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The last few days makes me really appreciate how PoW can so effectively grey-rock the press and all of the nonsense. William is not needy to be liked by the press and doesn't crave positive spin all of the time. Whoever helped him with therapy deserves credit as well. I think this is what pisses off the pro-KC and pro-Harkle press they can't force a reaction out of PoW and that William's ship is not as leaky (information wise) - much as they try. They are probably worried about what happens if William gets to top job earlier than expected.
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maybe not run away. How about when you are ill spending time where you feel comfortable!

I’m sure alot of his plans are made in advance and not on a whim.

Why should he delay his plans for the son that has caused him so much pain the past few years.

Also, Harry isn't a basket of joy.
So I don't know why anyone with cancer would want him near him.
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You know...

I know we hate on him but we all do need to be grateful to H for fitting his visit into just one tattle thread.

really thoughtful of him.
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Right. What the actual F is going on with the media at the moment?

Every single thing I've seen since that ginger prick arrived yesterday has been spinning this like it's a long overdue family reunion, the media are seriously downplaying every single thing this traitor and his harpy have been saying for the past 4 years, bloody Vanessa Feltz trying to show off her fancy ass vocab by spitting out the word rapprochement every 5 seconds......and criticising William for not seeing his brother, have the media actually gone mad??

I've not forgotten how he's trashed our royal family at every possible opportunity!

Arrgh this is making my blood boil 😡🤬
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So he gets the VIP treatment even though he no longer wants to be an official royal. Not good optics, however you look at it. The security risk is only there because he announced he was bloody coming.
spot on... he could've already been in the country with no fanfare if he'd have chosen to.
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I wondered about the nostradanus stuff and am not sure what to make about it. I don't post often but my feeling is that he said that someone with no mark of the king would replace him
You can't possibly be serious? There's nothing to be made about it other than it's a load of absolute bollocks.
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Haha, 23 minute visit or there about, he barely would have had time to hop out of the car.

"You say goodbye, and I say hello, hello, hello", 😃 😃 😃
Longgggg story - our lad lives about an hour away- we hardly see him- if he bothered to travel an hour to us there is no way I would only spend between 5-45 minutes with him-( we might eventually find out how long he really was there) It says a lot that KC scarpered asap- actions have consequences hazza
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Do you think Edward’s “week off” was so he could pop up to St Andrew’s and break the news about KC’s health to Louise?
Maybe sound her out about taking on a few royal duties?
Possibly also to have a little rest after being abroad before he needs to step up his duties

I still think Bea and Edo being at Clarence House this morning was significant
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Sami Lee

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My thoughts are with William today. I had to deal with my estranged sibling when our Dad was diagnosed with cancer, and she was the biggest pain in the arse imaginable over every single detail just because she wasn't in control of it. She even caused ruckus in the hospice Dad was in but thankfully I think the Consultant realised and offered to deal with her himself - I'll never forget that kindness. The stress she put on Dad and me for those 6 months has taken me well over a year to recover from. William doesn't need any such shit from Harry, especially now.
I’ve also had to deal with nightmare siblings in this situation. It’s so, so painful! You never forget the pain.
It seems to me that this situation is very sadly all too common.
We had to deal with the same when mum had a major stroke, became quadriplegic and eventually passed 7 years later. Throughout those years our sister (HFA), hundreds of miles away and utterly incapable of looking after herself let alone mum's healthcare and later funeral.

Throughout, she made an almighty fuss about every little detail, either by email or by phone via her obnoxious husband. They would call the hospital, then later the nursing home and cause ructions - it was me, as the oldest and geographically closest sib, who had to take the brunt of staff confusion and ire in person, whilst doing the best I possibly could for our mum.

Even just writing about it here gives me horrible flashbacks, well over a decade after mum died.
So my heart goes out to you, ❤💞@ElChanguito and @GalaxyGirl70 and everyone else who has to deal with these sort of siblings. William isn't alone with his continuous sibling horror and all the upheavals they cause. 💞
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I bet there’s plates and other objects flying round casa Markle right now because Harry is coming over the uk by himself and the attention has been taken away from her. Then she remember “where there’s a will, there’s a way” and bring out the crocodile tears again like she did with the queen. I hope If the worst does happen that Charles leaves them fuck all. She would explode
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It's a 40 minute flight to Norfolk.
Also if William is in London they will have to meet.
That’s the thing William doesn’t have to do any thing. William will do what William feels is the best for him, his family & the
Monachy. This man does NOT allow the media to run his life. That’s why the media want Hasbeen around because Hasbeen leaks & gives the media drama. William is boring, remember? But William will be a great King for that very reason. Have I said that I friggin love William.
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Harry showed up to make Netflix happy. He needs to keep up his royal link or he is worthless. Why bother with him otherwise? Europe is littered with Princes, Grand Dukes, Counts etc. who don’t have a pot to pee in. All hat and no cattle. Harry is quickly joining this group. He could never do what most of these deposed without a country types do for a living, I.e., art expert, work at an auction house or sell expensive jewelry. I guess that leaves being employed as a doorman at a posh hotel. Hope he kept one of his uniforms. The one with gold braid would be good.
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Chatty Member
I actually do agree with Angela here.

Harry wasn't invited. He made his own decision to come so he could ease his own conscience and his own public image. He had no regard for what Charles wanted. He thought Charles would drop everything he had planned and cater for Harry? Please.

Personally, I think he came so that his Invictus trip next week wouldn't be overshadowed by "Harry go see your father" like what people did to Smeg when she ignored her father's heart attack.

It's all about Harry.
I agree with you. And to deflect from African Parks which has conveniently fallen out of the headlines. To be that self-serving is astonishing, he mustn't give a shit about KC3 really.
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Or…the Queen was wearing Anne’s coat?
The RF ladies seem to share clothes on occasions.
Catherine and Zara have both been seen wearing the same hat.
Lady Louise has been seen wearing some of her mother’s outfits.
Beatrice used one of the Queen’s evening dresses as a wedding dress.

But I can’t see them rushing to borrow any of Meghan’s designer outfits
Oh come on now ...... I bet Anne is itching to borrow Peg’s shorts and jacket Invictus outfit to wear at the next Trooping of the Colour! 😂
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It's just been reported Hazbeen has arrived in the UK. :rolleyes: Whatever next? That he stopped at services for a wee and a meal deal?
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Chatty Member
This is definitely why H is leaving right now! He could've left yesterday after the failed meeting but TW was twisting his arm about something. Now William announcing he will talk about his father's diagnosis and their family ordeal is taking the wind out of H's sails completely. If he starts making statements now, it will feel desperate. If he waits after tonight, he is already too late after William's speech. And TW doesn't want him to make statements in the UK, she was hoping to have a big interview or talk show visit when he returns. Now it's just not going to work. Well played, BRF, well played...
I am beginning to think this has not turned out how Harold planned - according to this report KC basically kept the engine running on his chopper and had a quick Hi, bye with Harold and carried on with his plans albeit a few minutes late - no real concessions made other then being a being late to take off nor extended invites.

William being the one to make a statement is also significant in his elevation of role and deputy of the RF

Harold must realise how much out on a limb he is now - no extended invites, no offer of a place to stay for the night, no one else wanting to meet with him and significantly no joint update/statement as sons of the monarch as there would have been if he was still within the inner sanctum of the RF.

He flew how far for a 30 min, probably uninvited, meeting with his dad :rolleyes: 😂
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