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Interesting.. noone leaked a pic about the kid while they were in the Uk. Now her friend post it. Not even the paps.
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Scotch Mist

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Wow these posts are going so quick I am constantly playing catch up
Here is an article I have come across I will delete if it's been posted
I ❤ Douglas Murray. One of the few journalists I admire.

'..... appearing in Suits, marrying a Prince and starting a podcast are eccentric ways to make the world a better place — let alone “set an example”. Indeed, what kind of person honestly believes that everyone should look to them as a beacon “for doing what is right and doing what is good”? Even the Archbishop of Canterbury wouldn’t claim such moral authority'

👏 🤣
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Her co star in Suits has piped up now! Has M gone through her phone book or something?

How dare he!!! That RF that has outlived its reverence gave your “friend” everything she has got in her life you massive plank
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Still patiently waiting to see the “service”

you know.....the kind that is “universal.” That we can perform in our everyday life 🤔 serving her majesty around the globe with love and compassion - infiltrating every pore of our souls and shitting out love, peace, guidance and kindness on an hourly basis (all in honour of her majesty the Queen) 🌎 👑 God save the Queen 👑 🙏🙏🙏

P.S. Uk based (South of England) & i am aware there are faults in our royal family and they’re not perfect but they bring far more to our country/Uk than take away. I will always love our Queen and despite their obvious wealth and fortunate positions, I can safely say I wouldn’t want their life. She has served her whole life - not many women her age are still working and arguably right now this shit show is up there with some of her biggest battles. Do they not think she would have loved many times the “privilege” to speak her mind on numerous subjects throughout her reign ? To tell Prime ministers and world leaders her true thoughts, to tell everyone actually this isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. She lost her father at a young age and promised to give her life to serving our country and she has. Meghan comes along and needs to have therapy and be released after not even two years of it. She was warned how hard it would be. She knew exactly what she was doing from the very start. At the Queen’s age now, it would be nice if she could just enjoy the end of her life in peace but she’s had the Prince Andrew crap, Coronavirus and worldwide pandemic and these selfish idiots (one being her own flesh and blood) threatening everything she stands for and has devoted her whole life to. What an insult. I just cannot believe her grandson would do this to them/her when so much is going on already. Selfish wankers.
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Her co star in Suits has piped up now! Has M gone through her phone book or something?

How dare he!!! That RF that has outlived its reverence gave your “friend” everything she has got in her life you massive plank
View attachment 468635View attachment 468636View attachment 468638
Im fascinated by the use of ...the latest member of the royal family , Currently growing inside her!

What an odd way for a man to describe a pregnancy! Especially one so beset by allegations of moonbumps!

Maybe he isnt the one writing this ???
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God this woman 'we can see months of what she had to endure', the Palce is using 'Phillip's health as a way to muzzle her'. What the absolute hell is wrong with this woman! She is skipping into the pits of fire and brimstone all by herself. I think she will have gone too far this time, for Harry. She really is an undiluted egocentric monolith. But then if she can treat her Dad the way she has, who she once loved, no-one is really safe. Would anyone really want to employ this woman or be a close friend? She is self destructive to the core. I have no respect for her. Doing all this mid pandemic is just....disgust.
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Ireland 🇮🇪 here! #TeamQueen all the fucking way! I'm FAAAAAAR more invested in this than I should be! Meghan should be shot into the heart of the sun with a ball of her own shite.
Longtime lurker.... hi everyone! Loved catching up on your posts the last couple of days!

This is an absolute shit show.

I’ve seen so many people on twitter saying ‘Diana would be so proud of Harry’.
It makes me so fucking angry.
Diana would be disgusted at how Harry is treating his brother and she would be heartbroken if she knew her boys weren‘t speaking any more.

I honestly can’t believe Harry is dragging his family through the mud like this. It’s disgraceful.
It shows how little they know about anything to do with the British monarchy, the class system, its 1000 year history, the aristocracy or really even much to do with the few characters they actually know within it, such as Diana.

