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Oh my goodness, long time reader first time poster here. I just can’t stop imagining Kate and William’s reaction to this, it’s just so PATHETIC! I hope they are getting a laugh out of it and it’s not causing too much upset to the actual royals.
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Only to echo what everyone else has said - to take a photographer to a cemetery on any day is the lowest of the low. It is so disrespectful for the dead and their families.

Doubt that this could happen but I would love some of the families of the people buried their to smack old JCMH and Meagain with a lawsuit for some sort of breach of privacy. It is america after all, so I am sure there is an ambulance chasing lawyer willing to take on the case.

Re the Murky Meg threats - it is appalling that she is being targeted, it appears by someone who knows her (mentions relationships and families) for providing a commentary on current affairs. The person doing this, who appears to be ‘against cyber bullying’ clearly needs to be sectioned.
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Isn't a note to self supposed to be literally just that? Hmm, a note to all your twitter fans, to stir the pot even more - yes, that sounds like a Scooby Do tactic!

it’s infuriating how if you have an opinion and call out their disgusting behaviour it’s ‘nasty and hateful‘.

He’s an advert for censorship, which is what the harkles want. They should be fucking censored.
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We were supposed to have Mayhew and Travalyst last week from the 'hard working Harkles' but crickets..

Maybe there's been a bit of a to-do behind the scenes about that Diana Award US election tweet that was deleted on Friday. If the Harkles fingerprints are on that one, it's serious.

Robert Jobson is saying that the media knew about William's COVID diagnosis but couldn't publish because KP denied it. So that's why they are hopping mad.

I think he did the right thing. We (well..I,) would have been alarmed if I knew Charles and William had covid, only cos I could see M measuring up for tiara!

Any medical health issue is private. Press will be moaning next that they weren't informed when he had his last crap!!
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If H&M had it, they would blame the media, all the racists, Donald Trump et al

Decisions, decisions!

Well they would have to invite the Duchess of Cambridge if they want to continue their unrelenting quest to get David a knighthood!

Hopefully she has better things to do than go to the wedding of that useless turd. Like counting the gravel on Anmer Hall's driveway.

Let Smeghan go, she loves the Beckhams. Although maybe not so much after they got their Netflix deal as well.
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Cunt. I knew about the spurs, but not about the pregnant mare and her subsequent death.

We're well rid. Don't let him dare show his fucking ugly, sulky mug here again.

From IG.
View attachment 297292
This makes the reports of him treating girls the same way in the past more believable.
It certainly points to a personality trait and pattern of behaviour.
What a thoroughly unpleasant person the ‘Real Harry’ seems to be.
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I know they’ve had a work related relationships, but are they actually friends? Don’t see them hanging out together do we. It seems fairly superficial to me. Taking into account that the Clooney’s are now claiming they’d never met the Harkles prior to the wedding, it’s all just for show it seems 🤷🏼‍♀️
It's a load of shite Posh and Bex have fed to the media to cover up the fact that Wills and Kate wouldn't be seen dead at their sprog's wedding.
The Harkles will be invited because the beckhams know that pair of duds are struggling to stay relevant and will turn up for the opening of an envelope if there is a chance of a photo op.They know that Kate and Wills will be "Otherwise engaged, but thank you for thinking of us".
Well played Posh.
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She knows she's going to be called out!! I'm loving this, you can run all you want megawhore but the truth will out..
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Can't believe they've spent so much money, time and energy planning this stunt.

They planted the 'BP refuse Harry request' story as someone here correctly spotted. Recorded a speech for the podcast. Booked a photographer, film crew (at a guess) and organised a full wardrobe for merching in unseasonal for LA head-to-toe black. Ordered a splashy wreath. Took the pictures in advance on a nice sunny day so NOT SUNDAY (plenty of time for those all-important photoshop touch-ups). Obviously organised the copyright on the photos - have to get their cut 💰 Then splattered the US and UK press with 'sad respectful Harkles' PR. All that for documentary content...

Are they filming something specific on 'Harry the Hero' - they are really pushing the military angle? They'll get a bit of income from the pictures and merching her clothes but otherwise surely this has to be justified by a Netflix doc?
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I’m not sure Scooby would like what he’d hear @freda19 😂😂😂😂

View attachment 301707
WORRA CUNT! How very dare he.:eek:

The dopey git has nicked Frida's eyebrows too.

Och poor hazza will be tearing out what's left of his hair watching mummy Camilla doing his wreath laying gig. First she steals his daddy and now she is stealing his photo ops. He'll be stomping his little trotters in fury that he can't wear his pretty uniform and look all butch and soldiery and Royal. Oh well, tough titties.:m
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The full text of the Times article (£) as it is a cracker

Prince Harry’s plea to lay Cenotaph wreath denied

The Duke of Sussex was refused permission for a wreath to be laid at the Cenotaph on his behalf today, in the latest sign of the growing gulf between him and the royal family.

Prince Harry, who stepped down from royal duties in March, made the personal request to Buckingham Palace, but was denied by courtiers on the grounds that he is no longer representing the monarchy. He first laid a wreath at the Cenotaph in 2009 at the age of 25. The Queen was not made aware of her grandson’s wish.

Harry is understood to be deeply saddened by the decision, the clearest sign yet that his official links to the royal family are permanently severed. His decade of military service, which he once described as “one of the best professions you can ever be involved with”, transformed his image from that of a playboy prince. He became a campaigner for veterans’ causes, including the Invictus Games, the sporting event for wounded and ill service personnel.

