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Chatty Member
I was reading the comments on this Celt News YouTube video...

... and there is a lot of feeling that H's true personality is the one we're been seeing since he and M cut ties with the palace, i.e. greedy, idle, selfish, arrogant and so on. And that the palace PR machine deserve a medal for managing to conceal it, and instead promote his cheeky chappy image. Nothing new there. However someone mentioned that H's Private Secretary, Edward Lane Fox, who took office shortly after the naked Las Vegas pictures, and who largely deserves the credit for successful PR, stood down shortly before the wedding. Funny time to stand down methinks.

I like this picture of H with Lane Fox. Sums him up.🙄

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Does this look like a face of a woman who is devastated? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

View attachment 239965
No. Not one bit. And that dress, was lovely but she just had to be the limelight stealer yet again on that occasion didn't she.

I thought more appropriate on the night would neet her husband stand out in the red, she should have reversed the colours and worn a demure black number with red accents & accessories. Just my opinion, like.
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We're all so glad that you have come back. ❤
Hope everything is OK with you. It's great to hear from you again.
I'm glad Mom is back - it used to have me belly laughing at you lot teaching her swear words & seeing poor Mom fitting them in sentences when I was a lurker. She did a mighty fine job of it though 🤣👏
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What's this guff all about, claiming that Archiedoll puts in appearances in their private zoom calls. Has Scooby Balloonface been tasked with putting it out there that Archiedoll is definitely with them in the Californian megamansion.

If that's the messasge they want to communicate why not just get their staff photographer to take a pic of them all together in the garden of the megamansion.

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Pom Bear

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I don't know why but I started to laugh when I read this paragraph. Thinking of @Pom Bear and the earrings she created from Hazno's balls!
That made me laugh 😄 xx

Haha brilliant! She can make Hazno some new ones for his birthday! 🤭 @Pom Bear......... Please can Kate make him some dough balls! 🤣😘
Here you go 🤭 xx


They come out dark green on my kindle...the cake part not the icing balls 😱😄
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Everyone equal .................... My arse !!
Ah yes, the old everyone is equal but some are more equal than others. So why don’t you give up the titles, the mansion, the money and the fame and go and live in a commune in the arse end of nowhere? No? Didn’t think so. You’ll just carry on talking a good game. Honestly, would you ever just shut the fuck up and stop making an even bigger eejit of yourself than you already have with the fake humanitarianism. We can see straight through you.
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i'm excited for this new "juicy" stuff that will come out. that means this thread will be active again!!! :love: I am sick and tired of reading their PR puff pieces. Why do they even need to include themselves in the news every day? What was the point of the helicopter puff piece? To paint him a picture as "loving dad"? :rolleyes:
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Uberrima fides

Well-known member
The stinginess thing has come up time and time again over the years and I've read that story about Cressida before. She had a lucky escape from the Dim Stingy Ginger one.

Harry was notorious for either expecting stuff for free (as he's a Prince) or sending the bill straight to Charles. Just call me Harry - but just bill my Dad...
I read Tom Bower's book about Prince Charles which, by the way, is well worth reading because it's quite the eye opener. PC expects other people to pay for things for him, not to send a bill for any work done on his property and to donate mega bucks at the end of one of his evening soirees. Sounds like his son, doesn't it.

Harry seems to think because his mother died when he was young, that the world owes him everything. The royal PR machine had their work cut out for them over the years what with his cocaine use, Nazi outfits, bare backside in Las Vegas and being barred from pubs near Highgrove. They managed to convince the public that he was loveable, great guy, laugh a minute Harry. Then the Evil One came along and unwittingly blew his cover, and we now see what he really was all along.

Well done to Cressida Bonas for asking him to pay her fare. He could well afford it. She was a young actress trying to establish herself who wasn't earning much, and any allowance from her upper crust family would have to go on her living expenses.
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I’m not Baguette, but here you go.

Oh brilliant, thank you kindly Norbs. :m

silbbe said ... One example was Harry was annoyed about the way William wore the sash on his uniform at Harry’s wedding. It was all to do with rank and official relationship to queen. Harry kicked up a fuss and eventually he got the same title from the queen even though he wasn’t actually entitled to it.

and Campagne said ...
Oh, yes I saw that story on the Dominic Lawson article in the mail.
Prince William is an aide de camp for the Queen and has some gold braid on his uniform.
Harry had a hissy fit that he wasn’t one, so was given the same »honour » a few months later.
Honestly he is a spoilt brat.
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Wow. The term ‘monkey business’ is commonly used, something I often say to my grandson when I know he’s up to no good. It’s not racist. Stop looking for things that aren’t there.
Likewise - 'monkey business' from my perspective, references the mischievous nature of monkeys. Absolutely NOTHING to do with racism, and I can't even see where the original poster could have even gotten that idea???
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I am TRYING to be nice! Every day I wake up, I think, avoid it, avoid it all. Just read about the nice mammoth bones in Mexico. Isn’t that nice? But NOOOO! There I go! Getting myself all worked up and pissed off again! I see her stupid face and I just want to punch it in over and over and over again. It’s not nice. I know it’s not nice.
If it's any consolation even us Brits and Germans and French and Irish tattlers feel the same. Plus they're spreading their crap using our hard earned cash to add insult to injury.:mad: At least the Donald marked their card re paying for their security, we got stung for it for way too long and I suspect Chas is still funding them on the QT, the silly sod.
Think of the mammoth bones and breathe deep breaths.😘
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Latest Harry Markle blog about all their litigation 😃
At times like this I miss A0nt3n00z

Love Harry Markle but think in reality a 'true' vexatious litigant is a nutter with more money than sense someone who keeps suing about variations on the same matter over and over again, and finding reasons to tilt at the same windmill. Not sure that fits the Harkles. Most cases settle and the Duchess seemed to be betting on a quick payout from the Mail and a nice slice of moral highground over the Evil Tabloids. So far that isn't going well.

On that Theresa Longo account.. it's plausible.

They won't ban Harry (why would they) but he won't get the photo opportunity, which means Megz won't bother to show. They will get the Andrew treatment and be magically whisked by car to the church at Christmas. No more balcony appearances. Good if true.

October 4th is the slimmed-down London Marathon. Is Harry going to miss it then despite being Patron?
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Don’t get me fucking started on the name change for the Redskins 🤯
I know. Not even my business since I'm not in the States but holy fuck the jumping on the bandwagon re that type of thing made me want to throw up.
Fine, if your team is called the Atlanta Slaves or the Colorado Cotton Pickers ... wise up and change the offensive names. But Redskins has never seemed offensive to me.I dunno, maybe malsi feels different and it's her area of expertise.
The same with the gofundme style appeal fund by you know who for paying the legal costs of people caught rioting and looting. Fuck off. They broke the law in a very dangerous way. It wasn't white(oh God I said "white" :eek:) collar criminality, it was extensive damage to property and people. Fuck them all, black white and anything in between for the heartache they've caused. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
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Uberrima fides

Well-known member
Interesting tea on the end of Harry's relationship with Cressida Bonas, to do with the wedding of his old mucker Guy Pelly.
All of Harry's friends look like a crowd of ar**holes. If it weren't for the fact that their families have got great wealth, people wouldn't give them the time of day. I would like to be a fly on the wall at one of their over the top weddings, listening to them all braying like donkeys and saying 'ya, ya' to everything.
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