Diana was a highly class conscious, old-blood English aristocrat, and a staunch monarchist who wanted her first son on the throne, and was almightily pissed off about losing her HRH title post-divorce which was apparently done at Charles's demand and not the Queen's. She wasn't some politically minded Republican avenger trying to destroy the institution from within, nor some proud socialist uber-feminist or whatever people who rocked up and watched The Crown last month seem to imagine of her. There is so much revisionist crap surrounding Diana from people not born when she died who have no idea about anything and just seem to use her as a screen to project their own prejudices, current fashionable ideals and socio-political ideologies onto.

She aspired to be the Princess of Wales as a career choice ffs, played every card she had for the role, pretending to share Charles's interests (which she didn't, at all) and was simply the last in a long line of suitable girls who had either quite comically turned Charles' marriage proposals down flat (Anna Wallace chucked him for inviting her to a ball then dancing with Camilla all night, Sabrina Guinness for similar offences) or were chucked by Charkes first, such as Diana's own older sister Sarah, who hobbled off to the press and was promptly dumped for being indiscreet, and then rewarded him with a mouthful of abuse.

Funny article about his exes here:

Diana didn't actually mind Charles having a mistress - such things are common in the aristocracy- and she actually made friends with Kanga Tyron, the Australian heiress and Charles's other blonde married mistress throughout the 80s. Kanga used to go riding out in Great Windsor Park with Charles and the Queen. Diana chummed up with Kanga and even wore clothes from Kanga's fashion line at events to help her fashion business out. It was a bit of a tradition that the Prince of Wales had a married mistress even - better married so there would be pressure to break up the marriage of either. Edward VII and Mrs Keppel were so close and accepted in the royal household that Queen Alexandra allowed her to visit him on his deathbed. What Diana seemed to object to with Camilla was that unlike with Kanga, he was humiliatingly in love with her and NOT AT ALL with Dianax while he and Diana proved to have zero to say to each other. When Diana did her ill advised and at the time actually rather unpopular interview, it was Charles she was lashing out at, not the entire institution. She played her hand badly there, with Martin Bashir's 'help', and it led to her losing the HRH she valued so much. If Diana had known Bashir has lied, faked evidence to feed her paranoia to horrific levels and simply worked to pull the wool over her brother's eyes to get the interview, she would most likely never had had her moment to place her famous zinger about three people in the marriage in the public eye.

She was also reportedly snotty as hell to Sophie on first introduction because of her non aristocratic, middle class status. You cannot tell me she would have approved of a twice-divorced experienced older shit stirrer of a bad American actress as a suitable match for any of her princely progeny. The idea she'd be happy watching Harry get played for a fool and played hard by a pushy, tacky upstart ... nope. She was a lot of things, not all of them positive, but she wasn't that stupid, and she supported the monarch and the monarchy.

Her unwise actions and lashing out were down to her issues with her husband and the inability of BP to deal with her mental health issues (which wasn't personal, but symptomatic of society back then, and their circles especially-mental health issues were quite a taboo subject compared to now) , not the existence of a hierarchical system she herself was born into. So the Sugars can piss off with their Diana cheering this mess in heaven fantasy they seem to have.
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Kiwi here

100% #TeamQueen in this household.

Not talked to a single person who isn’t disgusted by Meghan’s self indulgent indiscretion.

As my Gran used to say ....” she’s as common as muck”
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Out of curiosity... where is everyone from? Seems like everyone from the US is team Harry and megs whilst U.K isn’t
I’m in the US. NYC area. Spent a few years of my childhood in London (I’m a millenial). Team Queen all the way. Most people I know buy into the Meghan kool aid which is super annoying. Clear as day she’s calculating, and I’ve been saying it since day one.
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from twitter

That'll do nicely for me, I was hoping beyond hope it was something like this.

The Markles may have been Oprahed!

Quick edit...

UK and #Team Queen. I never realized how much of a royalist I was until this lot kicked off.
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When Markle says that Kate wasn't supportive, what she actually means is that Kate didn't drop everything and make Markle her first priority.

That can't possibly be a photo of Archie, if it had been Archie he'd have been shown reading War and Peace.

