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"Uhhh hi, it's me, Hazza..."
"What do you want this time?"
"I'm in London, thought I'd come over..."
"Sorry no, Catherine is not feeling well and cannot see any outsiders."
"Let's just have a beer together then, you know, bros and all...?"
"Ah, sorry... No can do. Got kids to take care of, work to do... I'm sure you understand... oh that's right, you don't."
"But I'm at the gate already... could you just buzz..." *William hangs up* "Willy? Hello? Can you hear me...?"
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Honey JuJu

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I bet there’s plates and other objects flying round casa Markle right now because Harry is coming over the uk by himself and the attention has been taken away from her. Then she remember “where there’s a will, there’s a way” and bring out the crocodile tears again like she did with the queen. I hope If the worst does happen that Charles leaves them fuck all. She would explode
Hi all 👋.. new here, hope you dont mind..think Smeggy Meggy will look upon all this as a photo opportunity and no doubt has the paps on speed dial so she can stage pics of herself leaving Casa Monteshitshow, dressed in high end designer gear to visit the local market, conniving bitch…
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Grr gb news saying W has said he does not want to see his brother. Thats not true, he is caring for his sick wife and his kids ffs. Painting W yet again in a bad light
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The Socials are full of comments acknowledging how the Twats constant lies and bullying is slowly killing Chuck. Lots of comments about what he did to HLMTQ and Prince Philip!

Great frigging job Harry bwahahaha
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".... Prince William has shown he has disowned Prince Harry, he doesn't want to know him and probably doesn't like him anymore."

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Funnily enough the sun's just come out where I live.

Couldn't Harry afford two nights in the Premier Inn or something? Does he have to get back in order to feed the chickens?

To really rub it in, Charles should go out and publicly sit for an hour with some completely random stranger from the village this afternoon. "Look I've got more time for this guy than for Harry"
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Churchill's Ghost

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They will spin this as "Waaagh...I flew 5000 miles to be with my father in his time of need and the old meany didn't even spend any time with me!"
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Harry has left the building.. was the pointless press promotion worth the carbon footprint? Nope it wasn’t. He’s a fucking joke.
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So what's the betting that Hazno and/or Megain had already pitched/sold a story to Page 6/People/TMZ - possibly via Scooby - to dish the juicy details of Charles' and Catherine's Royal illnesses. But the RF refused to play ball and Hazno got a quick courtesy meet-and-greet with KC and sent on his way ... and no reaction at all from PPoW.

I would not be at all surprised if he was fed one or two titbits of deliberate misinformation to see if they leak out. Nobody trusts the treacherous weasel.

Funny how he avoided being papped for 24 hours after Clarence house but suddenly re-surfaces again to grab a headline.

So much for eco-credentials - 24 hours of flying for 30 mins with his dad.
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I bet the Palace will be watching for leaks on Charlie’s health now in case the Harkles have been privy to any unknown information, hopefully Harry has not been told anything different to the public
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KC and Camilla left by helicopter for Sandringham AFTER H left. Wouldn't dare leave that traitor alone in CH!

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And not even a bed offered for the night...... just think of all the rooms sat empty at Buck Pal, Clarence House, Kensington Palace and Windsor Castle.....
I guess they don't particularly want him to nose around...and the RF loyal staff might not take kindly to having to serve the twat.

Another thing that came to my mind - there is an advantage to giving him full police protection while here, however undeserved it might seem to us. At least they know exactly where the trecherous cunt is at any given time...
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From the Sun article …….

His security guards were seen pulling bags out of the car ahead of the Royal's anticipated 10-and-a-half-hour BA flight to Los Angeles.

It is believed Harry stayed in a hotel last night rather than a royal palace following a brief reunion with King Charles.

How many ‘bags’ does one man need for 24 hour trip to London? I hope the hotel has done a full recce of his room after he departed to see what he has sneaked away in these ‘bags’ …… kettle, bathrobe, towels, smellies (present for Peg), toilet brush, bedding, pictures, bedside lamps, tv …… and send him an invoice for these items.

A small consolation for ‘what he could have had’ ……… had he been allowed to stay in a royal palace on his own. Peg ain’t going to be pleased with his haul! 😡
Clearly he planned for a longer stay but was left kicking his heels in London as KC flew off very quickly and PoW just ignored him.

I am thinking that this was an unplanned "ambush" visit to insert himself into the centre of the crisis "first mummy, now daddy". But nobody in the RF is playing ball. I think he has to give notice if she wants to use the rooms at BP as they probably don't keep the palaces fully staffed and heated if no-one is due to stay there.

Nobody trusts the treacherous weasel and nobody wants to be in the Harry victim show.
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Harry rushed over because he is scared shitless that his safety net might disappear. No matter what Harry has said and done he still felt that his father wouldn’t abandon him. He is desperate as things have really gone badly for him.
Agree 100%. The Stoat will be frightened, possibly for the first time in his life, that the life as he knew it might be about to disappear. He can't blackmail William and nor can the Ho, and they are incapable of supporting themselves.
Whatever C's illness, short or long, its a countdown
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