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John Lydon reference, coming out of the lovely article he did where even he is unamused by the Harkles antics! Thanks @spangly for the new title - 55 likes (here:

Carrying on from here:

Where were we? Smegs' case against the Mail on Sunday has been in court today and she's won a 9 month delay to the trial. Mail on Sunday did not object; Scobie did not report (yet). In better news, her attempts to stop Funding Freebies from being used in the trial has failed for a second time.
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Is that Katie!?!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The very one.
"Suits you sir"

Depends who you believe. Even if you go off the lower estimate $7500 for a chat with GMB is easy money.
Good for him. He was entitled to recoup some of his hundreds of thousands of dollars wasted trying to turn his lil cuntchops pwincess into an educated empathatic human interested in something other than herself. What a waste of his fortune that was.🤪
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I can't believe Wills managed to keep that diagnosis under wraps. It shows that it can be done. I remember at the time of his family going into quarantine at Anmer that some people were sneering that he was in hiding and didn't give a shit about us peasants out here dealing with it. Now it turns out he was ill and still managed to fulfill engagements via phone calls and zooms. Fair play to the man.👏

Can you imagine if it was hazza. The weeping and wailing and hand wringing from across the pond would be never ending from his first cough to this day, how he nearly died blah blah blah fucking blah.:rolleyes: Smeggy would have been in her element issuing daily medical updates to worried(not) Americans and couldn't-give-a-shit Brits.
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Interestingly all 3 tabloid royal reporters (Palmer/Eden/ship) are highly critical of the ‘cover up’.
‘Cover up’ is such a emotive term and implies he was somehow up to no good. Surely it is his right to decide when - or if - he makes public details about his health?
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I feel so awful for him being denied bonds with most of his family during these vital formative years of his life. What I think of people who deny innocent children access to family members because they are fueding is unprintable but it seems to happen a lot these days. I had a wonderful childhood with my extended family of aunts and uncles and grandparents and surely no sane, decent person would prevent this oppertunity for their offspring? There is something so rotten within Meghan. I pity anyone who comes into contact with her.
I grew up without any of my extended family anywhere in sight and I turned out just fine


:devilish: 🤪:devilish:
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Chilli pepper 19

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these two are disgusting
Isn't it interesting how gobshite is suddenly out of the woodwork now he doesn't need to appear in court. Also why is it only these two fuckers get stuff released about them by the palace but for Andrew it's nothing. Its only a small number of snowflakes who are buying this and they're slowly digging their own grave
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Scotch Mist

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Shite out of the mouth of plastic scabies. 🤮 reminding us all about irrelevant Hazno.
Harry is promoted by Scabies as war hero and champion of Invictus again.

The Times reported in September:
'The Duke of Sussex was refused permission for a wreath to be laid at the Cenotaph on his behalf today, in the latest sign of the growing gulf between him and the royal family.

Prince Harry, who stepped down from royal duties in March, made the personal request to Buckingham Palace, but was denied by courtiers on the grounds that he is no longer representing the monarchy.'
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I was so relieved reading the H&M threads here because elsewhere you aren't allowed to say a bad word against them (although talking about William & Kate like they're the devil incarnate is fine) and I can't understand how such a pair of odious creeps can have any supporters.

I'm not patriotic much but the way Harry has treated his country and his own family is so shockingly disgraceful I can't understand it at all. I can only assume he is ill and Meghan's exploited it, as the wheels didn't seem to come off until after she showed up.

Why are they so secretive about Archie, by the way? It's just crazy weird at this point. I've never known anything like it and I'm starting to wonder if there is something "wrong" with the poor boy they don't want the public knowing because what else would explain it?
Welcome. Yes, most forums have mods with sticks up their arses re this pair and allow nothing but arse licking and fullsome praise and if some criticism of the Firm comes into the posts then even better. Cunts.
The same with trans men in women's sports, women born with fannies being actually called women :eek:and all the other woke shite.

Actually what you said re archiedoll has been on my mind since he was born but the mods on here have telt me "Leave the fucking kid alone"😂, which is fair enough, but there is something not right, something beyond pretend privacy.
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Archie is a lovely child and I feel sorry for him having them as parents. I wouldn't be surprised if when he is 17 or 18, he decides to leave and move back with his royal cousins, aunts uncles etc.

