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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
First part of this blind is about the Kartrashians, or friend of..................the second part well no idea who they could possibly be talking about ;)

I love this comment:
'MEghan Markle. Its easier to count what MEghan does NOT lie or exaggerate about. She is a self-serving, manipulative narcissist and everyone can see that she’s as transparent as a windexed window.' 😆
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I meant to write something with this post but got called away. Anyway the point is that if there is still stuff like this floating around the internet, then how on earth does Smeggy think that she can go into politics?

Meghan has had a good stab at eradicating her past and it's said that the palace fixit fairies may also have done some erasing, but there's always someone out there that has your porn video and sexy pictures.😉

If Smeggy tried to go into politics surely the special forces in the USA would be able to dig up a pile of dirt on her. She wouldn't be able to stand up to scrutiny when challenged with real evidence
I honestly don’t think she would ever get very far in American politics. It’s just another fantasy she got into her pea brain. After all, when you cut through all the BS and get to the bottom line, who is she exactly? A used to be yacht girl who married a thick ginger prince. Nah, she’s a nobody.
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Yes, just had a look on IG, absolutely fantastic coordination...all very happy photos of H, none with M. A very clear message I think 😂
ETA: loads of comments on the choice of pictures, surely some from fellow Tattlers 😂😂😂 and then some sugars 🤣🤣🤣
How lovely to see him happy without her in sight. I wouldn't be surprised if she releases a pic of her h and Archie
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Scotch Mist

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So according to this article Harry's old mate was able to fly and see him during Covid lockdown but Harry couldn't go anywhere 🤔

And Harry was too mean to pay for an airfare for Cressida 🤨 no wonder she ditched him and traded up 😄
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Cancel Netflix is trending on twitter. Harry and Meghan have made a huge mistake signing a deal with Netflix. Also Netflix for their lack of judgement over Harry and Meghan and Cuties. They've got it really wrong.
To be fair it's more to do with that pee-doh-fest stuff :mad:... the 11 years olds dirty DIRTY dancing etc etc, but it's still means they're losing money so that'll be less in the pot for the gruesome twosome to get their trotters on.

Somewhat similar but not ... has anyone seen the new rules for having a movie nominated for an Oscar? I'm hoping it's some sort of weird joke but I fear not:confused:Basically if you're a straight white able bodied actor you're fucked if you think you have a future in Hollyweird.

It's True Harkle TV, isn't it?It's basically created a business model of new flattering content based around Meghan and Harry (with a bit of token Cambridge thrown in) plus a back-catalogue of Royal history. They went out to raise more funds in May and the pitch is interesting, to say the least:

As previously reported, True Royalty claims to be the first and only established TV channel serving the global millions of Royal super-fans, with 20,000 paying subscribers already. The network has also been dubbed as the “Netflix for Royalty” by Vanity Fair.

“With 350+ hours of top quality Royal content, refreshed monthly and with frequent exclusive commissions, True Royalty curates the most relevant titles according to Royal news and the viewer’s particular interest areas – British Royals, World Royals and Royalty through history.”

The network has also signed further major distribution deals, ready to activate using funds raised through Crowdcube. The network is planning for these to drive rapid subscriber growth, which in turn is the driver of Enterprise Value in this market.

“We identify intersection as the core True Royalty TV audience, helped by the global success of The Crown and the life of the first American Royal baby – and underserved to date.

So they referred to 'the life of the first American Royal baby' in their latest funding round. Which is 'interesting' as that baby is completely invisible because it is rumoured that Meghan hasn't had an offer she likes yet.

I'm not knocking True Royalty TV although I wonder exactly how close to the Harkles they are. And I wonder how all this relates to the Harkle Netflix deal.
What a pocklle of shite. Whatever happened to plain ole English?


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Anfield Annie

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Bonsoir one and all....I know this is not on topic but I just had to tell my tattle friends...I just popped outside and guess what I saw with it’s little face buried in the cat biscuit bowl....only the bloody hedgehog 🦔!! Sat there casual as you like having his dinner. He’s managed to work out that the lid is opened automatically by standing in a certain position wonder im spending a fortune each month! 🤓
oh and I tried to nip inside to get my phone to take a picture but by the time I’d gone back outside he’d gone under the BBQ to hide
Hedgehog update 🦔 ...(I know you’re all desperate to hear about him 🤓) seemingly the little blighter has his own little routine that I’ve now got wind of - by around 10pm he appears for his evening snack. For the last 2 nights I’ve found him having a little post munch doze under the outdoor wooden dresser before he toddles off. So I’ll try going outside a bit earlier tomorrow to see if I can catch him again in action. I‘ve even put him out his own water dish now as I was concerned the cats one was too deep for him to reach into - spot the person living on her own whilst the old man is away 😄
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
I've nicked this from Tumblr. It might be total lies or perhaps there's some truth in it 🤔