I feel like I've spent the whole day reading this thread...oh, wait, I have. :D

Working class woman from the North of England here, never had much time for the Royal Family. Now firmly Team Queen!
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#teamqueen UK 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
I am from the US, and I am so ashamed and embarrassed of MM. What must all the other royal houses of Europe think of American women. Add people like OW and GK and, well.....I am just so ashamed and sorry! That's the only thing I can say about your question. I don't know why, but I feel real shame about it. I think it might be because I travel a bit ,especially in Europe, and I am concerned with how Americans are perceived in general.
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It's identity politics now. If you're black or mixed race you support her.

It doesn't matter if video footage of her throwing tea or attacking someone comes out. Or if her history is exposed. All that happens then is the person who leaked the footage gets labelled racist.

It's unbelievable that there are many substantiated claims of bullying with a great deal of circumstantial evidence supporting it, and these are immediately dismissed.

What do they have on Andrew? One photograph of him fully clothed with a 17 year old, and a claim that he went to Woking?

There is so much more evidence against Markle than there is against him. I believe he's a dodgy twat but at worst he had sex with someone of legal age.

We are told to believe vulnerable people when they speak out, it no one is believing the junior staff who were treated like shit. Instead those people are vilified and all the sympathy goes to the accused - in this case a literal fucking PRINCESS!

She was given everything: a £35 million pound wedding, the best healthcare, a multi million pound cottage, jewellery, a job for life, fashion, influential contacts, a life free of worry, the best food, the best education for her children, a title, the heir to the throne walled her down the aisle! The list goes on.

But apparently everyone's racist.

It makes no sense and I despair at what the world has come to.
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Same. I'm a quiet royalist ( don't collect plates or anything) but these two bring out a fighting royalist I didn't know was in me lol
Same. I don’t think Meghan realises that by insulting our Queen (Head of State, Head of the Church, the ‘HM’ in HM Forces, HMRC, etc,etc) she’s insulting the very fabric of the UK. It’ll get the same reaction here as a foreigner pissing on the US flag would in America.
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I'm thinking this might be accurate...

Telegraph have updated their story about the Charity Commission investigation of Sussex Royal. Last night it said that senior officials had seen the Oprah interview in advance advance. This morning it says 'Buckingham Palace' hasn't seen the documentary. I'm guessing the truth is that legal advisors/senior officials have seen it but not all of BP.

Even Omid Scobie on the Heirpod hasn't denied the bullying stories, he's just said that timing is suspect and the accusations aren't specific enough. That's surprisingly wishy-washy.

Harkles will be talking about being blocked by BP from making an official complaint about officials leaking about them... That doesn't sound like gripping prime time entertainment..
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From the latest advance clip: '... as an adult who lived a really independent life to then go into this construct that is different than I think what people imagine it to be, it's really liberating to be able to have the right and the privilege in some ways to be able to say yes, I'm ready to talk.'

Wow, she really is unemployable in any real sense isn't she? Not a clue about brand values, brand management, teamwork, collaboration, any emotional intelligence for the 'business' she'd so recently joined. She thought it fine to immediately consider interviews with Oprah. Words fail me. Does she think any other 'people' imagine they'd have been able to walk in to that position and be trusted to make solo decisions from day one? Deluded. Manipulative. Maybe just thick?
And when you add in the long, long pauses where The Duchess's thought process delicately plucks a handful of tender young word salad leaves and arranges them artistically on a speech platter to serve up to her adoring public.... :sleep::sleep:
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Chrissy Teigen, another one who is only known because of her husband

"chrissy teigen on Twitter: "this meghan markle shit is hitting too close to home for me. these people won’t stop until she miscarries. fucking stop it." / Twitter"

I honestly think she purposely chose to do the interview whilst pregnant for this reason, to give her an extra layer for her victim narrative. People are forgetting it’s her choice to do this interview and it’s highly controversial. She made a choice to put herself under this level of scrutiny whilst pregnant.
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Could I please have some thoughts on this article from people here? Someone I know has just sent it to me because I need educating.

The irony is that I find the woman who sent it to me to be very aggressive 😃
The “angry black woman trope”?

Frankly, the only people I ever hear so much as mention the “angry black woman trope” are angry black women.

None of the black women I know are any more “angry” than the rest of the human race.
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