The duke gave up his military posts after relocating to California with the Duchess of Sussex, including his role as Captain General of the Royal Marines. But a year-long “review period” agreed with the Queen, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge aimed to leave the door open for Harry to resume some of his military links, an option that now seems unlikely.

In a recording for the Declassified podcast which will air today, Harry, 36, said: “Remembrance Day for me is a moment for respect and for hope. I wear it [the poppy] to celebrate the bravery and determination of all our veterans. These are the people and moments I remember when I salute, when I stand at attention and when I lay a wreath at the Cenotaph.”
Harry is not the only royal to be absent from today’s service. The Duke of York will also not attend.
Buckingham Palace declined to comment.
He chose to leave! Typical of him to want to cherry pick what roles he wants. Not for him the opening of a sewer factory in wet and windy Wigan for example!
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'Prince Harry will denounce his royal titles and apply for U.S. citizenship first, thus changing the narrative from a prince being stripped of his titles to a prince actively renouncing his colonial, royal past and embracing life as a U.S. citizen.'

Does anyone else think he may jump before he's pushed?
No I dont think so. He will wallow with the 'poor me, my family are so horrid to me and have removed my birthright and it's all cos my wife is a woman of colour. They are so racist. And my mother died.
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John Lydon reference, coming out of the lovely article he did where even he is unamused by the Harkles antics! Thanks @spangly for the new title - 55 likes (here:

Carrying on from here:

Where were we? Smegs' case against the Mail on Sunday has been in court today and she's won a 9 month delay to the trial. Mail on Sunday did not object; Scobie did not report (yet). In better news, her attempts to stop Funding Freebies from being used in the trial has failed for a second time.
Thanks for the new thread Kev and well done spangly !:m
Damn, re the postponement. Cunts.
That time lapse is quite telling in it's being so specific. Somebody involved is upduffed and being afforded time to give birth and enjoy baby bonding. FFS, the five will be taking turns getting sprogged up to put off the inevitable in depth grilling in court and there will be a tsunami of babies foisted on Hollyweird.:rolleyes:

The MOS won't be too bothered because it gives them more time to dig and delve and our new poster (welcome Phil:m)has helped confirm what we all believed all along so the dirt is out there and extra time excavating it is no biggy, just frustrating for us nosey cunts. Bear in mind the review by Brenda is due in March and might be interesting. Brenda will not directly throw them under the bus but will be more subtle and might take away the safety barriers they've been hiding behind since absconding so that someone else can nudge the cunts under the wheels and her hands will be clean.
Another positive is the £30,000 this application has cost her in court fees.:ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO: And that's presumably on top of her extra personal costs stacking up on her own legal bill.

Re Thomas. Yes, his health is a worry. If he and his family want justice served he might need to consider having the MOS organise a few recorded sessions where one of their legal bods questions him regarding anything that might come up in court. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but kind of like a death bed confession. Those kind of things are accepted as truth because the person is about to meet their maker and will therefore be being brutally honest.

I did a court room image and everything 😢😢😢, I might post it later anyway.
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This is no surprise at all, as horrible as it is. This is the bloke who is allowing none of his family to have any relationship at all with his own son now he's dicked off across the pond with the old manky Merkin, so we don't expect any different the other way round.

And the woman who thinks it's acceptable to completely blank her own ill father, she won't be encouraging any contact with his family will she. Twatfuckery is what it is, of the highest order.
Ohhh, i do like that for the next title,
Harry and Meghan #47 Twatfuckery is what it is, of the highest order.
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Allegedly the Queen didn’t know that Harry’s request to attend had been refused but I don’t believe that. No way would someone make such an important call without her say so. Plus it my understanding that you can’t enter the US at the moment unless you are an American citizen. So since he’s not one, how on earth did he think he would get back in if he did turn up?
Found this bit interesting ‘It later emerged that Harry's wreath was made at the Royal British Legion’s Kent HQ for £1000. It lay forgotten after the palace reportedly rejected Harry's request to place it at the Cenotaph.’ Ouch!
It wasn’t a request to attend, it was a request to have a wreath laid on his behalf. Like the Duke of Edinburgh did and the Duke of York didn’t. Placing Harry firmly in the arena of Andrew, not Philip.
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View attachment 293364

The printed version includes the bit about her not complying with previous requests.
This article actually breaks my heart. Until the evil witch became a ‘duchess’ she appeared to idolise her father. All the photos I have seen of her childhood and adolescence show a father devoted to his daughter and her to him. I lost my father when I was 29, he doted on me as I did him. To think that there could ever be a time or situation where I could do to him what she has done to her father is unfathomable. I cannot begin to imagine the heartbreak this man is going through.....and why. I just don’t get how someone can be so despicable 😡
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Well he was rummaging around in my lady bits so I didn’t think to “probe” any further (haha). He is terrific doctor and has never ever lost his cool in the 20yrs I’ve known him (gyno And ob-cover since the 90s, birth of both kids. Terribly English, doesn’t talk shop but has been present for some royal births as far as I’ve been told). I won’t ask further as the lockdown here means I haven’t managed to see him since June 2019 and also he made it clear he had shared as much as he would BUT I will confirm that his response was quick, angry and what I wrote. He hates liars!
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