed smeggy out right away, possibly was even warned by hubby that smeggy's past was unsavoury and that she had a reputation for slithering into peoples lives and dropping shit bombs afterwards. Kate did what was requested, showed her the ropes, advised on protocol re hats and tights etc and was shrugged off as too stuffy. There were never going to be the girly nights in with bottles of Tig or Prosecco that smeggy had hoped for, with drunken secrets shared, and absolutely Kate was spot on re not going shopping with her for a pre arranged pap walk.
Smeggy wanted to set Kate up because she resented her long before the wedding, not a doubt in my mind.
Absolutely correct, kate kept her guard up! Probably sensed the stench of desperation off cuntychops. Plus kate observed how the staff were treated. Spotted the faker a mile off, all sweetness and light to the important folks no doubt and a cunt of a demon to the hired help. Kate must have seen a change in Harry too.
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Chatty Member
I mean the narckle has shown everyone her ego with her own admissions

the palace are using PP to muzzle me - um just because you would pull this trick at 99, doesn't mean he is sick to order you worthless goose

I can finally use my voice - oh god save us, the Palace wanted you to use appearances for charity and service duties, not for you, about your own life, I mean do we even need further examples of how much of Meg's life has to be about her thoughts and feelings. As if they'd have given Kate a whole broadcasting platform 18months into dating William either, and she was a lot less opinionated!

people can finally see what she has had to endure - what about my endurance?? A world pandemic, plenty bereaved, jobless, unable to attend funerals. This has been in the news 24/7 for months - that is deliberate, all she wants is to shout and rage and occupy every day in bitterness and nastiness, I just get so annoyed at her selfishness and contempt for other human beings, you couldn't make this stuff up. Even her response to bullying complaints was "but I am the victim!" I firmly believe that people can only like her because they genuinely think that her reported negative flaws are lies - they cannot conflate them with the person they see. That is because she has two faces. These are dangerous, damaged, destructive people and they are not real. The only way she is accepted, is to assume negative reports are fictional - but they are not, there are too many, too many corroborations and not enough suing. Meghan is using this - that is why her narrative is always falsehoods and lies - the second people have to acknowledge the negative reports are true then the door is a little bit open into them accepting that maybe they don't know this woman...which will quickly alarm.

This interview is not going to give them any favours, and it is also notable that Harry clips are not being shown. I genuinely think he is going to find it very hard. Additionally, Patrick Adam's wife isn't going to be happy! If my OH defended a woman he'd been having an affair with/accused of, that passionately I'd be really irritated.
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New here (long lurker), two posts to my name...
How would Meg be received if she went to her home land (the one free of paparazzi, this being LA, obvs), and said:
Listen up everyone, Hi, I'm Meghan (cute wave here), and I'm going to revolutionise your presidency by bringing about a (cute hair flick and hand grab), a monarchy! Yep, and I'm your Queeeen!
How would that be welcomed?
Like a shit in a warm glove
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She has done a proper job of completely burning his boats with his family. How can Harry sit back while she does this to his family? He is worse than she is for allowing it.
Secondly as a Mother, I would be devastated if my two were in this position because of one of their partners. M and H are so keen to bring Diana in to everything yet I'm sure she would be heartbroken to see the rift between her sons.
I'm in the UK and I'm team liz.
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WTF??? "...if you felt negative towards Meghan...Reflect on your own unconcious bias..."???.
This is really brainwashing. And will lead to more racism, not less. I know people who haven't got racist bone in their body, but are getting sick and tired of having the 'unconsious bias' rammed down their throat every day...Meghan is not disliked because she is black, but because she is a selfish manipulative lying cunt. You have to be able a cunt a cunt, regardless of the colour...
This is just spot on! I thought Meghan was a cunt when I was genuinely under the impression she was white, so the ‘unconscious bias’ argument has no footing there. Same here, I’m white and sick of being told I’m a racist by default. I’ve met people of lots of different races/ethnicities who hold biases and prejudices. Everyone holds unconscious biases, and by very definition they are unconscious, innate and cannot be changed. Meghan is not disliked because of some shadowy, white supremacist movement, it’s because she’s a disgusting hideous narcissist.
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Irish& team Queen all the way ...... absolutely sickened by all the carry on, marked her cards from that very first interview where she said she didn’t know who he was when they met!
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