And here's some proof of Scobie shit stirring 😡 as usual the slimy little cunt. Look at the ridiculous reply;

So this idiot thinks that we have people in slavery in Barbados when it's been independent for over 50 years. The sugar nuts are deranged morons.
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Scotch Mist

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Was that what plasticine scoobie was filming for Netflix the other day?? They are deranged...but I agree with that one woman on there...M certainly doesn't seem to have any limits, and I don't mean it as a compliment.
She's basically an ego maniac psychopath and I don't mean that as a compliment either 😆
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Oh now you’ve gone and done it Freda. You are officially racist. If I’m not mistaken a Tinker is a derogatory term for a Gypsy. Romany Gypsies and Irish Travellers are legally recognised as ethnic groups, and protected from discrimination by the Race Relations Act (1976, amended 2000) and the Human Rights Act (1998). RACIST!!!!! 😂

don't care 🤪. My fella has been drinking with them for years and they don't give a shiny shit what you call them unless there's a compo claim in the air, then they get all offended and call in the lawyers.
When we buried my brother in law 4 years ago (obviously he was dead:rolleyes:) there was a tinker grave beside his and it was astonishing! The guy wasn't even a high up tinker(my fella asked) but the grave was like the Taj Mahal. Seriously taller than the mourners and with horses carved on it. Beautiful but well OTT.
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Scotch Mist

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Smeg is an allegory of the US and her symbolism permeates the entire story of our country’s current crisis, to the extent that essentially all major key players and characters over here, and their actions can be understood, through her behaviors of vile narcissism. Cruel personal ambition, wanton and gross consumerism, self-promotion, deceit, manipulation, discarding and abuse of relationships, revisionist history, outright lies, and overall moral turpitude. After her autobiography, getting Chaz to buy her a mansion, giving the queen two middle fingers... To see that horrible cow smirk, and her plastic filled smugness daily rewarded and those gawdawful sluglike lips, filled will collagen, blathering on with that freakish horsetail flopped over her shoulder and those PRAYER HANDS (dear Lord, hold my tongue)... like the US daily news... I have to have a break from all things H&M It’s just all too much. But reading about all of the mammoth bones discovered in Mexico has been a great relief 😂
Hey don't hold back😁 I'm loving your description of Smeggy 😅😆
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The fact that Hazno feels compelled to correct one of the newspapers not on the banned list shows how poor their PR is. He must be fuming all the time....and there's no way he can get away from the constant media coverage of their actions. Even he must be sick of them!
Can you imagine what his blood pressure must be? Not good.😤
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
I think Scooby Doo has been body snatched - no tweet about Hazza but has retweeted the Ted talk thing about William. Or maybe Smeg told him not to bother.....😂
Yes it's strange that we've not been offered any information on how Smeggy is enhancing Haznoballs birthday for him.
I'd expect something along the lines of Smeggy surprising him with some wonderful thoughtful gift and cooking him his favourite meal at the very least. Because of course it would all be about her 😁
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i'm excited for this new "juicy" stuff that will come out. that means this thread will be active again!!! :love: I am sick and tired of reading their PR puff pieces. Why do they even need to include themselves in the news every day? What was the point of the helicopter puff piece? To paint him a picture as "loving dad"? :rolleyes:
The first thing that hit me with that chopper puff piece was the utter total pretention of it.:mad:
Who the fuck thought it was a cute warm fluffy family oriented piece? Are they nuts? We are mid covid and struggling to be permitted to walk to tesco's or to the park without PPE and these cunts are trilling like insane budgies about hazza "taking his cutie-pie and dolly for a spin in a chopper." Wasting fuel, expanding their carbon footprint and most offensive of all to me ... being pretentious cunts on our(probably) dime.

My word, the stuff that's coming out.

I'm imagining the email that was passed from office to office to office the day he went.

TOP SECRET. The threat has been neutralized!
Is that a typo? Maybe you meant neutered. :eek:
Might explain the secrecy around archiedoll's production.
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