I also wonder if H&M are arranging for him to have the squint fixed, as Lady Louise (prince Edward's daughter), had done.
I feel so awful for him being denied bonds with most of his family during these vital formative years of his life. What I think of people who deny innocent children access to family members because they are fueding is unprintable but it seems to happen a lot these days. I had a wonderful childhood with my extended family of aunts and uncles and grandparents and surely no sane, decent person would prevent this oppertunity for their offspring? There is something so rotten within Meghan. I pity anyone who comes into contact with her.
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Scotch Mist

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According to Theresa Longo Fans on Twitter:

'EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry was NOT keen to do the #TIME100Talks deal. He wanted “nothing to do with” filming \ #Time100, but was pressured to put on a united front by #MeghanMarkle. Said to be an unmistakable point of tension between the two!'
We’re investigating WHY he didn’t want to do #TIME100Talks but can’t pinpoint that part yet. What we have got is evidence of what could be described as a tantrum, thanks to our close source.

That's why he looked so pissed off.
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Re the libel case of MeGain, someone posted this in the thread - thank you. Interesting excerpts below :

I hope it won't allow MeGain to delete anything she wants concealed.
What a dire idiot. She's a lot dumber than she thinks.
Someone (maybe Kev) addressed this very thing upthread. *Baguette will likely have it archived.*
Technology is amazing now for retrieving deleted stuff from computors or phones. Not everything deleted is gone forever, PLUS ... important ... if stuff is deleted it will be obvious to the MOS tech guys, so that in itself points to the person hiding stuff and implies possible guilt.
The MOS want the stuff where she conspires with her mates to shit on her dad, or encourages them, even if she doesn't feed them info(but she must have, because the fab 5 talked to that magazine about the letter's contents. She deffo shared). Anything not relevant to the case (the letter and it's contents) won't be of interest. Like if she was talking about getting a tit job or getting archie medical attention then that's not relevant. OK, it will be of interest in a nosey bonk press way but couldn't be used in court or reported regarding this case.
Even if her emails and texts make no mention of daddy/letter her private life will be laid bare and could point to dirty corners of her life that she wants kept hidden. I would imagine that even without using non-letter stuff the MOS will unearth a little treasure trove of breadcrumbs they can follow to dig up future dirt on her.
She. Is. Fucked.
And now she knows it, thanks to Depp.
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William had COVID in April. Genuinely shocked

Shows the Royals get privacy when they want it.

But count 5 4 3 2 1 for Meagain to announce she has had it twice!!!
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Now that does sound like her. But why oh why make it all about women. Every one of those insults thrown towards women by Trump are doubled towards men. I’m sick of hearing that women are the target, oh the poor victims. This makes women look so weak, the message doesn’t help women, it just makes them sound like whining bitches. You wanna play with the big boys, you’d better grow a pair! You can’t play on a level ground and want the big jobs if the moment something goes wrong you throw in the “woman” card. She’s teaching girls to be victims. The message is wrong in today’s tough world. “Nobody fucking cares“ should be on the school curriculum, not “My feelings have been hurt”!
Great point. The world has moved on quite a bit regarding women's rights in civilised countries and I have to say that there are times when women have an advantage over men, no doubt about it. Sometimes men get sidelined because the male boss wants a harem of tits and ass girlies to dribble over, or a lady boss is fanny obsessed to the point of choosing a less qualified female over the more able penis person cos women rock! Or something :rolleyes:
Affirmative action can be so wrong at times and it drives me mad. I don't care if most of the police or teachers or whatever are white females and I don't care if most of them are black males. As long as they are capable of doing their job.
I recall Rylan's husband being nudged up the ranks in the police force because her was gay and visually impactful. Up up up till he had quite a high position. Then he went in Big Brother for fuck sake:LOL:, met Rylan through that, and resigned his post to bask in celebrity. I thought what a fucking waste of a job and it shows that affirmative action is not always a good thing.
As regards smeggy, she can waffle on about women's rights till the cows come home, but anyone important in her life of social climbing is male and under her control. She knows that most women with more than one brain cell can see through her and she has more control over men. She gives us fanny owners a bad name.
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Pom Bear

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Might as well swap Doris for Thomas Markle' while you're at it, poor man is as likely to see that baby as Diana! ☹ Can't wait to see who's head you'll put on her instead now x
Yep that is really upsetting he can't see his grandson 😔 even Harry isn't trying to talk sense into Meghan xx

I admit I've already started the pic ...I'm adding Les Dawson's heads on each person lol 🤭 x

Looool 😄 xx

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